View Full Version : Official old grumpy assholes of zilvia thread

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09-28-2018, 06:15 AM
With all of the hulabaloo about turboshoebox floating around ZIlvia, do you really feel that the Work Wheels Quote Time HRE Wheels...Why R They Expensive? Anyone Else Not Like the R35 Rep Wheels, Would U Run Them?

Please let me know what you think. By the way, I'm like...soooooper into the S-Chassis 'thing'. Like, I've loved them for sooooooo long. I know a fuckload about the SR.

Please notice me.

09-28-2018, 06:21 AM

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09-28-2018, 06:28 AM

09-28-2018, 06:49 AM
senddd newds

09-28-2018, 08:04 AM
I like his threads, even though I know I shouldn't lol. He provides spaces for us old folk to yell at the clouds.

09-28-2018, 08:06 AM
I think he makes these threads trying to basically ask what the general opinion is about what he wants to do to his car, he just does it in a very different way.

Instead of "I want HRE wheels but they're super expensive"
He asks "Why are HRE so expensive"

So when everybody is like, its easier to find work wheels and replacement hardware for them he goes, okay, i'll spend 3k on meisters instead of 3k on HRE instead.

09-28-2018, 08:24 AM
With all of the hulabaloo about turboshoebox floating around ZIlvia, do you really feel that the Work Wheels Quote Time HRE Wheels...Why R They Expensive? Anyone Else Not Like the R35 Rep Wheels, Would U Run Them?

Please let me know what you think. By the way, I'm like...soooooper into the S-Chassis 'thing'. Like, I've loved them for sooooooo long. I know a fuckload about the SR.

Please notice me.What ever tickles your pickle, GO FOR IT. Get a Mason jar and stand outside a food store. Gently speak, I need any spare Benjamins for my project and extend the jar toward their face.

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk

09-28-2018, 08:34 AM
nice attention to detail, picking up on the nuance in turboshoeboxes posts :bowdown:

09-28-2018, 09:15 AM
You sure it's not that hubeny guy trolling? Lol. Wtv happened to him anyway?

09-28-2018, 09:31 AM
You sure it's not that hubeny guy trolling? Lol. Wtv happened to him anyway?

He and some youtuber nameed tommyfyeah are beefing over some old ass Nismo floor mats.

S-Nation S13
09-28-2018, 10:32 AM
He and some youtuber nameed tommyfyeah are beefing over some old ass Nismo floor mats.

lol blah blah blah really over some fucking floor mats.

09-28-2018, 10:35 AM
Link to the arguments

09-28-2018, 10:40 AM
he and some youtuber nameed tommyfyeah are beefing over some old ass old nismo logo floor mats.


09-28-2018, 10:54 AM
im ah... gonna go ahead and allow this thread

09-28-2018, 12:36 PM
I could be wrong here, but I’m pretty sure that turboshoebox is NiteKids. The posting style and general attitude fits. Pics of his old kouki are easy to find. I am curious as to what he’s driving nowadays, though.

09-28-2018, 08:12 PM
I could be wrong here, but I’m pretty sure that turboshoebox is NiteKids. The posting style and general attitude fits. Pics of his old kouki are easy to find. I am curious as to what he’s driving nowadays, though.

dizzariot is so infatuated with me. He loves to follow my posts and always have something negative to say. Either way instead of just showing what I currently have I'll go thru all the cars.

1997 Nissan 240sx

2009 Civic LX

2013 ct200h fsport(it was mostly stock other then tint, springs and hids)

Current: 2015 Prius persona (aim gain, air ride, work cr2p, hks, cusco etc.)
https://scontent-lax3-2.cdninstagram.com/vp/fabb41167264687bbc894438d82a50a5/5C4A0132/t51.2885-15/e35/32975849_1087724648032691_2675730557727408128_n.jp g
At Toyota Fest at the queen mary and was on vsxx at that time (even came home with a award)

No S-chasis again at the moment. not jumping on another one till the s15 is legal. Will be my midlife crisis car

09-28-2018, 08:42 PM
He and some youtuber nameed tommyfyeah are beefing over some old ass Nismo floor mats.

Link to the beef? I watch Tommy fresh videos and like all other mainstream videos it's 95% talk with a splash of actual content..

The only videos I watch from that area are Jimmy Oates

09-28-2018, 09:09 PM
should have kept the 240

09-28-2018, 09:22 PM
Should have but can't turn back time. Would have been cool to have kept it in storage for 11 years and it would be a time capsule car when it last modifed late 2006.

Before wide body and color change

one of the last pics of the car (before was sold) getting prepped to be on the cover of car boy

Here's drift alliance posing in front of the car at tomei usa (was in irvine, ca if i remember right.)

I didn't even go to the photoshoot I had sam from jspec.com take it for me

09-28-2018, 10:26 PM
Either way instead of just showing what I currently have I'll go thru all the cars.

No S-chasis again at the moment. not jumping on another one till the s15 is legal. Will be my midlife crisis car
Your kouki was so good. It’s no surprise that your cars since have been just as clean.
Honestly, based on the “turboshoebox” name, I was really hoping you’d have some sort of crazy turbocharged shoebox Ford somewhere among the fleet. Lol

09-28-2018, 11:28 PM
Thanks dude I appreciate it.

I'm just a jaded old timer that refuses to follow the latest trends and have stuck with a formula that almost always looks good and is timeless.

09-28-2018, 11:33 PM
Thanks dude I appreciate it.

I'm just a jaded old timer that refuses to follow the latest trends and have stuck with a formula that almost always looks good and is timeless.

Look man, a lot of us subscribe to that ideology. That doesn’t detract that your threads (not posts, ENTIRE THREADS) are the equivalent of an old man yelling from a rocking chair on his porch.

Maybe just post instead of making full-on nonsense threads. Maybe provide some context for your disdain so people don’t think you’re a 14yr-old with no car...or do none of that because this is the internet. Your reputation here will reflect it.

Nice cars nonetheless...but I wouldn’t be me if I didn’t point out the ‘stance’ when you constantly claim you don’t like ‘trends’.

...and are those rep TEs on that Civic?

09-28-2018, 11:38 PM
should have kept the 240

Isn't that everyone's failure? I would smash mine into a tree before I sold it.

09-28-2018, 11:46 PM
I've always been a jack ass on forums and never been one to sugar coat my thoughts since i had my s14 in 2002. My "online rep" has never been a concern.

I always have had strong opinions when it comes to car stuff even if it's not a popular one.

On another note I would argue that stance isn't a trend but has been awhile for quite some time.(since atleast the late 90's in japan and isn't going anywhere.)

it's just more of a semi recent phenomenon that has caught on in the states. (can't speak for other countries since i don't live there.)

My first aggressive wheel set up w/ pulled fenders and camber was early 2000 on my s14. I only knew one person who done it at the time.(jdmrice richard 240sx red hatch.) i was inspired and did the same thing. so even at time it wasnt a trend. (as far as the states) it was one dude. I was blown away at the set up. I had to have it myself. Never even knew it would catch on. for years i kept calling everyones wheel set ups sunk like a battle ship cause no one was doing it at the time and got banned on many forums for my comments lol

09-28-2018, 11:59 PM
Welp that escalated and de-escalated quickly lol

09-29-2018, 12:00 AM
On another note yes those are te reps on the civic. I'm not proud of that moment but that was the one time i ran reps and never again. cracked multiple times and gave me a huge headache.

now since my prius i only had weds tc007, work m1r, work vsxx, work cr2p and next year i plan on work GT-5 3p

09-29-2018, 12:16 AM
I remember that black s14 kouki on the forums. I think I also saw it in person back in the day at a booth (I want to say the Speed Alliance booth?) in one of the D1GP events and I briefly spoke with the owner about the MSport hood.

09-29-2018, 12:30 AM
yup that was me. wasn't a speed alliance booth tho or maaybe it was. it's been too long. D1GP events were the only events I ever displayed at (as a booth car). can't remember which shop i was with at the time though

09-29-2018, 12:48 PM
old man yelling from a rocking chair on his porch.

Hey sometimes you gotta yell, just like you did in this thread.

BTW, the front on that s14 looks brutal.

09-29-2018, 12:55 PM
Brutal equals bad?

09-29-2018, 01:10 PM
A good aggressive look.

09-29-2018, 01:17 PM
Thanks dude. I never got to finish the exterior to my liking.

Still had canards, craft Square mirrors and voxtex type 2 wing i wanted to do

09-29-2018, 03:32 PM
Aw man the cat is out of the bag lol

09-29-2018, 04:30 PM
Still fucking stupid

09-29-2018, 04:37 PM
Still fucking stupid

Are u talking about ur ls swap?

09-29-2018, 04:46 PM
Are u talking about ur ls swap?

To each is own bitch, glad to know youre local. Cant wait to meet you in person

09-29-2018, 04:52 PM
Still fucking stupid
lol agree. still a dumbass.

To each is own bitch, glad to know youre local. Cant wait to meet you in person
i'd pay you to make it happen.

