View Full Version : tell your wierdest dream....

10-12-2004, 11:49 PM
mine was waking up to see janet jackson make me pancakes in the morning while she was naked, then we took a trip around the Rose Bowl and i taught her how to drive stickshift in a hearse. that's it.

10-12-2004, 11:55 PM
this one time i dreamt i actually had a girlfriend...hope it comes true :x:

10-13-2004, 12:32 AM
okay well, my dream is...

i see two old ladies sitting at a table with an umbrella canopy over top of it. in a completely white/bright room. then above them are tons of tubes many many wide tubes. then suddenly a freight train falls out of one of the tubes above the two old ladies, but they don't see it because of the umbrella canopy.

and then before i see what happens to them my dream ends.

10-13-2004, 12:43 AM
this one time i dreamt i actually had a girlfriend...hope it comes true :x:
that dream wont come true because you are gay :ghey: hah jk

one time i had a dream that the animated version of Wolverine from the Xmen cartoon was trying to kill me

10-13-2004, 12:47 AM
I had a dream where I was in the Marines Force Recon in China doing blackops, and we were compromised :X lights everywhere in the jungle.. straight got caught !!
i threw my gun @ there officer and he threw it back at me... like u know how u have a gun and u toss it to a friends ( at the chest area ).. thtas how i threw it.. and he threw it back... damn...

Sil Beer S13
10-13-2004, 12:48 AM
I had a dream where i was trying to convince the people in my dream that they werent real. But they were telling me that I was crazy. Most of my dreams are really messed up a lot of not cool stuff.

10-13-2004, 01:02 AM
hahahha. keep it up!

Andrew Bohan
10-13-2004, 01:13 AM


so if you meant what you said, and you taught her to drive stick in william randolph hearst or one of his relatives, then that makes it all the more strange :yum:

10-13-2004, 01:29 AM
this is a good thread, very intersting

10-13-2004, 01:37 AM
I almost always forget my dreams right after I wake up, but there was one I had a few years ago where I was a cowboy in the Old West, riding around on a horse, with one of those IV-bag-carrier things rolling alongside giving me doses of antibiotics. I basically rode around in the desert talking to Indians and doing various drugs, and over the course of a day or two I aged so fast I became a haggard old man. Eventually I unplugged the IV bag and rode off into the sunset and died.

I think that's pretty fucking weird, which is probably why I still remember it after all this time.
There's probably been weirder ones but I've forgotten them all.

10-13-2004, 03:56 AM
i had a dream i was smokin hookah with spongebob...lol..

have you guys ever heard of that superstition that if you remember your dream it wont ever happen but if you dont remember much of it... parts of it could happen?

10-13-2004, 06:24 AM
i dreamed someone was going to post the dumbest topic in off topic chat and what do you know it came true

10-13-2004, 07:27 AM
I had this dream, last night as a matter of fact, that someone would soon start a thread with the word "weird" in the title, but oddly enough, they would go on to MISSPELL "weird" -- HOLY HELL, I WOKE UP THIS MORNING AND IT HAPPENED!!!

10-13-2004, 07:30 AM
I think I was watching to many band of brothers epsiodes, because I dreamt that I was in the War, crazy shit. The thompson rock btw haha

10-13-2004, 09:43 AM
Okay, I've been writing down all my dreams, beacause they are some crazy shit, like this one:

So I meet up with Uma Thurman right, execpt she's a Nazi commando then we go meet up with the Submarine captain from "Das Boot" and he takes us to a small central American country and we "liberate" it from the regime in power. The Raptors (from Jurassic park) jump out and eat Uma, so I run into a labratory then Aliens (from Aliens) start coming after me, so I run to the elevator pumping shotgun shells into the aliens.

After I make it to the elevator and get off on the next floor, I notice there's nobody there, so I step outside and I notice I'm in a apocolyptic world and everyone is dead. Some Nazis come pick me up and take me to a command outpost for questioning. As i'm being questioned zombies attack the outpost, and the Nazis are over run with zombies. Then Nemesis (from Resident Evil) starts chasing me, I get in a jeep and book it. As I'm driving passing up zombies the gas runs out, I jump out and I start mowing down zombies with a m60 or somekinda heavy machine gun.

That's a combination of 2 or 3 dreams I had, I still have many others to write down

10-13-2004, 09:45 AM
I always have dreams that im in a ferrari, i punch the gas, and it goes nowhere. i always wake up pissed.

