View Full Version : State Ref; is this the end?

07-16-2016, 01:56 PM
Excuse my rant, don't know where to post this, just want talk this out so it can stop bugging me:

Last night I was heading over to the mountains for a cruise when I get pulled over by a city cop. The reason for the cop pulling me over was for modified height. I tell you now that my 240 is not even that low compared to majority of the car scene, it's low enough but not the best reason to pull me over. He then says i got illegal lights, HID's, and points that I got no front license plate, I had behind my windshield. Tells me to pop my hood and that's where it was game over for me.
I do have an SR20DET with front mount intercooler and little mods, but the intercooler piping gave it away.
Being honest, I told the cop that my car is nothing compared to other cars that go up the mountains at night. And he's like, you're right I already pulled over a couple handful of cars even more modified than yours.
I was fucking pissed.

I was hoping that he would give me a break because I never gotten pulled over for anything besides the no front license plate, not even speeding or anything. But no I got state ref and I don't know what to do :-/

I don't got the funds to engine swap back and get everything stock. I don't want to deal with this bullshit. I don't deserve this to be honest. I already have enough shit going in my life right now. I don't know what to do. I wont be able to enjoy driving my car anymore cause I got this label now that it's modified and fear cops picking on me more now, its my daily. Being honest, this would be no problem for me if I had funds and friends to help out but because I don't that's why this situation is getting me.
Any advice of getting out of this?

07-16-2016, 02:01 PM
Stop breaking the law asshole

07-16-2016, 02:11 PM
Moving this to South Western since this doesn't belong in general chat.

Honestly, it all comes with living in California.

1. If you're driving your car without a front bumper like in your sig, you're asking to get pulled over.

2. No front plate? Asking to get pulled over.

3. Crazy bright HID's in a car/headlight housings that weren't designed for HID's. Asking to get pulled over.

While there's plenty of people daily driving SR swapped S-chassis without a problem in California, they tend to keep the cars clean, low key, and avoid giving CHP/law enforcement a reason to pull them over.

Driving into the mountains late at night in an area known for people driving recklessly, you kinda put yourself into that situation.

In California, it's pretty simple. If you plan on daily driving an "illegally" modified car, be prepared to deal with the consequences.

It sucks, but it's a reality we deal with.

07-16-2016, 02:12 PM
Raise the car a little, put the license plate where it should be and head to the station and ask them what you can do.

07-16-2016, 02:18 PM
Don't want to deal with it, then just sell it!

I never allow a cop/law enforcement to ask me to pop my hood. I simply tell them "I do not consent to any searches of any kind". We are protected by our rights.

But you prob didnt know that hence seems like you are in your early twenty's.

07-16-2016, 02:39 PM
It's judt stupid how we can't modify our own personal things. And thats the thing about 240s! Each one is their own style, simply by just being all stock, each stands out. I'm not a bad person/asshole, if you know me personally, you would see that.
And like i said, i never gotten tickets besides just the stupid license plates, i am a respectable/wise driver and this is the first time i get pulled over for my car, just being my car. I tell you i had my 240 with no front bumper, having it an agressive style back then and would pass by cops and wouldn't stop me! If anything the cop that stopped me was the asshole.

Just like i said, its not fair that we can't make our own cars unique, why do we have to have our cars boring and stock? Excluding engine swaps, for the camber scene, they get picked on for just looking nice. We're not bad people, im not

I am not going to learn my lesson on this cause im not going to change my car to stock just because they say it's illegal. My car is not killing anyone so why trip over how it looks and have?

07-16-2016, 02:46 PM
Well, I mean it doesn't always come down to being an asshole or a good person sadly. You can never expect a break, just hope for one. At the end of the day, you broke the law, and the cop caught you. Same as if someone was speeding and got a ticket. Could be Nelson Mandella or the Devil himself driving the vehicle, you break the law and you get cited.

At the end of the day, he was doing his job. He has rules he needs to follow, just like anyone else at work. One of those rules / jobs is to regulate modified vehicles..

If this is your first infraction, you may have a chance to just pay the fine. I cannot guarantee this, but do what everyone else also said.. Put a bumper on it, put a front plate on (It being in your windshield is not legal, even if it's focused on the front of the car. The whole point is for it to be viewed with ease, that's not the case for a law enforcement officer passing by the other way, or any way for that matter.)

Know your rights for searches, decline them if you feel necessary.

As Crimsonrockett said, pay to play here in CA. If you don't like it, move :)

07-16-2016, 03:10 PM
You guys think I have no bumper on and say that's what you get cause you want attention, no


This is how my car is, this is how I got stopped. Yeah the hood might gave it away but dam there are other cars that have it factory but all he saw really was my rear when he stopped me. Still, I have my car look like shit/dirty on purpose to avoid attention.
What he wrote me for is:
27156 (b) v.c. - Modified/SMOG
No front plate

That's it and i have to go to state ref and sign it off.

