View Full Version : O.D.B. dies at 35 RIP

11-14-2004, 05:11 PM
big baby jesus has passed on. i had many a good laughs from his wild lyrics... RIP


11-14-2004, 05:26 PM
Damn, and I just saw that show a couple of months ago about how he was trying to put hislife back together. :(

11-14-2004, 05:58 PM
wow, a rapper died under mysterious circumstances. that's a shocker! i think i can speak for the general populous what i ask:

who the hell cares?

11-14-2004, 06:17 PM
wow, a rapper died under mysterious circumstances. that's a shocker! i think i can speak for the general populous what i ask:

who the hell cares?
Just anyone who listened to his music and his own family, friends, producers, recording label, etc.

I was a big WUTANG listener back in the early 90s. What is sad, is that he was reforming and trying to take care of business. BTW, don't self-appoint yourself to House Speaker unless you were voted there. :)

Of course, this is MY opinion and that is it. :bigok:

11-14-2004, 06:37 PM
I avoided posting this thread when I first got this alert early yesterday afternoon, there was a reason for that... The sad shit is that this happened on Friday and TODAY would have been his 36th birthday

11-14-2004, 07:11 PM
Nah, tomorrow would have been his birthday, not today, the 14th, the fifthteenth is his birthday. . . . sad occurance in the hip-hop community, he will be missed for his unique standpoint on the industry.

11-14-2004, 07:28 PM
Just anyone who listened to his music and his own family, friends, producers, recording label, etc.

I was a big WUTANG listener back in the early 90s. What is sad, is that he was reforming and trying to take care of business. BTW, don't self-appoint yourself to House Speaker unless you were voted there. :)

Of course, this is MY opinion and that is it. :bigok:

HA, the joke is on you buck-o. i WAS voted into my current office.

in your FACE!

11-14-2004, 07:54 PM
HA, the joke is on you buck-o. i WAS voted into my current office.

in your FACE!
Are you drinking again?


11-14-2004, 08:34 PM
not at the moment

11-14-2004, 08:36 PM
i wonder if they are still gonna release his finished tracks??
i been waitin 4 a long time for his album to drop!!....damn it.

"mysterious circumstances"?? his ass died of a heart attack i think. all those years of drugs caught up 2 him. or u couldnt take the pressure of his PO and hit the pipe and died.
jus like arnold...y u think he is having heart problems?? roids kids....roids. stuff fuks with your heart like crack.

11-14-2004, 09:53 PM
Old Baby Jesus. I was pissed when I heard that. He was crazy as shit though after Wu Tang.That's when I liked him best. "Hey...Hey Hey.....Baby I got ya money." Good times. Pouring a little out.

11-15-2004, 11:53 AM
ha!! told u bitches!! he did die from the pipe!!! i jus heard on the radio he ODed and died. i guess that addiction had too much of a hold on him.....sad..even after 2 years in the joint(i assume he was clean theo whole duration of this time) he couldnt shake it.

11-15-2004, 12:26 PM
He has 13 kids

11-15-2004, 04:22 PM
ha!! told u bitches!! he did die from the pipe!!! i jus heard on the radio he ODed and died. i guess that addiction had too much of a hold on him.....sad..even after 2 years in the joint(i assume he was clean theo whole duration of this time) he couldnt shake it.

lol, i doubt he was clean those 2 years

11-15-2004, 04:53 PM
Its pretty gay that some of you guys are talkin shit about some one who just passed away.
Dirt Dog was an inovater and truly in a class by himself. Wu and its members brought alot to Hip Hop.
He will be missed.

11-15-2004, 05:23 PM
*Pours one out*
Man i'm really gonna miss this guy. He not only taught us that objectifying women is fun and easy, but that crack really is a cheap and effective barbituate.
Seriously, though, i cant believe people are mourning the loss of this guy. He was a rapper with no musical talent, making obnoxious songs for gangster wannabes to blast in mall parking lots. What did he contribute to music, or society? Nothing! On TV they showed a special where he went and picked up welfare checks, saying "it free money! ya herd!". In addition to straining social services, he further contributed to the promotion of drug abuse as an integral component in 'hip-hop' lifestyle. Not to perpetuate stereotypes, or anything.. And no rap is not music. It exists so that people may play it loudly and think that they are tough for listening to such raucous bulshit. If i found his corpse i would shit on it and feed it to my dogs.

