View Full Version : I can't access Zilvia on my iPhone or Google Chrome?

07-09-2017, 01:15 AM
So I noticed I can't access Zilvia.net from my iPhone using Safari, nor can I connect to the website on my desktop using Google Chrome. Right now I'm using Microsoft Edge :barf: on my desktop. Anyone else getting issues like this as well? When I try to use Safari on my phone or Google Chrome it just says,

"This site can't be reached,
zilvia.net refused to connect.


For a second I thought I got banned, but then realized I didn't say or do anything to get banned and I wouldn't have been able to log in to my account using Microsoft Edge.

Pls help.

EDIT: I think I got an IP Ban??? Maybe a moderator can fill me in? I didn't think I'd be able to log-in if I was banned tho....

Almighty So
07-09-2017, 08:06 AM
I had a similar issue once with saying the site was offline.
Not sure if it's the same issue or not but I cleared my cookies and everything worked fine.
See this thread for a screen shot of when I could not access the site.


Also, bump for a mod to answer your question. Not sure how they go about banning people here, wether it's via IP or account, but if you were truly banned I don't think it would as easy as logging in a different device/app.

07-09-2017, 12:14 PM
I had a similar issue once with saying the site was offline.
Not sure if it's the same issue or not but I cleared my cookies and everything worked fine.
See this thread for a screen shot of when I could not access the site.


Also, bump for a mod to answer your question. Not sure how they go about banning people here, wether it's via IP or account, but if you were truly banned I don't think it would as easy as logging in a different device/app.

hmmm Alright I'll give that a try. I'm using a VPN right now to log in. I noticed if I turn my VPN off, then even Microsoft Edge wont work but the strange thing is even with a VPN Google Chrome still wont work. LOL