View Full Version : I have a mod posting my IP in a thread

08-03-2020, 02:55 PM
Is this allowed, I am using a VPN but is it allowed for a mod to post my IP openly and harrass me?

08-03-2020, 03:10 PM
Is this allowed, I am using a VPN but is it allowed for a mod to post my IP openly and harrass me?

They edited it out. Also message the mods instead of crying like this.

08-03-2020, 03:21 PM
FaLKoN240 posted the IP i was posting on, then deleted it as you can see from the person above. I will admit I am kind of an ass, and I will never post here again but, FaLKoN240 is a mod and posted my IP in public. Nice mods you guys have here

08-03-2020, 03:24 PM
They edited it out. Also message the mods instead of crying like this.

FaLKoN240 is a mod and posted my IP in public, if that isn't against the rules than post yours, she deleted it because she knew it wasn't right to do.

08-03-2020, 03:24 PM
Sensitive Material

Information deemed sensitive, and not the property of its original owner, or otherwise agreed upon by the original owner, such as phone numbers, social security numbers, VIN numbers, etc. will be deleted and the offending poster will be warned or banned.

Lets see if they hold themselves to their own standards. Probably not tho.

08-03-2020, 03:27 PM
Sensitive Material

Information deemed sensitive, and not the property of its original owner, or otherwise agreed upon by the original owner, such as phone numbers, social security numbers, VIN numbers, etc. will be deleted and the offending poster will be warned or banned.

Lets see if they hold themselves to their own standards. Probably not tho.

they wont, wish I would have got a screen shot before she deleted it. It was all to do with blm and me just posting a few stats, the mod got mad and posted my IP and also called me a nazi, lmao. It was FaLKoN240, if I said something wrong report me, no reason to try and dox me, but they got really mad and the mod FaLKoN240 posted my IP I was posting from. I am not sure what got her all riled up tbh

08-03-2020, 03:28 PM
they wont, wish I would have got a screen shot before she deleted it. It was all to do with blm and me just posting a few stats, the mod got mad and posted my IP and also called me a nazi, lmao

Falkon responded to you. Also IP is not listed on that rules page.

08-03-2020, 03:30 PM
FaLKoN240 is a mod and posted my IP in public, if that isn't against the rules than post yours, she deleted it because she knew it wasn't right to do.

It isn't against the rules to post my own IP. Also my location is listed to the left so you won't end up with any more or less info as IP address doesn't give any data that isn't already there.

08-03-2020, 03:31 PM
Falkon responded to you. Also IP is not listed on that rules page.

FaLKoN240 posted the IP I was posting on. If Mods can just post peoples IPs when they get mad, get new mods. Why do you care anyway you are not FaLKoN240

08-03-2020, 03:32 PM
What does "etc." mean dummy?

The screenshot is still there, didnt even fully redact the info

08-03-2020, 03:33 PM
FaLKoN240 posted the IP I was posting on. If Mods can just post peoples IPs when they get mad, get new mods

Falkon posted your IP because you were trying to lie about making another account which actually is against the rules, especially for banned users. So far you are the only one doing things they shouldn't be. Sure might not have been right but its also public info.

08-03-2020, 03:34 PM
What does "etc." mean dummy?

The screenshot is still there, didnt even fully redact the info

He doesn't own that IP. Comcast does.

08-03-2020, 03:36 PM
You dont own your phone number either dipshit

08-03-2020, 03:39 PM
You dont own your phone number either dipshit

You own it a lot more than an IP which can change fairly often. You also have rights to the number and you can transfer it to you as it is registered to you. Your IP is not registered to you have you have no rights to it. Now you want to keep playing around with name calling or realize you are wrong? I bet name calling.

08-03-2020, 03:40 PM
You dont own your phone number either dipshit

Why are you guys so mad? I pulled some stats up and you all got mad and a mod posted the IP I was posting from, says a lot about you haha

08-03-2020, 03:41 PM
You own it a lot more than an IP which can change fairly often. You also have rights to the number and you can transfer it to you as it is registered to you. Your IP is not registered to you have you have no rights to it. Now you want to keep playing around with name calling or realize you are wrong? I bet name calling.

Tell me how I am wrong I am willing to learn

08-03-2020, 03:42 PM
Ill stick with name calling because youre a disingenuous fucking retard. If its not a big deal, show us all that its not a big deal and post your IP

I didnt get mad. Mods are being grade a assholes. As petty as it is, they dumped my "phlip rep" to zero bc i told him to look in a mirror lol. Soft mfrs

08-03-2020, 03:44 PM
Falkon posted your IP because you were trying to lie about making another account which actually is against the rules, especially for banned users. So far you are the only one doing things they shouldn't be. Sure might not have been right but its also public info.

she posted that because I posted stats on crime and she got miffed about it. Are Mods allowed to post screenshots of users IPs? Mods? naw I thought so.

