View Full Version : Job Opportunity....1600mi Away; Should I do it?

crash n' burn
02-18-2018, 01:50 PM
The wife an I were driving around after dinner last night looking at a few houses and out of the blue my former boss shoots me a text, "Still thinking about Colorado? I need a network guy."

Now, a little back story..

My wife and I have always talked about living in that area of the country and I never got the opportunity to get stationed there (Colorado Springs) while I was in the Army. I've known soo many people that have gone there and stayed there or absolutely loved it while they were there. My boss left about 2 weeks ago to move back to be with his family (long story). I mentioned to him that I've always been interested going out that way, but never had any business contacts. Told him that i'd keep in touch and if he ever heard of something to please reach out. I consider him somewhat of a mentor and we had a pretty good working relationship over the last year and a half; I don't think he'd be setting me up for failure.

Its a step in the right direction for me career wise, but its a pretty big leap of faith. Pays a bit more, but really not much more if you factor in CoL. Things a super affordable here in NC and we do alright for ourselves. Just, I absolutely hate the town we live in and only agreed because of her dad watches our kid during the day (payments made in Jameson :cool: ). Its like a 40 minute drive each way to work but the property taxes are soo much lower here and money goes a lot further with a house. Without getting too personal, I have a pretty shitty family dynamic with my parents and brother that I'm really tired of trying to make work and step on eggshells dealing with them. Her parents are basically going to follow us wherever because that just their thing I guess.

I've got a house, my wife has a job, our son is 2.5yrs old, both our families, etc etc.... There are soo many unknowns associated with packing up the wagon and heading west.

TLDR, leave NC for CO..what do you think?

02-18-2018, 05:42 PM
There are some dynamics you cannot quantify here...
The most important is your happiness. I dunno where you are in NC, but I am Greensboro and know what the property taxes here look like and have out of town family to compare war stories with. If the Colorado money is nice enough, you have nothing with direct influence on your happiness keeping you here (note: I do) and you can make it work then DO it.'
My cousin moved from York County SC (just over the Charlotte/SC line) to Salinas Kansas, to Ft. Collins, Moved to LA last year and HATED that shit as much as he loved it, will be back in Colorado week after next. With the weed laws there, if you care, I am not seeing this as a bad move if you can make it work inside of your happiness.

crash n' burn
02-18-2018, 07:19 PM
I hear ya. Outside of the Army, I've lived in the Carolinas almost all my life, growing up in Columbia, SC and living outside of Raleigh, Sanford, Pinehurst and now Sanford again. I survived living in BFE Louisiana for a few years and got lucky being stationed in Germany. My wife and I absolutely LOVED it and would go back in a heartbeat but it's next to impossible to do unless I got a government job.

I just feel like the only reason we moved back was for our kid to have a great relationship with family and he has...just not my side. I can't help but feel like I'm missing out on these sort of opportunities and behold, here a really viable option to get the hell out of my current situation. I do have a pretty good job with people I enjoy working with and has decent benefits but it's nothing that can't be found anywhere else. Wife is totally on board with pursuing this, she see me really struggling right now with trying to find my place in all of this.

02-18-2018, 09:06 PM
Take a weekend vacation out there and sample the area, even stop by and see what the potential job has to offer. You should still be able to stay at DoD hotels correct? I imagine one of the Air Force bases should be close.

drift freaq
02-19-2018, 03:12 AM
My Dad moved our Family from Illinios to Mass to California. Each time it was based on a job opportunity that was better than the current one. Our family did not suffer for it. I wound up in Palo Alto ca after the age of 10 it was great. I honestly think if the grandparents are gonna follow which is pretty cool then you might have a great opportunity moving to Colorado. I hear great things about it and if have the opportunity and the family is onboard go for it. If it furthers your career it's the right move.

02-19-2018, 06:13 AM
I hear ya. Outside of the Army, I've lived in the Carolinas almost all my life, growing up in Columbia, SC and living outside of Raleigh, Sanford, Pinehurst and now Sanford again. I survived living in BFE Louisiana for a few years and got lucky being stationed in Germany. My wife and I absolutely LOVED it and would go back in a heartbeat but it's next to impossible to do unless I got a government job.

