View Full Version : cmon guys...

tew photy
10-30-2004, 12:41 PM
I am not trying to bitch, but i really think this pinking thing is kinda out of control. This is by far by favorite 240 forum and i think it has the closest communitry, but I think I was pinked simply for telling Makoto to quit being a dick, which he was being. I do not think he was too deeply hurt that i called him that, and it was a one time thing, and also my "first offense." I don't think I should have to only browse 2 subforums for an entire month for a one time, one-line post. I mean, there was not even a warning first. also, i tried to PM a moderator with this post, but since I am pinked, I am not allowed to.

Again, not bitching about the pink thing in general, because some people constantly are idiots, but I think us everyday surfers should at least have a warning chance or something.

So cmon mods, we all love being on this forum, and this pinking thing is making it a lot less fun.

PS: Please don't lock this thread, maybe some open discussion on the topic would be helpful?

10-30-2004, 01:04 PM
I felt the past year got some super strict moderators....

10-30-2004, 01:08 PM
a few things:

-i AM a dick, find a way to deal with it outside of name calling.
-getting pinked IS a warning and you got off light.
-making this thread knowing that you're not supposed to will probably make it worse.

10-30-2004, 01:34 PM
I saw what you wrote and agree you should have been PM'd a warning. Other mods find handing out the Pink bans as a warning so I'm not exactly gonna reverse it, its a new feature that we're all learning. You only have 1 more day left being pink so its no big deal and now you know what not to do in the future.