View Full Version : in PEPSI we trust...huh?(PW/RW)

03-24-2005, 11:05 AM

Don't buy Pepsi in the new can. Pepsi has a new "patriotic" can coming out
with pictures of the Empire State Building, and the Pledge of Allegiance on
them. However, Pepsi left out two little words on the pledge, "Under God".
Pepsi said they didn't want to offend anyone. In that case, we don't want to
offend anyone at the Pepsi corporate office, either.. So if we don't buy any
Pepsi product, they will not be offended when they don't receive our money
that has the words "In God We Trust" on it.

john griff

03-24-2005, 11:13 AM
if someone is stupid enough to be offended by someone saying in god we trust they will probably die due to darwin's law anyhow.

03-24-2005, 11:13 AM
How much is it?

03-24-2005, 11:15 AM
Have fun being the only one not drinking Pepsi. Nobody cares... I would do the same thing to avoid a lawsuit from sue-happy Americans.

Andrew Bohan
03-24-2005, 11:20 AM
they left out under god!!! thank you pepsi!!
pepsi is my new favorite soda.

having "under god" in the pledge of allegiance is stupid anyway.

what does religion have to do with allegience to your coutnry?
yeah it's on now.

they should take "in god we trust" off the money too. at most it should say "in god some of us trust"

someone better put PW and RW on this thread.

03-24-2005, 11:27 AM
I missed the point in time when it began to matter, keeping in mind my observation that IT DOESN'T FUCKING MATTER whether or not "under God" was in the pledge... How about we rewrite the pledge with a bunch of asterisks and clauses:
"... under your god"
"... under god (as you understand him)"
"... under Allah"
"... under Buddah"
"... under the sun"
"... under energy"

... honestly, I could go on all day, but I have just decided to go buy a 12 pack of pepsi

03-24-2005, 11:37 AM
anyone else see that Sparticus Pepsi (or maybe coke?) commercial i was rofling from that.

"No!!! I'm Sparticus!"

03-24-2005, 12:03 PM
bah... pepsi sucks IMO anyways...

03-24-2005, 12:38 PM
they left out under god!!! thank you pepsi!!
pepsi is my new favorite soda.

having "under god" in the pledge of allegiance is stupid anyway.

what does religion have to do with allegience to your coutnry?
yeah it's on now.

they should take "in god we trust" off the money too. at most it should say "in god some of us trust"

someone better put PW and RW on this thread.

Hmm.. what does religion have to do with ... our country? It was founded on freedom of religion. The Declaration of Independance states that "all men were CREATED equal". Our country was founded on religion, like many/most other countries. People need to at least recognize that.
I'm not religious at all.. but if someone else wasn't, we'd live in Great Britian II. Fuck that.
Whiney ass people with nothing better to do stir up shit about religion.. because they got offended. Those people need to choke on sand and die.
Go learn your history. Those who do not know history are doomed to repeat it.

03-24-2005, 12:47 PM
Wow, the introduction of the Zilvia "RW" in the thread title, I am fuggin amazed and entertained at the same time

the head
03-24-2005, 01:01 PM
they did it because of the american legal system

if they put it in someone would have started a legal suit to make a profit off of pretending to be offended by that bullshit

I am an athiest so it doesn't mean a damn thing to me

Andrew Bohan
03-24-2005, 01:18 PM
Hmm.. what does religion have to do with ... our country? It was founded on freedom of religion. The Declaration of Independance states that "all men were CREATED equal". Our country was founded on religion, like many/most other countries. People need to at least recognize that.
I'm not religious at all.. but if someone else wasn't, we'd live in Great Britian II. Fuck that.
Whiney ass people with nothing better to do stir up shit about religion.. because they got offended. Those people need to choke on sand and die.
Go learn your history. Those who do not know history are doomed to repeat it.

i didn't say "what does religion have to do with our country?"
i said "what does religion have to with allegiance to your country?"
those are two very different questions.

i know our country was founded on the principle of freedom of religion, and that's exactly what's not being honored in the current pledge of allegiance, which was written, without "under god," 116 years after we declared independence. 62 years after it was written, "under god" was added.

in 2000, 46 years after "under god" was added, 78.3% of americans believed in the judeo-christian-islamic god, of which 1.8% were jews or muslims.
13.2% of americans were not religious at all, and 8.5% had other religions.

what if we had to say "under ganesha?" i think most christians would be offended. the people who want "under god" in the pledge don't see anything wrong with it, since god is as real to them as buildings and dirt and birds are to everyone.

nor is it the case only non-christians don't want "under god" in the pledge. my mom is a devout catholic, but she recognizes that the state is endorsing the christan church by having it. and that's all that matters.

03-24-2005, 01:32 PM
Let's hope he never has to testify in court for anything. What's he gonna do? Tell the judge to fuck off when he is getting sworn in?

Andrew Bohan
03-24-2005, 02:04 PM
i won't testify in a court that makes me swear to god. will they throw me in jail for not swearing to god? i wouldn't doubt it. that would be a fun legal battle.

03-24-2005, 02:15 PM
I can see this won't go anywhere.. because people with beliefs are idiots. Ideas can be changed.. beliefs.. not so much.
Can people not mouth the words without feeling that they're bieng forced to believe in soemthing they dont? I do all the time when I get dragged places I don't want to be. "Oh yes. I had fun" or "Did you have fun?" *nods*.

the head
03-24-2005, 03:11 PM
exactly frankly it just doesn't matter to me

03-24-2005, 05:18 PM
this is america. majority rules.

well, and the guy with the most money.

DEAL with it and move on.

03-24-2005, 05:38 PM
Wow, the introduction of the Zilvia "RW" in the thread title, I am fuggin amazed and entertained at the same time

lol, me too...

it took me a minute to ponder this astounding fact. at first i was like, "RW? wtf is RW?" then it hit me and i said "jesus"... heh irony...

but yeah, im not a supporter of organized religion, in my opinion they are one of our societies biggest hippocrates. they all start off to promote something good, then ideas clash, then people die... pretty simple cycle, and it usually happens (history is amazing)

ideas on the other hand are wonderful, with out ideas where would we be, and i dont care if someone if atheist or agnostic, they still have some ideas

03-24-2005, 06:38 PM
lol, me too...

it took me a minute to ponder this astounding fact. at first i was like, "RW? wtf is RW?" then it hit me and i said "jesus"... heh irony...

but yeah, im not a supporter of organized religion, in my opinion they are one of our societies biggest hippocrates. they all start off to promote something good, then ideas clash, then people die... pretty simple cycle, and it usually happens (history is amazing)

ideas on the other hand are wonderful, with out ideas where would we be, and i dont care if someone if atheist or agnostic, they still have some ideas

just another cracker rippin off a brotha.