View Full Version : WHere can i get battle magazine?

11-26-2004, 05:26 PM
It looks like its a good magazine, i searched google and couldn't find any place that sells it. And i rarely see BM mags on ebay...so i thought maybe someone over here can help.

11-26-2004, 07:58 PM
Battle Magazine (www.sasugabooks.com)

Send them an e-mail
Tell them you are interested in subscribing to the mag.
6 or 12 mo.
Give them the full name of the magazine( Hyper car style Battle Magazine)
They'll email you back w/a price.( about $169. for 1 yr)

I subscribed a while ago for over 3 yrs.
You get the mag. about a week after it releases in Japan.

Hope this helps!
Julio C.

11-26-2004, 09:27 PM
Books Kinokuniya stocks it regularly. Only issue is that it comes in about 3 weeks late.

11-26-2004, 10:33 PM
When i was searching the closes thing i found was drift battle magazine...An austrailian mag with english text

thanks for the info, i really appreciate it.

final act
11-27-2004, 12:03 AM
Battle Magazine (www.sasugabooks.com)

Send them an e-mail
Tell them you are interested in subscribing to the mag.
6 or 12 mo.
Give them the full name of the magazine( Hyper car style Battle Magazine)
They'll email you back w/a price.( about $169. for 1 yr)

I subscribed a while ago for over 3 yrs.
You get the mag. about a week after it releases in Japan.

Hope this helps!
Julio C.

cool I just emailed them, dude you rock :rawk:

final act
11-27-2004, 01:16 AM
aww they only have car boy magazine...are those any good?

11-27-2004, 08:37 AM
Battle Magazine (www.sasugabooks.com)
They'll email you back w/a price.( about $169. for 1 yr)

which is a complete fucking ripoff seeing it only costs 500 yen.

11-27-2004, 02:22 PM
Shipping is a bitch.

11-27-2004, 02:25 PM
169 holy crap
i paid i think 40 bucks for 6 mo from kinokyuya or whatever it is. local pickup woot.
got dori ten too..a bit more. total is around 90 bucks for 6 mos for both

11-27-2004, 03:47 PM
Me too.

You're in hawaii right? and you dont know where to get BM? *shakes his head*

final act
11-27-2004, 03:52 PM
Me too.

You're in hawaii right? and you dont know where to get BM? *shakes his head*

yeah were in hawaii, where do you get bm mags at?, apretiate it if you share the wealth.
Im gonna check shirokiya and some jdm book stores

11-28-2004, 02:12 PM
yeah were in hawaii, where do you get bm mags at?, apretiate it if you share the wealth.
Im gonna check shirokiya and some jdm book stores

Man you guys suck. I live in socal most of the year so I get my BM from burritos. I get my japanese magazines from Kinokuniya. 40$ for a year of Battle Magaze or Doriten.

In hawaii you can try these places on Oahu.
Bunbundo in downtown...
Hakubundo near ala moana is probably your best bet.
Shirokiya's magazine dept. should be able to order it...
Iwase Books is closed?
There's one last good one near alamoana but I cant remember it's name for the life of me. It's on your left going to alamoana from manoa, on the right is used to be a huge empty lot which is now a walmart or something. It's next to a bunch of ramen shops. If you can wait till december I'll show you myself.

Oh yah. Don't subscribe to BM. It's been sucking a lot recently. I'd spend my money on DoriTen.

final act
11-28-2004, 02:24 PM
Man you guys suck. I live in socal most of the year so I get my BM from burritos. I get my japanese magazines from Kinokuniya. 40$ for a year of Battle Magaze or Doriten.

Bunbundo in downtown...
Hakubundo near ala moana is probably your best bet.
Shirokiya's magazine dept. should be able to order it...
Iwase Books is closed?
There's one last good one near alamoana but I cant remember it's name for the life of me. It's on your left going to alamoana from manoa, on the right is used to be a huge empty lot which is now a walmart or something. It's next to a bunch of ramen shops. If you can wait till december I'll show you myself.

Oh yah. Don't subscribe to BM. It's been sucking a lot recently. I'd spend my money on DoriTen.
oh yeah heard about the hakubundo...but not the bunbundo....but right on dude!
dec? you coming down? that would be cool to meet up and hang check out some spots, theres also a drift session at the raceway park here in dec 4th if you wanted to go watch,alot of cool freinds of mine will be driving as well as I....so lmk ssend me a pm,aight check you l8s bro!

11-28-2004, 03:10 PM
I like the DVD issues of BM.

11-28-2004, 08:25 PM
I like the DVD issues of BM.

The DVDs are OK, but a large portion of it is Japanese dialog, which is a problem for many of us (I've only taken Japanese 1 myself), and a lot of the drifting is at such a skill level that watching it is a bit tedious.

11-29-2004, 09:55 AM
The DVDs are OK, but a large portion of it is Japanese dialog, which is a problem for many of us

that's the best way to learn. i won't buy any of the subtitled ones.
plus if there's anything i don't understand i'll ask some one.

12-01-2004, 08:55 PM
Does the BM dvd's come with the magazine?

BTW, these are the quotes i got...I live on the Big Island and i don't know of any japanese book store that carry BM over here.

Does anybody know of a cheaper place?
These are the qoutes i got.

Hyper car style battle magazine, 6 months subscription is $ 76.00 and 1 year is $142.00
including shipping charge.

If you would like to order, please let us know your
phone number, credit card number(Visa, M/C, Amex,
Discover), V-code(3-digits number on the back of the
card) and expiration date.

Thank you,
Teruko Osborn
Kinokuniya Bookstores of America co., ltd
San Francisco Store
1581 Webster Street, San Francisco, CA 94115
Phone: 415-567-7625 FAX: 415-567-4109
[email protected]

From Sasuga Japanese Bookstore...

Thank you for your email. A one-year subscription would be $157.20. Please let me know if you would be interested in ordering a subscription.


12-01-2004, 09:14 PM
not the lastest few
the DVDS sucked anyways. pretty boring.

haha rip off
buy them in person at tah kinokuniya
also ask for BOAT price the air mail is more money
boat is cheaper

12-02-2004, 02:59 PM
Big Island eh? You're shit outta luck my friend and I am sorry.

Try and get them shipping from los angeles at least... OR on your next trip to oahu see if one of those book stores will send it.