09-29-2018, 05:22 PM
To each is own bitch, glad to know youre local. Cant wait to meet you in person

You say to each his own but then ur mad I don't like ur choices:ugh:

Why u care so much what I think

09-29-2018, 05:26 PM
You say to each his own but then ur mad I don't like ur choices:ugh:

Why u care so much what I think

Your posts are meaningless and waste peoples time. So you post some photos of your old and current car and that's supposed be the blessing all is forgiven? No you're still a douche. I don't go around asking for opinions on what to do with my car, I use this forum to find answers, sell/buy items, and contribute in what ways I can. All I ever see come from you is SHIT. I don't care what you think but you've ran your mouth to me many times in the past. Again, so happy to hear you're local. I walked by your ugly ass Prius at Toyofest, wish I would have been able to associate you to it then. See you around I hope.

09-29-2018, 05:40 PM
I only posted pics cause I got called out on it. I felt no reason to "prove myself." And post up just to post up

My opinions are my opinions. You of all people seem to take it most personal for some reason. You must blow up on every one that doesn't like ls swaps

09-29-2018, 06:42 PM
potatoes .

09-29-2018, 07:26 PM
potatoes .

<3 <3 <3 <3

09-30-2018, 03:09 PM
Your posts are meaningless and waste peoples time. So you post some photos of your old and current car and that's supposed be the blessing all is forgiven? No you're still a douche. I don't go around asking for opinions on what to do with my car, I use this forum to find answers, sell/buy items, and contribute in what ways I can. All I ever see come from you is SHIT. I don't care what you think but you've ran your mouth to me many times in the past. Again, so happy to hear you're local. I walked by your ugly ass Prius at Toyofest, wish I would have been able to associate you to it then. See you around I hope.

I can not believe how seriously people take internet in 2018. Honestly, fuck your LS swap. What u gonna do about it? Get mad or just scroll on and keep jerking off to some junkyard engine? I'd pick the last one. :kiss:

09-30-2018, 03:46 PM
I can not believe how seriously people take internet in 2018. Honestly, fuck your LS swap. What u gonna do about it? Get mad or just scroll on and keep jerking off to some junkyard engine? I'd pick the last one. :kiss:

<3 Much love to you too bitch

09-30-2018, 08:27 PM
...I'm pretty happy with the outcome of this thread. Nothing can excuse being an asshole (I should know) but the context helps make things easier to put up with on this forum.

I still think you post a lot of shit that doesn't have to be a full-blown thread.

09-30-2018, 09:34 PM
To each is own bitch, glad to know youre local. Cant wait to meet you in person

Cuss each other out!

Afishysilvia and turboshoebox I bet if you see each other in person nothing will happen right?

If you fight please record it.

09-30-2018, 11:14 PM
I still think turboshoebox is a cunt. I even agree with most of the stupid shit he posts, I just think he makes himself sound like an idiot in the process of (trying) to make his point. There are better ways to get your point across than (like what dizzariot said) sitting in your rocking chair on your porch and bitching about shit you don't like.

Hell I come off as abrasive on here most of the time, I've even pissed off dizzariot by telling him to stop bitching about yokosuka. But I'm sure we could both sit down and have a beer and talk about all of turboshoebox's shitposting.

09-30-2018, 11:48 PM
What can I say is I'm a old timer yelling at the sky not approving of most stuff people do to their cars now a days.

10-01-2018, 05:52 AM
I have closure

10-01-2018, 05:56 AM
It's the internet. Who the eff cares??

10-01-2018, 08:07 AM
Can a mod change the thread title to "Official old grumpy assholes of zilvia thread"

10-01-2018, 09:19 AM
I only posted pics cause I got called out on it. I felt no reason to "prove myself." And post up just to post up

My opinions are my opinions. You of all people seem to take it most personal for some reason. You must blow up on every one that doesn't like ls swaps

Its kind of like how a bunch of people are snapping daily over trump... I sit back and watch the shitshow, because I'm in control of my emotions lol

10-01-2018, 10:42 AM
Someone get mad come on!

10-01-2018, 11:53 AM
https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRYsrW7I_W_YiWA28K61UN215K_V0Oq1 zuICV3365Bm_NNImF0Ysg

10-01-2018, 02:04 PM
im jumping in because of the new thread title 100% bout that old head life

like did you even search? you're not the first one to put oil in your SR or do a KA-T

10-01-2018, 02:32 PM
:drama::drama::drama:I love zilvia

10-01-2018, 03:38 PM
threads like this, trolls, and sensitive people are what made this place hilarious and entertaining at one point. bless up. keep up the good work

10-01-2018, 03:45 PM
you know what? Fuck new cars. I fucking hate new cars. There I said it.

10-01-2018, 05:24 PM
Cuss each other out!

Afishysilvia and turboshoebox I bet if you see each other in person nothing will happen right?

If you fight please record it.

Can we set something up like a under ground fight club? I'd have my money on Afishysilvia. I'm off weekends let me know

10-01-2018, 06:27 PM

10-01-2018, 07:39 PM

message lngth

10-01-2018, 08:28 PM
As a official old guy fuck ur ls swaps, rocket bunny, etc etc

10-01-2018, 08:46 PM
This is why I joined.

Sent from my SM-G960U using Tapatalk

10-01-2018, 09:31 PM
As a official old guy fuck ur ls swaps, rocket bunny, etc etc

Talk a lot of shit driving a prius looking like that you "old man" who's so purist correct hahaha. Now that we all know TK....


10-01-2018, 09:31 PM
when does the official 'grumpy old asshole' group go live and what color do their names get to be?

10-01-2018, 10:15 PM
Talk a lot of shit driving a prius looking like that you "old man" who's so purist correct hahaha. Now that we all know TK....

I'm confused why you put "old man" in quotes. I don't care you don't like my prius. It's a unpopular car that I have fun tinkering with.

Also please define "prius looking like that" What do you find distaste full as far as the modifications. (Don't say the whole car cause we both already know prius is gay but i still try to keep it all authentic jdm or oem parts)

Just like your ls swap. It's unpopular for those who perfer to keep it jdm. but you have fun with it

10-01-2018, 10:30 PM
you know what? Fuck new cars. I fucking hate new cars. There I said it.

News cars and 2 sensors for every system they can find....


10-01-2018, 10:37 PM
Talk a lot of shit driving a prius looking like that you "old man" who's so purist correct hahaha. Now that we all know TK....


In case anyone needs a better picture, he already "exposed" himself on page 1... lolol

10-01-2018, 11:39 PM
Well i have to say...i havent been so thoroughly entertained on a forum in quite some time. nice work fellas

you know what? Fuck new cars. I fucking hate new cars. There I said it.
YEA! fck new cars.

10-02-2018, 05:59 AM
As a official old guy fuck ur ls swaps, rocket bunny, etc etc

I happen to like my Rocket Bunny kit. I’ll agree with you on the “fuck LS swaps”. I also happen to DD a Honda Fit so I cant talk shit about the Toyota lol

10-02-2018, 06:17 AM
I feel like I fit into the old guy category. Habits of ours include: nitpicking each other's builds and talking shit about the newbie stance kids.

10-02-2018, 06:26 AM
I don't post a ton because I didn't think anyone on here was over 25!! I'm 50 so I win the oldest, grumpiest award!! I hate that the "Honda kids" have taken over the 240 scene so I'm stuck being the only guy at the hot rod meets with a Japanese car! On the plus side I have given a lot of other "old guys" a new respect for 4cyl turbo motors.

10-02-2018, 06:55 AM
I don't post a ton because I didn't think anyone on here was over 25!! I'm 50 so I win the oldest, grumpiest award!! I hate that the "Honda kids" have taken over the 240 scene so I'm stuck being the only guy at the hot rod meets with a Japanese car! On the plus side I have given a lot of other "old guys" a new respect for 4cyl turbo motors.

It’s funny how older American muscle car guys hate on 4 cylinders till they are shown what a 4 cylinder can do.

10-02-2018, 07:16 AM
I feel like I started this thread to flush out a foe in turboshoebox.

...but it's transformed into a thread I can call home.

I love the ol' Zilv'.

10-02-2018, 07:27 AM
Iv noticed since coming back to Zilvia that there are a good amount of old school members >10 years. That would mean the majority of us are in our 30’s now. I was 17 when I joined, I’m about to be 32 in a couple of months.

Cheers to getting old and grumpy everyone

10-02-2018, 08:08 AM
I happen to like my Rocket Bunny kit.

Yeah but you're from Florida so, you're wrong.

...but it's transformed into a thread I can call home.

I am very pleased that my wish for thread title change was granted.

Thank you, Magic Zilvia Genie.

10-02-2018, 09:13 AM
It’s funny how older American muscle car guys hate on 4 cylinders till they are shown what a 4 cylinder can do.

Even better is when two American muscle are racing and your V8 swap of silent darkness in the other lane where they didn't even notice takes everyones lunch from that dead stop, and you get to leave them all behind thinking that a 4-cylinder just did that. Which is impossible, but I digress, as it puts the smile in the V8 soup that makes up for coming home smelling like gasoline every damn day.

