View Full Version : Custom HID Projectors on zenki s14?

05-10-2005, 07:01 PM
Has anyone done or know of anyone with a custom HID Projector to their Zenki S14? the idea popped into mind after seeing the clear headlamp housing that final konnexion carries. :mepoke:

05-10-2005, 07:47 PM
A few people have done it already, I know rbs14 did a retrofit with oem hids.

05-10-2005, 07:51 PM
you friggin idiot! Ever heard of the search function? I did it and made a thread about it, seach for it.

:newbie: :rl:

05-10-2005, 08:12 PM
you friggin idiot! Ever heard of the search function? I did it and made a thread about it, seach for it.

:newbie: :rl:

Calm. The. Hell. Down.