View Full Version : Oregon... Where apparently average citizens don't understand pumping gas

01-03-2018, 07:18 AM
Link (https://jalopnik.com/join-america-in-laughing-at-oregonians-freaking-out-abo-1821708958)

I was reading on this on a thread on FB yesterday, people were LIVID at the prospect of having to face the dangers of pumping their own gas for the first time in their adult lives.

01-03-2018, 08:00 AM
"I smelled like gas"
was one of the complaints I saw on the news.
I think your doing it wrong if you smelled like gas lol

01-03-2018, 08:02 AM
Oregon is the florida of the west coast.

01-03-2018, 08:09 AM
Christ, what a bunch of candyasses. Wonder if there's cream for achy manginas...

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01-03-2018, 11:00 AM
Yup. It blows my mind whenever I make my yearly trip up there. That had to be my biggest culture shock the first time around. Employee came running out as soon as I started pumping and was screaming at me like I lit the pump on fire.

01-03-2018, 12:06 PM
Yup. It blows my mind whenever I make my yearly trip up there. That had to be my biggest culture shock the first time around. Employee came running out as soon as I started pumping and was screaming at me like I lit the pump on fire.

Same thing happened to me first time driving through NJ lol. Its pretty funny when some people from Jersey are in NY and cant figure out how to pump fuel lol.

crash n' burn
01-03-2018, 12:08 PM
There are a couple stand outs where I can't figured out if they're just trolling or that fucking inept.

Ole' dude talking about providing a class that also teaches people how to clean up after themselves and wipe their own ass is pure gold though.

01-03-2018, 12:44 PM
I took a trip to Oregon once. I was shocked that they wouldn't let me pump my own gas even if I insisted.

01-03-2018, 02:37 PM
Passing through Oregon one time I pulled up and started pumping my gas, the attendant finally came up to me after I was halfway through and started yelling about how its illegal to pump my own fuel. I politely told him to fuck off, he then threatened that the cops will be called. I later found out that Oregon and jersey were the only 2 states left that had these pump laws. These laws are only on the books because they haven't updated them since newer safer pumps came out. I personally think its beyond stupid that you aren't allowed to pump your own fuel because there are tons of horror stories of the attendant not putting the right fuel or even diesel in when it shouldn't be.

01-03-2018, 03:15 PM
It was more of a culture shock than anything to me.

Living in California all my life, I haven't seen full service gas pumping service since I was a kid in the late 80s - early 90s. Even then, I'm questioning if my memories of full service at gas stations as a kid are even real or if I'm just making stuff up in my head.

01-03-2018, 04:03 PM
Have these people never LEFT Oregon? What do they do when they go on road trips? Do they just sit at the pump for ages, waiting for someone to pump their fuel for eternity? Who never leaves a state for their entire life?

01-03-2018, 08:10 PM
Have these people never LEFT Oregon? What do they do when they go on road trips? Do they just sit at the pump for ages, waiting for someone to pump their fuel for eternity? Who never leaves a state for their entire life?

Well some places do have "full service"....

01-03-2018, 08:38 PM
There’s a gas station a couple miles away with ONE Full Service pump and even if all the other pumps are occupied I will just wait. I’m not having another grown ass man pump my gas.

01-04-2018, 06:35 AM
Well some places do have "full service"....

Full service as an option, wherein the people who feel they need it for whatever reason will stop at a gas station that ostensibly will charge about $0.15 more a gallon and someone will pump your shit for you. I can think of like four in my entire city of 300,000 people.
In Oregon counties with fewer than 40k people, the Full Service ONLY thing is no longer.
New Jersey is the last state where you can't pump your own gas.

01-04-2018, 07:47 AM
I lived in Oregon as a kid, but never noticed this. That's crazy to me!
I'm Dallas now and there a station down the street from my job that offers full service as an option.
I parked at the full service pump by accident once and the attendant came up to my car asking what kinda gas I wanted.
I was like
Dafuq... Thanks bro but I got this.

Moved my car once I realized it was a full service pump.
Like, how does that even still exist at all, much less in TEXAS?!?

01-04-2018, 09:00 AM
The only time I've ever experienced this was driving through Medford, OR to get to Crecent City, CA. I was like bruh don't touch my car I can fuel my own damn car. I was thinking of they were for real and this was a law. The only other time I've ever seen this was in Back to the Future lol. I never saw a full service gas station until that day. Man Oregon, what a sad state!!!

01-04-2018, 11:02 AM
Shit cracks me up.

What do these people do when they leave the state? Pay the nearest loser to pump their gas for them?

Edit: I'd be that loser. I like money

01-04-2018, 12:34 PM
Not gonna lie, I wouldn't have minded a full service pump the last time I filled up. Middle of the night, 5 degrees with a wind chill of fuck you, and I'm out there freezing my dick off. I ain't built for this cold weather shit.

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01-04-2018, 12:37 PM
Not that I want to wade into this, really, but I still get out of the car with someone else pumping my gas to make sure I'm getting the right fuel grade (depending on what I'm driving).

01-04-2018, 01:01 PM
Shit cracks me up.

What do these people do when they leave the state? Pay the nearest loser to pump their gas for them?

Edit: I'd be that loser. I like money

According to some of the comments I read, they drive up to a pump and wait for an attendant to come and pump their gas. Eventually they die of starvation in the staredown between the driver and station attendant who is either playing Candy Crush or pretending the coffee machine doesn't have the same swill from 4 hours prior.

drift freaq
01-04-2018, 07:09 PM
It definitely has changed Fresh out of high school we still had full service pumps for about a year. The big thing that drove the companies to eliminating Full Service was the cost of Gas. When I was a kid Gas was like .25-.50 a gallon. Gas Stations offered full service because it was just pump your gas. It was check your oil, check your water, put air in your tires. That was what full service was and full service led to people bringing their car to that station possibly when repairs were needed.

Of course Gas Stations wer franchised and leased it was big business and guys got rich off owning Gas Stations. I knew several Shell owners I worked for that made a fortune. Around 73 and 79-80 that all began to change. Gas got expensive because oil got expensive . Arab oil cartels.

The margins for profit got thin, paying a guy to be an attendant was extra cash out pocket extending the bottom line. So stations first started having self serve Islands were the gas was cheaper. Idea being charge extra for the services so you can pay a single attendant and still make a little more. Before there were multiple attendants now there was one maybe two.

What happened though is people started moving to the self serve islands becuase the gas was cheaper. Then the oil companies figured out why not eliminate the whole service bay concept and save even more . Have a guy lease the name run a bank of pumps pay a few employees and call it a day. Self serve stations had arrived prices still up but cheaper than any full serve . Oil company makes more because they had room for more pumps and moved a shit ton more volume. The old thinner margin but higher volume game for profits.

Soon all or most of the stations with service bays would either convert the bay's to mini marts or have the owner buy it out and turn it into a full repair shop.

It's now looked back as nostalgic and quaint as a concept except in Oregon and NJ were it looks archaic . Lol