View Full Version : charged for reckless driving for a burnout!?!?!
06-29-2005, 11:23 AM
06-29-2005, 11:26 AM
get a lawyer.
06-29-2005, 11:32 AM
and some common sense when in your car.
06-29-2005, 11:34 AM
hahahhaha flame on!
06-29-2005, 11:34 AM
06-29-2005, 11:39 AM
what can you do? best thing is to get a lawyer. will cost a lot but in the long run will probably be worth it to get it reckless and points off your record. thats if it the lawyer wins the case though.
06-29-2005, 11:44 AM
True. I dont even think they can give you a ticket if its in private property.
06-29-2005, 11:50 AM
True. I dont even think they can give you a ticket if its in private property.
we tried that with one of our friends. judge just laughed. try to get it reduced to improper driving or something like that.
06-29-2005, 11:55 AM
don't get it reduced, get it thrown out. get a lawyer. even if it's reduced your insurance will go up the same amount and if you get another ticket in less than a year you can be classified as a habitual offender and they can take your license.
lawyers are very much worth it, if i had gotten a lawyer on all my tickets, i would still have a license.
06-29-2005, 12:01 PM
everyone's all like get a lawyer...your gonna be charged more to hire one..mite as well pay the fine and get it over with..
06-29-2005, 12:11 PM
Why isn't that reckless driving? You earned that one. Its going to be a few hundred dollars and an increase in your insurance. I have no idea how that compares to the cost of a lawyer, or your chances of getting that charge reduced or thrown out.
I earned a 2 pointer once years ago. It sucked and now I just do my best to not act like a jackass on the road. I spend the money track days instead!
Good luck with this.
don't get it reduced, get it thrown out. get a lawyer. even if it's reduced your insurance will go up the same amount and if you get another ticket in less than a year you can be classified as a habitual offender and they can take your license.
lawyers are very much worth it, if i had gotten a lawyer on all my tickets, i would still have a license.
that's bullshit, i had two 100 in 55's and a 71 in a 55 and nothing but fines happened and insurance went up a little.
06-29-2005, 12:27 PM
:werd: I've been without one for a yr now. IN al a reckless is worth 7 points on your liscense and stays there 7yrs.don't get it reduced, get it thrown out. get a lawyer. even if it's reduced your insurance will go up the same amount and if you get another ticket in less than a year you can be classified as a habitual offender and they can take your license.
lawyers are very much worth it, if i had gotten a lawyer on all my tickets, i would still have a license.
06-29-2005, 03:56 PM
I wouldn't worry about the cost of the ticket versus the cost of a lawyer, but the effect that it would have on your insurance and on your license. A rase in your insurance premium may only be a little bit, but it may add up to be more than you'll be paying for the lawyer.
just a thought
06-29-2005, 04:17 PM
06-29-2005, 04:17 PM
last friday night i got a ticket for reckless driving when i did a burnout in a puddle of water in a parking lot....i may be wrong, but shouldnt the charge have been "driver spinning wheels"...i mean i know my tail moved out some but....??
Exhibition of speed. that is a very nasty ticket too get in Cali also its 2 points and a misdemeanor, depending on the judge its a case you have too and should have a lawyer.
I dont know where you got the ticket, but get a lawyer and hope no prior speeding issues are on your record.
hope it works out for ya.
06-29-2005, 04:41 PM
lawyer lawyer lawer. theres a saying:
you like to ride - better be ready to pay up.
06-29-2005, 06:12 PM
Well, you should definitely go to court and fight it, but i doubt you need a lawyer.
It really depends where you are, but I have had luck a couple of times getting my speeding tickets dropped to big parking tickets. A lot of times, the city just wants their money. I just said that I dont mind paying the money but couldnt afford a moving violation. So, got off twice with a ~$100 parking ticket.
Maybe Im just lucky, but worth a shot.
06-29-2005, 06:22 PM
Yea, what everyone says.... GET A LAWYER.
My brother was in jeopardy of losing his license twice, but a lawyer saved his ass.
06-29-2005, 07:50 PM
everyone's all like get a lawyer...your gonna be charged more to hire one..mite as well pay the fine and get it over with..
there are these things called "points", you only have a few. when they are all gone, you're fucked.
06-29-2005, 08:00 PM
In GA it would be "laying Drag". If you were doing dounuts or drifting, It maybe considered reckles driving. Get a lawyer. I once did not a lost my licence for 1.5years, for acceleration to the speed limit too fast! There was anouther car next to me so the cop said its called "inner contest of speed" 0-speedlimit. I did not know that even existed. At the time I did not care, since I thought it would just be a fine. I walked in the court room without a lawyer and without worries. I left the courtroom worried and without a license.
black s13
06-29-2005, 08:06 PM
if you did it, pay up. theres only so much you can do to fight it if the cop watched you do it.
i payed $800 for a lawyer and he didnt do shit. i got the exact same fine/sentance as my friend who did it himself, and didnt really do anything.
basically with stuff like this, the judge just decides whatever he wants to do, and goes with it, at least thats been my experience.
