View Full Version : Scams, Fakes, Flippers and Knock Offs.

04-30-2021, 11:36 AM
So as everything explodes in price due to a combination of inflation, Nostalgia, hype and to many stimmys, thought it would be worth while to start a "heads up thread".

Like these - I see these banners, HKS, Up Garage and "Old" Nismo everywhere from $40 - $300 being advertised as "rare!! Hard to find!!!"

I suspect they are all is just new print mass produced low quality banners.


04-30-2021, 02:59 PM
I assume you have good intentions, but why should we be bothered if someone pays $20 for a Nismo banner?

As you mentioned, everything under the sun is "overpriced" right now. It would be more a valuable idea if there was a "good deals" thread, or the like, because those are the outliers.

04-30-2021, 03:49 PM
I assume you have good intentions, but why should we be bothered if someone pays $20 for a Nismo banner?

As you mentioned, everything under the sun is "overpriced" right now. It would be more a valuable idea if there was a "good deals" thread, or the like, because those are the outliers.Oh, I don't care about the banner. Just the seller calling it "Rare!! JDM!!"

It's far worse on IG with guys trying to peddle fake "original" memorabilia.

04-30-2021, 06:16 PM
I assume you have good intentions, but why should we be bothered if someone pays $20 for a Nismo banner?

As you mentioned, everything under the sun is "overpriced" right now. It would be more a valuable idea if there was a "good deals" thread, or the like, because those are the outliers.

I think that not caring about these scalpers is how we eventually ended up here. Everyone hides behind that 'mind your business and don't knock the hustle' shit and now people can't buy a fucking thing and these self-titled 'entrepreneurs' have built two fucking cars off the price hikes.

04-30-2021, 07:21 PM
I?m having a hard time believing you guys aren?t reaching for something to get upset about or just trying to create a thread to be dramatic in. I also don?t look at these things on social media but the world is full of knock off products and opportunists, not just the tiny S-chassis world.

Dizz, weren?t you the guy who was buying things when you were in Japan and trying like hell to resell them here? It?s sounds to me like you are the exact person you are complaining about.

If I was you I wouldn?t let these things get to you and enjoy your weekend.

05-01-2021, 07:25 AM
I?m having a hard time believing you guys aren?t reaching for something to get upset about or just trying to create a thread to be dramatic in. I also don?t look at these things on social media but the world is full of knock off products and opportunists, not just the tiny S-chassis world.

Dizz, weren?t you the guy who was buying things when you were in Japan and trying like hell to resell them here? It?s sounds to me like you are the exact person you are complaining about.

If I was you I wouldn?t let these things get to you and enjoy your weekend.

Not me.
Have I come across some deals while being here? Yes.
Have I cleared a profit by seeing the 'going rate' and undercutting that price by like $200? Yes.
I guess you're going to have to take my word for it when I say that I have never purchased something solely with the intention to sell. I always buy things for myself and then end up selling stuff I don't use.

Nice try, dude. Hemming someone up for being a hypocrite is Internet 101. Please don't equate dudes doing this every once-in-a-while to the likes of sjerin and luckylabo...the latter of which routinely sells weebs 100JPY coffee for $9.00. It ruins my weekend (as I sit her bidding on YAJ for something I really want) because I can't even find fucking deals here anymore. Sucks.

05-01-2021, 02:47 PM
Hm I like this idea. Corbic what about adding to the thread posting of legit old school parts, memorabilia etc. ?

06-21-2021, 10:55 PM
I think that not caring about these scalpers is how we eventually ended up here. Everyone hides behind that 'mind your business and don't knock the hustle' shit and now people can't buy a fucking thing and these self-titled 'entrepreneurs' have built two fucking cars off the price hikes.

Spoiler alert! That's my couch and building 2 cars at todays prices is pretty far off. But thanks for the motivation:)

06-22-2021, 07:26 AM
Spoiler alert! That's my couch and building 2 cars at todays prices is pretty far off. But thanks for the motivation:)

What a wack way to make your first post after waiting a decade

06-22-2021, 08:01 AM
What a wack way to make your first post after waiting a decade

This is the wholesome zilvia content I keep coming back for.

06-22-2021, 12:10 PM
Yeah, but it's JDM rare NISMO Nissan Skyline R32 HKS goodness.

06-23-2021, 06:09 AM
I think that was an incorrect use of the 'spoiler alert' thing...but alright.

I also am not as much of a hardass as Corbic: I don't mind the reprint banners. The 'rare' verbiage is whack, but whatever.

Since there was a new post here, I still find it cringe that SChassis dudes are repping luckylabo. The $9 coffee guy. C'mon, Zilvia...

06-23-2021, 08:46 AM
I think that was an incorrect use of the 'spoiler alert' thing...but alright.

I also am not as much of a hardass as Corbic: I don't mind the reprint banners. The 'rare' verbiage is whack, but whatever.

Since there was a new post here, I still find it cringe that SChassis dudes are repping luckylabo. The $9 coffee guy. C'mon, Zilvia...

Anything to taste the sweet nectar of Jap ball sweat.

06-23-2021, 05:43 PM
I think that was an incorrect use of the 'spoiler alert' thing...but alright.

I also am not as much of a hardass as Corbic: I don't mind the reprint banners. The 'rare' verbiage is whack, but whatever.

I did drop the "rare" a couple months back. People send pics of the banner in their garage with their sweet cars and makes them happy. Just filling a void.

06-23-2021, 07:38 PM
Yeah man. I mean saying they're 'rare' is probably what Corbic meant. Kind of insinuates they're real. No biggie, though. I get it.

Kind of funny you guys bumped this thread. Someone showed my the latest Jimmy Oakes video (never heard of him) and he went to this dude's house in NJ. Guy has a garage full of BNIB Nissan parts. The dude (nizmopartsplug) is waxing poetic about how he's trying to save parts from being discontinued.

Let me lay one on you:

My buddy just got BRAND NEW S15 rear valences from Nissan. Painted, all hardware, less than a week turnaround. Under $900.

Nizmopartsplug: $1750 for unpainted valances.

06-23-2021, 08:08 PM
Yeah man. I mean saying they're 'rare' is probably what Corbic meant. Kind of insinuates they're real. No biggie, though. I get it.

Kind of funny you guys bumped this thread. Someone showed my the latest Jimmy Oakes video (never heard of him) and he went to this dude's house in NJ. Guy has a garage full of BNIB Nissan parts. The dude (nizmopartsplug) is waxing poetic about how he's trying to save parts from being discontinued.

Let me lay one on you:

My buddy just got BRAND NEW S15 rear valences from Nissan. Painted, all hardware, less than a week turnaround. Under $900.

Nizmopartsplug: $1750 for unpainted valances.
Yup. Current USD for painted S15 Valances are $777.76.

I bet dollars to donuts he's going to resell parts he purchased from Mav1178 with a very healthy markup.

06-24-2021, 07:59 AM
I mean, money is money I suppose. People who are buying OEM valences anyways are silly. I get the whole period-correct OEM allure thing but that's usually the point where I'm like, 'nah. That ain't it.'

06-24-2021, 11:39 AM
I think that not caring about these scalpers is how we eventually ended up here. Everyone hides behind that 'mind your business and don't knock the hustle' shit and now people can't buy a fucking thing and these self-titled 'entrepreneurs' have built two fucking cars off the price hikes.

I agree, completely. It's something I have talked about before - but the shift from a community that watched out for each other to a way to flip and make money has been... unfortunate. That isn't to say it is illegal or frowned upon to make a few dollars off of parts. It's cool, within reasonable inflation limits. But people who just scrape up everything to hoard and sell are not doing any favors in the scene. Just look at what is happening in Japan. The scene is falling apart because they can't even get parts anymore, as everything is bought and shipped out. Same with the cards. Profit, profit, profit. Dude who runs Y-Plate talked about this in a video, that he won't be importing cars for much longer, because he doesn't think they are worth it to sell them for that high. He doesn't think it's a smart investment and feels it is morally wrong.

I?m having a hard time believing you guys aren?t reaching for something to get upset about or just trying to create a thread to be dramatic in. I also don?t look at these things on social media but the world is full of knock off products and opportunists, not just the tiny S-chassis world.

Dizz, weren?t you the guy who was buying things when you were in Japan and trying like hell to resell them here? It?s sounds to me like you are the exact person you are complaining about.

If I was you I wouldn?t let these things get to you and enjoy your weekend.

It isn't creating drama. Nobody has much of a problem with making money on a resell within reason. But when you are legit being one of the people to hoard and create artificial shortages, then turn to inflate the price by a ton - that becomes an issue. Many of us here (especially zilvia) have owned s-chassis for over half of our life. I certainly have. I care deeply for the cars and the 'japanese street style', '90s/ 2000' 'JDM tyte y0' whatever you want to call it scene. Drifting has been my strongest hobby for longer than I can remember. People legit killing it hurts. It also attracts people who just wish to use these cars for influence and making a quick buck, which in turn doesn't build the community that we enjoyed for much of the golden era. There use to be national meets, states had meets, cities (even mid teir cities) had good sized meets. What happened to all that? Oh yeah, most of us got tired of the annoying new dudes who came in with a hot head and didn't add much to the community. Awful.

