View Full Version : 50 (plus 1) Things You Need To Know

10-11-2004, 11:00 PM
1. The venom in a Daddy Longlegs spider is more poisonous than a Black Widow's or a Brown Recluse, but they cannot bite humans because their jaws won't open wide enough.
2. A pig's orgasm lasts for 30 minutes.
3. On average, people fear spiders more than they do death.
4. The strongest muscle in the body is the tongue.
5. If you toss a penny 10,000 times, it will not be heads 5,000 times, but more like 4950. The heads picture weighs more, so it ends up on the bottom.
6. Only one person in two billion will live to be 116 or older.
7. Mel Blanc (the voice of Bugs Bunny) was allergic to carrots.
8. Humans and Dolphins are the only species that have sex for pleasure. (How do they know??? The dolphins said so??)
9. The pop you get when you crack your knuckles is actually a bubble of gas bursting.
10. 101 Dalmatians and Peter Pan (Wendy) are the only two Disney cartoon features with both parents who are present and don't die throughout the movie.
11. The winter of 1932 was so cold that Niagara Falls froze completely solid.
12. There's no Betty Rubble in Flintstones Chewable Vitamins.
13. It's impossible to get water out of a rimless tire.
14. Banging your head against a wall uses 150 calories an hour.
15. Did you know that you are more likely to be killed by a champagne cork than by a spider bite?
16. In Minnesota it is illegal to cross state lines with a duck on your head. (Wonder what caused this law to be on the books???)
17. In Indiana it is illegal to ride public transportation for at least 30 minutes after eating garlic.
18. Right-handed people live, on average, nine years longer than left-handed people do.
19. A crocodile cannot stick its tongue out.
20. Polar bears are left-handed.
21. A cockroach will live nine days without its head before it starves to death.
22. Some lions mate over 50 times a day.
23. The average chocolate bar has 8 insects' legs in it.
24. A rhinoceros horn is made of compacted hair.
25. The shortest war in history was between Zanzibar and England in 1896.
26. A polar bear's skin is black. Its fur is not white but, actually clear.
27. Dueling is legal in Paraguay as long as both parties are registered blood donors.
28. Donald Duck comics were banned in Finland because he doesn't wear pants.
29. More people are killed by donkeys annually than are killed in plane crashes.
30. Stewardesses is the longest word typed with only the left hand.
31. Shakespeare invented the word "assassination" and "bump,"
32. Marilyn Monroe had six toes.
33. If you keep a Goldfish in the dark room, it will eventually turn white.
34. Women blink nearly twice as much as men.
35. The sentence "the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog" uses every letter in the English language.
36. The name of all the continents end with the same letter that they start with.
37. The word "lethologica" describes the state of not being able to remember the word you want.
38. TYPEWRITER is the longest word that can be made using the letters on only one row of the keyboard.
39. If the population of China walked past you in single file, the line would never end because of the rate of reproduction.
40. A snail can sleep for 3 years.
41. American Airlines saved $40,000 in 1987 by eliminating one olive from each salad served in first-class.
42. China has more English speakers than the United States.
43. The electric chair was invented by a dentist.
44. Vatican City is the smallest country in the world, with a population of 1,000 and a size 108.7 acres.
45. The longest town name in the world has 167 letters.
46. You share your birthday with at least 9 million other people in the world.
47. "I am." is the shortest complete sentence in the English language.
48. The longest word in the English language is 1909 letters long and it refers to a distinct part of DNA.
49. No president of the United States was an only child.
50. The Eisenhower interstate system requires that one-mile in every five must be straight. These straight sections are usable as airstrips in times of war or other emergencies.
51. The average human eats 8 spiders in their lifetime at night.

10-11-2004, 11:12 PM

10-11-2004, 11:14 PM
10. 101 Dalmatians and Peter Pan (Wendy) are the only two Disney cartoon features with both parents who are present and don't die throughout the movie.

i heard that this is due to walt disney losing his mother at an early age so that was always incorporated into his movies

10-11-2004, 11:15 PM
I've seen #1 proved to be false. It was on Mythbusters.

10-11-2004, 11:28 PM
18. Right-handed people live, on average, nine years longer than left-handed people do.

Well thats good for me then

36. The name of all the continents end with the same letter that they start with.


44. Vatican City is the smallest country in the world, with a population of 1,000 and a size 108.7 acres.

I can vouch for that

10-11-2004, 11:40 PM
45. The longest town name in the world has 167 letters.
48. The longest word in the English language is 1909 letters long and it refers to a distinct part of DNA.

be nice if they told us what they were

10-11-2004, 11:49 PM
#53. when a cricket has sex and cums, it releases 2/3 of its body weight.

ha crazy shit.

10-12-2004, 12:00 AM
#50 is an old urban legend. It's not true, I can think of 5-mile stretches of interstate with no straight sections, and interstates that aren't even 5 miles (like I-370 just south of my house). The interstate highway system did have some intended military applications, but not impromptu airstrips... more like rapid ground transport. Most of the industrialized world built theirs for the same reason. Korea's highways were originally built by the Japanese military occupation before WW2...

North America and South America don't start and end with the same letter. America does, but that's two continents. Also, Australia is generally considered part of a larger body "Oceania" now that includes New Zealand and many other SW Pacific islands.

Flintstones vitamins added Betty in the '90s.

They know dolphins have sex for recreation for various reasons. The big one is that the females don't signal their ovulation, so they have sex frequently at all times of their menstrual cycle. The other one is that some dolphins exhibit frequent homosexual behavior. However, that list is missing the Bonobo ape.

Marilyn Monroe/Norma Jeane Mortenson had ten normal toes, not six or eleven.