F new cars crew

10-02-2018, 09:26 AM
Iv noticed since coming back to Zilvia that there are a good amount of old school members >10 years. That would mean the majority of us are in our 30’s now. I was 17 when I joined, I’m about to be 32 in a couple of months.

Cheers to getting old and grumpy everyone
10 year+ members, yet you know what's sad? Most of our builds aren't finished yet :wtc: MOST build threads are either works in progress, abandoned, or they ended up being parted out...

You know guys, the more I work on newer cars, the more I believe in the saying "they don't make them like they used to"... Yah, must be getting old.
You guys know that "salt bae" guy? I would like to do a parody of that guy, but instead of using salt, use the tubing of a wire harness from a new car. You guys know you couldn't do that with an old harness. Embarrassing for car manufacturers, but hey, they still still sale!

10-02-2018, 09:29 AM
They have all been pretty cool about it, probably because I'm close to same age as most of them. I like all kinds of cars but I've had a soft spot for the S14 since October of 1995. I had S30's forever but the wife finally said 'no mas" on the no AC. I've been secretly looking to get another one but that damn Sung Kang made the market go crazy!

10-02-2018, 11:06 AM
His s30 is with his na rb26 is cool but the trendy rocket bunny stuff is a no go

10-02-2018, 11:22 AM
Sung Kang's z would of been so much cooler with a g-nose and watanabe.


Cars these days will never me timeless like this.

10-02-2018, 12:10 PM
Sung Kang's z would of been so much cooler with a g-nose and watanabe.


Cars these days will never me timeless like this.

I've always been a HUGE fan on the G-Nose. All the old J-tin is getting silly, I've looked at a couple old king kab long bed Datsun and Toyota trucks that you could buy in the 80's for nothing and people are starting to ask 3/4 grand for.

10-02-2018, 01:30 PM
Well i have to say...i havent been so thoroughly entertained on a forum in quite some time. nice work fellas

YEA! fck new cars.

Same. Sup dude.

10-02-2018, 02:09 PM
Also please define "prius looking like that"

Meaning you look like a bitch and match the car <3. Not once have I gone on here ranting about how obvious and common the KA-T/SR swaps are. After owning multiple 240's with both SR/KA-T engines I chose to go another route. So in regards to your LS hate, personally I don't give a fuck what anyone does with their car, nor do I care what people want me to do with my car. In almost every thread related to engine swapping V8's everyone talks shit about American V8's and has a hard on for a 1uz. Point of this thread was obviously more than that, it was about your shit attitude and the amount of shit you talk you keyboard warrior so why not stop and keep it on priuschat.com TK Rocket.

10-02-2018, 02:13 PM
I'm not alone. thank God

10-02-2018, 02:51 PM
Meaning you look like a bitch and match the car <3. Not once have I gone on here ranting about how obvious and common the KA-T/SR swaps are. After owning multiple 240's with both SR/KA-T engines I chose to go another route. So in regards to your LS hate, personally I don't give a fuck what anyone does with their car, nor do I care what people want me to do with my car. In almost every thread related to engine swapping V8's everyone talks shit about American V8's and has a hard on for a 1uz. Point of this thread was obviously more than that, it was about your shit attitude and the amount of shit you talk you keyboard warrior so why not stop and keep it on priuschat.com TK Rocket.

Lmao u couldn't even come up with a legitimate diss.

Go fun with ur cx racing and God speed parts.

U keep saying u don't care what people say but I keep hitting a nerve with u

10-02-2018, 02:58 PM
Lmao u couldn't even come up with a legitimate diss.

Go fun with ur cx racing and God speed parts.

I believe I called you a bitch, and I would if I met you in person too. Not sure you would do the same but I'd love to set something up. Anytime

Lol and learn to use proper grammar you FOB

10-02-2018, 03:41 PM
Why would I take up the time to meet up when the only person that is mad u?

You that thin skinned about other people's opinions on the internet?

10-02-2018, 03:48 PM
Why would I take up the time to meet up when the only person that is mad u?

You that thin skinned about other people's opinions?

Piss off until you can be a man you cunt :x:

10-02-2018, 05:14 PM
Lol FOB , Maybe him and sergio180sx blow each other and talk about how bad ass one another's Prius is

10-02-2018, 06:43 PM
Damn this got serious quick.

10-02-2018, 07:25 PM
^^ Can't we all just get along LOL

10-02-2018, 07:32 PM
Most entertaining thread of 2018 :drama:. Reminds me of when I first joined Zilvia :cool:

10-02-2018, 10:08 PM

Man, don't you just hate when they grab a beautifully designed body and ruin it with flares or overs? What a shame. Same thing happens to aw11's (im into those too).
And what about the frs? I, a modern car hater, feel like the frs will be one of the last great compact jdm machines we will get, yet it seems like stock ones are disappearing at a more alarming rate than the s-chassis, with every other one having some sort of widebody :barf:

10-03-2018, 12:19 AM
Man, don't you just hate when they grab a beautifully designed body and ruin it with flares or overs? What a shame. Same thing happens to aw11's (im into those too).
And what about the frs? I, a modern car hater, feel like the frs will be one of the last great compact jdm machines we will get, yet it seems like stock ones are disappearing at a more alarming rate than the s-chassis, with every other one having some sort of widebody :barf:

The original 240zg had flares to begin with. That was one of the things (apart from the nose) that made it look so good.


That black g nose however has the 'works' style kit which replicates their race cars. Although widebody it shouldn't be compared to what's made today. That kit had a purpose for racing.

10-03-2018, 08:37 AM
We are all so old now. Where has the time gone?

10-03-2018, 08:54 AM
Man, don't you just hate when they grab a beautifully designed body and ruin it with flares or overs? What a shame. Same thing happens to aw11's (im into those too).
And what about the frs? I, a modern car hater, feel like the frs will be one of the last great compact jdm machines we will get, yet it seems like stock ones are disappearing at a more alarming rate than the s-chassis, with every other one having some sort of widebody :barf:

Why ”ruin” a good car with widebody? Because stock cars are boring.
/end of story.

10-03-2018, 09:20 AM
Opinions are like assholes........everyone has one.

Car looks are objective. Some like flares. Some don't. That doesn't mean one looks better than the other.....

Zilvia has returned to it's masshole ways of stupid objective dick swinging.

Am I doing this right? Can I get a vote of confidence from the JDM elite?? Pffttt...

10-03-2018, 09:29 AM
Zilvia has returned to it's masshole ways of stupid objective dick swinging.

I, resident of massachusetts, approve of this message.

Also, you, like everybody else here are entitled to your wrong opinion.

-Official old grumpy asshole women haters club member.

10-03-2018, 09:29 AM
I like widebody's that flow with the lines of the cars. But Ralliart is right, everyone has their own opinion. The real trick is sticking with what you like regardless of what everyone around you says. I think the Works Z's are beautiful but I'm not a fan of the silhouette cars from back in the day. I do try my best to appreciate anything that someone has spent time working on....

10-03-2018, 09:34 AM
I, resident of massachusetts, approve of this message.

Also, you, like everybody else here are entitled to your wrong opinion.

-Official old grumpy asshole women haters club member.

Ha! My initial millennial mind read that as offensive. However, taking it into context (like folks should do), that is pretty funny :)

See how that works Zilvia?? It's that simple

Also, #itsthe****inginternet and #whothe***cares

10-03-2018, 09:35 AM
Why ”ruin” a good car with widebody? Because stock cars are boring.
/end of story.

...this is the most Juucso thing I’ve ever heard. Fuck.

10-03-2018, 01:21 PM
Why ”ruin” a good car with widebody? Because stock cars are boring.
/end of story.

hardparking your car is what's actually boring :picardfp:

10-03-2018, 08:36 PM
...and a RocketBunny kit is hardly anything but boring at this point. The argument that a RocketBunny car is more unique then a stock-bodied, well-done care is actually broderline retarded.

10-03-2018, 09:23 PM
What's worse than RocketBunny??

#1. Those little gas struts that hold those bullshit splitters up.
#2. Anything that involves 'Send Nudes'.
#3. Tire letters.

10-03-2018, 09:39 PM
...and a RocketBunny kit is hardly anything but boring at this point. The argument that a RocketBunny car is more unique then a stock-bodied, well-done care is actually broderline retarded.

Rocket bunny body kit=it's cool for what it is

Rocket bunny flares put on every car: not my thing

but i guess the modern day veilside has to exsisit for the good taste to be around

10-04-2018, 12:45 AM
hardparking your car is what's actually boring :picardfp:

Very true. Luckily my cars are not made for hard parking.

10-04-2018, 12:48 AM
...this is the most Juucso thing I’ve ever heard. Fuck.

Hahhaha, gotcha! But seriously tho, I've always been enoying widebodied cars more than stock ones. Widebody looks 95% of the time more aggressive than a stock body. Even E46 M3 looks kinda boring when stock, with Musk Customs widebody kit, it looks like a wet dream to me.

10-04-2018, 08:08 AM
Rocket bunny body kit=it's cool for what it is

You again, are entitled to your wrong opinion.

Widebody looks 95% of the time more aggressive than a stock body. Even E46 M3 looks kinda boring when stock, with Musk Customs widebody kit, it looks like a wet dream to me.

