View Full Version : Any Comic Book Nerds In Zilvia?

12-30-2004, 02:44 AM
Any of you guys into Comic books? If so, what comics are y'all reading? also, anyone going to Comic-con next year?

12-30-2004, 08:55 AM
No but Ill sell you a spawn #1 ;)

12-30-2004, 12:41 PM
Right here.

Between a coupla friends and I, we're reading almost all of DC, Marvel, Vertigo, and a coupla other stuff.

Astonishing X-Men
New Avengers
Fantastic 4
Marvel Knights 4
Ultimate X-men

Ex Machina
Authority: Revolution

Y: The Last Man

Green Lantern Rebirth
Teen Titans
Identity Crisis
Superman/Batman (not diggin the current arc)

although I also buy Batgirl, Robin, Nightwing, Transformers: Generation 1

My roommate buys all the Spiderman titles, She-Hulk (awesome book)...damn...i forget

Better to ask what we don't read

Brian Michael Bendis and Geoff Johns are the best writers at the moment

12-30-2004, 12:43 PM
Oh yeah, check out www.isotopecomics.com, they're a shop in SF. Best comic shop ever...the owner James Sime is an ex-bartender so he always serves up the drinks at his events, and he's had Ed Brubaker and Brian K Vaughn over in the last few months. OH, and Joe Casey, Tony Harris...a buncha people.

The total opposite of simpsons comic book guy

12-30-2004, 01:47 PM
I'm into Marvel. Haven't bought comics in a few months though. Sucks, I paid for usbscription renewals to ultimate xmen and ultimate spidey and I never got a single issue!! WTF!!!

I've collected pretty much every marvel comic series over the past 15 years. And I used to draw marvel characters, I still have a couple drawings somewhere I've never finished....

Spidey is my all time favorite. Wolverine, and the xmen too...

12-30-2004, 02:10 PM
Damn people still read comics in America?! O_O_O_O

12-30-2004, 02:37 PM
i got wolverine #1 :)

12-30-2004, 03:14 PM
I got a bunch of stuff from back when I used to collect about 10 years ago.

I followed Spawn (and spin-offs), Prime, Sandman and Alien vs Predator... there was also a AD&D comic I read... it wasnt very popular.

I hated waiting a month for a new issue and they were too short.

12-30-2004, 03:31 PM
Not a comic geek anymore. I still have two boxes of mint comics from when years ago though.

How about a Rare limited print Angela intro before the Angela/Spawn spinoff?

12-30-2004, 03:46 PM
Damn people still read comics in America?! O_O_O_O

Of course we do...the comic industry has been huger than ever before...exspecially with all the movies that are coming out recently and next year...Fantastic 4 is coming out next summer, Batman Begins is coming out soon, theyre already making the next spiderman, and many many more...

I actually started on a comic project. I was the penciler and it was going well, but time beat us to the deadline...we never got it finished. It was my first comic book and finallyr ealized how hardit is...we only had about 10 pages done out of like 22 pages.

Oh yeah...any Kevin Smith fans in the house??

12-30-2004, 04:03 PM
Hell yeah! "hey lady, ever had your asshole licked by a fat man in a trench coat?"

Comics are a great source of original creative work. Hollywood should be thanking the Comic industry.

12-30-2004, 04:20 PM
I loved Kevin Smith Green Arrow and Kevin Smith Daredevil!

Of course, the best Green Arrow is still Brad Meltzer's Archer's Quest and the best Daredevil is Frank Miller/Brian Bendis.

if you aren't reading Fables, you're missing out.

12-31-2004, 08:35 AM
i got wolverine #1 :)

I've got wolverine #4. that's the earliest one. I've also got ALL the X-Men issues up till they switched it to "New X-Men"
I love the x-men comics, great stories, great characters, really good depth, and some interesting plot twists every now and then. Plus I appreciate the comics more now that the movies have come out. I guess it's because I get to see my favorite characters in action on the screen....can't wait for FF4 and spiderman 3, they better make Venom have at least a cameo. That would be cool. Kinda sucks cause they're gonna make it about Harry Osbourne and out of all the spiderman villans, Hobgoblin is the dumbest....well except the vulture, that guy was whack.

