View Full Version : Let me clear this up!

10-02-2005, 07:02 PM
First of all, I didn't write that, My friend Nick that's a member on here, (Sil80forme) or something, wrote that. Apparently he can't get my name logged off or something. So I just wanted to clear that up, I didn't make that thread. Plus, I don't think anyone would have anything negative to say about my car..... ;)

10-02-2005, 07:07 PM
... my suggestion is that you get logged out of his computer before he gets your screen name reprimanded.

10-02-2005, 07:13 PM
when he comes over, he uses my name, everytime I see him try to log out. It says logged out, and then goes back to my name. So half the posts lately aren't even mine. You will notice that everytime I make a post, I put "-Charles" at the end. If you don't see that, it's not me. I tried using that link that you sent to me and I couldn't get that to work either.


10-02-2005, 07:23 PM
Ahhh, so you notice that your posts lately haven't been getting the positive attention you had hoped for. So to make up for it, you blame it on your "friend" to try and save face. Whatever, tell your "friend" to stop posting stupid shit or you're "both" gone. Got it?

10-02-2005, 07:25 PM
Ummm . . .I say STOP allowing your friend to use your computer, or just not allow him on Zilvia.

10-02-2005, 07:26 PM
I'm Charles' fiance. Nick is over here all the time on his computer. Half the time, Charles is at work.

10-02-2005, 07:31 PM
Wow, and now a "Fiance'" steps up to bat for him as well. Let me go make a new screen name so that George W. Bush can vouche for me. :loco:

Plain and simple, one more stupid-assed post from your account or IP and you're PINKED.

10-02-2005, 07:45 PM
^^^ He said it a little more flatly than I did, hell all I did was offer a solution to the "problem" presented, and I got an excuse, but now the precedent has been set: make sure he uses the instructions found under the link I posted above, lest he will see BOTH of your screen names Pinked eventually.

10-02-2005, 07:54 PM
It's just a hastle to go there everytime to log out. IN the same, it's a sense, it sucks to have to log in everytime you want to look around. So, I used your link, and logged out. And I just made it so when I log in,it doesn't "remember" my detalis. So it sucks, but, that's all I can do to make sure he stays off my name.


10-02-2005, 11:05 PM
i know nick from when he lived in PA. this is all true. charles is legit.

i agree with the logout problems, but there are already two threads about that...

please dont pink me

10-02-2005, 11:23 PM
ok well i think u moderator's have entirely toooooo much time on ur hands seriously, u just dont like 240silvia and any givin reason to fuk with him u do soo. you guys are obvioulsy takin ur "moderator" title way too far. i mean come one now. do u honestly have nothin better to do then to "pink" someone because u dont like what someone posted. when how many other people have dont the same thing and not one word was said to them about it. and before u go pinkin 240silvia. note this is not him and i am the person who originally posted the thread u guys have been gettin all anal about. i used to like this board. at one point ZILVIA was very informative, and u guys have helped me out alot. but this site has gone down the shitter in every way. soo i posted my opinion about a hack job of a 300zx. big fukin deal! go ahead. pink me, ban this name, i dont give a fuk. u guys can go fukin kill yourselves and take ur time doin it.
NOTE: in no way shape or form, does this reflect the opinion of 240silvia "CHARLES"

10-03-2005, 03:47 AM
You're an idiot. One of the main reasons these "lets make fun of these cars" threads should be INSTA-Pink is for the fact that its HIGHLY probable that the owner isn't on the forums. Its like talkin shit behind someones' back. Theres no point to it, because it won't do CRAP, and it'll make you seem more like a dickwad. "My car is prettier being as its stock, and not like that ugly hunk of junk." We say the same about you too. End of discussion!

10-03-2005, 04:10 AM
ok well i think u moderator's have entirely toooooo much time on ur hands seriously, u just dont like 240silvia and any givin reason to fuk with him u do soo. you guys are obvioulsy takin ur "moderator" title way too far. i mean come one now. do u honestly have nothin better to do then to "pink" someone because u dont like what someone posted. when how many other people have dont the same thing and not one word was said to them about it. and before u go pinkin 240silvia. note this is not him and i am the person who originally posted the thread u guys have been gettin all anal about. i used to like this board. at one point ZILVIA was very informative, and u guys have helped me out alot. but this site has gone down the shitter in every way. soo i posted my opinion about a hack job of a 300zx. big fukin deal! go ahead. pink me, ban this name, i dont give a fuk. u guys can go fukin kill yourselves and take ur time doin it.
NOTE: in no way shape or form, does this reflect the opinion of 240silvia "CHARLES"

It seems that the both of you share the ability to get butthurt at the drop of a hat. If you were positive contributions to the forum there would be no need to warn or reprimand you for making dumb threads. Both or one of you, have been solely responsible for comments or threads that result in lockings or piss fights over stupid shit. Which may I remind you, this thread is becoming.

Your best bet is to NOT point fingers, and really take a good long HARD thought about what kind of crap you're posting/asking/showing. Think, does anyone really care? Poking fun at someone elses riced out piece of shit doesn't make people happy. It makes them mad, because they see how much money they wasted on a car that looks like ass.

