View Full Version : Recommendations in Mooresville?

05-16-2017, 11:36 AM
I might be possibly getting a job in Mooresville and making a big move from Oklahoma city to there.
While I'm still ahead of the game and if I get the job offer I'm trying to gauge an idea of cost of living etc. Along with the area I should be looking at to move.

Anyone have any recommendations for the Mooresville area? I'd prefer to stay as close to there as possible and am mainly looking for an apartment or duplex to rent out, mostly to gauge the area before I actually try to buy a house.

Any specific area's to stay away from, etc.

Any feedback is greatly appreciate!

05-16-2017, 12:27 PM
Thomasville isn't far away. . . I always see job openings for Thomas Buses online. Check them out.

05-16-2017, 12:32 PM
Thomasville isn't far away. . . I always see job openings for Thomas Buses online. Check them out.

Appreciate the input man but not really looking for jobs. If I get this job I'll be moving there but if I don't there's no reason for me to relocate out there.

05-16-2017, 12:52 PM
Sorry, missed that bit, (skimming while multi-tasking).

05-16-2017, 02:02 PM
Something to consider is that Mooresville is only about 20 square miles and pretty small in population as well. It is a lower-cost and overall safer ‘suburbs’ alternative to living in Charlotte from only like 30 minutes away. Speaking of the “suburbs” side of it, you’d have little to worry with as far as “where not to live” in my opinion. Not right smack dab in the middle of the highest concentration of NASCAR teams on the planet. Nothing much to worry about with cost and safety in Iredell. It’s Mecklenburg county that costs and might be out to kill you, lol.
Schools, like the rest of the state, leave a bit to be desired if you have kids.

05-16-2017, 02:15 PM
Phil, Thanks for the input. Glad to hear the suburbs aren't bad in that area. I'm 21, single, and no kids to worry about so schools aren't any bit of a concern. Andddd can't say too much about Oklahoma schools.. Lol

05-17-2017, 01:10 PM
Phil, Thanks for the input. Glad to hear the suburbs aren't bad in that area. I'm 21, single, and no kids to worry about so schools aren't any bit of a concern. Andddd can't say too much about Oklahoma schools.. Lol

Mooresville IS the suburb, lol.
It consists basically of Lowe's and NASCAR.
And please don't call me Phil