You are also entitled to your wrong opinion, and shitty taste.

Stock metal > fiberglass.

10-04-2018, 08:09 AM
You again, are entitled to your wrong opinion.

You are also entitled to your wrong opinion, and shitty taste.

Stock metal > fiberglass.

+1 for metal bodies....

10-04-2018, 08:34 AM
You again, are entitled to your wrong opinion.

Let me clarify. The original rb design didn't bother me. (wasn't crazy about it either)


But when the strange looking flares and missing rear bumper blew up. it was total a total fail:picardfp:

https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSZvNNnmaMIrf2sZwn6YAdQ5CQ2hKGzG 5osfJSyWSCfrVZvyiqe

But over all I never liked rocket anything. I like glare aero, spirit rei , garage mak

10-04-2018, 08:35 AM
Stock metal > fiberglass.

+1 for factory metal

Although that spirit rei miyabi kit makes me feel some type of way :yum:

10-04-2018, 09:27 AM
Metal fenders over everything!!!

10-04-2018, 12:08 PM
Went to place A the other day and when I came back out I glanced a white beaten up S13 with black riveted over fenders, little stuff animals hanging off everywhere, Z32 brakes and no front mount intercooler was parked next to me.

It never gets old I just wish the owner was there so I could ask him 'why' and remind him that if he doesn't make his car look like ours we will complain about it on the internet.

10-04-2018, 01:41 PM
You are also entitled to your wrong opinion, and shitty taste.

Stock metal > fiberglass.


I agree, metal over frp.

10-04-2018, 03:09 PM
Nitekids is that you? Been in any police chases recently?

10-04-2018, 03:27 PM
even though I'm probably the oldest person in this thread I really like some of the widebody stuff that is out now. It's better than some of the old IMSA style or Primadonna styled stuff from the 70's.

10-04-2018, 11:00 PM

Woah there buddy. LS swap x fresh of boarder/boat comment x confederate flag hmmm lmao

Turboshoebox, I am on your side now (in spirit). Please fight him now!

Please record it if you do.

At least go spit on the mans porch or threaten his mother!


10-04-2018, 11:58 PM
Woah there buddy. LS swap x fresh of boarder/boat comment x confederate flag hmmm lmao

Turboshoebox, I am on your side now (in spirit). Please fight him now!

Please record it if you do.

At least go spit on the mans porch or threaten his mother!


Keep stirring the pot, fuck around and find out. Anytime <3 just DM me.

10-05-2018, 05:46 AM
This thread gives me the feels

10-05-2018, 07:29 AM
I remember when that rocketbunny car with the VR swap was unveiled and everyone was busting a nut over it. I said it was ugly and everyone jumped down my throat. It seems we’ve gotten what we deserve at this point.

10-05-2018, 07:36 AM
Keep stirring the pot, fuck around and find out. Anytime <3 just DM me.

LMAO Finally!!!!!:picardfp:

10-05-2018, 09:10 AM
Keep stirring the pot, fuck around and find out. Anytime <3 just DM me.

What's cooking ?

10-05-2018, 10:09 AM
What's a zilvia?

Anyway I'm just here to ban Henry. <3

(given this is my first post in a few years, i may or may not reply. :snoop:

10-05-2018, 10:21 AM
Dang... thread is pulling em outta the woodwork!!!

10-05-2018, 10:48 AM
cus this thread actually entertaining

10-05-2018, 01:00 PM
Hi I'm 12, what's this?

10-05-2018, 01:27 PM
Hi I'm 12, what's this?

Leave while you still can ! You want no part of this!!

10-05-2018, 04:04 PM
What's a zilvia?

Anyway I'm just here to ban Henry. <3

(given this is my first post in a few years, i may or may not reply. :snoop:

If you ban anyone ban that afishycooch guy. He's throwing out racial slurs and threatening other members!

10-05-2018, 04:08 PM
If you ban anyone ban that afishycooch guy. He's throwing out racial slurs and threatening other members!

get your snitching ass out of here !!

10-07-2018, 02:06 PM
get your snitching ass out of here !!

Dunno why i laughed so hard at this!

This thread is bringing the goods.

Most laughs i've had on Zilvia in a long time.

10-07-2018, 02:55 PM
get your snitching ass out of here !!

I second that.

10-07-2018, 03:08 PM
Pretty much all I got from this thread...


10-07-2018, 06:57 PM
Yo h8ters. i'm the one with the god speed intercooler. come at me bro.

I don't care that you are a super purist. that's cool and the scene needs more people like you. But not EVERYONE needs to be like you. Ragging on companies that make quality parts because they dont have super jdm craftsmanship and bring dishonor to your family is kinda dumb. Ragging on people who use said company parts is kinda dumb too. I bought my s13 when i was 18 years old and used it as a project for my autobody post highschool training. That was 13 years ago.

When i bought it, it was 2 tone red and black primer with poorly welded rust repairs. I fixed all the poor body work, painted it blue with a black roof/a pillars. It had a piece of plywood and a 2x4 brace that made up the driver's seatback. so i bought a corbeau a4 to replace it and years later bought a passanger side to match. It had oversprayed stock tear drops (which i still own) on it which i replaced with "tirerack special" black with a chrome lip asa wheels because it was 2005 and i had no idea what quality cool parts were here in PA where our tuning scene is 10 years behind the west coast. 4 years ago i bought some used work vsxx. I rocked the sohc motor for 4 years until i melted it by driving with 0 coolant. it sat for 3 years in a garage. then i bought an sr for 1500 and a "swap kit" for 1800 with a godspeed front mount and other stuff like mishimoto rad and fans, etc etc. it took me another year or two to finally get around to swapping the motor. i did get a jim wolfe tune an hks exhaust, tomei dump, hks actuator, apexi intake for the z32 maf so i guess im kinda cool. In 2006 i bought a sweet eibach spring/ kyb set up. But in 2012 wanted to be super cool and go actual low so i bought a fortune auto coil over/ isr armed set up. I still want to do big breaks and plan to do a wilwood set up. I still want to buy a kaaz rear. I bought a sweet dorki dori chuki side/ kouki rear replica set up a year ago that I havn't mounted or painted yet. i still want to add a rocket bunny wing and maybe a roof spoiler. I want to get a set of bride buckets because the recliners are too expensive. i want to sell my vsxx and get cr01s. i want to build a few thousand dollar detached garage to redo all the paint and bodywork in.

And here is where I make my argument to your attitude. Im 31 years old. ive had this worthless project car, which has always been my second car, for 13 years. Ive had to replace and service my daily drivers along the way. I got married and we bought my wife a car, we bought a house, we had a kid. i bought myself a third car because i didnt want to get rid of my rusty 02 wrx either so now i have 2 worthless cars and a nice one. Im long from being happy with where my build is and about ten grand away easily. And that includes keeping my "poor quality" fortune auto suspension, getting "entry level" big brake kit and nice fitting "bad taste" rocket bunny spoiler. ALL WHILE MY NISSAN IS SITTING IN A GARAGE GROWING MOLD ON THE INTERIOR SURFACES THAT AS A FATHER I HAVE ZERO TIME TO GO ADDRESS. I had 2 buddies that still had project cars until just yesterday 1 friend told me he sold his because of lack of time with family and house projects. Keeping my s13 is an irresponsible thing to do. I grapple with selling it on a daily basis.

I don't care that fortune auto isn't a super dope name. are they height adjustable? yep. Are they blown out from the 500 miles I've driven them since 2012? nope. Is my godspeed intercooler a super cool jdm find? nope. Does it cool charged air? yep. Are my isr arms broken after driving on them for 500 miles? nope. Do they allow me to have proper toe, camber and caster while being lowered? yep. Does my mishimoto radiator allow air to flow over fins in turn cooling coolant? yep. Do my mishimoto fans kick on? yep. Do i geniunly care about the fit and finish of my project even though im using these parts? yep. but all the money i spent on all my parts won't make me a dollar when i go to sell it for 4500 bucks because i have no time to work on it. People put isr everything on their car and go drive the fuck out of them on the track. Have you ever seen what grass roots drifting cars look like? they are actually out there having fun with their cars while mine sits in the garage as i try to afford the next piece of semi decent quality to further my build of a "street car".

I feel that zilvia was always home of good taste not expensive parts. Paint vs plasti dip. real vs reps. Some effort vs Aint Care. If you want the standard to be super jdm and expensive vs affordable but still works... well i can't keep up and an already dead forum becomes less attractive. Our cars are being turned into drift missiles and are being total'ed in big numbers. I want them to be clean street car platforms. You want them to be something sacred and on a pedestal and i think that's unreasonable. On paper they aren't even worth what we do to them. Jdm parts or not.

10-07-2018, 07:09 PM
Yo h8ters. i'm the one with the god speed intercooler. come at me bro.

I don't care that you are a super purist. that's cool and the scene needs more people like you. But not EVERYONE needs to be like you. Ragging on companies that make quality parts because they dont have super jdm craftsmanship and bring dishonor to your family is kinda dumb. Ragging on people who use said company parts is kinda dumb too. I bought my s13 when i was 18 years old and used it as a project for my autobody post highschool training. That was 13 years ago.

