View Full Version : Wtb>hatchback taillights bulb cover

07-04-2018, 10:24 PM
If anyone is selling a hathback taillights bulb covers (the panels the bulbs go in that clip into the light housing) let me know! I prefer to deal locally(Orange County,CA area), But shipping works too. Thanks!

07-06-2018, 08:19 AM
Bump! Any1?

07-07-2018, 10:53 AM
Do you have a picture of what youre talking about? Is it the interior trim you need or the panels the bulbs go in that clip into the light housing?

07-07-2018, 01:00 PM
Do you have a picture of what youre talking about? Is it the interior trim you need or the panels the bulbs go in that clip into the light housing?

I need the panels the bulbs go in that clip into the light housing

07-08-2018, 08:38 AM
Gotcha, well I have a full set I don't need however the factory plugs are missing, the wires and everything are there and in working condition. If you don't mind doing a bit of work cutting and splicing lmk

https://preview.ibb.co/mVonP8/IMG_1948.jpg (https://ibb.co/jBuSP8)