View Full Version : I made a Chrome plugin to get around Photobucket

07-17-2017, 11:40 PM
After being away from the s-chassis world for a while I was dismayed when I came back and found so many great threads rendered useless by Photobucket's stupidity. The reason I was car-less for a while was I was focusing on my career...which was in software development so...I created this chrome plugin

Get Blocked Images Plugin (https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/get-blocked-images/bmnbjlbmomljieglmaodlnmoaobmbjoo)

The only cheap and easy way to get around photobucket is to actually load up the images locally, so that's exactly what this does. It loads the images up in background tabs, copies them into the current tab, then closes those background tabs. This is generally quick and easy:

Only one word of caution, if you use the plugin on a build thread with like 100 images, it can take upwards of a minute to load all those images, but it works. Here's a video illustrating it working on a large build thread.


That video also demonstrates how even if Photobucket crashes due to it being so horrible, the plugin will leave the tab open so you can refresh it and still view any missing images in the left-open tabs.

That's it, enjoy. The plugin also has a donate button built in, I did spend quite a bit of time figuring out how to work around their horrible website, so any donations are appreciated.


07-18-2017, 12:14 AM
bro this is awesome! I've just been commenting in peoples threads their photos don't work lol

07-18-2017, 09:40 AM
This is the kinda stuff that makes Zilvia so great. Fantastic user base & community. Great job, man.

07-18-2017, 12:06 PM
I'll enjoy this until Photobucket blocks it :(

07-18-2017, 12:53 PM
I'll enjoy this until Photobucket blocks it :(

The good news is that in order to do that they'd have to make their website completely useless, not that I'd put that past them. Since the plugin works by actually going to the photobucket website in your browser, there's no way they can differentiate the plugin from you just visiting their website. It doesn't use a proxy server like another app I found, so it can't really be blocked.

To stop the plugin they'd have to stop you as a user from going to their website and viewing a user's photos. Which, again, I wouldn't put past them. But at that point they'd just be a private photo storage page.

07-30-2017, 11:34 AM
Bump, this is great. Beats using archive/wayback machine to reload old threads.

07-30-2017, 11:38 AM
This is awesome!

Your demonstration video has Zilvia in it, you'll probably contribute some additional new members as well!

Thank you!

08-05-2017, 09:59 AM
Did it stop working?