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Conversation Between roboticnissan and deolio
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 6 of 6
  1. deolio
    05-30-2012 12:15 AM
    my only advice is to make sure you have an extra floor jack or jack parts if you don't have a quality jack. i've blown two seals on my low-pro trying to get this behemoth off the ground hahaha
  2. roboticnissan
    05-29-2012 07:55 PM
    Any kind of tricks or tips you could give me before i dive in?
  3. deolio
    05-29-2012 04:36 PM
    it will eventually drift. i've just been experimenting with suspension setups and whatnot for a while so it's not quite done yet.
  4. roboticnissan
    05-29-2012 04:14 PM
    Awesome. What do you do with yours?
  5. deolio
    05-29-2012 04:12 PM
    94. there isn't really anywhere with g50 specific parts anywhere except VH POWER Performance for 5-spd and tuned ecu. all my suspension is s-chassis, z32, or r32 stuff.
  6. roboticnissan
    05-29-2012 11:13 AM
    What year is your q45?? Just picked up a running 95 for 300$. Wondering wheres a good place to look for parts? My pplan is to five speed swap and slide haha

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