View Full Version : Shipping parts through commercial flight as checked baggage?

08-26-2005, 06:10 PM
has anyone ever done this before? im on vacation in so cal now and i bought an s14.5 conversion. now, on my flight back to jersey, instead of shipping it, can i have it checked in as part of my luggage? i know people bring surfboards,kayaks and like pole vaults! you think its possible? even if i might have to pay extra for oversize its cheaper than shipping the hood,fenders,bumper,sideskirts,and rear bumper

08-26-2005, 06:26 PM
my dad is a flight attendant... i call him a flying waitress when he pisses me off...

back on topic...

i know that you will have to pay for extra stuff you want to take with, but how much, nobody will know... it depends on so many variables...

best bet is to go to the airport and ask find out size and weight of the stuff...