Maybe I am just reaching ranting age, but yeah - for many of us, this has not been a pleasant transition. Again, nobody hates anyone making a few bucks if it is still an ok deal. I have made money on parts before, I have lost money before, and I have broken even before, but I am always fair in what I sell in my honest opinion. Doing it just to create profit is not my motive, and frankly anybody who uses the scene for such... kind of sucks.

06-24-2021, 12:14 PM
I mean, not for nothing, I don't see the allure of having an 'authentic' flag for your garage. I would happily pay much less for something that has such insignificant value to just hanging on the wall as a decoration. Would I skimp out if I wanted a real BRIDE seat or an authentic wheel or something? No. But something just sitting stagnant in my personal space - to me personally - why spend so much more? Cool points, I guess, but there is no memory attached to it for me personally, I don't see value.

Now, if I got that somewhere specific from someone specific and there was sentimental value attached, that's different. But you're buying this from some unknown to just toss it on the wall. I see less issue with it. Y'all are just old and finding a reason to bitch. There is a thread for that. Your rep turns red there. Ask me how I know.

06-24-2021, 06:12 PM
i paid $45.00 for a replica NISMO horn button for my MOMO because paying $400 for one is just stupid. plus, hes a small business and one of my customers. would rather support him for doing quality shit, even if its a replica... better than a scalper on eBay or YAJ selling a $2.00 piece of plastic for more than i paid for my MOMO steering wheel!

06-24-2021, 06:23 PM
Doing it just to create profit is not my motive, and frankly anybody who uses the scene for such... kind of sucks.

I guess I suck.

Given the absurd lead times for the parts I was trying to source, I could've been 10x richer had I went all in on the ~20 or so tech companies I currently own stock in.

But whatever, if there's no profit for me then there's no point spending time to provide parts for a community that doesn't give a shit, they just move from one lowest cost vendor to the next.

06-24-2021, 06:55 PM
I agree, completely. It's something I have talked about before - but the shift from a community that watched out for each other to a way to flip and make money has been... unfortunate. That isn't to say it is illegal or frowned upon to make a few dollars off of parts. It's cool, within reasonable inflation limits. But people who just scrape up everything to hoard and sell are not doing any favors in the scene. Just look at what is happening in Japan. The scene is falling apart because they can't even get parts anymore, as everything is bought and shipped out. Same with the cards. Profit, profit, profit. Dude who runs Y-Plate talked about this in a video, that he won't be importing cars for much longer, because he doesn't think they are worth it to sell them for that high. He doesn't think it's a smart investment and feels it is morally wrong.

It isn't creating drama. Nobody has much of a problem with making money on a resell within reason. But when you are legit being one of the people to hoard and create artificial shortages, then turn to inflate the price by a ton - that becomes an issue. Many of us here (especially zilvia) have owned s-chassis for over half of our life. I certainly have. I care deeply for the cars and the 'japanese street style', '90s/ 2000' 'JDM tyte y0' whatever you want to call it scene. Drifting has been my strongest hobby for longer than I can remember. People legit killing it hurts. It also attracts people who just wish to use these cars for influence and making a quick buck, which in turn doesn't build the community that we enjoyed for much of the golden era. There use to be national meets, states had meets, cities (even mid teir cities) had good sized meets. What happened to all that? Oh yeah, most of us got tired of the annoying new dudes who came in with a hot head and didn't add much to the community. Awful.

Maybe I am just reaching ranting age, but yeah - for many of us, this has not been a pleasant transition. Again, nobody hates anyone making a few bucks if it is still an ok deal. I have made money on parts before, I have lost money before, and I have broken even before, but I am always fair in what I sell in my honest opinion. Doing it just to create profit is not my motive, and frankly anybody who uses the scene for such... kind of sucks.

I agree with all of this. Probably too much. I don't know why that Whitey dude has a bone to pick with me. I haven't had anyone bitch about me here and it's been long enough that I would've been 'exposed' by now lol. I always research current price trends before I buy things, and it actually has led me to buy things from the US because they are cheaper there. When I sell, I do the same price research and undercut by $100-$200.

I am on the 'STRICTLY RAYS/ADVAN/OHLOOKATMEANDMYCAR' Facebook page and the prices for TEs blows my mind. I paid that price for my 86-spec TEs, and still sold them for the same amount I purchased them for. I didn't try to make a big deal about the 'limited run' as a justification to hike the price. I just made my money back on some overpriced TEs.

Now, if I got that somewhere specific from someone specific and there was sentimental value attached, that's different. But you're buying this from some unknown to just toss it on the wall. I see less issue with it. Y'all are just old and finding a reason to bitch. There is a thread for that. Your rep turns red there. Ask me how I know.

Yeah but that's just Corbic LOL. I agree with you. I wouldn't skimp on a seat or steering wheel but some replica Nismo horn button or a flag is cool with me.

06-24-2021, 06:55 PM
I guess I suck.

Given the absurd lead times for the parts I was trying to source, I could've been 10x richer had I went all in on the ~20 or so tech companies I currently own stock in.

But whatever, if there's no profit for me then there's no point spending time to provide parts for a community that doesn't give a shit, they just move from one lowest cost vendor to the next.

...no one said you suck?

He stated that a reasonable mark-up for time spent and services is totally understandable.

He was speculating that someone bought parts from you (for a decent price) and then marked them up.

I agree, completely. It's something I have talked about before - but the shift from a community that watched out for each other to a way to flip and make money has been... unfortunate. That isn't to say it is illegal or frowned upon to make a few dollars off of parts. It's cool, within reasonable inflation limits. But people who just scrape up everything to hoard and sell are not doing any favors in the scene. Just look at what is happening in Japan. The scene is falling apart because they can't even get parts anymore, as everything is bought and shipped out. Same with the cards. Profit, profit, profit. Dude who runs Y-Plate talked about this in a video, that he won't be importing cars for much longer, because he doesn't think they are worth it to sell them for that high. He doesn't think it's a smart investment and feels it is morally wrong.

06-24-2021, 07:19 PM
I guess I suck.

Given the absurd lead times for the parts I was trying to source, I could've been 10x richer had I went all in on the ~20 or so tech companies I currently own stock in.

But whatever, if there's no profit for me then there's no point spending time to provide parts for a community that doesn't give a shit, they just move from one lowest cost vendor to the next.


No man, you are more than reasonable and I am happy to have done business with you a few times.

That's not all all what I was intending man. I am more leaning to scalpers like what Dorki and Dizzariot pointed out, not someone who brings good deals and is a LEGIT seller for sourcing this stuff.

Sorry if you took it that way. Happy with everything I have bought from you, you have offered MORE than fair pricing IMO.

06-25-2021, 06:42 AM
This is why I'm glad not to be a JDM fanboy.

06-25-2021, 06:48 AM
I agree, completely. It's something I have talked about before - but the shift from a community that watched out for each other to a way to flip and make money has been... unfortunate. That isn't to say it is illegal or frowned upon to make a few dollars off of parts. It's cool, within reasonable inflation limits. But people who just scrape up everything to hoard and sell are not doing any favors in the scene. Just look at what is happening in Japan. The scene is falling apart because they can't even get parts anymore, as everything is bought and shipped out. Same with the cards. Profit, profit, profit. Dude who runs Y-Plate talked about this in a video, that he won't be importing cars for much longer, because he doesn't think they are worth it to sell them for that high. He doesn't think it's a smart investment and feels it is morally wrong.

It isn't creating drama. Nobody has much of a problem with making money on a resell within reason. But when you are legit being one of the people to hoard and create artificial shortages, then turn to inflate the price by a ton - that becomes an issue. Many of us here (especially zilvia) have owned s-chassis for over half of our life. I certainly have. I care deeply for the cars and the 'japanese street style', '90s/ 2000' 'JDM tyte y0' whatever you want to call it scene. Drifting has been my strongest hobby for longer than I can remember. People legit killing it hurts. It also attracts people who just wish to use these cars for influence and making a quick buck, which in turn doesn't build the community that we enjoyed for much of the golden era. There use to be national meets, states had meets, cities (even mid teir cities) had good sized meets. What happened to all that? Oh yeah, most of us got tired of the annoying new dudes who came in with a hot head and didn't add much to the community. Awful.

Maybe I am just reaching ranting age, but yeah - for many of us, this has not been a pleasant transition. Again, nobody hates anyone making a few bucks if it is still an ok deal. I have made money on parts before, I have lost money before, and I have broken even before, but I am always fair in what I sell in my honest opinion. Doing it just to create profit is not my motive, and frankly anybody who uses the scene for such... kind of sucks.

This is so fucking spot on that I am legitimately in a better mood after reading it. Occasionally I try to make these points to the scalpers on FB marketplace but literally everyone on FB is a simp for price hikes. I could go on but you did it for me.

Mav, you're doing good. Like others have said, I don't see what drifter-M is stating applying to you at all.

06-25-2021, 06:56 AM
This is why I'm glad not to be a JDM fanboy.

Agreed. Don't get me wrong, I have some JDMcoolguyfanboi shit like ganadors and BN on my Silvia but other than that, it has shit I can physically call someone myself to get product. You won't ever catch me haggling on how much I'll spend for your glovebox cooler or NISMO ciggy cover. Y'all are dumb as fuck if you think that shit is cool. That's just me and you're entitled to your opinion but I don't see really anything wrong with what he's doing. The fact that someone went out of their way to make a thread about this shit is pretty sad and a waste of bandwidth. Then again, Corbic is the OP so it makes pretty logical sense. This means he was looking for an authentic NISMO flag or product to begin with which is pretty dumb. Buy some stock in Kleenex because you always cryin'.