First of all, I didn't write that, My friend Nick that's a member on here, (Sil80forme) or something, wrote that. Apparently he can't get my name logged off or something. So I just wanted to clear that up, I didn't make that thread. Plus, I don't think anyone would have anything negative to say about my car..... ;)

Also, you didn't add your. . .


Just thought I'd let you know.

/rant :rant2:

10-03-2005, 10:44 AM
Clear the cookies. It will log you out of everything. Here are the instructions to doing that if you can't figure it out.

A) Click on Tools
B) Click on Internet Options
C) Press Delete Cookies


10-03-2005, 10:49 AM
here's my only issue. I see other people put dumb shit on here. I just read a post about some guy talking about some SR20 shit on speedvision. Why in the hell can he post stuff like that, and Nick can't post about some ugly ass car he found??? Why are the mods the only guys allowed to express their opinions? I remember when I first joined here, the mods weren't like this. Everthing was extremely open. Since where is there a law that everything has to be serious all the time? I just see other people making off-topic threads like that, and Nick or myself are the only guys that catch hell over it. If possible, I would like for the mods to shed some light on this.


10-03-2005, 10:53 AM
I really don't see where you get that information from. I see plenty of non-mod members state their opinions. I think after you cross the line, that's when the mods step in and warn you. They are warning you.. they didn't even pink you yet. I would just simply let it go and continue on with post other things that will not upset the mods.

The solution was easy though. All you had to do was clear the cookies and you would be logged out and your friend wouldn't have been able to use your name. If he knows your password, get a new one. I would absolutely hate it if someone posted on my name. It's not hard to register and get your own, is it?

10-03-2005, 11:17 AM
I really don't see where you get that information from. I see plenty of non-mod members state their opinions. I think after you cross the line, that's when the mods step in and warn you. They are warning you...

The solution was easy though. All you had to do was clear the cookies and you would be logged out and your friend wouldn't have been able to use your name. If he knows your password, get a new one. I would absolutely hate it if someone posted on my name. It's not hard to register and get your own, is it?

What have I or Nick crossed the line on? And what did I or Nick do to get warned? I didn't really care that he posted that in my name b/c I don't see why that thread was an issue. Like I said, other ppl on the board make stupid ass threads all the time, but I don't see them getting blasted by the mods. I just want to know why there is such a focus on us.


10-03-2005, 11:21 AM
ok, nevermind. This isn't going to go anywhere. I'm just not going make a thread unless it's something in the tech section. I'm not going to post here anymore. So, flame away......


10-03-2005, 12:15 PM
hahaha Mods, close this thread. Nothing else needs to be said. And everyone, please dont get butthurt over zilvia. I mean its just a forum. You dont like, then leave!


10-03-2005, 04:03 PM
hahaha Mods, close this thread. Nothing else needs to be said. And everyone, please dont get butthurt over zilvia. I mean its just a forum. You dont like, then leave!

I thought it was over before he started this thread. But, What ever. It's funny cause it seems like he's arguing with himself. I want to see if he tries to sell his DSM in here.

10-03-2005, 04:20 PM
haha db i was just about to askhim if he would be willing to trade his dsm for my 350z!!!

10-03-2005, 04:22 PM
I want to see if he tries to sell his DSM in here.

Hahahaha. Damn, you beat me to it! I was gonna say that. It seems every car FS thread, he's trying to trade that thing in.

10-03-2005, 04:24 PM
Wow, it seems like you've pissed a number of people off in the past, Charles. It's such a shame I'm just an asshole to you though. I'm so plesant with the everyone else. I just single you out for ridicule because I'm a stupid Marine. :cj:

10-03-2005, 04:42 PM
I hope you're not getting Barry angry. You wont like him when he's angry

10-03-2005, 04:47 PM
Ummm . . .I say STOP allowing your friend to use your computer, or just not allow him on Zilvia.

or people that goto eggettes!! =x

10-03-2005, 05:32 PM
Oh yeah, and stop having your fiance stick up for ya too.

Forgot to mention that earlier.

10-03-2005, 06:02 PM
what the gay?

forum drama... lol

tell 'nick' to get his own fucking screen name. and then jab him in the balls with a fork.

10-03-2005, 09:55 PM
See, this is exactly what I'm talking about. The board never used to be like this. One of you is just a full of it as the next. And why do you refer to this board like something is actually going to happen? "You aren't going to like him when he's mad" ???? Are you serious? lol, ok, you guys win, it's a lot to a little and now, I give up.

: Here you go Falkon :


10-03-2005, 09:59 PM
let me sum this up.

Who gives a fuck!!! Let it go. nobody cares. nobody wins. just move along and be cool.

10-03-2005, 10:08 PM
oh yea, and lock this thread.

10-03-2005, 11:00 PM
u know here is an "edit" button rite 420sx?

10-04-2005, 11:17 AM
do you realize how much easier it is to use the quick reply button?