View Full Version : Buy and shipping s14 advice/help

03-14-2018, 04:27 PM
Alright I currently live overseas (in the US Air Force) but I will be moving back stateside in a few months. I wanted to buy a 240 before I get back stateside and have it shipped to where I’ll be stationed.
Anyone ever done something like this? Buying a car out of state and then have it shipped to a different state.
Any advice on how I should do payment process and title? Good shipping company?

Also I’ll be shipping the car to North Dakota. I’ve looked around the area and haven’t found anything. So gonna be looking in like Florida or Texas area, purchase it , have a shipping comapany pick it up, and ship it to a friends house in ND so I have a car there as soon as I get off the plane. Trying to find something with minimal rust.

03-22-2018, 02:34 PM