View Full Version : Neon 240-genesis evengelion, aka blatant waste of time and money

kashira kureijii
01-14-2017, 05:37 PM
Fixed dis silvia fam. The entire time I was working on it, stock running cars kept coming up for sale, but I, in my unwise sentimentality, didn't want to abandon a garbage shell and here we are.

600$ 89 coupe, bought out of a cholo's backyard (is there anywhere else to find 240's?)

conversation buying it was pretty funny,

cholo: "ya mang, me and my buddy were gonna drop an LS init mang, but jew know, I don't have time for deez tings"

Me: uh huh ( stares at shell with pitbulls sleeping next to it with no work done to it whatsoever)

cholo: anyway's some wetback who owed me money gave dis car to me, I dunno what he did to it mang

Me: *stands in awkward silence staring at a hispanic saying racist things about another hispanic

*awkward silence continues because I am not racist against hispanics and am confused as to why an obviously hispanic guy keeps saying racist things about another hispanic*

*silence continues, I still don't know what to say, may'be he thinks he's like making friends with me by being racist? may'be he assumes common white people banter is racist? i dunno....

Me: well I guess I'll go take a look at it............

cholo: okay be my guest mang

Me: *laughs awkwardly, buys literal garbage because it was cheap

Anyway Pretty much got it back to stock spec, dumped a ka24de and manual trans I had laying around in it, pretty much assembled the whole deal using spare parts from other 40's I've had.

Didn't really finish it over my winter break though, I don't have time to work on it while I'm far away in prof school so , I unfortunately don't have the exact finished product. It was pretty much all together though, I just didn't have it running.

Did all that work to get a pretty much stock 240, but meh, at least it didn't cost much other than winter break days when I didn't have work.

it's a total build yall, heh heh. not really, I did give it upgraded s15 seats though, and some new interior carpet :naughty: so totally not stock bruh, totes not.

I also freshened up that spare ka before I put it in etc etc

totes legit has nismo mounts fam

I guess I wanted a not pickup truck daily, I dunno, I am unable to rationalize these decisions

I really should sell all these cars and use them to pay for fancy dinners with 3D women, maybe my life wouldn't be so pathetic. Silvias are life though

Maximum, fuckboi, krylon shell of infinite despair. All dat KA24E automatic powa makes ya "eat sleep drift" eryday








"your such a fuckboi, I hope that thing snaps and crushes you and your garbage missile"

"go eat a 9mm for breakfast" etc etc

no one gets banned

say a commonly used homophobic slur 1 time in the strictly off topic forum (ie the place where negligent banter is supposed to occur) and get banned

dats zilvia for ya







"DIW, having three shitty econoboxes that don't work"

01-21-2017, 04:46 AM
I feel your pains bud. Bought my first 240 in a similar format with an equally self racist Hispanic man.

01-21-2017, 08:30 AM
I'd make one good car and get rid of the others.
Got 3 projects sitting in my shop now , going nowhere anytime soon. Because every damned penny I have goes to doing adult shit. Being ridiculously underpaid doesn't help.

01-21-2017, 10:01 AM
Is... is that the same damn car?!

kashira kureijii
01-21-2017, 03:05 PM
I feel your pains bud. Bought my first 240 in a similar format with an equally self racist Hispanic man.

For sure, ive been wrenchin on deez fowties for a while now, sometimes i feel like maybe i should try something non econo-sport coupe.

01-21-2017, 03:08 PM
For sure, ive been wrenchin on deez fowties for a while now, sometimes i feel like maybe i should try something non econo-sport coupe.

Nah bud. Don't think that. Haha just keep on wrenching. I've got a 32 sedan and I love it.

kashira kureijii
01-21-2017, 03:10 PM
I'd make one good car and get rid of the others.
Got 3 projects sitting in my shop now , going nowhere anytime soon. Because every damned penny I have goes to doing adult shit. Being ridiculously underpaid doesn't help.

That is what a rational person would do haha. I could have a pretty kickass fully built car instead of three mediocre non functioning cars.

The sad thing is, thats not even all the projects i have, i gotta ae86 too that i bought just for initial d fanboy reasons. It is like way to small and cramped for me though, which kinda de motivates you from doing lots a work on it, cuz you know its gonna be kinda uncomfortable

Is... is that the same damn car?!

Yes. Only now instead of being a $600 car maybe its more of a 1500-2000$ car now haha.

01-21-2017, 03:15 PM
Well, at least you're working on them. I'm just about ready to say fuck it and sell everything just because I'm getting tired of fixing old shit.
Christ....I'm turning into my dad.

kashira kureijii
01-21-2017, 06:17 PM
Well, at least you're working on them. I'm just about ready to say fuck it and sell everything just because I'm getting tired of fixing old shit.
Christ....I'm turning into my dad.

How long till you go max dad and buy a corvette haha

Ya it gets kinda old fixing old shit, especially when its nissans. I still dont know if i"d sell all my old cars if a new S16 came out though. There is always sort of a fun, accomplished feeling from fixing old things, plus theres alot of history involved, which is cool

01-21-2017, 06:31 PM
Eh, not a corvette guy. Prefer a new 350gt. Too damned broke for new shit anyway. Hopefully that'll change this week since I'm interviewing for a job I've wanted for a year. Double my yearly income, then after a year if I don't suck, it goes up another $15-20k a year. Stupid money in this area.

I can't get rid of the 67 fairlane. It's been in my wife's family since it was new.