Andrew Bohan
10-13-2004, 09:53 AM
when i was a little kid i dreamed that a mime was looking in my window to my dad's shop. then i looked again and it was opening my door. scared the shit out of me.

one of the most detailed and vivid dreams i had i actually wrote into a story for english class in high school. a kid woke up and went to the marina and got on a sailboat where an old man was. then they motored out of the marina and were sailing around in the bay. then there was some chatter on the coast guard radio channel of a sailboat that sank after it crashed on some rocks. then the sailboat crashed on some rocks and sank, taking the old man and kid with it.

turns out that the old man is a ghost and he does this every morning. just this one time the kid got on the boat and died too... weird

10-13-2004, 01:24 PM
Once, I was lying in my bed and all of a sudden I went into a freefall, just without the associated feeling. Then, I was but a pinprick in a vast black room. I woke up sweating because never before have I felt so overwhelmed.

10-13-2004, 03:58 PM
i had a dream i was a transformer. other transformers were chasing me down a car tunnel shooting lasers at me, so i transformed into a streetbike. then i ran into a house and hid behind a couch.

10-13-2004, 04:52 PM

Kid Zelda
10-13-2004, 05:09 PM
I dreamt I was apart of the best crack commando group know to man.

I was IN the A-TEAM

My name was RPM

In 1972 a crack commando unit was sent to prison by a military court for a crime they didn't commit. These men promptly escaped from a maximum security stockade to the Los Angeles underground. Today, still wanted by the government, they survive as soldiers of fortune. If you have a problem, if no one else can help, and if you can find them, maybe you can hire the A-Team."


10-13-2004, 05:51 PM
I dreamt I was in The Fast and the Furious.





10-13-2004, 07:26 PM
i have nightmares about my job. i dream that i have like 50 tables and they all want so much shit all at once. i wake up fuckin sweating. then i go to work and its my own personal hell. thank u subconscious thank u so much

10-13-2004, 09:37 PM
One time I dreamt I was being chased by a jackelope through some dessert filled with hills and dead trees. Then I hid behind a log and the jackelope burrowed underground and started chasing me underground with a big mound of dirt moving wherever he goes, like bugs bunny. Then apparently I escaped the jackelope and made it to my destination which looked like some run down mining town where I met some lumber jack like guy who was trying to kill me. But luckily I was able to lose him by running around a tree. It was messed up. The only dreams I actually remember are the totally ridiculous ones.

Andrew Bohan
10-13-2004, 09:45 PM
oh man! i haven't seen a jackalope in years.... since the last time i went to montana

10-13-2004, 10:22 PM
I was being chased by an owl flying upside-down, but I couldn't run, all i could do was dance around like those little mushrooms in Fantasia and dogde the owl as it made it's attack passes

10-13-2004, 11:46 PM
I was in a marching competition and I was paintballing and driving a wrx through the mall while having sex with my best friend who i consider a sister....roar that was the wierd dream

10-13-2004, 11:48 PM
I had a dream last night...

In my dream... I only have to take 2 classes for my last semester...

In reality... I have to take 6 classes for my last semester....

what does this mean? :/

10-14-2004, 12:28 AM
It means you needa drop out of your other 4 classes so you can only take 2....you can make your dream come true....

10-14-2004, 02:22 AM
i had a dream i was a transformer. other transformers were chasing me down a car tunnel shooting lasers at me, so i transformed into a streetbike. then i ran into a house and hid behind a couch.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

10-14-2004, 09:04 AM
I had a dream I was delivering tofu down a mountain. very odd.

10-14-2004, 09:23 AM
i had a dream i was in the movie free willy but i was feeding him human limbs. and then when the were gonna transport the whale to somewhere else they loaded him on the truck and i stole the truck and took him mexico. then i found a ferrari with the keys inside and so i stole it. had a speed chase, finally pulled over a SHOT MYSELF, i dunno where the gun came up but it was on my lap by the time i pulled over.. thats when i woke up.

10-14-2004, 11:06 AM
I had a dream where I found my car striped, everything was gone, the ONLY thing left was the frame

10-15-2004, 02:11 AM
mine was waking up to see janet jackson make me pancakes in the morning while she was naked, then we took a trip around the Rose Bowl and i taught her how to drive stickshift in a hearse. that's it.
It's like dream to watch micheal jackson !!! only that his new items is a pair of boobs :axe: Nightmare!!!!!

