View Full Version : San Antonio Drift Event Dec 5!!

11-15-2004, 07:21 PM
This is the first drift event that is going to be held in San antonio, tx.

Please everyone get the word out. If enough people come out and drift, there will probably be future events held here.

It's going to be held at San Antonio Raceway on December 5th.

11-15-2004, 11:53 PM
DailyDrifter presents Grind 101 San Antonio


Where ?
San Antonio Raceway , http://www.sanantonioraceway.com/

When ?
December 5, 2004

What to bring ?
1. YOU!!
2. Car
3. Helmet
4. Extra rear tires, you WILL kill them
5. Tools! you gotta change your tires! duh!

How much?
$50 to drift, ALL DAY!

$100 For Drift Clinic , come not knowing what drifting is, we will have you smoking the tires the whole course by the end of day! ( also you get to cut in line, and boss around instructors ! )

$100 For Pro Practice , If you just wanna cut in line and kill lots of tires, this is your ticket.


We should have tire mounting available on location, and we will have helpful instructors

Contact info
[email protected]
[email protected]


11-16-2004, 02:15 AM
there you go.

i was just about to post that thing up but you beat me to it :)

11-18-2004, 03:19 AM
oh yah this to for anyone on here coming that isnt on one the eleventy billion local forums this has been on

ALSO if you plan on coming out to drift:

same as an auto-x. Make sure all your wheel studs and lug nuts are in good working order, not crossthreaded or missing. The lugnuts must fully rotate 4 times while threaded before getting snug. Spacers are allowed as long as that is met.

BATTERY TIE DOWN. Make sure you have one. Ghettofabbing is awesome, as long as it does the job.

Also make sure your cooling system is up to par. when your sliding at >45* angle the front of the car tends to not get air sometimes. Its a good idea to make sure that 1) your fans are in good working order and 2) you have something up to the task in the radiator. For these type of events I personally reccommend water+purple ice(or similar)

Also make sure to bring plenty of tires. I personally would reccommend at LEAST 6 or so rear tires with %60 or more tread to drift all day. I personally am planning on trying to bring about 12 rear tires, but I am also probably goign to be driving all day non stop.

Also if you have new wheels, make sure to fit them before hand, one guy shoed up a while back, wheels didnt fit. And dont forget your wheellocks if yo have them!