View Full Version : Bring back the rep system!

11-01-2016, 03:38 PM
So, why was this ever removed in the first place?

I think it would be mo betta to have the rep system again.

11-01-2016, 04:08 PM
Can't suggest shit and say "mo betta" in the same sentence

11-01-2016, 05:09 PM

bring back the rep system and spice up zilvia

11-02-2016, 11:03 AM
https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/USIAoXQWHY6vxeJWOXudZuzI9yt9Xd6ngdzP_G6fQQZ1SpX-t86d8BXSZj8RSG3xT6qLoLRNTOnKbBzPhU82GVkKpWMtVPFXb1 TXEbzDb4rc61I_2P-a3WN-0P4Oo6BWg-IPO9K-JFvnJTZYOdkE0zprub2kV9EmIDiZVY-J1yIyJZlaxGTQBD2FCaA2jzwAsjNsbhtsITYUa8Z-qsaiimrvrpPr757pU4_25InZ8YKUq0vdYjQVOhWSvGFhw2Z7R3 M1pfsUfwJDsJbvdUbQYjMmW4si96yVx7oLgZ7dgB1w9nTPvSa7 sECEGv5yu47gabJVbuXL-Brwc288tKSewxtBDcN36vC6iy-EGquJp_13UpjPxVfim9tA_ABRancpZfXYXlhpc2AFxANcUjXjr 5pmcZYf_Mt25vz-e_WEeh_5z-H6rn7XeSvlwYXCs2u3FwS3YbEmW21JtVvTVW0-qqw4bEgTCpVGSe-Uuw0_--kSjusgxlIHaJo1Ri0S6NbKFPxGbPKRZQg7XUAJLctJ3fB4rT-kxsrfK1ZhzwyGzp17_YoXRwxW5LnKAE4ph16DpuwX-4Z9_v5xCva2L5p1IAHEVMsWvmMtuHRJ3e8x-Fjjvpt4=w1543-h746-no

Nah, still not doing it

11-02-2016, 12:52 PM
Phlip likes to tease us with it.

11-03-2016, 12:54 PM
I got excited for a minute, while scrolling down...

11-07-2016, 10:59 AM
Oh, I missed this part of the request...
So, why was this ever removed in the first place?

1 - some people realized that they could use the [img] tag and add pics when leaving rep.
This led to the inevitable dicks being placed in people's rep, which led to other various forms of smut being put in there, which led to at least one person being fired.
2 - rep circle-jerks, where people would go around giving other people rep and putting their name in them, so the person they gave rep to could respond in kind.
3 - the reverse rep circle jerk, kind of like above, but you leave NEGATIVE rep and someone ELSE'S name, sparking retaliation against someone who was innocent.
4 - the rep lynch mob, where one person and all his homies negative-rep someone into the red.
5 - general rep abuse, just going about and giving reputation to people for random posts not necessarily even warranting it.

Abuse is what killed rep

11-07-2016, 11:10 AM
Since I joined after it was removed I blame all of you.

05-25-2017, 08:49 AM
ok great so the rep is back!?