10-15-2004, 02:35 AM
i had a dream wher .............shit i forgot :bash:

12-31-2004, 05:08 PM
i dreamt of myself sleeping on my bed. and then, all of a sudden, all my teeth start breaking out of no where. they were crumbling in my mouth and it hurt bad. i was crying. it hurt so much that i couldnt eeven stand up when i tried to run tot he bathroom. so i had to crawl to the bathroom and my whole house was dark. and by the time i got to my bathroom and turned on the light, i looked in the mirror and my mouth was bloody as hell. i spit out all my teeth into my hands and and my blood was black. and then i wake up and it didnt hurt anymore so i went back to sleep. it felt so real. because it hurt and i can feel the little teeth in my hands. one of the scariest dreams ive ever had.

another wierd dream that i used to have all the time when i was a kid was of me walking down a infinite hallway with yellow walls with white doors on the sides (kinda like a hotel). the dream is in a profile shot (sideways) and then i would always open the same door everytime i had this dream. and when i looked into the room, it was a huge metal factory with no workers and a lot of melted metal everywhere. and there was klinging lklang noises like a hammer hitting againts metal. and then when i look up, there would be a fucking huge (like 1000000 ton huge or 100 foot huge) metal/rocky boulder dropping down at me. and i always wake up because i was so scared it would drop on me...i never see what happens next. everytimei had this dream i would be waking up crying...i dunno why.. its not even scary now that i think of it.

12-31-2004, 07:57 PM
I love falling dreams. The best part is when you wake up. That shit always makes me want to go ride a rollercoaster.

Sil Beer S13
12-31-2004, 09:28 PM
I had a waking dream (the one's where you wake up in a dream) one time where I was getting out of bed and heard this weird noise out side my window (i live on the second story) and there was this person with this face that terrifies me, the thing is i cant describe what it is. Only that its eyes are white like glowing white. All of a sudden I fall down on the floor paralyzed, screaming but there is no sound coming out of me.

While im on the floor im in the worst pain imaginable. Then I wake up in a cold sweat and still in pain. I have this dream quite often actually.

01-01-2005, 03:32 AM
This one time our english teacher made our whole class read but I fell asleep and I was dreaming that I was sleeping in english class but then i didn't want to get in trouble so I tried to wake up really fast but then I jumped up out of my seat in real life and kicked the guy in front of me in a really quiet room. I quickly looked around to see anybody saw but went back to sleep.

I like having those dreams where it feels like im flying (not in a plane but just with my own body) through the a black and white landscape and I can see things zoom past me and i just keep falling and falling... its weird too because i've never been on a rollercoaster before but I think its telling me to.

01-01-2005, 09:00 AM
I had a waking dream (the one's where you wake up in a dream) one time where I was getting out of bed and heard this weird noise out side my window (i live on the second story) and there was this person with this face that terrifies me, the thing is i cant describe what it is. Only that its eyes are white like glowing white. All of a sudden I fall down on the floor paralyzed, screaming but there is no sound coming out of me.

While im on the floor im in the worst pain imaginable. Then I wake up in a cold sweat and still in pain. I have this dream quite often actually.

crazy! i hate having constant nightmares like that.

01-01-2005, 09:19 AM
i had a dream where i was driving down a mountain with my ex-Fiance, and we were just drivin along, and all of a sudden i punched it and flew off the side of the mountain.

I had another one where i was gonna hook up with this hot chick, we were messin around and she was about to say somthin, but when she opened her mouth her voice was my alarm clock. Woke up and my alarm was going off for School...D'oh.

I got shot point blank with a 12 Gauge, i snapped out of it and my ears were ringing.

Another, I was in a basement and someon had tied me up. There was a huge guy wearing a midevil executioner style veil. He was cutting my chest with a dull razor blade. and he would use a Kempo stick and hit me on the shins 100's of times over and over. then my alarm went off and i went to work.

I have lpenty more but i dont feel like typing

01-02-2005, 11:03 AM
i got away from the cops in a s14 ka-t and i was drifting on a onramp

01-02-2005, 12:10 PM
The weirdest dreams are when you realize you are dreaming, by some reasoning, and then figure out that you can't wake up.

I was outside my cousins/aunts/uncles house, there was snow on the ground and stuff, but my best friend lived there instead for some reason. I was leaving. I walk out and see my 240 parked there AND my old beretta. I don't realize it right away, but by the time I start to leave (for some reason, I pick the beretta to leave in), I put 2 and 2 together and "remember" that I had sold that car. I figured out I was in a dream and tried like concentrating to wake up. Didn't happen.

So, unlike my other dreams when I realize this, I actually reason to myself that I should take advantage of it. I turn around and walk back in the door, with full intentions of making out with my friend's sister. Her parents were there though, so all I did was sit down at a little card table thing and eat roast beef with them until I woke up.