06-25-2021, 08:06 AM
The issue isn't people buying and selling at market value to make a profit, its the people like Stephan Nismo on facebook or that other "JDM GOD" fuck head that got bullied off of zilvia that buy and price gouge the market praying on people who don't know better or don't care about money, which in turn drives up the whole market.

I understand as the years go on the parts are harder to source, which also in turn drives up the price. But Ganadors aren't exactly scarce, and the $1000 price increase in the last 3-5 years is insane. and don't even get me started on Blitz 03.

Unfortunately, this is just happening across the board and I think part of the reason is social media and how easy it is to access these things now. I'm heavily into pitbikes, and the same shit happens. One brand that doesn't exist anymore overnight becomes the hot brand, and suddenly everyone wants their parts, and used parts are insanely priced. Its just people being people.

06-25-2021, 08:12 AM
But Ganadors aren't exactly scarce, and the $1000 price increase in the last 3-5 years is insane. and don't even get me started on Blitz 03.

This is my standpoint as well. People be like "find another set" yet there's stock S-chassis, ganadors, Blitz, etc listed all the fucking time. It's all unnatural inflation started by just a few people deciding to ask outrageous prices and it spiraling out of control. Pretty much everything "we" are into has about doubled in the last 2-3 years. I don't think the supply or demand for these things has really changed significantly in that time.

06-25-2021, 09:53 AM
I think the problem is most of the people consider GKTech's ganadors because they're styled off the same thing. I've called people out on it and then stopped caring because if you're too uneducated to know the difference, then why should the seller be forced to educate you?

The market is determined by supply and demand. While people drive the price up, you should he thanking this kid. He's causing the price on these to plummet. Monkey see, monkey do in this world. When a price is listed, people use it as a frame of reference.

And the ganador thing was just a comparison and not really a unit which I find prized. When they break, I'll replace them with whatever I have on my shelf - EastBears and Bomex. I could honestly care less about market prices on stupid shit like flags - either should you.

06-25-2021, 10:28 AM
...no one said you suck?

He stated that a reasonable mark-up for time spent and services is totally understandable.

He was speculating that someone bought parts from you (for a decent price) and then marked them up.


No man, you are more than reasonable and I am happy to have done business with you a few times.

That's not all all what I was intending man. I am more leaning to scalpers like what Dorki and Dizzariot pointed out, not someone who brings good deals and is a LEGIT seller for sourcing this stuff.

Sorry if you took it that way. Happy with everything I have bought from you, you have offered MORE than fair pricing IMO.

Mav, you're doing good. Like others have said, I don't see what drifter-M is stating applying to you at all.

I'm only sourcing parts because 1) I know how to source them, and 2) I fully intend to do this as a way to supplement my income, i.e. I'm doing this entirely for profit.

I think what it ultimately comes down to is what is a good flip and what is a bad one... people can buy real estate, stock, or some other investment instrument, flip it for a large profit, and be perfectly with that, but for some reason when it comes to things we hold sentimental value to it somehow violates every moral code every car person has ever seen? Maybe I'm the minority here, but I don't see anything wrong with it.

That's what I was getting at. I have no interest in flipping parts, especially used parts, but I also don't care that people do it (as a hobby or as a source of income).

They can do whatever they want. I also don't understand why people pay absurd prices for sneakers, but I have a friend who bought a $700k house last year after cashing out ALL of his collection.

To each their own. I flipped this clutch for 3x what I paid for in ~2005 after sitting on it for 3 years:


As I tell every single person that wants to have a conversation about this, "caveat emptor".

P.S. If someone wants to buy parts from me and then resell, then they take the risk of that transaction. If the prices go up and there's enough money for a markup/flip, more power to them. The market can also collapse later this year and used parts pricing implode along with it, so any type of "flip" involves assuming risk on the part of the purchaser/investor. If we all have the power of hindsight, none of us would be here (or let Zilvia constantly die)

06-25-2021, 10:53 AM
...and don't even get me started on Blitz 03

most overhyped wheel ever... they werent even that popular back in 90s/early 00s when you could get em new. but since every S13 owner is on the "type x" hype train due to social media echo chambers, the Blitz 03 has become one of the staple wheels to pair with 180sx kouki aero.

whats funny is seeing all these young kids freak and out and talk shit about 326Power for making a near replica of the wheel. and its not just 240sx kids either that are losing their minds. i seriously love the guys who are like "REPLICAS KILL THE SCENE MAN! YOURE STEALING FROM THE ORIGINAL MANUFACTURER" when the original manufacturer has long since ceased production of the product thats being replicated. in this case, 326Power brought something back that, for the stance life scene, is far superior than the originals due to offsets offered. yeah, its a single piece wheel... who cares *twirls finger*. at least it was done correctly... unlike that brand that decided to make single piece Work VS-KF replicas and just failed miserably at it.

06-25-2021, 10:56 AM
whats funny is seeing all these young kids freak and out and talk shit about 326Power for making a near replica of the wheel.

Even funnier is why none of the folks into social justice talk shit about 326 Power (as a brand name)....

It literally is White Power. 326 is the paint code on my car.

06-25-2021, 11:09 AM
There's nothing wrong with selling parts at a profit, but some of these price gouges are just plain hilarious.

Anyone interested in a s14 kouki wing? Was ripped off a car before shipped overnight from Japan.

Or a used s14 grill for $800?

I'm genuinely interested in how these prices are decided. Thinking about selling my authentic nismo s14 side skirts for....fuck it, $4,000 lol


06-25-2021, 11:52 AM
People can ask whatever they want for things. It's a matter of what you buy them for/what they sell for is the other side to that coin.

Y'all real mad over dumb shit. Blitz 03's are not ugly and just like anything, they're 'cool' again because some people dig the style and a specific someone runs them on his pro car. Supply and demand at it's core. If you're mad what they're selling for but you also think they're ugly, you're bitching just to bitch. No one really cares about your opinion. If they're overpriced, smart people won't buy them. If someone buys them to look cool like the driver and car on their iPhone wallpaper, why does that matter to you? You're not invested, you have nothing to lose or gain.

Replicate all the shit y'all want. If you make a living at it, who cares. It's called business. Ask Dorki. He makes replicas and does it so well that he can go out and buy all the cool real shit for his fancy cool car.

06-25-2021, 12:16 PM
Before anything else, I see some posters are stuck on Corbic's use of the flag: banner as an example. I do not read his mind, but I suspect his main issue is with the verbiage - not the actual producing and selling of a no longer created banner for a relatively normal price. I agree with him on that, and I will also say I don't think there is anything wrong with the reproduction of stuff like that.

People can ask whatever they want for things. It's a matter of what you buy them for/what they sell for is the other side to that coin.

Y'all real mad over dumb shit. Blitz 03's are not ugly and just like anything, they're 'cool' again because some people dig the style and a specific someone runs them on his pro car. Supply and demand at it's core. If you're mad what they're selling for but you also think they're ugly, you're bitching just to bitch. No one really cares about your opinion. If they're overpriced, smart people won't buy them. If someone buys them to look cool like the driver and car on their iPhone wallpaper, why does that matter to you? You're not invested, you have nothing to lose or gain.

Replicate all the shit y'all want. If you make a living at it, who cares. It's called business. Ask Dorki. He makes replicas and does it so well that he can go out and buy all the cool real shit for his fancy cool car.

I don't see a ton of people ?really mad? man, I know you are hyper opinionated at times, but I think it's reaching here. No disrespect at all, but yeah - I certainly am not ?mad?, just know that inflation in a market is never a good thing, especially the hyper, created kind. On top of that, again, I truly care about the scene. I want it to survive for the next generations and making it harder and harder isn't something I am fond of. Again, simply reference Juicebox's new series ?Japan in a Van? when they do the civic episode (ep. 3). The youth mention how hard it is with rising prices for the next wave to get into cars. Then people here complain about how the scene is dying in Japan (and frankly everywhere), but if you are one of the people contributing to that it is hard to really... complain about it? Yeah?

There's nothing wrong with selling parts at a profit, but some of these price gouges are just plain hilarious.

Anyone interested in a s14 kouki wing? Was ripped off a car before shipped overnight from Japan.

Or a used s14 grill for $800?

I'm genuinely interested in how these prices are decided. Thinking about selling my authentic nismo s14 side skirts for....fuck it, $4,000 lol


That's my stance. Nothing wrong with making money from it. That?s not the argument.

most overhyped wheel ever... they werent even that popular back in 90s/early 00s when you could get them new. but since every S13 owner is on the "type x" hype train due to social media echo chambers, the Blitz 03 has become one of the staple wheels to pair with 180sx kouki aero.

whats funny is seeing all these young kids freak and out and talk shit about 326Power for making a near replica of the wheel. and its not just 240sx kids either that are losing their minds. i seriously love the guys who are like "REPLICAS KILL THE SCENE MAN! YOURE STEALING FROM THE ORIGINAL MANUFACTURER" when the original manufacturer has long since ceased production of the product thats being replicated. in this case, 326Power brought something back that, for the stance life scene, is far superior than the originals due to offsets offered. yeah, its a single piece wheel... who cares *twirls finger*. at least it was done correctly... unlike that brand that decided to make single piece Work VS-KF replicas and just failed miserably at it.

