View Full Version : s13 dies when ignition switch buzz comes

03-24-2019, 07:09 PM
Car is a 90 s13 ka24de swapped. This started to happen after I removed the scv from the intake manifold. What happens is when I crank the engine over it starts and runs ok for about 3 seconds then a buzz from the ignition switch comes on and the engines dies out. Also for some reason when I put the intake mani back on, I found two grounds coming from the injector part of the harness that happens not be shown in any of the diagrams I can find online. The CEL also doesnt flash when it indicates its priming.
list of stuff of how I have the hoses ran:
vacuum hose fed from back of manifold to fpr
throttle body vacuum line capped off
hose from iac goes directly to intake tube, pcv from valve cover has a filter on it
there is a plate where the scv used to be
no other emissions equipment on car
another thing is when I try to floor the car too keep it running it does not rev up, it just hesitates and dies. maf sensor seems to work fine on a friends coupe. I also swapped over his blue egi relays and same thing. It runs a little longer with the maf unplugged but it still dies after about 10 or15 secs

03-24-2019, 07:22 PM
any help is appreciated thanks again

03-24-2019, 10:58 PM
also i never plugged the runner holes just capped the hole where the rods pops through

03-25-2019, 08:27 AM
did you connect those grounds back on? check for fuel spark and airflow...if any are hindered it could cause this...

03-25-2019, 08:31 PM
connected both grounds on intake mani, its getting fuel and spark. I'm starting to be almost sure its a vacuum leak because I didnt plug up the scv rod holes when I removed them. they are probably causing a massive vacuum leak. I saw the offbeat garage emissions delete guide on youtube and he didnt fill his scv holes with anything.

04-06-2019, 05:47 PM
fixed. It was low on gas and the fuel filter was clogged. Thanks yall. :)