View Full Version : Microsoft bought Zenimax for $7.5b and gaming is fucked

09-21-2020, 10:17 AM
Call me pessimistic if you want but I think this sets a terrible precedence for the industry, is terrible for consumers, and Microsoft still doesn't have any launch titles for Series X.

I don't want to see Sony and Nintendo go on a shopping spree to secure partners and deny the competition and gamers future possibilities. Not to mention walled gardens of first party IP vaults.

What do you think?

09-21-2020, 11:37 AM
IMO, Microsoft is trying to bolster their first party IP to better compete with Sony and Nintendo, whom both have a history of stellar first party IP.

However, unlike Sony and Nintendo, I can see Microsoft releasing titles simultaneously with the PC market and with Game Pass. Also, if they handle their IP similar to Minecraft...the more platforms the better for their bottom line.

09-21-2020, 01:09 PM
I dont see any huge loss there. have not really cared much for Bethesda in years. other than say the doom titles I could take it or leave it. used to enjoy the elder scrolls and fallout games but sadly they’ve both moved on to being mmo’s. with microsoft aquiring zenimax, I cant see things getting a lot worse.

now if you love bethesda now, i can see how this is worrisome

09-22-2020, 08:21 PM
I doubt Microsoft is going to allow Obsidian to produce another game set in the Fallout universe, which is sad for mankind.

And of course, they're going to require future games to have cross-platform compatibility and therefore reduced complexity.

09-22-2020, 09:00 PM
fallout vegas 2 would be fantastic. vegas was one of the last good games bethesda put out and that has to be somewhere around 7-10 years ago at least.

now if apple buys out epic games (worst name ever) that would really make my day.

09-23-2020, 09:51 AM
Do you want them to go back to Epic Mega Games?

09-24-2020, 02:32 AM
i think potomac computer systems sounds best. cant beat tech company names in the 80s