Man I say the same stuff. The 03 has always been a wheel I loved (for 15+ years), but it isn't some crazy design worthy of such crazy prices. 326 is getting heat now, but they have had the 'gangsta' for a long time before the ghost which is clearly an alternative version of the 03 too. It's perfectly fine, as you pointed out - Blitz has long stopped production anyway, who cares? On top of that, these kids calling 326 a rep company :facepalm:

I'm only sourcing parts because 1) I know how to source them, and 2) I fully intend to do this as a way to supplement my income, i.e. I'm doing this entirely for profit.

I think what it ultimately comes down to is what is a good flip and what is a bad one... people can buy real estate, stock, or some other investment instrument, flip it for a large profit, and be perfectly with that, but for some reason when it comes to things we hold sentimental value to it somehow violates every moral code every car person has ever seen? Maybe I'm the minority here, but I don't see anything wrong with it.

That's what I was getting at. I have no interest in flipping parts, especially used parts, but I also don't care that people do it (as a hobby or as a source of income).

They can do whatever they want. I also don't understand why people pay absurd prices for sneakers, but I have a friend who bought a $700k house last year after cashing out ALL of his collection.

To each their own. I flipped this clutch for 3x what I paid for in ~2005 after sitting on it for 3 years:


As I tell every single person that wants to have a conversation about this, "caveat emptor".

P.S. If someone wants to buy parts from me and then resell, then they take the risk of that transaction. If the prices go up and there's enough money for a markup/flip, more power to them. The market can also collapse later this year and used parts pricing implode along with it, so any type of "flip" involves assuming risk on the part of the purchaser/investor. If we all have the power of hindsight, none of us would be here (or let Zilvia constantly die)

Hey man, I have nothing much else to add. Your pricing is fair. You aren't the type I was referring too. I have ZERO problem making money, zero. I just don't like hyper inflation killing something I like, and I have never ever seen you do that in years of being here. Nothing I have said was targeted at you, as we have discussed in PM - it isn't making a profit that is bad IMO, it's the way it is conducted and how. You are awesome, most here agree with that - and I am very thankful for the deals you have given over time.


06-25-2021, 12:58 PM
I never said you were but the fact this post even exists, someone is big mad. Who gives a shit what he uses for his title. Y'all sitting here complaining how her terms his for sale post but okay that he's selling replica products. He's using the keyword algorithm to his benefit. Obviously it's working because he found it. For every triggered kid with a hard on for ugly ass OEM valences, you get a hundred others that can see past the fucking keywords and just purchased it anyways.

And how is it HARD to get into cars? Sure, the chassis is overpriced but the aftermarket support companies are literally multiplying. That doesn't HURT but HELP the community. Just because the new age isn't going to be able to obtain a S13, it doesn't mean the 350Z's and BRZ/FRS's won't be financially obtainable. And guess what... those aftermarket companies are multiplying, too. Our chassis of choice is antique now. Just like all sought out antiques, the prices rise in time. On top of that, supply and demand will also cause the price to rise.

I feel like some of you don't really understand how shit works and would rather watch a full-length movie or series about someone in a different country than just opening your eyes. Why do you think so many damn people are sliding BMWs and 350Z's now? Apparently they're smarter than some pleb overseas driving around claiming the car scene is dying. The car scene isn't dying - the motivation for the next generation to get off their dicks and get a job to fuel their hobby is what is dying.

I can literally go on for days but to sum it up, stop being such mad, bruh.

06-25-2021, 01:24 PM
If people selected parts for quality and performance vs. hype and style then we wouldn't be having this discussion. The problem is the culture that promotes this not the scammers flippers etc. and all this is based on people needing attention and needing to be internet famous rather than doing what they want to do and actually being creative with their own cars. More people need to be doing their own thing, making their own products, and figuring out creative solutions to keeping these older cars on the road.

06-25-2021, 01:33 PM
I want to believe that some of these guys peddling their JDM shit for absurd prices are to blame for all these price-hikes we are seeing, but the same thing is happening in many other hobbies/communities/"scenes". Pokemon cards are going for crazy prices these days and it's the same type of hustleboi's that are selling that stuff. Prices for off-road/overland type vehicles have gone up tremendously also. It's like everyone was sitting on their asses for the past year collecting checks and realized they needed to get into a hobby.

06-25-2021, 02:55 PM
I never said you were but the fact this post even exists, someone is big mad. Who gives a shit what he uses for his title. Y'all sitting here complaining how her terms his for sale post but okay that he's selling replica products. He's using the keyword algorithm to his benefit. Obviously it's working because he found it. For every triggered kid with a hard on for ugly ass OEM valences, you get a hundred others that can see past the fucking keywords and just purchased it anyways.

And how is it HARD to get into cars? Sure, the chassis is overpriced but the aftermarket support companies are literally multiplying. That doesn't HURT but HELP the community. Just because the new age isn't going to be able to obtain a S13, it doesn't mean the 350Z's and BRZ/FRS's won't be financially obtainable. And guess what... those aftermarket companies are multiplying, too. Our chassis of choice is antique now. Just like all sought out antiques, the prices rise in time. On top of that, supply and demand will also cause the price to rise.

I feel like some of you don't really understand how shit works and would rather watch a full-length movie or series about someone in a different country than just opening your eyes. Why do you think so many damn people are sliding BMWs and 350Z's now? Apparently they're smarter than some pleb overseas driving around claiming the car scene is dying. The car scene isn't dying - the motivation for the next generation to get off their dicks and get a job to fuel their hobby is what is dying.

I can literally go on for days but to sum it up, stop being such mad, bruh.

Specifically speaking to drifting an s-chassis, there isn't a future for the youth. I know you counter with "big picture" of z's, gt86, etc. - but that doesn't replicate what this is. Even if you take my love an ownership of s-chassis out of the equation (basically, 17 years of my life, even longer if you include my sisters hatch when I was in elementary that caused me to fall in love with s-chassis in the first place) drifting itself won't be around in part due to that. The 80s/90s/early 00 had a plethora of chassis. Not even naming obscure or rare cars (like the z32, fb rx7, etc.) you had; 180sx, s13, s14, s15, c33, c34, c35, jzx (x3), soarer, supra, fc rx7, fd rx7, r32, r33, r34, etc. etc.

Many, many chassis to fill the void. The argument that "it isn't hard to get into for the future" while likely only naming the 2 chassis that can hold the budget youth isn't really a realistic goal. There are far less fish in the sea.

This is, without a doubt, simply my bias and love for the art. Period. I realize that, and not everyone has views that align with mine. I wasn’t drifting to be around for the next gen, so when damage is done to the sport especially with disregard for the future of it, I am not a fan.

That's all.

All love though. Just happy with still have Zilvia to argue and discuss this stuff. Love this place.

06-25-2021, 05:04 PM
Whoa lol. So many replies. I don't wanna quote a bunch of shit so here's my bullets:

1.) Selling shit as authentic when it isn't is whack.

2.) Selling replica shit marketed as such is fine, albeit depending on what you're willing to buy replica. OEM aero requires no trimming, that's my stance on that.

3.) I hear what Supa is saying, but I still think that this idea of 'why you mad, you shouldn't care' allows this shit to spread...a la cancer.

Yeah the price mark up is dumb on shit I don't want to buy...but I've also added shit to that list that I wanted to buy in the past. I used to 'kind of' want Nismo clusters for the S15s and I thought I could always get them at some point. Now look at them lol.

That's also another great point: these are not 'businessmen' that are doing this. They are like vultures that are picking at some carcass but have decided to go from scavenger to predator. What I mean is they feast on the current market and hyper-inflate the one that's about 4yrs down the road. S15 aero bumpers are $4k dude. Four. Fucking. Grand.

To each their own. I flipped this clutch for 3x what I paid for in ~2005 after sitting on it for 3 years:

Brother do you not understand that that is total understandable. Same thing can be said for guys with the aforementioned Blitz03s. If you have had things for a long time and are selling them at the current price trend I really don't think anyone would care. We also understand that your prices from Nissan seem to be fair and you (of course) deserve to make a profit for the service you provide those that are in the US. No one expects you to do it for charity.

Nizmopartsplug selling recently (within the last year) purchased BNIB S15 valences from Japan for $1750 isn't the same thing. The pandering about how they are trying to help the community makes it a tougher pill to swallow.

Just happy with still have Zilvia to argue and discuss this stuff. Love this place.

Yeah exactly lol. I'm pretty much only discussing this shit here and with two people IRL that are also affected by this shit.

06-25-2021, 05:18 PM
There's nothing wrong with selling parts at a profit, but some of these price gouges are just plain hilarious.

Anyone interested in a s14 kouki wing? Was ripped off a car before shipped overnight from Japan.

Or a used s14 grill for $800?

I'm genuinely interested in how these prices are decided. Thinking about selling my authentic nismo s14 side skirts for....fuck it, $4,000 lol

Dude YEAH. Look up S13 Silvia grilles. They are going for $200, $500, and $1200 and there seems to be ZERO fucking rhyme or reason. They aren't even all shitty or all great...there is no fucking consistency. They see what's happened with the R32s and their other 'hero cars' and they over-anticipate.

06-25-2021, 11:54 PM
Brother do you not understand that that is total understandable. Same thing can be said for guys with the aforementioned Blitz03s. If you have had things for a long time and are selling them at the current price trend I really don't think anyone would care. We also understand that your prices from Nissan seem to be fair and you (of course) deserve to make a profit for the service you provide those that are in the US. No one expects you to do it for charity.

