View Full Version : Forza Motorsports 7 Drifting/ Live Broadcast

08-11-2019, 12:10 PM
Hey what's up guys!


Click that link and follow if you want to see some rad drifting on Forza Motorsports 7 .
I don't have set times when I will be on because of my busy schedule, but when I do pop on you should see the indicator. Not only do I plan on just put this on for a video game, I also will be doing random live broadcasting when I'm at drifting events sliding the S13 around or going to car meets on a Friday night. No hard feelings or pressure to follow just throwing this out there! Good Vibes Only.

https://i547.photobucket.com/albums/hh464/BLKJLEBEL/IMG_20190728_164021_257_zps8goj3ale.jpg (http://s547.photobucket.com/user/BLKJLEBEL/media/IMG_20190728_164021_257_zps8goj3ale.jpg.html)

https://i547.photobucket.com/albums/hh464/BLKJLEBEL/IMG_20190616_215856_572_zps1cmvy8d0.jpg (http://s547.photobucket.com/user/BLKJLEBEL/media/IMG_20190616_215856_572_zps1cmvy8d0.jpg.html)

https://i547.photobucket.com/albums/hh464/BLKJLEBEL/IMG_20190625_193213_792_zpsojmz3qem.jpg (http://s547.photobucket.com/user/BLKJLEBEL/media/IMG_20190625_193213_792_zpsojmz3qem.jpg.html)

https://i547.photobucket.com/albums/hh464/BLKJLEBEL/IMG_20180730_190929_267_zpsenqaygwb.jpg (http://s547.photobucket.com/user/BLKJLEBEL/media/IMG_20180730_190929_267_zpsenqaygwb.jpg.html)