View Full Version : Don't want to be a teacher forever..

12-15-2016, 07:11 PM
Hey guys, how are you all doing? Maybe I'll get flamed for this since I'm still new and the topic isn't to uplifting. Well, he goes. Recently, I've had some change in thoughts. My biggest dream was to move and live in Japan. I had already accomplished this 4 years ago. Next year marks my 5th year. I've been teaching English these past 4 years. It's a great job and the children are great. I would recommend this job to anyone who wants an entrance at living in Japan. However, I've recently felt that I don't want to be teaching English forever. I wish there was more to life besides just teaching English in Japan. I've been looking at other job opportunities, but it's quite difficult for me since I can't read or write Japanese. I can only fluently speak the language.

The next thing at came to mind, as a car enthusiast and lover was doing some sort of car related business. I thought this would be fun a very motivating since I love JDM cars and parts. As you can see my user name is jzxfanboy because I really am a JZX fan. I've owned two since I moved here. My heart will always be s-chassis though. Back home I've always been into 240's.

A few weeks ago I had the most amazing experience, I went to USS Tokyo which is an auction location. It was crazy seeing such a huge amount of beautiful condition cars. What surprised me more so was that these good quality cars would go down the line half price from what the dealerships would be selling them. My friend who has been doing an import business for nearly 20 years asked me about sending cars or parts to the US. I told him I have no clue and no idea if that would even be ideal to do a business since there is so much competition in the US. He has provided me with a 20 and 40 foot container, but I have no confidence in starting this business. I'm sure many of the companies in the US have their contacts and trusted co-partnerships, especially companies that have been doing a parts business for 20 years or more.

Anyway, this question in my head just keeps coming around about doing a parts/car shipping business. I would love to do this kind of job since it's my type of field compared to teaching English forever. Also, I would love to go and find parts and cars for people who share the same passion as I do.

Anyone have any ideas of a cool job that might be worth trying to apply for besides teaching English? I know it sound funny asking that. Well, if anybody is planning a trip or plans to come to see Japan, I'll be more than willing to show you around. Keep it peaceful guys. Thanks for reading my thoughts. If anyone has questions about Japan, I'd love to talk about it also. Take it easy guys.


07-31-2017, 08:59 PM
That is quite disappointing to hear.

I was told by someone that Japan is a "Gateway" to people's passions such as being a dancer or DJ after he met someone who moved to Japan to teach as a means to an end, but was really there to chase his dreams. That person most likely worked hard for it and it probably wasn't as easy as it seemed (put in more time after his teaching job).

08-04-2017, 08:33 PM
The import gig sounds like an amazing opportunity. So many of us let fear of failure paralyze us from realizing our dreams. Here you have someone who is willing to even help you get started... You already took the leap of faith and moved to Japan. Take another leap, man and just try it. Do your homework. Get prepared, take a car at it and give your Zilvia bros the homie hookup...lol... If you fail, so what? Bounce back and come harder next time.

08-08-2017, 09:26 PM
Sounds like you already know the answer. Go for it.

Don't worry about the competition. They are mediocre at best. Look at some sales seminars and training material to hone your skills. I recommend Grant Cardone to get you started.

08-09-2017, 05:38 AM
Already banned from the marketplace. Probably not a good thing if you want to sling parts.

08-10-2017, 01:14 PM
Hey check your email associated with your Zilvia acct

09-05-2017, 08:20 AM
yes same here, I fully understand you

09-18-2017, 12:41 PM
Tour Guide maybe?

crash n' burn
09-28-2017, 08:57 AM
Failure is honestly the only way to learn of how NOT to do something. Its kind of like when I started investing my money; no fucking clue. I'm over here thinking i needed a sizeable chuck of money set aside to do it when in reality..you really don't.

Talk to your friend, discuss doing this on the weekends or as a part time thing, nothing crazy initially. Be analytical with how you'd go about doing it and develop a business model once you've tried it out fro a month or so. If you can project your potential earnings from doing it and it makes sense..the only thing left would be making the jump.