Nizmopartsplug selling recently (within the last year) purchased BNIB S15 valences from Japan for $1750 isn't the same thing. The pandering about how they are trying to help the community makes it a tougher pill to swallow.

To me, it's the same thing. I bought the clutch kit fully intending on selling it for a profit, and I had no intention of giving it to a friend for dirt cheap.

I think we're splitting hairs at this point, most view some of the sellers out there as shady, others (like me) just see it as people being opportunistic.

I think bottom line is, just don't live or pretend like this car is some bubble we need to protect. It's an aging chassis with lots of parts formerly available, but like most things Nissan the weird positioning of the car (entry level, cheap, lots of variants overseas) created this weird market of low cost parts that we were just enjoying for 20 years.

20 years later, some of us still hold on to the value proposition.

Dude YEAH. Look up S13 Silvia grilles. They are going for $200, $500, and $1200 and there seems to be ZERO fucking rhyme or reason. They aren't even all shitty or all great...there is no fucking consistency. They see what's happened with the R32s and their other 'hero cars' and they over-anticipate.

Ironically I was selling the small letter grille for $60 on the list of parts I was bringing in. Brand new.

Had the pandemic not torpedo'd my plans, I actually had about 300+ on order. Oh well.

06-26-2021, 12:18 PM
Whatever - you whiners parted out all the cars. Wish I could get a counterfeit unmolested s13.

06-26-2021, 04:05 PM
Reading this is AIDS. Please refer to my previous post.

You should be hype the kid is making knock off shit regardless how it markets it to the millennials. Now you can hang an old logo NISMO flag in your car and tell your nephews how cool the old days were. I unfortunately had to say nephews because no woman/man [because we can't be judgy in todays' day in age and I couldn't possibly handle any more negative rep... or can I?] could possibly stand someone more dramatic than they.

06-28-2021, 07:46 AM
The other part of the problem is those that continue to pay these ridiculous prices...boycott them and watch pricing fall! I keep saying this along with the issues with the current job market and hostile work environments...staying enables these people and the continued support of these businesses allows it to continue to happen...

06-28-2021, 08:18 AM
I'm still fully on board with Drifter-M and dizza. Clearly forced inflation can't just be written off as CAR DUN BE OLD.

06-28-2021, 09:08 AM
There are differences on how you flip parts:

If you're transparent and forthcoming selling your parts at reasonable prices that follow the natural appreciation curve of a market over time, that's ok.

If you're attempting to manipulate the market by selling used/damaged items that could be purchased new for the same price or less that's tacky and you suck.

06-28-2021, 09:26 AM
Boycott what? You weren't going to buy it anyways. You're pretty open about that. You also have no power to stop others from purchasing so what great work are you really doing?

Let the kid make money. Instead of getting all sadboi and contemplating self-harm, maybe next time you can just keep scrolling or block the person/advertisement. It really takes less time and this way, no one has to publicly pick apart how dumb you are. I admit that it's fun but I don't always want to be the bad guy. I do help quite a bit of people here but sometimes seeing shit like this post... sheesh.

06-28-2021, 09:49 AM
^In our old age it's just fun to bitch sometimes. "I want to speak to the manager" in the 240 world is "OMG price rape-I bought this 10 years ago for way cheaper"

What I want to know if who is buying all this stuff at these inflated prices? Who tf is swiping away $4k for a s15 aero bumper? Surely they aren't the typical original 240 owners.. lol

06-28-2021, 10:18 AM
^ There is a thread for that already, though. You can bitch and get negative rep there instead of starting a new thread to do the same shit. That's all I'm really saying.

Most of us intelligent guys see stupid shit, laugh to ourselves and move on.

06-28-2021, 05:48 PM
I've been watching adam lz compound videos recently because Im jealous and its a sick property and in one of them I remember him mentioning he has 6-8 full sets of Blitz 03s.

06-28-2021, 10:53 PM
I'm still fully on board with Drifter-M and dizza. Clearly forced inflation can't just be written off as CAR DUN BE OLD.

CAR DUN BE OLD results in a bell curve of availability. The price will always be higher than it is now. Much higher.

06-29-2021, 06:42 AM
I've been watching adam lz compound videos recently because Im jealous and its a sick property and in one of them I remember him mentioning he has 6-8 full sets of Blitz 03s.

Stoked for his new place. Normally I'm not huge on dudes who are in it for the e-clout but I've been tuning into the FD-specific material and he seems much more humble and less ignorant kid. It's refreshing to watch a new attitude. I don't watch all the other shit he does so I can be completely wrong but whatevs.

Plus I will admit that he has the best livery in all of FD. That Jap-styling just does it for me.

06-29-2021, 12:12 PM
I like the fact Adam comes off as a genuine enthusiast and not just "look at my 2 Jay ZZZ bro!!"

06-29-2021, 01:53 PM
Pretty much everything "we" are into has about doubled in the last 2-3 years. I don't think the supply or demand for these things has really changed significantly in that time.

i think it may have gone up a bit now that the 12 year old adam lz fanboys are now 17 and can drive, but even then it doesnt justify 8k for a rusty ka car. at that point id just go buy an frs. theres a flipside too of maybe we werent asking enough 2-3 years ago but we wont go there.

i have no issue with rep flags, horn buttons, weird accessory shit like that, just don't advertise it as real or rare, seats and wheels are a different story imo. hot take here and not trying to sound like an sjw (gonna sound like one) but its disrespectful to buy something off yaj or crooober and let it sit on your shelf, someone in japan probably wanted that too. so to do that is a form of cultural appropriation because like it or not America has directly and drastically impacted the market in japan, even more so if you do it just to resell.
TLDR; if your gonna import shit at least make a cool car.

edit-holy shit i missed a whole page of shit show. i said what i said.

06-29-2021, 03:00 PM
Meh. Anyone watching rich kids build cars needs to go outside and play with their own car more. I barely drive mine, but I still won't watch LZ or that fuckwit SAMMIT.

Anyways, the point I'm trying to make has been missed. If you ignore the hype around some shit you don't like, it will eventually seep into the shit you do like. Ignore someone selling old logo Nismo shit for absurd prices because 'not my prob bro' and a year later when you can't get fucking door gaskets because some cunt in NJ is stockpiling them in his Mom's garage, well, that's kind of your fault for taking a backseat.

06-30-2021, 06:42 AM
Meh. Anyone watching rich kids build cars needs to go outside and play with their own car more. I barely drive mine, but I still won't watch LZ or that fuckwit SAMMIT.

Anyways, the point I'm trying to make has been missed. If you ignore the hype around some shit you don't like, it will eventually seep into the shit you do like. Ignore someone selling old logo Nismo shit for absurd prices because 'not my prob bro' and a year later when you can't get fucking door gaskets because some cunt in NJ is stockpiling them in his Mom's garage, well, that's kind of your fault for taking a backseat.

I haven't watched SAMMIT for years. When he started, he wasn't that bad. I was more interested with him learning the Japanese culture than the car shit honestly. He just so happened to have a car. Then he did some wild shit and I was all set.

Anywho, I'm a 'buy the dip' kind of person. When I see shit that I will definitely need or even potentially need in the future, I buy it and put it on the shelf. This is what parts departments do around the world in every industry and not a frowned upon practice. If I don't end up using it, I sell it off. I don't stockpile but being prepared is smart. Paying three times more and spending a week to find something when you need it in a pinch is ass and I refuse to stress over silly things. I have two sets of gaskets for pretty much all the cars I give a shit about [R32, Silvia S14a and JZX90] and when things are scarce or going to stop being made, I will get some stuff for my missiles [Z33's] and have those too. Being prepared shouldn't be a bad thing.

06-30-2021, 01:07 PM
..and a year later when you can't get fucking door gaskets because some cunt in NJ is stockpiling them in his Mom's garage, well, that's kind of your fault for taking a backseat.

Unfortunately I don't what you can do to prevent this from happening. A lot of parts for our cars are and are continuing to be discontinued with very little used replacement available. Even I feel a bit stressed over how I'm going to replace certain parts like the window and door weatherstripping on my s14.

If I don't end up using it, I sell it off.

..but do you attempt to manipulate the market by pulling an astronomical number out of your ass for the parts? That's the main thing that annoys me with the flippers. Then if you call them out on their price you get told that you're broke and a hater lol. I don't have a problem with the hoarding of parts as that's just a natural reaction to our dwindling supply of OEM replacements.

06-30-2021, 01:13 PM
Yes. I've been through that song and dance and then I just wait. If I'm not willing to spend that much - and I'm generally willing to pay higher end if it calls for it in the specific situation - then I know no one is. If some moron pays for it, it wasn't meant to be. If the price drops to a point where I will be willing, then I'll do that. They can call me whatever they want until they realize they are the ones that have their funds tied up into something and they haven't made shit until it sells. Tying funds up into something for that long, dealing with messages and all the time wasted generally equates to less than minimum wage when you factor it out.

Long story short, it isn't worth the time to do what they do unless the item is insanely highly sought out after or they bag a moron to pay close to asking.