When i bought it, it was 2 tone red and black primer with poorly welded rust repairs. I fixed all the poor body work, painted it blue with a black roof/a pillars. It had a piece of plywood and a 2x4 brace that made up the driver's seatback. so i bought a corbeau a4 to replace it and years later bought a passanger side to match. It had oversprayed stock tear drops (which i still own) on it which i replaced with "tirerack special" black with a chrome lip asa wheels because it was 2005 and i had no idea what quality cool parts were here in PA where our tuning scene is 10 years behind the west coast. 4 years ago i bought some used work vsxx. I rocked the sohc motor for 4 years until i melted it by driving with 0 coolant. it sat for 3 years in a garage. then i bought an sr for 1500 and a "swap kit" for 1800 with a godspeed front mount and other stuff like mishimoto rad and fans, etc etc. it took me another year or two to finally get around to swapping the motor. i did get a jim wolfe tune an hks exhaust, tomei dump, hks actuator, apexi intake for the z32 maf so i guess im kinda cool. In 2006 i bought a sweet eibach spring/ kyb set up. But in 2012 wanted to be super cool and go actual low so i bought a fortune auto coil over/ isr armed set up. I still want to do big breaks and plan to do a wilwood set up. I still want to buy a kaaz rear. I bought a sweet dorki dori chuki side/ kouki rear replica set up a year ago that I havn't mounted or painted yet. i still want to add a rocket bunny wing and maybe a roof spoiler. I want to get a set of bride buckets because the recliners are too expensive. i want to sell my vsxx and get cr01s. i want to build a few thousand dollar detached garage to redo all the paint and bodywork in.

And here is where I make my argument to your attitude. Im 31 years old. ive had this worthless project car, which has always been my second car, for 13 years. Ive had to replace and service my daily drivers along the way. I got married and we bought my wife a car, we bought a house, we had a kid. i bought myself a third car because i didnt want to get rid of my rusty 02 wrx either so now i have 2 worthless cars and a nice one. Im long from being happy with where my build is and about ten grand away easily. And that includes keeping my "poor quality" fortune auto suspension, getting "entry level" big brake kit and nice fitting "bad taste" rocket bunny spoiler. ALL WHILE MY NISSAN IS SITTING IN A GARAGE GROWING MOLD ON THE INTERIOR SURFACES THAT AS A FATHER I HAVE ZERO TIME TO GO ADDRESS. I had 2 buddies that still had project cars until just yesterday 1 friend told me he sold his because of lack of time with family and house projects. Keeping my s13 is an irresponsible thing to do. I grapple with selling it on a daily basis.

I don't care that fortune auto isn't a super dope name. are they height adjustable? yep. Are they blown out from the 500 miles I've driven them since 2012? nope. Is my godspeed intercooler a super cool jdm find? nope. Does it cool charged air? yep. Are my isr arms broken after driving on them for 500 miles? nope. Do they allow me to have proper toe, camber and caster while being lowered? yep. Does my mishimoto radiator allow air to flow over fins in turn cooling coolant? yep. Do my mishimoto fans kick on? yep. Do i geniunly care about the fit and finish of my project even though im using these parts? yep. but all the money i spent on all my parts won't make me a dollar when i go to sell it for 4500 bucks because i have no time to work on it. People put isr everything on their car and go drive the fuck out of them on the track. Have you ever seen what grass roots drifting cars look like? they are actually out there having fun with their cars while mine sits in the garage as i try to afford the next piece of semi decent quality to further my build of a "street car".

I feel that zilvia was always home of good taste not expensive parts. Paint vs plasti dip. real vs reps. Some effort vs Aint Care. If you want the standard to be super jdm and expensive vs affordable but still works... well i can't keep up and an already dead forum becomes less attractive. Our cars are being turned into drift missiles and are being total'ed in big numbers. I want them to be clean street car platforms. You want them to be something sacred and on a pedestal and i think that's unreasonable. On paper they aren't even worth what we do to them. Jdm parts or not.

Someone summarize this for me …….:ugh::ugh:

10-07-2018, 07:49 PM
guy that is 31 spent alot of time on his 31st post.

10-07-2018, 08:00 PM
Someone summarize this for me …….:ugh::ugh:

bahaha really tho

10-07-2018, 08:07 PM
If you ban anyone ban that afishycooch guy. He's throwing out racial slurs and threatening other members!

You also direct messaged me trying to continue on your smart ass ways. Proceeded to call me a racist and when I tried to say let’s meet at a UFC gym you never replied. So shut the fuck up you pussy and come back to me when you find your balls again.


10-07-2018, 08:20 PM
You also direct messaged me trying to continue on your smart ass ways. Proceeded to call me a racist and when I tried to say let’s meet at a UFC gym you never replied. So shut the fuck up you pussy and come back to me when you find your balls again.

Hahaha my dude afishysilvia exposing these keyboard warriors on zilvia lmao

10-08-2018, 02:28 AM
If you ban anyone ban that afishycooch guy. He's throwing out racial slurs and threatening other members!

What a fucking cry baby ass bitch , get out of here with that snitch bullshit

10-08-2018, 04:02 AM
...13 years ago.

I feel that zilvia was always home of good taste not expensive parts. Paint vs plasti dip. real vs reps. Some effort vs Aint Care. If you want the standard to be super jdm and expensive vs affordable but still works... well i can't keep up and an already dead forum becomes less attractive. Our cars are being turned into drift missiles and are being total'ed in big numbers. I want them to be clean street car platforms. You want them to be something sacred and on a pedestal and i think that's unreasonable. On paper they aren't even worth what we do to them. Jdm parts or not.

This is a long time.

Is Zilvia really dead? Everyone keeps saying this but every time I come here to talk shit or ask a question I get a response. I'm honestly thinking this is some bullshit said by people that don't get a good reaction out of the forum. Not everyone here likes me but I still get the feedback/information I need. What the fuck would really make it litty, br0? What would get it poppin, dawg? Organized circlejerk meets?

Anyways, it's not a race...you're right. It's only a race if you're trying to stay relevant. Guys that switch wheels three times a year, guys that part out aero when the IG likes start coming, guys that have a paragraph of hashtags in their IG captions are the ones that are in the race for a seat at that e-fame table.

Being completely blunt: your car isn't done in 13yrs because you don't care about it enough. It's not really a priority. If your car had all ISR arms, a Mishimoto intercooler, and Fortune Auto coils no one but turboshoebox would give a fuck if the car looked good in pictures. I think that your car could be finished and look great on a budget if it was #1 on your list.

I also don't think these cars should be on a pedestal but the polar-fucking-opposite doesn't have to be the norm either.

I also ALSO think cars aren't worth what you do to them if you use ISR parts and the like to build it. For me it's an absence of 'doing' things to the car that raises the value.

Someone summarize this for me …….:ugh::ugh:

Something about how the pressure to buy real parts has made this guy take 13yrs to not do a whole lot to his car. I'm not sure.

10-08-2018, 06:07 AM
What a fucking cry baby ass bitch , get out of here with that snitch bullshit

SJW gotta do their thang dawg

10-08-2018, 08:02 AM
wah wah wah

Talk about taking crying about it to a whole new level.

Nobody asked about your entire life story. That isn't what this thread is about.

10-08-2018, 12:07 PM
Lmao I was trying to get you pussies mad. Goal accomplished!

10-08-2018, 12:09 PM
You also direct messaged me trying to continue on your smart ass ways. Proceeded to call me a racist and when I tried to say let’s meet at a UFC gym you never replied. So shut the fuck up you pussy and come back to me when you find your balls again.


10-08-2018, 12:19 PM
Somebody call Joe Rogan or Dana White, get this shit lined up already

10-08-2018, 12:24 PM
https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRYsrW7I_W_YiWA28K61UN215K_V0Oq1 zuICV3365Bm_NNImF0Ysg

10-08-2018, 12:46 PM
Lmao I was trying to get you pussies mad. Goal accomplished!


Spoken like a true keyboard warrior :keke::keke::keke:

10-08-2018, 01:07 PM
guy that is 31 spent alot of time on his 31st post.

hhahahahhahah i laughed way to hard at this!!!

10-08-2018, 03:08 PM
Dunno why i laughed so hard at this!

This thread is bringing the goods.

Most laughs i've had on Zilvia in a long time.

This and the other purest thread by Turboshoebox.... LOL

10-08-2018, 03:39 PM
You also direct messaged me trying to continue on your smart ass ways. Proceeded to call me a racist and when I tried to say let’s meet at a UFC gym you never replied. So shut the fuck up you pussy and come back to me when you find your balls again.


where's your gym? ill be there at 6:30 tonight. i'm the guy wearing the black tap out shirt who looks like he's on roids. don't even wait for me to step in the ring, just start swinging as soon as you see me, i'm trying to prepare for surprise attacks.

10-08-2018, 03:45 PM
where's your gym? ill be there at 6:30 tonight. i'm the guy wearing the black tap out shirt who looks like he's on roids. don't even wait for me to step in the ring, just start swinging as soon as you see me, i'm trying to prepare for surprise attacks.