I just feel like the only reason we moved back was for our kid to have a great relationship with family and he has...just not my side. I can't help but feel like I'm missing out on these sort of opportunities and behold, here a really viable option to get the hell out of my current situation. I do have a pretty good job with people I enjoy working with and has decent benefits but it's nothing that can't be found anywhere else. Wife is totally on board with pursuing this, she see me really struggling right now with trying to find my place in all of this.

You already have the blessing. Outweigh the pros and cons of the move and make a decision, then never look back!

02-20-2018, 07:46 AM
This is going to sound like some 3rd grade social studies shit, but even today when I have new job opportunities I will sit down and write out a pros and cons list. It helps to see it in writing instead of keeping mental note.

Cost of living, taxes, would you be living closer to work there and save in gas? Stuff like that.

Sidenote: I didn't know you were in networking. . .

crash n' burn
02-20-2018, 11:35 AM
Sidenote: I didn't know you were in networking. . .

https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4760/26514019838_93825be90a_n.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/GoXhn5)

Nah..I really just dick around in the office all day and pretend to work.

02-20-2018, 01:46 PM
Nah..I really just dick around in the office all day and pretend to work.

Hey, me too!

02-20-2018, 02:56 PM
https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4760/26514019838_93825be90a_n.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/GoXhn5)

Nah..I really just dick around in the office all day and pretend to work.

Hey, me too!

In IT out here CO, right now I am "working" too. LOL
I joke that 60% of my time is watching a loading bar go across the screen.

The CoL out here is out of control the last 6-7 years in Denver-Metro. East Aurora (AKA Saudi Aurora), Colorado Spring (ish) and North-North East Denver are reasonable for home and rental pricing. I would ask for a CoL raise if you do it.

We got into a house right at the tail end of the recession, thankfully, otherwise wouldn't wouldn't have been able to afford anything in Denver. Part of the problem is with the hot market in Denver, people are snatching up cheap homes and flipping them for double or more; which doesn't give anyone the ability to buy low and fix it up.

Love the state and dont plan on moving. If you want to pursue IT/Networking fields, there is a shit load of big, small and startup companies.

crash n' burn
02-20-2018, 05:04 PM
I would ask for a CoL raise if you do it.

I have a 2800sqft 4bed/2.5bath with a 2 car garage and 1/2acre lot that I paid 200k even for..and that was a deal.

It's worth twice that in the springs area. I've been looking in Foutain and contemplating Pueblo. Im fine with a smaller house, but 250k with lower quality materials and composite countertops got me like :tweak:

02-20-2018, 05:47 PM
This is going to sound like some 3rd grade social studies shit, but even today when I have new job opportunities I will sit down and write out a pros and cons list. It helps to see it in writing instead of keeping mental note.

Cost of living, taxes, would you be living closer to work there and save in gas? Stuff like that.

Sidenote: I didn't know you were in networking. . .

Lol I did the same thing before moving to Japan. Then i tossed the paper in the trash, packed up my shit and left!

OP if you ever do decide to go government, we could use a couple of network guys on the GS side over here.

crash n' burn
02-20-2018, 07:17 PM
OP if you ever do decide to go government, we could use a couple of network guys on the GS side over here.

I'd love to do it..but I'm afraid I'd also be divorced fairly quick 😂.

Only GS slots I've seen out there that I'd qualify for..i don't get referred through. I got like 5 or 6 referrals in the shoot right now. It's been like 2 months since most of the postings closed and I'm not going to wait for them to go, oh yeahhhhhhh, then update it that I wasn't selected.

02-21-2018, 09:49 AM
I have a 2800sqft 4bed/2.5bath with a 2 car garage and 1/2acre lot that I paid 200k even for..and that was a deal.

It's worth twice that in the springs area. I've been looking in Foutain and contemplating Pueblo. Im fine with a smaller house, but 250k with lower quality materials and composite countertops got me like :tweak:
Housing prices down here will spoil the fuck outta you.
You could have scored your house in Greensboro for about $175k, perhaps lower, depending on the neighborhood.

Lol I did the same thing before moving to Japan. Then i tossed the paper in the trash, packed up my shit and left!

I am going to guess you're single with no kids

04-23-2018, 08:04 PM
I'd definitely leave NC for CO. I'd even leave the west end of NC (Brevard, Asheville, etc.) for CO.

So did you?