View Full Version : My Megasquirt setup, with harness, ignition. Everything!

11-19-2005, 12:25 AM
Alright, so I'm selling my MegaSquirt for my KA. It's in great condition! Only reason I'm selling it is because another opportuniny that I couldn't resist came along. More about that later.

the system comes with:

-V2.2 MegaSquirt modified for EDIS distributorless ignition with mounting bracket.
-EDIS distributorless ignition system including crank pulley with trigger wheel mounted on it, and bracket for the trigger sensor.
-Complete engine wire harness.
-Extra igniton coil and control module.
-Serial cable for connection between ECU and laptop.

The harness was made for my S14, but will work fine in an S13. I ran the harness through a hole in the firewall closer to the center of the chassis, previouslly used for A/C stuff. but you can mount the ecu in the stock location, and the harness will be long enough. the nice thing about such a simple setup is that you can lengthen or shorten any of the wires very easily.

This will work on S13 and S14 dohc ka's.

Entire harness with coil, plug wires, and ignition module. Tiny and simple compared to stock harness.

MegaSquirt ECU with mounting bracket for stock radio location.

Crank pulley with trigger wheel on it. I also removed the dampener for reduced rotating mass.

Another shot of the pulley.

Distributor blockoff plate with bolts and holes drilled to hold on new coil.

Trigger sensor for the ignition and the bracket. Must remove A/C to use this!!!

I also labeled the couple wires you need to connect to get it running.

The only sensor plug the harness does not have on it is TPS. all TPS sensors have 3 main wires, one being ground. So it's 5 mins to wire yours in.

The megasquirt is calibrated for all the stock nissan air and coolant temp senors so no need to use GM ones.

For more info on MegaSquirt, go to


this is a true standalone, not for the faint of heart. There are no idle control solenoids or any of that crap. You can wire one up if you so desire. However it holds idle 10x better and more solid than stock ecu, so no need for that stuff. Should only take a day to install and get running. already has a full tune too. Won't work perfectly for your car, but will be a great base map.

$700 or trade for cool stuff. I'm flexible to an extent.

PM me or email.
[email protected]

11-20-2005, 02:27 PM
hey scott, wouldn't it be detrimental to take the dampener off of the crank pulley?....doesn't it help maintain the motor "balanced"..?...just a question and considering your setup..thanks

11-20-2005, 04:52 PM
no, the dampener is for when the A,C system kicks on. To reduce the shock on the internals. And if you look at one, it's not balanced. No holes drilled in it at specific locations, shavings taken off, etc... It's just a piece of rubber bonded to the crank pulley and another hunk of metal.

11-20-2005, 09:15 PM
hey scott i pmed you on the itb setup, I thought you would be selling the itb's also, but i havnt seen em up here.
also can u run this setup without using the distributorless setup that your using? like with the stock distributor?
im interested, but i wanted to see if the itb's were for sale also,

11-21-2005, 12:07 PM
does that control module need to be mounted using that bracket, does it get a ground from it. or can I mount it anywhere?

11-21-2005, 12:11 PM
the ignition control module (EDIS module) is grounded through the harness, so you can mounit it anywhere you want. Granted, I wouldn't mount it directly to the engine block, as it would probably get too hot. But other than that, you're fine.

11-22-2005, 05:08 PM
nobody wants it?

Like I said, I'm flexible.

And I mean by more than $50.

Let me know if you're interested.

Trades too. Wheels, aero, susp. parts ...

11-25-2005, 04:13 PM
interested in the system. would like to talk about price. can send payment via paypal ASAP. please email back. Thanks. jim [email protected]

11-26-2005, 11:11 PM

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