06-30-2021, 03:19 PM
Anywho, I'm a 'buy the dip' kind of person. When I see shit that I will definitely need or even potentially need in the future, I buy it and put it on the shelf. This is what parts departments do around the world in every industry and not a frowned upon practice. If I don't end up using it, I sell it off. I don't stockpile but being prepared is smart. Paying three times more and spending a week to find something when you need it in a pinch is ass and I refuse to stress over silly things. I have two sets of gaskets for pretty much all the cars I give a shit about [R32, Silvia S14a and JZX90] and when things are scarce or going to stop being made, I will get some stuff for my missiles [Z33's] and have those too. Being prepared shouldn't be a bad thing.

Yeah this is what I do in most cases, typically with maintenance shit. I'm at the point where I'm going through my parts collection and selling anything that isn't Nissan/Nismo. I want more funds for maintenance shit. I don't think anyne would knock us for this because we're not flipping. Even if/when I do sell, I always shave some off the 'current price' for said part.

Unfortunately I]Even I feel a bit stressed over how I'm going to replace certain parts like the window and door weatherstripping on my s14.

..but do you attempt to manipulate the market by pulling an astronomical number out of your ass for the parts? That's the main thing that annoys me with the flippers. Then if you call them out on their price you get told that you're broke and a hater lol. I don't have a problem with the hoarding of parts as that's just a natural reaction to our dwindling supply of OEM replacements.

Yeah man this is when you should take a page out of Supa's book and buy the parts now, cry about it later. I've been buying shit and crying about it lol.

The 'hater/broke' shit is always the marque of someone who:

a.) Has little to no money and is trying to overprice parts in an effort to avoid a steady job

b.) Has a great understanding of money and wants to showboat to the 'kids' so they can do their dirty work for them.

It's basically the laziest defense against actual criticism lol.

07-01-2021, 07:57 AM
So, we've circled back to the grumpy old men thread.

07-01-2021, 09:50 AM
So, we've circled back to the grumpy old men thread.

you say it like its a bad thing lol :tardrim:

07-01-2021, 12:01 PM
So, we've circled back to the grumpy old men thread.

I think I mentioned this on the first page. Unfortunately, people would rather just make a new thread so they can feel wanted and valuable.

07-01-2021, 02:00 PM
I mean, fuck my thread right. Corbic is like my Mr. Numbus albeit with a smaller bulge.

07-01-2021, 02:17 PM
Old grumpy assholes complaining about redundant old grumpy asshole threads

07-02-2021, 06:38 AM
Mods, close this shit and ban OP. We need a display of force for threads like this.

07-02-2021, 11:25 AM
Boycott or not the facts are simple, as long as people are willing to pay there will always be willing sellers.

Like S13 Silvia small letter grilles (for SR engine). As part of the list of items I'm bringing in, I was offering them at $60 each, new. Hardly anyone was interested and I probably presold ~5 of them. Subsequently Nissan flagged the rest of the parts as stop production...

Meanwhile, someone is selling used for $250+.

That's just how the market is. We can keep up this endless debate of who should do what, or just live with it and move on.

I like how OP is now radio silent after starting the thread... not sure why. He also started a thread about how Nismo parts are a scam, and went radio silent after I pointed out the cost structure of the parts.

Feels like 2000s forums all over again.

07-02-2021, 11:45 AM
^So why don't you take advantage of those buyers?

Corbic is probably on mustang forums right now, he'll be back.

07-02-2021, 12:20 PM
It explains why he is here complaining. He's tired of being bullied for his shitty automotive-related decisions and lack of understanding on how the business model is put into effect in private and public sales.

07-02-2021, 01:50 PM
Just don't buy the crap. $2500 ganadors (https://www.ebay.com/itm/304039687205?hash=item46ca2d7425:g:RHMAAOSwDHFgz7X I), $400 nismo cup holders (https://www.ebay.com/itm/274850099795?hash=item3ffe57b253%3Ag%3AJ4UAAOSwBvB g2ymw&LH_ItemCondition=4), $2000 louvers (https://www.ebay.com/itm/333948572385?hash=item4dc0e2d2e1%3Ag%3AZCgAAOSwJch gbCUz&LH_ItemCondition=4).. some of it is cool shit, but just LoL and scroll.

07-02-2021, 02:12 PM
I can sell ganadors for that now? I might just pull them off of every car I own then.

07-03-2021, 02:50 AM
If you guys look up, you'll see the point flying over your heads.

07-04-2021, 04:08 PM
^So why don't you take advantage of those buyers?

Because I'm after a sustainable business model, not a quick buck.

If I'm after a quick buck I wouldn't have bothered getting back into this business, I could've cashed out all my stock proceeds from last year.

People forget that selling a set or selling 5 sets of Blitz 03s for $2-4k profit is great, but it just means you'll constantly run out of things to sell. Discontinued and otherwise hard to find parts are great for a collector or someone trading/reselling used parts, but the value is only as high as the market thinks it is, and all you need is for a mishap to happen to destroy all the value in your inventory.

07-06-2021, 06:48 AM
Because I'm after a sustainable business model, not a quick buck.

If I'm after a quick buck I wouldn't have bothered getting back into this business, I could've cashed out all my stock proceeds from last year.

People forget that selling a set or selling 5 sets of Blitz 03s for $2-4k profit is great, but it just means you'll constantly run out of things to sell. Discontinued and otherwise hard to find parts are great for a collector or someone trading/reselling used parts, but the value is only as high as the market thinks it is, and all you need is for a mishap to happen to destroy all the value in your inventory.

A man who knows business. Finally.

07-06-2021, 08:53 AM
Because I'm after a sustainable business model, not a quick buck.

If I'm after a quick buck I wouldn't have bothered getting back into this business, I could've cashed out all my stock proceeds from last year.

People forget that selling a set or selling 5 sets of Blitz 03s for $2-4k profit is great, but it just means you'll constantly run out of things to sell. Discontinued and otherwise hard to find parts are great for a collector or someone trading/reselling used parts, but the value is only as high as the market thinks it is, and all you need is for a mishap to happen to destroy all the value in your inventory.

I'd argue that you can do both and it simply comes down to investments in marketing. Sure the wait is long and there's possible issues with availability and the up front cost to order the items, but you seem to take more of a supplier role than a direct consumer role. Someone already mentioned before that one of these hustlegangboi's will most likely flip your parts and you're ok with that? Not that I want to see your prices increase, but I'd rather see someone reap the full benefits of the market of the amount of risk taking that you mentioned in your other thread. Social media and ecommerce are just a few of the outlets these guys are utilizing to reach such people that are paying insane prices for used crap. These buyers most likely just don't know about you.

To your second point it's an apples to oranges comparison. You're dealing with actual suppliers producing new parts. The other dudes flipping Blitz 03 are dealing with discontinued items that they found on YAJ.

07-06-2021, 03:57 PM
I'd argue that you can do both and it simply comes down to investments in marketing. Sure the wait is long and there's possible issues with availability and the up front cost to order the items, but you seem to take more of a supplier role than a direct consumer role. Someone already mentioned before that one of these hustlegangboi's will most likely flip your parts and you're ok with that? Not that I want to see your prices increase, but I'd rather see someone reap the full benefits of the market of the amount of risk taking that you mentioned in your other thread. Social media and ecommerce are just a few of the outlets these guys are utilizing to reach such people that are paying insane prices for used crap. These buyers most likely just don't know about you.

To your second point it's an apples to oranges comparison. You're dealing with actual suppliers producing new parts. The other dudes flipping Blitz 03 are dealing with discontinued items that they found on YAJ.

If I wanted to throw myself out there, make my Facebook public, or my posts be viral and have the widest reach, I would've done that 10 years ago.

You're assuming that I *want* to do this and be one of those S-chassis influencers. I don't. I am doing this as a way of growing a side (or full time) business in a sustainable fashion, that does not involve undercutting everyone else or burning bridges. I've been in this business long enough to know how to undercut everyone, but I don't want to be just "another shop" selling parts.

I am also doing this in a fashion where I am essentially doing the work to be an exclusive supplier for these parts. If people want to resell for higher, that's not my problem, my only responsibility is to the customers that buy from me directly.

Plenty of people will hoard stuff and resell for a lot of profit later when the item is no longer produced, I'm not that type of person. If I were going to do that, I would've hoarded all the Nismo and big brand parts (ARC, etc) from before 2007 and sit on it for 10 years to resell... but again, that gets into a discussion of time value of money, which will never be the same value for two different people.

If I had that amount of money to invest into parts and sit on it, I'd just go back and reinvest into stocks after the next market correction. As it stands, I just want my first shipment of parts to safely arrive and make everyone that preordered something be satisfied with what they're getting after this long wait.

As for suppliers of new parts vs reselling of used parts, it's the same to me, because I have no exclusive contract with Nissan nor with any of their factories. I'm just as exposed as everyone else, the key difference is I'm sourcing parts until they can't be produced anymore. I'm not looking for 500-1000% gross margins, I'm more looking for 30-50% gross margins like a normal business and offset it by doing 20' or 40' FCL

Edit: and I'm perfectly fine with selling to a smaller customer base. I would rather people understand what I'm trying to do for them, instead of "hey can you get me this part at this lower price than everyone else, and faster?"

07-07-2021, 06:47 AM
I'd argue that you can do both and it simply comes down to investments in marketing. Sure the wait is long and there's possible issues with availability and the up front cost to order the items, but you seem to take more of a supplier role than a direct consumer role. Someone already mentioned before that one of these hustlegangboi's will most likely flip your parts and you're ok with that? Not that I want to see your prices increase, but I'd rather see someone reap the full benefits of the market of the amount of risk taking that you mentioned in your other thread. Social media and ecommerce are just a few of the outlets these guys are utilizing to reach such people that are paying insane prices for used crap. These buyers most likely just don't know about you.