11-15-2004, 05:40 PM
^ shakes head... he gave the world a giant FCUK YOU ... and that meant a lot to many people. RIP Dirt.

meatish... you the kinda bitch that dont appreciate shit so ya..................

11-15-2004, 06:35 PM
well he had a PO and like weekly drug test so i can only assume he was...but tru...he's got easy access to it im sure.

meatish: stfu dude....we dont shit on the crappy music u listen to.... i dont care wut kinda of music it is. that was jus a dumb ass comment. this is a thread about remembering ODB...not your stupid ass opinion about his music style or lifstyle. yes we all know wut he has done in the past. but we like his music. im sure some artist u listen to has done some fuked up shit one time or another.
music is wutever u want it to be. do u call techno or house music...music??? or heavy metal, punk, or grunge music?? ask some old people from the 20s wut they consider music.(i listen to them so im not shittin on them) almost anything can be considered music ass hat...like the saying says...."music to my ears." yea....shut up bitch and keep your ignorant retarded ass opinions to yourself.

11-15-2004, 08:00 PM
If i found his corpse i would shit on it and feed it to my dogs.

some people have no respect for the deceased. im sure some people feel that way about you...your not exactly perfect so i wouldnt go talking shit about others faults

11-15-2004, 08:18 PM
[QUOTE=meatish]*Pours one out*
Man i'm really gonna miss this guy. He not only taught us that objectifying women is fun and easy, but that crack really is a cheap and effective barbituate.
Seriously, though, i cant believe people are mourning the loss of this guy. He was a rapper with no musical talent, making obnoxious songs for gangster wannabes to blast in mall parking lots. What did he contribute to music, or society? Nothing! On TV they showed a special where he went and picked up welfare checks, saying "it free money! ya herd!". In addition to straining social services, he further contributed to the promotion of drug abuse as an integral component in 'hip-hop' lifestyle. Not to perpetuate stereotypes, or anything.. And no rap is not music. It exists so that people may play it loudly and think that they are tough for listening to such raucous bulshit. If i found his corpse i would shit on it and feed it to my dogs.[/Q

do you feed your dogs with shit all the time?and shitting on dead people?hmmm,looks like somebody got a problem :bite:

11-15-2004, 08:21 PM
Like most white males growing up in semi-rural towns, I listened to a lot of Wu-Tang in Jr. High. ;) :p

When I heard of ODB's death, I can say that I was not in the least bit surprised, especially when I heard it was from a cocaine overdose. He is truly and old dirty bastard, and a fine example of Darwinism.

Those praising ODB's lyrical talents should take a step back and realize it was just the deranged incoherant spoutings of a drunk and high rapper.... Although I do get a good laugh each time I hear him giving shoutouts to eskimos, submarines, schoolteachers, and himself at the end of "I Can't Wait" :rofl:


11-15-2004, 09:06 PM
Like most white males growing up in semi-rural towns, I listened to a lot of Wu-Tang in Jr. High. ;) :p

When I heard of ODB's death, I can say that I was not in the least bit surprised, especially when I heard it was from a cocaine overdose. He is truly and old dirty bastard, and a fine example of Darwinism.

Those praising ODB's lyrical talents should take a step back and realize it was just the deranged incoherant spoutings of a drunk and high rapper.... Although I do get a good laugh each time I hear him giving shoutouts to eskimos, submarines, schoolteachers, and himself at the end of "I Can't Wait" :rofl:


he made it big, he spoke for the masses of high drunk rappers, he said hey guys, for the ones who think too much to step back, quit thinking, oh and fcuk you. shimmy shimmy ya

edit: did i say fuck you, yeah i did. and again
fuck you

11-15-2004, 11:06 PM
you gotta diversify ya bonds, nigga!

11-16-2004, 12:13 PM
RIP OBD..nigga!!!

11-16-2004, 06:18 PM
RIP Old Dirty one if not the most oddest negro of hip hop.

11-17-2004, 12:28 PM
can it be that it was all so simple then?

rip dirt mcgurt

11-17-2004, 05:16 PM
...least he died in the studio where he belongs...




