Conversation Between DALAZ_68 and Teddy
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 9 of 9
thanks, preciate the feedback
06-01-2009 10:35 AM
Jerkkkkk. lol.
I'll make a thread for End of Summer soon.
so end of
jk...or am i...sorry i couldnt go back cought up in the family schpiel of things...
might it can be just as big of a success as last time...
03-09-2009 04:19 PM
Eh. I didn't want to make it until later in the month. Maybe I'll just make it now.
you needa get started on planin ZOMGWTFBBQ round 2 man...
why dont u just borrw my sawzall and cut it urself and buy it for like 30 bucks at the yard
weres the picture of us holding hands....what...are u gay...