Glad to see you're holding his sack for him. :ssex:

10-08-2018, 03:59 PM
Glad to see you're holding his sack for him. :ssex:

it's a thankless job, but someone's gotta do it

10-08-2018, 04:16 PM
Yo h8ters. i'm the one with the god speed intercooler. come at me bro.

I don't care that you are a super purist. that's cool and the scene needs more people like you. But not EVERYONE needs to be like you. Ragging on companies that make quality parts because they dont have super jdm craftsmanship and bring dishonor to your family is kinda dumb. Ragging on people who use said company parts is kinda dumb too. I bought my s13 when i was 18 years old and used it as a project for my autobody post highschool training. That was 13 years ago.

When i bought it, it was 2 tone red and black primer with poorly welded rust repairs. I fixed all the poor body work, painted it blue with a black roof/a pillars. It had a piece of plywood and a 2x4 brace that made up the driver's seatback. so i bought a corbeau a4 to replace it and years later bought a passanger side to match. It had oversprayed stock tear drops (which i still own) on it which i replaced with "tirerack special" black with a chrome lip asa wheels because it was 2005 and i had no idea what quality cool parts were here in PA where our tuning scene is 10 years behind the west coast. 4 years ago i bought some used work vsxx. I rocked the sohc motor for 4 years until i melted it by driving with 0 coolant. it sat for 3 years in a garage. then i bought an sr for 1500 and a "swap kit" for 1800 with a godspeed front mount and other stuff like mishimoto rad and fans, etc etc. it took me another year or two to finally get around to swapping the motor. i did get a jim wolfe tune an hks exhaust, tomei dump, hks actuator, apexi intake for the z32 maf so i guess im kinda cool. In 2006 i bought a sweet eibach spring/ kyb set up. But in 2012 wanted to be super cool and go actual low so i bought a fortune auto coil over/ isr armed set up. I still want to do big breaks and plan to do a wilwood set up. I still want to buy a kaaz rear. I bought a sweet dorki dori chuki side/ kouki rear replica set up a year ago that I havn't mounted or painted yet. i still want to add a rocket bunny wing and maybe a roof spoiler. I want to get a set of bride buckets because the recliners are too expensive. i want to sell my vsxx and get cr01s. i want to build a few thousand dollar detached garage to redo all the paint and bodywork in.

And here is where I make my argument to your attitude. Im 31 years old. ive had this worthless project car, which has always been my second car, for 13 years. Ive had to replace and service my daily drivers along the way. I got married and we bought my wife a car, we bought a house, we had a kid. i bought myself a third car because i didnt want to get rid of my rusty 02 wrx either so now i have 2 worthless cars and a nice one. Im long from being happy with where my build is and about ten grand away easily. And that includes keeping my "poor quality" fortune auto suspension, getting "entry level" big brake kit and nice fitting "bad taste" rocket bunny spoiler. ALL WHILE MY NISSAN IS SITTING IN A GARAGE GROWING MOLD ON THE INTERIOR SURFACES THAT AS A FATHER I HAVE ZERO TIME TO GO ADDRESS. I had 2 buddies that still had project cars until just yesterday 1 friend told me he sold his because of lack of time with family and house projects. Keeping my s13 is an irresponsible thing to do. I grapple with selling it on a daily basis.

I don't care that fortune auto isn't a super dope name. are they height adjustable? yep. Are they blown out from the 500 miles I've driven them since 2012? nope. Is my godspeed intercooler a super cool jdm find? nope. Does it cool charged air? yep. Are my isr arms broken after driving on them for 500 miles? nope. Do they allow me to have proper toe, camber and caster while being lowered? yep. Does my mishimoto radiator allow air to flow over fins in turn cooling coolant? yep. Do my mishimoto fans kick on? yep. Do i geniunly care about the fit and finish of my project even though im using these parts? yep. but all the money i spent on all my parts won't make me a dollar when i go to sell it for 4500 bucks because i have no time to work on it. People put isr everything on their car and go drive the fuck out of them on the track. Have you ever seen what grass roots drifting cars look like? they are actually out there having fun with their cars while mine sits in the garage as i try to afford the next piece of semi decent quality to further my build of a "street car".

I feel that zilvia was always home of good taste not expensive parts. Paint vs plasti dip. real vs reps. Some effort vs Aint Care. If you want the standard to be super jdm and expensive vs affordable but still works... well i can't keep up and an already dead forum becomes less attractive. Our cars are being turned into drift missiles and are being total'ed in big numbers. I want them to be clean street car platforms. You want them to be something sacred and on a pedestal and i think that's unreasonable. On paper they aren't even worth what we do to them. Jdm parts or not.


I want to help you mate. I want to make this clear. No one but yourself should be giving a shit about your car. I feel like it's cliche saying it in this day in age. But who are we to say what's 'good taste' and whats not?
I'm the person you consider a 'purist' and i like fortune auto and some of the less reputable brands. Just because it isn't Japanese made doesn't mean it's shit. I can tell you from experience that even that Japanese get it wrong sometimes.

I'm right around your age too so don't think i'm a young'n trying to tell you whats good. It could take another 13 years to finish your car. So what...? I don't mean to be harsh but just take as much time as it takes. You're clearly more inclined to keep the car since you've had it sitting for so long.
If you truly saw it as worthless you would have got rid of it by now.

In regards to chasing the game. If that's what you want then give up now! Unless you have unlimited funds or no responsibilities you can't do it. But who gives a shit anyway. The 'game' shouldn't be the standard you set to. You should have your own set goal to aspire to.

The fact that we're all here responding on this useless thread is proof this forum isn't dead.

Forgive me but who are you to say whats reasonable and unreasonable though? I put my car on this so called 'pedestal' because I've put 12 years of love/work/money into it.
You flame people for giving you shit then say S Chassis shouldn't be turned into drift missiles and should be clean street car platforms... Bit hypocritical.

Sorry for the long reply.

10-08-2018, 05:40 PM
I feel like the 31 post guy could have actually got some work done on his car with the amount of time he spent crying for his 31st post. Christ, enjoy your godspeed trash somewhere else.

10-08-2018, 05:48 PM
I feel like the 31 post guy could have actually got some work done on his car with the amount of time he spent crying for his 31st post. Christ, enjoy your godspeed trash somewhere else.

LMFAO!!! I Swear i was going to say this.If he put that same amount of effort into his car it would be done by now :keke:

10-08-2018, 06:04 PM
LMFAO!!! I Swear i was going to say this.If he put that same amount of effort into his car it would be done by now :keke:

I guess so, but we aren't sure if there are other "family" factors.... meh....I am in the same exact situation with house, 17 month old daughter, 39 years old , but 3 hours on the weekend, 1 hour at night.... You can get a lot done.

It's not just prioritization but also planning what you are going to accomplish.... In terms of funds, its always tight but saving as well helps

10-08-2018, 06:06 PM
The 31 post guy, that's catchy haha
Anybody's got summary of his essay yet?

10-08-2018, 06:11 PM
The 31 post guy, that's catchy haha
Anybody's got summary of his essay yet?

Im still so lost as to what/where his message is directed. How it even ended up here and who he is? Mind blowing :facepalm:

10-08-2018, 06:23 PM
I've had a project since 2004, still not done. Between a mortgage, work, 2 kids, an overworked wife, having irreparable retina detachment in one eye, cant weld anymore, etc, I said fuck it. I haven't touched it in years now. It'll get done...maybe. Or just sell it. Whatever. I've got 2 other cars that are in way better shape to work on anyway.

Sent from my SM-G960U using Tapatalk

10-08-2018, 07:17 PM
I've had a project since 2004, still not done. Between a mortgage, work, 2 kids, an overworked wife, having irreparable retina detachment in one eye, cant weld anymore, etc, I said fuck it. I haven't touched it in years now. It'll get done...maybe. Or just sell it. Whatever. I've got 2 other cars that are in way better shape to work on anyway.

recommendation: try not to start a project car unless you can see a driving finish line within the next couple months.

keep the biggest fear as putting a dollar into a corpse. It doesn't matter how much you spend- what matters is you drive it and enjoy that, and soon.

Method: One car at a time ensures you will always be focused on getting it to drive asap (because you have to walk otherwise).

10-08-2018, 07:27 PM
That's why I sold my s14. The other 2 are cars with family history, one my wife's grandmother's car, the other is my grandfather's.
When I bought my 68 mustang, I was working on it on and off till about 3 years ago. Family and health issues ended that. And it needs way too much body work.

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10-08-2018, 09:39 PM
I guess so, but we aren't sure if there are other "family" factors.... meh....I am in the same exact situation with house, 17 month old daughter, 39 years old , but 3 hours on the weekend, 1 hour at night.... You can get a lot done.

It's not just prioritization but also planning what you are going to accomplish.... In terms of funds, its always tight but saving as well helps
True but he isnt the only one going through this thing called life... He is the only one that decided to come on here and rant about how his car isnt finished :picardfp:

10-09-2018, 07:13 AM
Glad to see you're holding his sack for him. :ssex:

it's a thankless job, but someone's gotta do it

Real friends are hard to find.