It would be cool if they opened the movie with a cool duke out of spiderman with a common villan like Rhino or Juggernaut, you know, the guys he just randomly beats on when they pop up in Manhattan.

You know a really cool movie would be a Hulk vs Wolverine spinoff. that would rock.

12-31-2004, 12:02 PM
yeah venom needs to be in this one so they can go into the maximum carnage (w00t!!!!!!!!!!!!!!). cletus cassidy is the most evil villain EVER.

cereal killaz wit planet X symiote = DOOM

12-31-2004, 12:14 PM
one of my fav. comics is finally coming to the big screen, Sin City... trailer is really nice.

12-31-2004, 01:51 PM
i think the new Ultimate X-men looks hella cool. i skimmed through a couple of my cousin's but havent got a chance to actually read the series.

remember image comics back when witchblade , darkness (top cow) and battle chasers, danger girl (cliffhanger) were all popular? damn what happen to image...some of their comics are hella gay now.

Who are your guys's favorite artists?

Jim Lee and Campbell rocks! best pencilers ever.

12-31-2004, 02:49 PM
the current Ultimate X-Men writer is top tier, Brian K. Vaughn, I met him several times. I told him to give us Ultimate Psylocke and Ultimate Giant Island guy (krakoa)..and hey...KraKoa is in the next arc.

Plus, check out his other stuff, Ex Machina, Runaways, Y: the Last man, they are all superb non-superheroish stuff that rocks.

12-31-2004, 04:57 PM
i got spider man #1....................oh yea and spider man 2099 :bow:

12-31-2004, 07:28 PM
Anyone here know who Joe "mad dog" Maduriera is? He did X-Men, then left and joined Image. The last of his work that I could find is the Battle Chasers series. One of the BEST comic artists of all time. I think he also did some video game art too. Here's some samples.

Also one of my favorite covers ever done by Joe.

12-31-2004, 08:21 PM
Anyone here know who Joe "mad dog" Maduriera is? He did X-Men, then left and joined Image. The last of his work that I could find is the Battle Chasers series. One of the BEST comic artists of all time. I think he also did some video game art too. Here's some samples.

Also one of my favorite covers ever done by Joe.

Hell yeah i know the MAD man...joe maduriera is awesome. I got his autographs on a couple of my battle chaser comics. and a couple others. Hes on my top list...but the fool stopped drawing comics...


Sil Beer S13
12-31-2004, 09:15 PM
Hell yeah i know the MAD man...joe maduriera is awesome. I got his autographs on a couple of my battle chaser comics. and a couple others. Hes on my top list...but the fool stopped drawing comics...


No one will hire him. He backed on so many contracts. He was supposed to have a video game out. But that never happened.

01-01-2005, 08:58 AM
yeah...i heard about his supposedly "video game". but nothing!...its like he died or somethihg. shit...wat a waste of talent...he would be so big right now. the last thing i seen from Joe was the fairly recent Street Fighter comic book #1. he drew Ryu and Sagat's battle in The first couple of pages and the rest of the comic was by some other artist.

but at least we still got jim lee and campbell around :) for all the great comics. i heard campbell is working on a "confidential" comic right now and its supposed to come out soon. i wonder what it is???...

01-01-2005, 04:16 PM
I used to collect comics in the 90's. I have about a pretty good collection. Heres a dew of my neater ones.

Amazing Spiderman 31
Wolverine 1
Web of Spiderman 1
X-men(Jim lee) 1 signed by Jim lee
Amlost every 1-whatever of all the image comics when thet came out
and then I have tons of complete sets of the comic book cars and tons of hologram cards...

I have a few hundred more but those are all I can think of off the top of my head. I haven't looked over'em in a while.