06-29-2005, 08:08 PM
i know how a lot of police in MD/DC/VA operate. the officer probably couldn't find the "proper" charge for doing burnouts (excessive display of power) so he just charged you with reckless. the best thing to do would be seeing if you can get it reduced to improper driving, take the fine, and offer to take "driver improvement" classes. having a lawyer help you do this would be much easier on you.
black s13
06-29-2005, 08:20 PM
improper is 3 points for 3 year, as opposed to 6 points for 11 years for reckless. (in VA)
i have both. i got it dropped to improper on my own, a lawyer got me the reckless (i earned it though)
06-29-2005, 08:33 PM
you gonna be kicking yourself in the ass if you dont get a lawyer. i dont care who says what. u obviously guilty but in your case only partially and its very arguable
06-29-2005, 11:17 PM
06-30-2005, 01:17 AM
i got pulled over once for doing a small burnout and i told the cop that this is my 1st RWD car and i didnt know it would do that.. he let me go
Andrew Bohan
06-30-2005, 01:46 AM
i always say yes sir, no sir, i'm sorry sir. no tickets for me. i'll swallow my pride to save some money. fuck yea
06-30-2005, 03:37 AM
^^^ It depends how deep in crap you’re in. The first times I was in neck high trouble, I would be polite (yes sir, yes sir, yes sir, the whole time.) and they could give a rats ass, and throw me in the patrol car. The next time I was playing dumb and being grouchy (4:30am after running 3miles in the snow)) and just because I had eight silver dollars in my pocket gave them the evidence to lock me up and charge me with four felonies which is bs, since my lawyer said change does not buy in court as evidence. Other times for traffic violations, I was nice and they let me go. Though one time I was very nice and coaperative to them during a traffic violation and they took me to jail and charged me with a DUI while I was sitting in the back seat, yes I was sitting in the back seat of a car and got a DUI (I can explain the story if yall want me too). Another time I was being a complete ass to the cop after I got pulled over for drag racing. He let the other guy go and wrote me a citation. Another time, We went camping, and the cops showed up, I took off into the woods to hide a gun came back and the cops were all on me. One being suspicious was asking me questions the whole time. Me being piss ass drunk I start talking to him about how I went too the shooting range with a swat member and got to shoot the mp5. I told him how when you shoot it kicks up and to the right, and the stance I was in and how I started on single auto then 3rnd then full and how full was too much for me. I was like one of those drunk people that keep blabbering about something. I realy did shoot the mp5 but you can picture trying to explain something while drunk. The bizzare thing is he started conversating with me on the topic for 5min. He then told us to keep it down, they poured out our beer (teens at the time) and left. I have been in many situations with cops, I have tried to figure them out, but each is different. So the best advise I can give is be polite (yes sir, no sir) unless your in neck deep, where there is no need to say anything to them, just request a lawyer and stay quiet.
mad s13
06-30-2005, 07:37 AM
get a lawyer...for sure, it cost me 600 dollars and 8 hr's in driving school but I got my burnout/donut c&r reduced to a spinning of wheels code violation ...very worth it, and I don't act like a dumbass anymore..
06-30-2005, 08:54 AM
06-30-2005, 01:33 PM
How long did you burn out? Was it for a while, or were you just sitting there spinning? I've been able to spin my tires in the rain in my Z without even giving the car too much gas. And that was an accident. So the way I figure it is, unless you were obviously doing it on purpose, you don't deserve a ticket.
06-30-2005, 04:13 PM
06-30-2005, 04:46 PM
Sounds to me like a little entrapment. Take a good lawyer with you! Don't just pay the fine. If you do you will be paying for years to come. Maybe the lawyer can get you out and save you money in the long run; if not at least you gave good fight
ok hold on a second
burning out is not reckless? think about the term reckless...
You're not in big trouble, but you ARE guilty. Don't try to fuck with the law. Do you honestly think that the Judge will have never seen a case like this before? Just go in and tell the whole true story, I can more then bet she'll either give you a very small ticket or just drop it and tell you not to do that again.
07-01-2005, 01:02 AM
depending on the state is either "spinning wheels" or "wreckless driving" in cali everything gets labelled reckless driving sliding, burnouts,screeching tires...everything gets bunched together under that category. why not research the cost of a lawyer, then cost of the ticket.