Last night I dreamt that someone was like blackmailing me and lit the O'Reillys that I work at on fire. Then I was at some house at the end of my street and that one freaky pale girl from Final Destination 1 and 2 was there, and the blackmail guy was like taping our conversation while I (again) was trying to convince her to make out with me. I discovered the guy and slugged him in the face

01-02-2005, 01:19 PM
i was being chased by the ninga turtles around my grandparents property

Sil Beer S13
01-02-2005, 02:46 PM
I like realizing that i'am in a dream. Then I control it and make cool things happen.

01-05-2005, 12:26 AM
I used to have dreams that I was in my old apartment building and it was rigged with bombs. Me and my family would just sit in the room waiting. I was scared in my dream. I would always wonder why we didnt leave. But we just sat there. Waiting...until i woke up feeling shitty.

I've also had one of those dreams where i realized i was dreaming. I was just sitting around doing every day things when i remembered something wasnt right. Something was in my dream that was from the wrong timeframe like the above mentioned beretta except i dont know what it was. I tried hard to stay in it but a few seconds after a realized what was happening i woke up.

01-05-2005, 09:16 AM
I have only had one style of truly reoccuring dream. I am always trying to run fast,or right around when I started driving,I would be driving instead of running in the dream. Anyway,when I was trying to run I would putting in as much possible effort as I could,and my legs would feel really heavy,and everywhere I went,I was going really slow compared to people walking normal,it sucked b/c it was realistic and scary. When I got my learners my dreams became that I was driving and the cars brakes were acting the same way....

B/c my roommate is such a 'nightowl' I started having dreams that involve the noise around me,so the problem with that is that somehow buzzing,IE the buzzing of an alarm clock gets involved in those dreams too :ugh:

01-05-2005, 02:23 PM
nothing creeped me out more than when i was a kid and i had a dream i was over at a friends house riding powerwheels with my friends alex and calib, calib fell out of a tree. Alex had the exact same dream.

01-05-2005, 06:54 PM
I had a dream where there was a Zilvia.net meet, and I showed up and started shooting people.

01-05-2005, 08:45 PM
I had a dream where there was a Zilvia.net meet, and I showed up and started shooting people.

:rawk: YES

you have to come to the next meet

01-05-2005, 10:03 PM
I once had a dream where I was mowing my lawn in my boxers with Sigourney Weaver. I chalk it up to watching Aliens too much as a kid.

01-06-2005, 01:31 AM
Every time I go swimming I have a dream that I'm stuck in this big box or cube shaped pool with no way out and I always wake up gasping for air.

One of my weirder ones goes like this

I'm at this dingy apartment complex in the playground/kiddy pool area in the pool babysitting my friends sisters kid, I have to go and get something and I tell my little brother to watch the kid for a minute while I do so, when I come back I see my brother doing something (cant remember) but nowhere near the kid. And then I book it to the pool and I see my dog barking at the pool and run over and see the kid decapitated floating around the pool w/ blood everywhere, apparently my dog had killed the kid. I woke up in a cold sweat from that one w/ my older brother searching my room for my cigarettes, where he had moved my bed looking for them, oh I remember waking up screaming something as well.

Shitty dream but I read or heard somewhere that if you are moved while you are sleeping you will have a nightmare so I blame my older brother for moving my bed. I had that dream when I was 15 I'm 23 now and I still remember it pretty vividly

01-07-2005, 10:12 AM
Last night I had a wierd dream. Little background:
we have been having this mouse in the garage, keeps taking the food of the traps without gettting hit. so last nite I had a dream that the mouse got into the house and up the stairs in the computer room. I was chasing it with a stick, trying to beat it down, when all of a sudden it changed color like a chameleon* and almost dissapeard, but I could sorta see it moving, kinda like the invisible camo in Halo 2. So im bear footed and in the room with the mouse cornerd, after it changed color, it began to run at me, I was like wtf, then it ran faster, and faster, I was like "Oh Shit", it came so fast that I lost it, so i sorta jumped in the air freaked out not knowing where it was, when it bit me right above the heel, I guess its called the achilies tendon. It hurt like a mother, I remeber feeling the pain, and it just held on didn't let go. I then had to pry its jaw apart with my fingers somehow, and I got pissed so I smashed its face into concrete that all ofasudden apeared. Killed the thing, and looked at my wound to see 2 big gaping holes, but no blood. I remeber being in a lot of pain, ad then getting worried about rabbies. about that time I woke up to some paint in my achilies tendon, but i rubbed itand nothing was their, and the pain went away. I then went back to sleep.