View Full Version : Cell phone providers...

09-07-2005, 10:33 AM
Just wanted to see what you guys have and get your opinion how the service is...
I currently got the 1000min with free nights and weekends and long distance through tmobile.. but just over time for some reason my service has been going down the drain, and ive heard bad reviews of nextel, but for people who have it, has it gotten better ever since they merged with sprint? cause im thinking of switching over to their 1000min plan... :wiggle:

09-07-2005, 10:54 AM
Sprint/Nextel's merger will not be outwardly beneficial for anything other than the POSSIBLE ability to offer more competitive price plans as they begin the process... They have different networks, Sprint Operates on a CDMA network and Nextel on some shit Motorola made for them called iDen. Think of a merger between them as a marriage between people who do not speak the same language. Until they hammer out the kinks, the problems people had before will continue to exist.
The problem with a question like this is that people will rarely offer positve experiences with their cellular provider, instead will bitchbitchbitch about every little thing that they think is wrong, while most of these problems with their service is brought on by the end user.

... me? 1000 minutes and 5mb of data access free of charge, 2500 text messages for 19.99, unlimited Mobile to Mobile for 9.99 and a paycheck every other week from Cingular, top that.

09-07-2005, 11:05 AM
... me? 1000 minutes and 5mb of data access free of charge, 2500 text messages for 19.99, unlimited Mobile to Mobile for 9.99 and a paycheck every other week from Cingular, top that.

A company phone can beat that (not that I have one).

I have At&t/Cingular and <bitch> it sucks a fatty </bitch>

09-07-2005, 11:16 AM
I get 700 Minutes Anytime,free nights and weekends and if I go over 700 every 100 minute is only 5 dollars extra a month. I get my plan for 50 bucks.:)

09-07-2005, 02:08 PM
I have T-Mobile. No complaints here. 9.99 unlimited text.

09-07-2005, 04:43 PM
I have T-Mobile. No complaints here. 9.99 unlimited text.

Exactly. I <3 Tmobile.

Nokia 6800 folding phone w/full keyboard :w00t:

09-08-2005, 03:13 AM
Sprint. 1000 shared minutes, free m2m, 100 txt, blah blah. 39bucks a month. My minutes are shared with my sis, her bf, and his bro. I only use like, 100 a month. Cuz im popular like that.

09-08-2005, 04:06 AM
I have t-mobile, 1000 anytime unlimit night and weekend + $5 for 400 pictures message and 400 textmessage. With my SE K750i, the pictures messages works very well.

K750i -> 2megapixal camera with autofocus and flashlight. bulid in mp3 players and FM radio. use sony duo pro card (i gonna get 1GB card soon to fit more mp3). The video and screen resolution is excellent. $370-$400

my friend also had same plan additional for $7 unlimit internet data.

most of people that I know are all switching form cingular to tmobile. better service, more solid reception (but coverage is as great as cingular).

09-08-2005, 06:03 AM
I have t-mobile. I like it but my phone sucks. lol It's just old and I want a newer one.

09-08-2005, 06:44 AM
You guys aint got nothing on mine
$45.00 per month
Unlimited local and long distance calling, unlimited text messaging, unlimited picture messaging, enhanced voicemail, 3-way calling, caller ID, and call waiting,

METRO PCS haha :naughtyd:

09-08-2005, 09:12 AM
35 a month for me. minutes shared between 4 ppl. Free PCS to PCS. nite and weekends free. Nites start from 7pm to 7 am. all all that other BS. I got SPRINT and i never have a problem.