Conversation Between deadghost and Touge Noob S13
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 10
The problems I'm having might possibly be fuel related (FPR or injectors). Two of my plugs are getting fouled with gas and the car has a hard time starting up in the morning.
Oh shit, me too LOL. Hows that all coming along!
Thanks dude but I just recently got an SR and I'm still working out the bugs lol.
Yo, frank I found a Zeta II PM if your interested!
Macross F movie? I had no clue they were making one.
Thanks son. Any word on macross F the movie?
Frank could you be a sweat heart and bump my FS thread........please.
Nah, I haven't had time to watch any anime because of school. I need to catch up lol.
man oh man have you seen sky crawlers !!!!
ok, so I was watching The end Of Evangelion and I am trying to figure out if Asuka and Shinji were suppose to be together in the movie. I mean was it suppose to be a positive ending?