View Full Version : Intermittent Account Privileges/Issues

11-08-2019, 06:51 AM
Morning all-

I'm sure it's something stupid, but I've had some strange occurrences with my account since creation. I've been registered for a while and mostly just lurk for information but I'd like to start posting now that I've had my S chassis for a while and have a decent understanding of them now.

1)When I log in at any other computer than my home desktop I'm unable to access my PM's, PM a user, search, or make any posts.
2)When I do have access to account features, I can attempt to make a post, but it never shows up on the thread. PM's work fine. (edit- shocked to see this one worked.)

Thinking back I don't think I ever got an "account activation" email. Went to check and have searched my email far and wide and cannot find record of ever receiving one. This may be the issue?

Mods- Can I get a status check on my account please? I tried emailing the support email but have not gotten a response. Please PM me so we can work it out, as I'd like to engage with the community a bit more :)
