Conversation Between RTO and Hb180sx
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 20
yea it folds
wen do u want 2 pick it up?
p.s. i have a missed up sleeping schedule
714-785-3003 text or call
I'ii pick it up man, is it the type that you can fold??? I'll give you 20 bucks if you want if you let me borrow it for a few days, let me know
sure thing man...
want me 2 drop it off or u wanna come n pick it up yourself?
rent it out to me man or let me borrow it???? would gladly apreciate it
oh that thing. i think tha correct name for it is an engine hoist
and yes i do have one.. its not tha best but, it does wut its suppose 2
the thing to pull out the motor, i got another single cam i just need to swap it now, would you happen to have one?
cherry picker!? wut do u mean by that
have u gone 2 tha junkyards in wilmington? theres 2 pick your parts there and a few other junkyards
Hey man, where did you get a cherrypicker?? i got another engine but i dont know where i can get one from to swap it
yea man both, theres only 89-90 240s that i find, i havent found any 91-93s for swap parts
ive been going to the junkyards with no luck though. but hopefully i get lucky soon