08-03-2020, 03:47 PM
Why are you guys so mad? I pulled some stats up and you all got mad and a mod posted the IP I was posting from, says a lot about you haha

Why are you attacking the guy that is defending you?

08-03-2020, 05:17 PM
Still waiting for you to post your IP address, tough guy (zerodameaon)

08-03-2020, 05:25 PM
FaLKoN240 posted a screen shot of the IP I am posting from, is that what mods do when they get angry? Nice mods here

08-03-2020, 05:31 PM
Still waiting for you to post your IP address, tough guy (zerodameaon)

There you are, as I said you get no more info out of that than I have in my location. Now yours Zombiequeef.

08-03-2020, 05:42 PM
Why would I post mine, again?
You gotta stop eating the shit off those SF streets

08-03-2020, 05:48 PM

There you are, as I said you get no more info out of that than I have in my location. Now yours Zombiequeef.

lmao have fun

08-03-2020, 06:03 PM
Ive already got him within a 3 mile radius and i havent plugged it in to the real tool yet. Lol people are fucking stupid. Dont worry zero idgaf about you

08-03-2020, 06:05 PM
Lol mods moved this, but no post in thread.... i luv zilvia more and more everyday

08-03-2020, 06:19 PM
Come find me Zombiequeef, 3 miles is huge but I am not going anywhere. Why would I eat off the streets, I would much rather just eat at my house while I work from home.

Also post it, it means nothing. IDK why you are so scared about something that is not private info, or do you not understand technology so you are scared of this like it was some tracking chip in your buttplug?

Lol mods moved this, but no post in thread.... i luv zilvia more and more everyday

They are doing the right thing, the best thing to do with a child who is having a tantrum is to just ignore them. These guys will either get bored or will get banned making a stupid comment.

08-03-2020, 06:30 PM
I told you. I dont give a fuck about you. Youre just stupid and dont realize the actual implications behind your actions

08-03-2020, 06:43 PM
I told you. I dont give a fuck about you. Youre just stupid and dont realize the actual implications behind your actions

Care to explain them to me? Otherwise you have nothing, you went and put my IP into a IP look up website and saw SF then made up some story about tools. Who do you think you are, russian mob?

08-03-2020, 06:51 PM
You too dense to understand that people work at ISPs? You too dense to understand that people look for excuses to do bad things? Are you so dense that you think you or anyone else is immune to random acts of violence?

This guy seems pretty convinced I am, ask him:

Do you think you're going to what... entice me to drive to AZ to put a mask on a grown man who's throwing a shitfit about having to actually think about the people around him?

Isn't it amazing that a bunch of Russians can fool a bunch of Americans into thinking that they're thinking for themselves and advancing the cause of liberty? Isn't it amazing that there are a bunch of Americans so self-centered and vapid to think that they're thinking for themselves while they're being played like the puppets they are?

You like having those strings pulled, don't you? It makes the decision easier, doesn't it? You don't have to admit that you might be hurting other Americans- you thought it was advancing the cause of freedom! You're just doing what they told you to do!

"We are all born ignorant, but one must work hard to remain stupid."

“Justice will not be served until those who are unaffected are as outraged as those who are.”

“Being ignorant is not so much a shame, as being unwilling to learn.”

All of the above were Benjamin Franklin too. He wasn't defending liberties so that you can remain ignorant.

08-03-2020, 07:00 PM
You too dense to understand that people work at ISPs? You too dense to understand that people look for excuses to do bad things? You too dense to think you or anyone else is immune to random acts of violence?

This guy seems pretty convinced I am, ask him:

Nah, more likely you are just a child in a adults body who doesn't care if he is responsible for the death of other people.

I understand people work there, they need employees. But no one is going to take the time to match this IP to the account of the idiot above. Only you would come up with something like that as clearly you don't care about anyone but yourself.

08-03-2020, 07:16 PM
I just cant even with your dumb self, later lmfao

08-03-2020, 07:38 PM
I just cant even with your dumb self, later lmfao

You can't even because you literally don't know how.

08-12-2020, 07:51 AM
I think an apology to the guy offended would serve a great deal here. A mod screwed up, got called out and they ghost this thread without the courtesy of doing so. Take responsibility for your actions as all other members would or are required to. You are’t better than us...

08-12-2020, 05:21 PM
I think an apology to the guy offended would serve a great deal here. A mod screwed up, got called out and they ghost this thread without the courtesy of doing so. Take responsibility for your actions as all other members would or are required to. You are?t better than us...

I don't need an apology tbh, I forgot the password to this account because it is so old (2005), I made another account but ended up finding my password for this one. I never even posted on the other account and never intended to troll as the Mod asserts. I just want the Admins and Users to know they have mods publicly posting the IPs people are posting from.