Afishycooch- I say we just fight it out. Send me your gps coordinates and I shall be there.:drama:

If anyone can attend to record it I would appreciate it. Also I will need someone there to yell Worldstar in the background!

10-09-2018, 07:29 AM
Man, this thread sucks ass....


10-09-2018, 08:07 AM
Real friends are hard to find.

Afishycooch- I say we just fight it out. Send me your gps coordinates and I shall be there.:drama:

If anyone can attend to record it I would appreciate it. Also I will need someone there to yell Worldstar in the background!

Quit being a little kid/bitch. Message me directly if you’re serious.

10-09-2018, 08:44 AM
The 31 post guy, that's catchy haha
Anybody's got summary of his essay yet?

He likes 240's but his wife won't let him spend any money on it but she lets him keep it, prob under a tarp in the back corner of the yard.

10-09-2018, 08:47 AM
He likes 240's but his wife won't let him spend any money on it but she lets him keep it, prob under a tarp in the back corner of the yard.


10-09-2018, 09:03 AM
Real friends are hard to find.

If anyone can attend to record it I would appreciate it. Also I will need someone there to yell Worldstar in the background!

I’m a real friend (I think) Dizzariot can weigh in on that.

Also. I’m perfect for yelling Worldstar in the background

Dizzariot can also weigh in. Lol

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10-09-2018, 11:34 AM
Annnnnnnnd we're back to a regular Zilvia thread...

10-09-2018, 03:36 PM
Everyone attend the fight. Planning to schedule it for this weekend. Whichever walmart is the center location between afishy guy and myself will be the location. Please drive around back by the dumpsters!

10-09-2018, 06:06 PM
Everyone attend the fight. Planning to schedule it for this weekend. Whichever walmart is the center location between afishy guy and myself will be the location. Please drive around back by the dumpsters!

Good olé dumpster fight.

I want 31st post guy to post a picture of this 13 year project.

10-09-2018, 06:32 PM
only dumpster back there will be gold with an ls swap in it

10-09-2018, 06:41 PM
only dumpster back there will be gold with an ls swap in it

Everyone attend the fight. Planning to schedule it for this weekend. Whichever walmart is the center location between afishy guy and myself will be the location. Please drive around back by the dumpsters!

After you too are done sucking each other’s cocks...

1520 N Mountain Ave
Ontario, CA 91762
United States

Let me know

10-09-2018, 06:42 PM
He likes 240's but his wife won't let him spend any money on it but she lets him keep it, prob under a tarp in the back corner of the yard.
Really? Damn, 31 post guy, you really needed an essay to say that? If everybody bitch about similar situations there would be a dedicated section...

10-09-2018, 07:23 PM
After you too are done sucking each other’s cocks...

1520 N Mountain Ave
Ontario, CA 91762
United States

Let me know

i see you're already there


10-09-2018, 07:29 PM
After you too are done sucking each other’s cocks...

1520 N Mountain Ave
Ontario, CA 91762
United States

Let me know


Anyway, your rebel flag and ls swap doesnt scare me!

Jk it really does!

But I have to to this. What time? And what day? :naughty:

10-09-2018, 07:36 PM
Lol max why don’t you shut your fat ass up already, I’d be more worried about you going into cardiac arrest from the excitement.

10-09-2018, 07:43 PM
*came here to be grumpy with likeminded grumps*

**not what was expected**

***still content***

10-09-2018, 10:14 PM
Lol max why don’t you shut your fat ass up already, I’d be more worried about you going into cardiac arrest from the excitement.

Now you're fat shaming people :picardfp:

Mods ban this dude please!

Lmao :keke:

Ps. Link to fight soon to be uploaded. I have the stone cold stunner down to an art.

10-10-2018, 05:56 AM
Its 2018 this shit could def be live-streamed

10-10-2018, 08:06 AM
official zilvia shit talk thread?

10-10-2018, 12:08 PM
Lol max why don’t you shut your fat ass up already, I’d be more worried about you going into cardiac arrest from the excitement.

BET. i'd just laugh while getting my ass beat as the light fades from my eyes because your stupid ass doesn't know how zilvia works yet :rofl:

10-10-2018, 12:12 PM
Lol max why don’t you shut your fat ass up already, I’d be more worried about you going into cardiac arrest from the excitement.

Bwahahahah! Now I need a towel to clean off my laptop screen from all the projective coffee :mrmeph:

10-10-2018, 12:42 PM
when is this fight happening? ontario aint that far of a drive for me. i wanna be Drake in this scenario. Stand there, hold a flag, then cower when real shit goes down.


10-10-2018, 12:52 PM
Didn't that Irish guy get knocked the eff out this past weekend??

So who is Mr Irish in this situation?!?!?! :D

10-10-2018, 12:59 PM
I'd for sure win. So the Irish fellow is Afishyls1.

10-10-2018, 04:43 PM
I'll fly in from Japan. I've known for a long time I have a great announcer's voice. Time to make my mark on the Dumpster Fight World.

10-10-2018, 06:30 PM
I'd for sure win. So the Irish fellow is Afishyls1.

Just text him and set it up pussy 479-226-1258

10-10-2018, 06:33 PM
Just text him and set it up pussy 479-226-1258


This just gets better!

10-10-2018, 06:47 PM
Hands down the best thread of 2018.

:drama: :snoop:

10-10-2018, 07:19 PM

This just gets better!

You would be the pussy I was referring to

10-10-2018, 08:50 PM
so.... we getting a live stream or what?

10-10-2018, 08:56 PM

This just gets better!

all fun and games until afishysilvia runs into you guys :)

10-11-2018, 05:55 AM
da_crew grabbin' em by the pussy now this keeps getting better and better

10-11-2018, 09:44 AM
lol at UFC gym

i'll meet you at a real gym and you can get it lsdouche

10-11-2018, 10:14 AM
been reading this thread from the start, how will it all end?:drama:

10-11-2018, 11:02 AM
There should be a zilvia twitch account of just this thread. There's a categorey for "Just Chatting..."

10-11-2018, 01:25 PM
zilvia 2018 - we've devolved to guttural grunts and getting offended on the internet

10-11-2018, 05:22 PM
Geez this got good!

Guys just wait. Been pumping lots of iron!

10-11-2018, 07:58 PM
I think this thread needs yet another change of title

10-12-2018, 01:22 AM
bring back VICEROY

10-12-2018, 04:43 AM
Where’d turboshitbox go

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10-12-2018, 06:35 AM
I think this thread needs yet another change of title

LOL I agree I propose

"Welcome to Zilvia 2018"

10-12-2018, 06:38 AM
zilvia 2018 - we've devolved to guttural grunts and getting offended on the internet

Is this different from zilvia's history? Haha. There's always been name calling, but the fight challenges are new I guess. In fact I'd say there's less harsh criticism here these days.

Touge Noob S13
10-12-2018, 11:00 AM
My last post was in 2016 and ive been just in the FS section since. Came back just for this thread lol.

10-12-2018, 11:55 AM
This is how I predict it will end:


Prove me wrong!

10-12-2018, 12:22 PM
How long you guys think this fight would last anyways? Im gonna say 45sec
Afishy ends it with rear naked choke

10-12-2018, 03:10 PM
Been watching a lot of street fight videos and goku fight scenes!.

So you can say the training is getting serious!

10-12-2018, 05:04 PM
Is this different from zilvia's history? Haha. There's always been name calling, but the fight challenges are new I guess. In fact I'd say there's less harsh criticism here these days.

I'm all about bringing us back to our former forum glory. We'd have less idiots in here.


10-12-2018, 08:43 PM
Been watching a lot of street fight videos and goku fight scenes!.

So you can say the training is getting serious!

So you have the power of YouTube and anime?

Can we make bets? I have $100 on afishy lol

10-12-2018, 09:12 PM
I'm all about bringing us back to our former forum glory. We'd have less idiots in here.


Did you mean MZGA? (Make Zilvia Great Again)

10-12-2018, 10:16 PM
Did you mean MZGA? (Make Zilvia Great Again)


I uh, meant...Make All Zilvians Assholes. No wait, Make America Zilvian again.

You caught me slippin. Pls b gentle.

10-12-2018, 10:17 PM

Make Zilvians Assholes Again

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10-12-2018, 10:18 PM
Still waiting on TurboShitBox to come back with his weak ass insults or whether or not he’s going to actually fight Fishy lol

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro

10-13-2018, 01:12 AM
this is nothing new... he literally revealed himself on page 1... what else do u need to see, a picture of his house? lol

10-13-2018, 02:18 AM
oh hai guis.....guess what

turboshitbox is xxxx xxxx

let's spam the fuck out of him (xxx) xxx-xxxx

enjoy ;)

not sure who you are but that's not legit at all. no clue who's # that is. someone should either ban this guy or edit the post

10-13-2018, 06:24 PM
its hilarious how angry people get at the internet.

can we turn this into a rap battle??

10-13-2018, 07:43 PM
its hilarious how angry people get at the internet.

can we turn this into a rap battle??


I am so down. I am a way better rapper than fighter. I am 2-8 in street fights but 6-1 in rap battles!

