View Full Version : Computer Suggestions Thread

01-05-2005, 06:17 PM
Got any laptop computer suggestions?

This thread is for any good finds you guys come across regarding deals on computers and computer parts. Since technology is always changing, hopefully this thread will continue to update in response to the current market.


I'm in need of a new computer, and I've definitely decided on a PC laptop. Here are my particular concerns:
-Long battery life
-Commendable Tech Support/Warranty

My technological standards aren't anally high and I won't use the computer for gaming, so a state-of-the-art video graphics card won't be necessary. Mostly for business and school purposes.

Currently researching etc, but I'd just like to read what you guys would suggest in addition. Would like to hear your input on:
1. Processors...Pentium4? Pentium M? Celeron? Centrino? AMD? other?
2. Companies...Dell? IBM? Sony? Gateway? Toshiba? HP? other?

Feel free to PM me with suggestions too; I'd really appreciate it. Thanks for your help! :cool:

01-05-2005, 06:37 PM
Since your not using it for any gaming purposes, I would reccomend a laptop with an AMD processor. If you decide to go Intel, a Celeron-D would probably do, but I would still reccomend AMD for your needs. Dell uses mostly Intel processors so a Celeron would be fine. As for any other company I would suggest you custom build it because of the software from companies alone slow down the computer. If all else fails, get a Mac.

01-05-2005, 08:13 PM

best laptops out there, up par with Alienware, and their Customer Service is the best I ever seen.

If you need any help with your laptop, any help check out their forums, http://notebookforums.com/

They even have sections of other leading manufactures like Alienware, Dell, Hypersonic, IBM, gateway, etc etc. Goodluck!

01-05-2005, 08:52 PM
Well since AMD is known for it's gaming power and the Intel is known for it's workstation power, i'd recommend an Intel Pentium 4. I wouldnt recommend a celeron because i have one. I also have an AMD Athlon 64 and a Pentium III. The Pentium III 450mhz is better than my celeron 2.2ghz. Anyways...look here (http://www.frys-electronics-ads.com) for fry's electronics deals. Also Dell has good deals but make sure to by a service plan. it's worth it for a laptop cause they are more expensive to repair.

01-05-2005, 09:51 PM
alienware is the only way to go if you're doin the brand name thing. other than that companies like sager have it in the bag. DELL, HP, compaq, IBM = SUCKAGE, they all suck. even my gateway is pretty crappy. i'll never buy a big name laptop ever again.

Andrew Bohan
01-06-2005, 01:04 AM
my dad got a dell and it always has problems. and tech support is in india, and you know how old white guys are with tryin to listen through a thick accent. his last call was 3 hours long, spend about 5 minutes total talking to someone, and it ended with him screaming YOU MOTHER FUCKERS into the phone. yeah. he hates dell with a passion now.

01-06-2005, 02:37 AM
my dad got a dell and it always has problems. and tech support is in india, and you know how old white guys are with tryin to listen through a thick accent. his last call was 3 hours long, spend about 5 minutes total talking to someone, and it ended with him screaming YOU MOTHER FUCKERS into the phone. yeah. he hates dell with a passion now.

Dude, your job is getting outsourced to India!

01-06-2005, 09:04 AM
alienware is the only way to go if you're doin the brand name thing. other than that companies like sager have it in the bag. DELL, HP, compaq, IBM = SUCKAGE, they all suck. even my gateway is pretty crappy. i'll never buy a big name laptop ever again.

IMO mobile PC's = SUCKAGE. If you're in the market for quality... get a MAC. Apple is the only way to go for performance, power consumption, thermal reliability and overall reliabilty and quality.

Think again about that Alienware statement. I know for a fact that they have no limitations on their thermal or power budgets when they spec their mobile systems. This means his first request is negated.

Also, most mobile units are stocked in the US by disti's like Sager... it's a fact that companies like Dell, HP blah blah modify only the casing/exterior and some minor tweaks in BIOS and SW to make their systems a little different. So save some bucks by doing a little research and finding out who makes your system.

Support for all mobile platforms and PC's in general sucks ass unless you're going to buy a FalconNW.

01-06-2005, 10:22 PM
Thanks for the input, guys. Definitely constructive! :)