11-17-2004, 05:45 PM
Thats right bithces show some respect for culture. Oh, to Meatish, you need to relax. respect the fact a man passed away and has toched people through music. Who are you to judge whats good and bad in this thread? If we all thought like you we'll be sportin ten gallon cowboy hats, and listen to Billy Ray Cyrus' greatest hits. Leave your bullshit comments to yourself. Its a shame we have to waste time to flame your ass for being an D*ck.

11-17-2004, 09:54 PM

11-18-2004, 10:01 PM
"If we all thought like you we'll be sportin ten gallon cowboy hats, and listen to Billy Ray Cyrus' greatest hits"
Haha this is the only one that made me laugh.. but if you want to hear real music, pick up Margaritaville by Jimmy Buffet. Dont sell your soul to formulaic rap music. Oh and shut up bitch your mom is fat.

11-18-2004, 10:19 PM

is your name "meatish" because you are just that?.......

Everyone has their opinions, yours don't coincide with that of the rest of us in this thread. so leave. Oh yea, everyone is entitled to my opinion too. carry on.

11-19-2004, 10:35 AM
Meatish your lucky your not from Chicago. Don't you ever talk shit about someones family because you can't defend your stupid ass remarks. Thats just really the pussy inside you lashing out. Its ok. Its not your fault your a bitch. Im done with this thread. O.D.B Rest in peace!

11-20-2004, 12:54 PM
wow, a rapper died under mysterious circumstances. that's a shocker! i think i can speak for the general populous what i ask:

who the hell cares?

thats a real DICK like thing to say man, o.d.b was one of the original Wu-tang members and left an impression all over the east coast with his unique ryme style. Definatly put Staton Island on the map, I'm from Riverhead NY myself and i grew up on his music. Im not tryen to bagg on you or falme you man, im just simply stating that it was a verry fucked up comment you left...can we atleast express some sympathy.. anyhow. RIP oll dirty

11-20-2004, 09:51 PM
Ya live by the sword, ya die by the sword. I gurantee he didn't die of natural causes.....and if I were 36 years old and worth millions of dollars.......I wouldn't be involved in shit that gets you killed off by 36 years old. To his family, I'm sorry for their loss. Otherwise....meh. Just one less person wasting the police's time.

(ya ya...hate all you will)


11-20-2004, 10:44 PM
^^^ You say that you wouldn't get involved with shit that might kill you off at 36 if you had so much to live for... Now I want you to imagine a childhood where you didn't have SHIT, grew up to make some mistakes in judgement (we have all done it) and eventully get yourself plugged into your way out... Keep in mind, at this point, that old (bad) habits are hard to break. many of us drink, some get high, some do more, but that is how we get through life... When you are "on," you are now better positioned to surround yourself in the elements, now do you become something that you have never been and likely aren't comfortable around, or do you do what you know? People on this forum, in my opinion, would experience this downfall to be fast cars and the such, but imagine that your vice is drink and drugs, then you come into a shitload of money... As the level of involvement rises, level of restraint decreases, it's a vicious cycle. I am a Wu-Tang fan, and yes, I can say I hate to see someone so oddly creative and different pass and YES I understand this to have been wholly avoidable, but at what point does someone consider their own disregard for human life to treat someone like less of a human because they were a "druggie rapper?"

11-23-2004, 10:03 PM
....... but at what point does someone consider their own disregard for human life to treat someone like less of a human because they were a "druggie rapper?"

Good question. However...in ODB's case me disregarding his "human life" (or memory thereof) pales in comparison to the disregard he'd shown to his own body by injesting enough drugs to kill himself (assuming that's what killed him).

I understand "vices" and the pull they may have on someone, but I have no compassion for someone who has the world at their beckon call and pisses it away....whether it's Kurt Cobain shooting himself or ODB overdosing or whatever.

There are plenty of people in this world who have the restraint to NOT indulge their vices (especially ones that can kill you)....and to those people, events like this serve as a reminder that they are infact justified in how they live their lives.


11-26-2004, 02:03 PM
You can't party your life away
Drink your life away
Smoke your life away
Fuck your life away
Dream your life away
Scheme your life away
Cause your seeds grow up the same way