10-15-2018, 12:17 PM
Feels like shit is starting to fizzle, age has caught up with us all :facepalm:

10-15-2018, 01:36 PM
I could have told you this wasn't going to happen on page 1.

in for a rap battle tho. #foshizzlemynizzle

10-16-2018, 08:08 AM
I don't know what either contender looks like or stats. Please provide so I can place my bet accordingly.

Also, as a premium member, I wouldn't really be mad if a moderator changed the phrase under my username to "clear tail lights asshole"

10-16-2018, 08:26 AM
F a rap battle we are Zilvians, DRIFT BATTLE.. OMT.. OMG

10-21-2018, 12:43 AM
I'm just impressed how many old heads popped up in this thread. Havent seen some of these SN's pop up in awhile. Then again, I barely lurk as it is.

10-21-2018, 12:59 AM
You're old too!

10-21-2018, 01:28 AM
You must be bored like me to be on here. The joys of working nights with absolutely nothing to do.

10-21-2018, 07:31 PM
You must be bored like me to be on here. The joys of working nights with absolutely nothing to do.

yup pretty much! lol

10-22-2018, 03:20 PM
I fucking hate that fr legends crap. Stupid fucking game. Reminds me of that minecraft crap.

10-22-2018, 09:00 PM
bring back VICEROY

where is charlie mercer

10-23-2018, 06:38 AM
I remember going to All-Star Bash in 2009 and being too shy to talk to anyone LOL.

I just took pictures with my digital camera and left.






10-23-2018, 09:12 AM
I remember going to All-Star Bash in 2009 and being too shy to talk to anyone LOL.

I just took pictures with my digital camera and left.

That's hot :eek:

10-23-2018, 11:06 AM
remember when socal had cool drift style? seems like few and far between these days. all hardparkers and bros who wanna drive formula d.

10-23-2018, 01:21 PM
remember when socal had cool drift style? seems like few and far between these days. all hardparkers and bros who wanna drive formula d.

socal used to lead the way . middle america is where it's at lately

10-23-2018, 02:12 PM
remember when socal had cool drift style? seems like few and far between these days. all hardparkers and bros who wanna drive formula d.

2009ish was kind of a golden era for style. Risky Devils had just gone "viral", Socal was all style-y with Matt, Dousan, BH, Flybert, Tommy, etc. C's Garage was also just gaining popularity. China parts and builds weren't popular yet.

There are plenty of good looking cars these days, but I think they're more spread out.

10-23-2018, 02:34 PM
man I miss the RD FC.... so hawt:

10-23-2018, 02:56 PM
man I miss the RD FC.... so hawt:

Look at the cars in the background. Seems like the standards for entering a show used to be much higher back then too.

10-23-2018, 07:02 PM
Speaking of old members and drifters - Matt Panic is still doing his thing with good style. Dude is a beast and ShaDynasty is one of the coolest teams out there.

It's crazy how much of that is a thing of the past though. Drifting has always been cool one day and gone the next - but Viceroy just kind of disappeared, Risky D seems to be... gone? PG just ended at some point.

IDK, so strange. I haven't thought about it much until this thread kind of reminded.

10-23-2018, 07:40 PM
It's crazy how much of that is a thing of the past though. Drifting has always been cool one day and gone the next - but Viceroy just kind of disappeared, Risky D seems to be... gone? PG just ended at some point.

Not surprised. There's just not enough time to continue doing what you enjoy when you were younger. People get old. People's interests or priorities in life change. People move on.

10-23-2018, 10:26 PM
It's crazy how much of that is a thing of the past though. Drifting has always been cool one day and gone the next - but Viceroy just kind of disappeared, Risky D seems to be... gone? PG just ended at some point.

unless I'm mistaken didn't like half of risky devil evolve into proceed?? on another note, thats kind of how things are now though. people being into something for two years then dropping out never to be seen again, you see it in heavy music all the time. its all about the instagram fame.

10-24-2018, 09:18 AM
unless I'm mistaken didn't like half of risky devil evolve into proceed?? on another note, thats kind of how things are now though. people being into something for two years then dropping out never to be seen again, you see it in heavy music all the time. its all about the instagram fame.

You may be on to something there, I wasn't aware of the PROCEED link.

Not surprised. There's just not enough time to continue doing what you enjoy when you were younger. People get old. People's interests or priorities in life change. People move on.

IDK, I am busier than I have ever been and certainly have far more priorities (above drifting) however I feel like I am having a resurgence in the scene and actually have money to do stuff with.

American's in general though don't seem to posses much loyalty to something these days. Also dissapointed with how many people used drifting as a jump off point but are now with other sports or fame and don't give drifting the credit it deserves. Not naming names, but anyone who has followed "pro" drifting for some time should have a few ideas.

10-24-2018, 10:05 AM
This post really sucks balls now, what happened to afisshy and turbodouche? All you guys hijacking this thread could benefit from starting your own.. just sayin

10-24-2018, 10:43 AM
This post really sucks balls now, what happened to afisshy and turbodouche? All you guys hijacking this thread could benefit from starting your own.. just sayin

Boohoo they can’t talk shit forever.

10-24-2018, 10:55 AM
unless I'm mistaken didn't like half of risky devil evolve into proceed?.

Ive always wondered... was there drama behind that? It seems like they never really acknowledge each other through social media since the split

10-24-2018, 12:35 PM
This post really sucks balls now, what happened to afisshy and turbodouche? All you guys hijacking this thread could benefit from starting your own.. just sayin


10-24-2018, 01:44 PM
Ive always wondered... was there drama behind that? It seems like they never really acknowledge each other through social media since the split

And there was Junkhouse in there somewhere...

10-24-2018, 05:06 PM
And there was Junkhouse in there somewhere...

Oh yeah I forgot about JUNKHOUSE

I just remember Risky Devil being a part of that dubstep music video and I think that was the last thing they did together before it split into PROCEED

Whatever happened to DRIFTWOLRD and Matej?

10-24-2018, 07:21 PM
Look at the cars in the background. Seems like the standards for entering a show used to be much higher back then too.

It's all money and what you're willing to promote. That, and 'culture vultures'. Dudes that are handy with the IG shit but don't seem to actually care about the 'scene' as a whole. They just know how to generate buzz. System Motorsports and Prime NYC come to mind.

American's in general though don't seem to posses much loyalty to something these days. Also disappointed with how many people used drifting as a jump off point but are now with other sports or fame and don't give drifting the credit it deserves. Not naming names, but anyone who has followed "pro" drifting for some time should have a few ideas.

I think it's kind of wrong to just say it's Americans. I think it's just younger people nowadays (hence the name change for this thread) that want instant gratification. There's a certain white, unfinished fastback that always pops up in my IG feed with a sadboi caption about how the owner is unmotivated to finish the car....so why post a picture? Oh, the IG likes. That's why. When the buzz is there kids are all about it and when it fades away it's time to move on to a new chassis. The ZN6 community was like that, too.

For the record, Japan is just as bad. I didn't realize it until I moved here but a lot of the people my (our?) age and younger actually have really shitty cars. Most of the content we're shown via blogs and websites is carefully selected and the owners of those cars are like middle-aged Dads with serious cash. The younger car-people here are suuuuuper into fads.

10-24-2018, 09:08 PM
[QUOTE=dizzariot;6303206]It's all money and what you're willing to promote. That, and 'culture vultures'. Dudes that are handy with the IG shit but don't seem to actually care about the 'scene' as a whole. They just know how to generate buzz. System Motorsports and Prime NYC come to mind.


Nothing but good things from prime. Those guys put so much effort into the younger generation coming into cars & genuinely care about the “scene”. Out here in nyc there really isnt much community of a quality caliber & these guys make it happend. For people who have been around this for 10+ years. They have really helped me out & had open arms. Idk what leads you to believe they dont actually care.

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10-24-2018, 09:09 PM
Nothing but good things from prime. Those guys put so much effort into the younger generation coming into cars & genuinely care about the “scene”. Out here in nyc there really isnt much community of a quality caliber & these guys make it happend. For people who have been around this for 10+ years. They have really helped me out & had open arms. Idk what leads you to believe they dont actually care.

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For dizza^ sorry for misquote

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10-24-2018, 09:10 PM
Oh yeah I forgot about JUNKHOUSE

junkhouse was the shit.

Ive always wondered... was there drama behind that? It seems like they never really acknowledge each other through social media since the split

no clue, so i won't guess. i know some still drive at USAIR together so make of that what you will??? idk.

I think it's kind of wrong to just say it's Americans. I think it's just younger people nowadays (hence the name change for this thread) that want instant gratification. There's a certain white, unfinished fastback that always pops up in my IG feed with a sadboi caption about how the owner is unmotivated to finish the car....so why post a picture? Oh, the IG likes. That's why. When the buzz is there kids are all about it and when it fades away it's time to move on to a new chassis. The ZN6 community was like that, too.

this hits it right on the head, and because of that you lose almost anything that would've been considered a subculture. people want streetwear (namely supreme) because everyone has it now, not because nobody has it. same can be said with drifting, its all about how fast they can blow up on the gram. its not just us feeling the affects of this.