To your second point it's an apples to oranges comparison. You're dealing with actual suppliers producing new parts. The other dudes flipping Blitz 03 are dealing with discontinued items that they found on YAJ.

It isn't about selling it for the biggest margin as Mav said, it's about the consistency. Nailing one big sale on a customer that will never return versus ten decent sales on customers that appreciate the time and effort is really the scenario. Sure, you can have a very limited item and absolutely demolish someone who buys it because they have no other choice. Or, you can be modest and next that that person needs something, you're the first call. This is business 101 - a model that most retail tries to stick to. Consistent sales, target profit margins, sought-after product. Mav is checking all the right boxes. Frankly, I'm not even sure how he even got dragged into this stupid thread that shouldn't have even been posted to begin with.

07-07-2021, 09:49 AM
Frankly, I'm not even sure how he even got dragged into this stupid thread that shouldn't have even been posted to begin with.

I let myself in by commenting about people flipping product for profit.

07-07-2021, 10:56 AM
I let myself in by commenting about people flipping product for profit.

Fair enough. I was far too lazy to go back and read all the whining.

07-07-2021, 01:14 PM
Sure, you can have a very limited item and absolutely demolish someone who buys it because they have no other choice. Or, you can be modest and next that that person needs something, you're the first call. This is business 101 - a model that most retail tries to stick to. Consistent sales, target profit margins, sought-after product.

This might apply to a very competitive market, but this is actually pretty unorthodox. The vast majority of companies that offer a unique product or service charge a significant markup for obvious reasons

Mav answered my questions and I'm not trying to tell him how to run his business..

07-07-2021, 03:50 PM
This might apply to a very competitive market, but this is actually pretty unorthodox. The vast majority of companies that offer a unique product or service charge a significant markup for obvious reasons

Mav answered my questions and I'm not trying to tell him how to run his business..

Unique product or service also implies that the product or service is produced exclusively by them and they own the rights to whatever they are selling.

Resellers (which I would be considered one) do not have such rights, so most are after maximum profit with the smallest amount of transactions.

Ironically, I'm already making a large enough margin to the point where it's worth it for me... but maybe me being unorthodox is the unique thing in the parts selling landscape.

Whatever. I always say "to each their own" and no different if you're flipping parts for 10% profit or 1000% profit.

07-08-2021, 02:42 PM
Yeah, I'm not flipping it for enough money.

My order of Nissan parts ($60k worth) just got the logistics sticker shock: Freight forwarder is quoting me $18000 to move my 20' container, instead of the ~$4000 when I started this last year. Just the cost to move the container, add on another $1200 for duties and $1-2k more for the port logistics.

That about wipes out all my profits and I might even lose money after all said and done.

Yeah, keep whining about flippers. People that flip (resell) product for profit take a risk.

To each their own.

07-08-2021, 06:48 PM
Now are the inflated container fees a result of covid and the giant backlog? I'm sure it's more complicated than that, but if it were boiled down...

07-08-2021, 07:45 PM
Yeah, I'm not flipping it for enough money.

My order of Nissan parts ($60k worth) just got the logistics sticker shock: Freight forwarder is quoting me $18000 to move my 20' container, instead of the ~$4000 when I started this last year. Just the cost to move the container, add on another $1200 for duties and $1-2k more for the port logistics.

That about wipes out all my profits and I might even lose money after all said and done.

Yeah, keep whining about flippers. People that flip (resell) product for profit take a risk.

To each their own.

We uh...we will?

I get it. You got a bad shake man...like really shitty. You are still defending LuckyLabo and YAJ vultures by comparing it to what you do. It is not the same. You are not the same.

In all honesty, I think you were just looking for an excuse to bitch, which is fine. We all do it on Zilvia.

You are not like the people we are 'whining' about but I think you wanted a reason to whinge about your circumstances. Again, I'm all for it because you legitimately got fucked due to COVID and logistics...but don't try to cheapen our concerns by saying you are the same as SJerin and LuckyLabo and then using that basis to tell everyone we're just not 'businessmen' like you guys. You are not part of 'you guys' even though you keep comparing yourself to them.


I'm sorry this shit happened to you, but stop comparing yourself to shit-tier IG boys doing this for 'parts clout'. I think you are undervaluing yourself by saying you're on the same level as these people.

Now are the inflated container fees a result of covid and the giant backlog? I'm sure it's more complicated than that, but if it were boiled down...

Probably. Storage fees, maybe inspection fees.

07-08-2021, 10:03 PM
Now are the inflated container fees a result of covid and the giant backlog? I'm sure it's more complicated than that, but if it were boiled down...

Just think of freight forwarders as travel agents.

A ship will carry 6000-12000 TEUs, most of those are booked by companies that do large volume of goods. Think of any company same size/larger than Target, give/take a few billion in revenue.

If I bring 2 containers a month, that's a lot of revenue for a small business. Most of the capacity is sold to companies that book perhaps 40-400+ containers on a single ship, so the onesies and twosies will be last on the consideration list.

Unless you want to pay extra. It's just like airlines, they will happily bump other passengers off the plane if someone wants to pay full price, and when they run out of capacity on a consistent basis, the fares start creeping up.

Edit: the fees are actually fairly consistent. Most of it is just regular ISF paperwork filing (per company/shipment), outbound customs inspection (if needed), outbound port loading, inbound port offloading, CBP fees/inspection (if necessary), and inland freight from port to destination. Only variables during this process are the actual ocean freight itself via ocean liner, the weight of the container (as it affects the port handling fees), as well as any duties. Duties are anywhere from 1 to 5%+ depending on category of goods and whether it's declared properly or not.

Before COVID-19, a typical 40' container might break down as the following from TYO to LGB:
$1000-1500 container movement --> this is the part that is inflated right now, running about 2-5x+ normal pricing. Shanghai to LGB is close to $15k for a 40', Vietnam to LGB is even crazier, $34k each container for a 40x 40' shipment leaving this week (that my freight forwarder gave me as a point of reference)
$2-400 for inland transport
$50-100ish ISF filing fee
$200-600+ each port loading/offloading (export port and import port will have different rates based on local labor costs, US ports tend to be highest due to union contracts)
add on another $100-500 in secondary fees for documents, declaration, etc.
Duties for new auto parts from Japan tend to be average about 3-4%, so a 40' valued at $75k will have about $4000 of duties.

Total cost to move a $75k 40' container is around ~$6000-8000, the target would be to have your freight be single digits vs your cost, ideally around 7% if possible for automotive stuff that is imported. This changes depending on value of goods as well as volume, so higher value items like computer components might have lower cost per unit.

Ultimately, each TEU (twenty foot equivalent unit aka 20' container) has a maximum weight, so when shipping raw material or even metal parts, there's only so much you can pack in each container. Probably the most expensive containers I've ever seen are $5-10M range for a single 40'

In all honesty, I think you were just looking for an excuse to bitch, which is fine. We all do it on Zilvia.

You are not like the people we are 'whining' about but I think you wanted a reason to whinge about your circumstances.

I didn't need a reason to whine about it, especially not this thread, I could've done it myself in my own FS thread.

The reason why I posted it here is because my situation illustrates the RISK every flipper/seller/importer/reseller/etc faces, there is an inherent risk in trying to procure parts to sell.

I can go on YaJ tomorrow and buy a bunch of parts to resell. Hell, I don't even have to do it myself, my friend in Japan can do it for me full time and undercut everyone else.

But much like every thing sold by every person looking for a profit, it's just a question of what profit margin they want for their time. Some are after maximum profit, others know how to buy rare/hard to find parts and flip for a profit, both are fine.

If I really wanted to complain, I would've done so 10+ years ago when the exchange rate was above 115-120 JPY to 1 USD, and everyone (and their mothers) stationed in Japan were shipping goods via USPS domestic mail from APO/FPO, at rates that no one else could touch.

every single Up Garage or other shop/store was raided to the point where there was nothing left. This went on for years, no one complained about it then, no one complains about it now.... even though that stuff was all subsidized by the US taxpayer. Ebay sellers were a dime a dozen before all this Facebook/Instagram/social media stuff.

Some people just know how to hustle. That's all.

But yes, I'm totally whining about my situation. When the Trump tariffs hit in 2017 my friend lost about $50M overnight bc she had about 40 containers inbound from overseas. That wiped out about 10 years of profits in her industry.

These are all risks anyone buying from overseas and selling takes. I'm 100% for flippers as long as they sell what they claim to be selling.

07-08-2021, 10:23 PM
^I like this guy

07-08-2021, 11:58 PM
The reason why I posted it here is because my situation illustrates the RISK every flipper/seller/importer/reseller/etc faces, there is an inherent risk in trying to procure parts to sell.

I can go on YaJ tomorrow and buy a bunch of parts to resell. Hell, I don't even have to do it myself, my friend in Japan can do it for me full time and undercut everyone else.

But much like every thing sold by every person looking for a profit, it's just a question of what profit margin they want for their time. Some are after maximum profit, others know how to buy rare/hard to find parts and flip for a profit, both are fine.