07-01-2005, 10:36 PM
Generally, in most jurisdictions reckless driving is a criminal infraction that involves the element of putting others in harms way etc... If you are spinning tires in a parking lot, it does not rise to the level of reckless driving. Good luck.
07-01-2005, 10:58 PM
i just got home from court for exhibition of speed ticket, humboldt county, northern cali. your first trip to court you will say not guilty, they will give you a court date. a few months later you go to court and the cop is there, the judge calls you up, asks the cop to tell what happened. he reads the report he made the day the ticket was given, my thought is 99% of the time they are at court, they dont remember who you are or what happened that day. the judge asks you if something else happened, or whats your story. you give some lame excuse. the dick that gave me a ticket said my blow off valve was screeching tires and i was using two lanes, and i didnt have a front bumper(front mount install that day), and i accelerated too fast. all was true but i didnt break my tires loose, just took off way too fast and blew off too loud/many times. i played like the officer was out to get me, tried to show some pictures of how there was a car sticking out in the road, blah blah blah. judge has heard it a thousand times. if you havent done anything before, and act sincere and apologetic, he will more than likely let you take traffic school. the fine was $225 and it will be 1 point if you cant/dont take traffic school. he would have let me, but i took it the week before for a speeding ticket, DOH!! but he reduced the fine to $110 because he was a stock car driver at our local track. anyways, sorry so long, but i figured id give you some heads up.
07-01-2005, 11:07 PM
Nice looking car.
07-01-2005, 11:21 PM
you should get an Unsafe star ticket..But anyways
Whats the point of a thread like this...You did it, dont bitch. Doing a burnout will attract attention. Stop doing things that brings attention to you while in a car and you wont get a ticket what so ever..Common sence seems to be somthin you never picked up
07-01-2005, 11:52 PM
unsafe star ticket, never heard that one. but i might as well add it to the list.
FastBack 240
07-01-2005, 11:57 PM
Where in DC/MD did this happen? Was it in Mont. Co.? If so was it at the meet in the Sports Authority parking lot?
07-02-2005, 12:04 AM
that should have been Unsafe Start...thats what they call it here sorry lol.
the fact that it was on private property SHOULD matter,
you were not on a motor vehicle highway, up here in Canada the Highway Traffic Act does not apply when you are on private property.
if you did a burn out in your driveway you cant be charged with reckless driving because you arent driving
my advice to you is to download the applicable traffic act in your area and locate the section that states where the laws are applicable. or in other words bring to court with you documentation that specfic act you were charged with does not apply because of your location.
on a ticket we get here there is a section which states specifically which section of the HTA that was violated. by having that information and the proof that is doesnt apply the judge cannot laugh at you. if you go in and complain that it was on private property, he might.
as for the people being homo's in this thread, why post at all if you are just posting to make yourself feel better at teh expense of someone else?
07-02-2005, 01:35 AM
07-02-2005, 08:28 AM
shoulda gave you more tickets for how nice your car looks hahah...good shiet.
07-02-2005, 08:45 AM
07-02-2005, 11:52 PM
message length bs
07-04-2005, 08:10 PM
My advise, do some research. There are a couple things that can save your ass here. In most states (not sure about MD) cops are required to be located in a place that is visible should they choose to stake out. If you have some sort of evidence that he was clearly hiding from view just waiting for you to do something illegal, then that might help you out some. Also check the local laws about driving on private property. Usually stores with larger parking lots that could possibly attract attention for burnouts and such hire their own private security because the police have no jurisdiction there. All they can do is kick you off the premesis...not issue tickets. If all your research still leaves you with questions, then get a lawyer. Lawyers can help you tremendously but unless you have a case, it would be a waste of money. I have had more run-ins with cops than I'd like to admit and if I've learned something from it all, its quit doin stupid shiet. Bottom line, if you find that you are clearly in the wrong here...own up to it. You knew of this risk before you did the burnout. Good luck beatin this but don't be surprised if it beats you (even with a lawyer).
P.S. I lost my license twice in Colorado. CSP sucks. Haven't had a problem since moving away.
07-05-2005, 07:57 AM
dude if it was a quick burnout say it was an accident. this is your first 5 speed car and your just learning how to drive stick. your having a very hard time learning since you always drove automatics... who woulda thought? the fact that you were in the puddle probabbly caused it because you would NEVER do anything like that ;) just look at my record mr judge, im an angel!
07-06-2005, 01:01 PM
I took a turn sideways on a road not realizing there was a cop behind me and he pulled me over and gave me a ticket for "squeeling tires"....and one right now that I am taking to court and got a lawyer and everything already is about being accused of drag racing a GMC Jimmy, and I kinda laughed in the officers face when I heard that.
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