Polar bears don't have hands.

10-12-2004, 12:09 AM
there is some minor intended usage of highways as impromtu airstrips though the statistic they have is wrong. IIRC its something like 1 mile of every 5 miles of highway in a general metropolitan area is straight, not nescessarily on each highway. and that system has been outdated for quite some time, as airplanes got bigger and needed more room to land. although I have seen a plane land on a highway before (watch: the fugitive :p)

Andrew Bohan
10-12-2004, 12:30 AM
i thought the shortest sentence in the english language was the command "go."
since commands do not require subjects.

10-12-2004, 12:48 AM
Spoke with my mom on this, she's a middle school english teacher. that technically is not a complete sentence because the subject of a command sentence is "You" so correctly that sentence would read "You go." not just "go" you is implied but that does not make it a complete sentence.

10-12-2004, 12:58 AM
"On your Mark. Get Set. Go!"

10-12-2004, 01:39 AM
45. The longest town name in the world has 167 letters.
48. The longest word in the English language is 1909 letters long and it refers to a distinct part of DNA.

be nice if they told us what they were
longest town name
Krungthepmahanakornamornratanakosinmahintarayuttha yamahadilokphopnop- paratrajathaniburiromudomrajaniwesmahasatharnamorn phimarnavatarnsathit- sakkattiyavisanukamprasit


longest word


= Tobacco Mosaic Virus, Dahlemense Strain.
This word has appeared in the American Chemical Society's Chemical Abstracts and is thus considered by some to be the longest real word.


i got nothing to do so......

10-12-2004, 02:26 AM
:confused: whoa crazy

10-12-2004, 08:27 AM
there are a lot of L's in that word.

Andrew Bohan
10-12-2004, 09:52 AM
"On your Mark. Get Set. Go!"

i guess now we have to say "You get on your mark. You get set. You go!"

10-12-2004, 01:49 PM
13. It's impossible to get water out of a rimless tire.

unless you're retarted and spend hours trying to roll the water out of the tire

10-12-2004, 01:51 PM
i guess now we have to say "You get on your mark. You get set. You go!"

just because it's spoken doesnt mean its correct grammar. How many people do you know who uses slang? Does that mean that its correct?

10-12-2004, 02:05 PM
Yeah for that to be correct grammer it would be you on your mark, you get set, you go. but because they are commands, its generally accepted that you is the subject being implied. thats what I was saying, its technically incorrect grammer but its accepted because of the implied subject as well as the usage.

10-12-2004, 02:37 PM
(info from the origin of sex. discovery tv)
the FBI was an organization that was created as a "sex police". they started off mainly by gathering information on prostitutes who were illegally forced into prostitution. (less than 1% were during the 18-early 1900s)

btw. did you know that when someone uses the restroom and has diarrhea. once they flush the water particles from the toilet bowl will stay in the air for 2-3 hours.

10-12-2004, 03:56 PM
if someone says "Go!" directly to you it is in fact a complete sentence because you are the subject and it doesn't need to be said. it'd be redundance, plain and simple.

implied denotes an underlying meaning. if your looking someone in the eyes there is no need for the word you... redundance.

Andrew Bohan
10-12-2004, 06:25 PM
i've met people who you could look in the eyes and yell "go!" and they would still ask "who? me?"

but they are idiots and don't count.

10-12-2004, 08:17 PM
Lol, I have a buddy with six real toes (nails too) on his right foot. Kinda freaky!

10-12-2004, 10:47 PM
even though it is implied it TECHNICALLY is not proper english/grammer. What about this. you're running some type of rally run, where people are leaving at specific intervals, I'm talking to you but brian's turn is next, its implied beforehand that each person moves up a spot when I say go and whoever's at the front goes, I'm talking to you, my watch beeps, I'm looking right at you and yell "GO", you don't go but brian does. yes its implied meaning but just because of that doesn't mean its correct grammer.
If I yell asshole out the window at my sister, its implied that I'm talking to her but everybody else still looks up right?

10-12-2004, 11:36 PM
Damn, I'm a pig...

10-12-2004, 11:52 PM
Damn, I'm a pig...

............ :werd: .................

10-12-2004, 11:56 PM
how did this thread turn into english class???

Andrew Bohan
10-13-2004, 12:01 AM
sorry, that was my fault :yum:

10-13-2004, 12:15 AM
because I hijacked it dammit!! anyways we're debating one of the 50 things you need to know

10-13-2004, 01:40 PM
-You misspelled "grammar"
-There should be a colon after "What about this"
-There should be a period after "intervals"
-You used the possessive form of "its" rather than the contraction "it's"

I don't want to correct the rest, sorry. Point? Don't correct people on grammar if you yourself are not stellar at it.

10-13-2004, 02:11 PM
10. 101 Dalmatians and Peter Pan (Wendy) are the only two Disney cartoon features with both parents who are present and don't die throughout the movie.

Wrong, What about Hercules (sp?) If they stated ORIGINAL Disney movies. And the hercules things works 2 ways, His real parents (hera and zues) are both still alive along with his 2 human parents. Also in toy story the kid keeps both his parents. But some wouldent consiter Toy story much of a Cartoon.

I was thinking of another one, but I cant remember it.

10-13-2004, 02:26 PM
In Toy Story you only ever see his mother, never his father.

10-13-2004, 02:32 PM
I never said I was perfect at it, what I said was that "Go." is not a complete sentence because its not proper grammar. Besides, I didn't claim that I knew that, I asked my mother who is a high school english teacher.

10-13-2004, 03:00 PM
In Toy Story you only ever see his mother, never his father.
Thats true, you see the dad, but you are never really introduced to him in the movie..