If I really wanted to complain, I would've done so 10+ years ago when the exchange rate was above 115-120 JPY to 1 USD, and everyone (and their mothers) stationed in Japan were shipping goods via USPS domestic mail from APO/FPO, at rates that no one else could touch.

every single Up Garage or other shop/store was raided to the point where there was nothing left. This went on for years, no one complained about it then, no one complains about it now.... even though that stuff was all subsidized by the US taxpayer. Ebay sellers were a dime a dozen before all this Facebook/Instagram/social media stuff.

Some people just know how to hustle. That's all.

You buying parts via Nissan is not the same as someone using Streeter, buyee, or Crooober. I get the point you're making, but you investing in a container with the risk of it being delayed, pulled and expected, or having COVID happen isn't the same.

Selling stuff as a business via FPO is not authorized. I have been asked (when sourcing parts for friends) at the post office if I am a business. If your (strange) argument was that they were tanking the market, shouldn't you respect them for 'knowing how to hustle'?

Everyone was/is complaining about Crooober/UpGarage.

For the thousandth time: you are putting these dudes on the same level as you. They are not. They do not have containers with BNIB parts from the factory or a legitimate business, let alone a contact at any of these companies. Do you understand my point?

I'm not using the word 'whine' disparagingly. I was using the same word you used to define this thread lol.

07-09-2021, 05:48 AM
mav still seems to be hell bent on beating himself down to Sjerin's level because that's what happens when you simp for capitalism.

07-09-2021, 07:23 AM
I'm more impressed that this thread has evolved into something completely different and arguably even more toxic. Well done.

07-09-2021, 09:24 AM
The reason why I posted it here is because my situation illustrates the RISK every flipper/seller/importer/reseller/etc faces, there is an inherent risk in trying to procure parts to sell.

Of course there's risk involved, no one said otherwise. The major difference between you and the other guys is that you offer a unique product/service in procuring factory Nissan parts instead of selling used JDM parts for prices based on hype and flame emoji's. That's really unfortunate with the price hikes on the container. Maybe you can wait until it gets cheaper or you find another service? I don't think you are locked in to any ETA last time I checked..

07-09-2021, 09:35 AM
Of course there's risk involved, no one said otherwise. The major difference between you and the other guys is that you offer a unique product/service in procuring factory Nissan parts instead of selling used JDM parts for prices based on hype and flame emoji's. That's really unfortunate with the price hikes on the container. Maybe you can wait until it gets cheaper or you find another service? I don't think you are locked in to any ETA last time I checked..

His service isn't unique. There are plenty of people who can sell you and fulfill an order on NISMO shit. Mav just happens to be the DunderMifflin of the parts world. He has customer service, honesty and transparency working in his corner. If I had a need to purchase anything that I knew he carried, he'd get my business. I don't even price shop. No need to. The benefits of everything else outweighs saving $6.29 post-tax.

07-09-2021, 09:42 AM
His service isn't unique. There are plenty of people who can sell you and fulfill an order on NISMO shit. Mav just happens to be the DunderMifflin of the parts world. He has customer service, honesty and transparency working in his corner. If I had a need to purchase anything that I knew he carried, he'd get my business. I don't even price shop. No need to. The benefits of everything else outweighs saving $6.29 post-tax.

Tell me where I can get brand new Euro-spec kouki s14 headlights BNIB anywhere else. To my knowledge these aren't an "add to cart" type of transaction and require someone with some connections. He may not be 1/1 million, but what he offers is pretty unique imo.

07-09-2021, 10:07 AM
You could have asked me. I have three pairs that came with my Euro-spec S14a.

Still have a full kit left, too.

07-09-2021, 10:11 AM
You could have asked me. I have three pairs that came with my Euro-spec S14a.

Still have a full kit left, too.

well shit, that was a bad example lmao

I haven't seen anyone else offer the items on his spreadsheet from Nissan is what I meant.

07-09-2021, 11:05 AM
I don't think telling someone they are comparing themselves to shitbags when they are not a shitbag is toxic. I think it's wholesome Zilvia content.

07-09-2021, 11:38 AM
We're complimenting someone in the most toxic way possible #zilvia

07-09-2021, 05:45 PM
You buying parts via Nissan is not the same as someone using Streeter, buyee, or Crooober. I get the point you're making, but you investing in a container with the risk of it being delayed, pulled and expected, or having COVID happen isn't the same.

Selling stuff as a business via FPO is not authorized. I have been asked (when sourcing parts for friends) at the post office if I am a business. If your (strange) argument was that they were tanking the market, shouldn't you respect them for 'knowing how to hustle'?

Everyone was/is complaining about Crooober/UpGarage.

For the thousandth time: you are putting these dudes on the same level as you. They are not. They do not have containers with BNIB parts from the factory or a legitimate business, let alone a contact at any of these companies. Do you understand my point?

Actually that's where you and I differ on opinion.

Anyone that fronts money to buy something, to sell a month later or a year later is doing the same thing, putting money out there to procure goods and resell for a profit.

I've seen plenty of people ship from overseas post office, I've been the receiver of probably 2 dozen purchases prior to about 2006, all from APO/FPO address via Ebay. Whether it's legal or not isn't the issue, I bring it up because I am just listing what I would've spent my time complaining about if I were to make a list of things to complain about regarding scams and flippers.

As for me putting myself on whatever flipper's level... see my first point above. People can be a legitimate seller and not have a resale permit. People can part out cars for a hefty profit and not report any of that income properly. Almost every person has done that, so are we to broadly label those that don't report income in a legitimate manner as people that are untrustworthy or otherwise a scammer/flipper, according to this thread? Most states in the US require you to report *any* type of personal sales as income, but most people don't bother to report this if it's a cash transaction.

My point is this: you front the cash, you can do whatever you want. Who cares. That's my point.

mav still seems to be hell bent on beating himself down to Sjerin's level because that's what happens when you simp for capitalism.

See above. If you want to think of me "beating" down to some level that I'm not even aware of, then that is your opinion.

Of course there's risk involved, no one said otherwise. The major difference between you and the other guys is that you offer a unique product/service in procuring factory Nissan parts instead of selling used JDM parts for prices based on hype and flame emoji's. That's really unfortunate with the price hikes on the container. Maybe you can wait until it gets cheaper or you find another service? I don't think you are locked in to any ETA last time I checked..

I can keep waiting, but I'm already about 8 months past my initial deadline.

His service isn't unique. There are plenty of people who can sell you and fulfill an order on NISMO shit. Mav just happens to be the DunderMifflin of the parts world. He has customer service, honesty and transparency working in his corner. If I had a need to purchase anything that I knew he carried, he'd get my business. I don't even price shop. No need to. The benefits of everything else outweighs saving $6.29 post-tax.

Tell me where I can get brand new Euro-spec kouki s14 headlights BNIB anywhere else. To my knowledge these aren't an "add to cart" type of transaction and require someone with some connections. He may not be 1/1 million, but what he offers is pretty unique imo.

Nothing about what I do is unique other than the fact that I was willing to go do the trouble of getting pricing.. beyond that, nothing is new. Nismo parts were readily available out of Japan via RHDJapan/Nengun/Blackhawk/etc, and their FedEx or EMS pricing were things I could not compete with. Additionally, my cost on most Nismo parts is actually higher than the street/retail price shown on most of the sites I've mentioned.

As for genuine Nissan parts there are also sources for existing shops to buy from if they've been in business long enough, but it also means you own the entire supply chain logistics process from start to finish like me. But it also means you find out just as I did, Nissan will list products as "available to order" but not fulfill it months later. This is probably why so many people say parts are discontinued, because they keep getting betrayed by Nissan.

I don't even need to explain any of what I do, but the reason why I am explaining is that people talk down on the flippers like they are evil because they come and go like locusts and provide nothing for the community. So what? As long as they're not selling fake products or scamming you out of money, more power to them.

Last year I bought about $500+ worth of various S13/14 Nissan brochures from a guy in Australia. This was 100% a flip for probably 2-3x his cost on the product from Japan originally, but I was fine with paying the pricing. The batch included about 3 or 4 brochures that I wanted, rest were just throwaway.

Why do I bring this up? Because the guy selling it saved me the trouble of sourcing the stuff on my own, and with EMS being suspended out of Japan it also meant it would've been harder to ship out of Japan had I been looking for it.

Every overpriced item out there will have someone willing to buy it, it's no different than the S2000 or R35 GT-R marked up $10-30k when it first came out... the markup will stay there as long as people keep willing to pay for it.

Does that make the dealer shady? I guess most people will think they are.

07-10-2021, 03:57 PM
Yeah, losing a box (read: not container) that requires 0 extra fees (handling, customs, transportation) beyond paying for shipping is the same thing.

Totally. These are all people with high business acumen in the same boat as you. You've convinced me.

07-11-2021, 07:42 PM
Yeah, losing a box (read: not container) that requires 0 extra fees (handling, customs, transportation) beyond paying for shipping is the same thing.

It is, actually.

If I had no real capital to invest with I'd just buy overseas from a broker and pay everything with credit card.

The only difference between that vs buying a container is that most purchases over a certain value would necessitate a wire transfer instead of payment via 3rd party financing.

There are also plenty of people out there that buy LCL or FCL shipments and flip for stupid money. Those are fewer though, they have a lot more working capital.

At this point you guys can think whatever you want. I've said my piece, if my opinion is not valid or otherwise not a contribution to this thread, then so be it.

Have fun.