I'm a creative/artistic person and laws against creativity pisses me off so like i said excuse my rant, I just want to be able to create/have my own things my own way and not be stopped for it.

07-16-2016, 03:19 PM
You guys think I have no bumper on and say that's what you get cause you want attention, no


Honestly dude, not really sure what you're expecting all of to say in this thread.

You come in and start ranting about this, you've also given us no reason to not think you don't have a bumper. Especially when your signature picture is of you with your car, no bumper, doing donuts, on a public road. Hmm.

Also, having your car (in your words) "look like shit to avoid attention" is actually just about the opposite of what you think it's doing for you.

You come in, ask all of us our opinion, then get flustered at our comments.

End of the day, no matter how "nice of a person and you don't deserve it" you are, you're still technically breaking the law. Don't want to deal with it, then make changes to stop it. Simple.

07-16-2016, 03:26 PM
Easy say when you got everything good for you, or experience.

Like I said first time for all this bullshit, but yeah that's how life is yo

Thanks anyways

07-16-2016, 05:18 PM
You're gonna get a ticket in the mail.

Pay the fine, put your plates in the proper place and stop hanging around mountain Roads!!

Next time the fine doubles and if you don't learn your lesson after that for your third violation consists of you going back to stock and proving it..

This is a forum so everyone is entitled an opinion, next time you need to vent try Facebook if you don't want to hear people's criticism

Good luck nonetheless

Primo's Silvia
07-16-2016, 06:09 PM
If you don't mind me asking were did this happen.

07-16-2016, 06:21 PM
If you don't mind me asking were did this happen.

Azusa, near the entrance of the canyon
Avoid taking the main road to the entrance or take GMR

Primo's Silvia
07-16-2016, 06:54 PM
That's intristing I went the other day at their was an officer on a bike going up and down I pulled over on the dirt patch cuz he made a u-turn as I headed up , I guess I'm not going anymore -.-

07-18-2016, 07:06 PM
What exactly did he cite you for? The ticket will say if it is minor traffic or misdemeanor and if it is correctable or not. If you actually got reffed then pretty sure there is nothing you can do. Depending on what you got cited for you might want to seek the advice of a lawyer.

07-18-2016, 07:48 PM
I'll say it like ASpec Logan said it years ago.

Don't give police a reason to pull you over and they won't.

If you're driving your car around breaking laws, they're going to pull you over.

Put on a front plate. No plate? Is an easy probable cause to pull you over.

Loud exhaust probably means you've modified the engine. Yet another reason to... guess again? Pull you over.

Driving like a racer in the streets is illegal. If you're driving a modified car into an area where people are known to race. Guess what? You're gonna get pulled over.

07-19-2016, 11:26 AM
People were getting popped with SR's there before your balls dropped, you should have known this was a possibility. Part out thread coming soon.

07-20-2016, 12:21 AM
You're gonna get a ticket in the mail.

Pay the fine, put your plates in the proper place and stop hanging around mountain Roads!!

Next time the fine doubles and if you don't learn your lesson after that for your third violation consists of you going back to stock and proving it..

This is a forum so everyone is entitled an opinion, next time you need to vent try Facebook if you don't want to hear people's criticism

Good luck nonetheless

I did what this guy said. No problems after. Don't want to fix it just pay the fine.

07-23-2016, 04:38 PM
Well dude you did this to yourself. Don't cry when you damn well know the CARB laws in California. We know, it sucks and its been this way for years. You aren't the first to cry about it.

You broke the law, prepare to get backslapped by the police who enforce the law. Don't like it? Protest and let your representatives know. Otherwise rock a stock motor and get on the crappy boat ride known as California. You gotta pay to play. Either stick by the laws of the land or get out of the USA. Simple really.

07-23-2016, 05:11 PM
Or give California the finger and move to a state that doesn't hate fun cars.

07-23-2016, 06:59 PM
I'll say it like ASpec Logan said it years ago.

Don't give police a reason to pull you over and they won't.

If you're driving your car around breaking laws, they're going to pull you over.

Put on a front plate. No plate? Is an easy probable cause to pull you over.

Loud exhaust probably means you've modified the engine. Yet another reason to... guess again? Pull you over.

Driving like a racer in the streets is illegal. If you're driving a modified car into an area where people are known to race. Guess what? You're gonna get pulled over.


Unless you have the bad luck of being near a new cop who is being trained and you will definitely be made an example of. It happened to me on my way to school once.

Another big thing is avoid main roads as much as possible too. California Cops love to set up "traps" and just pull over modified vehicles in hopes that they can fish something out of you.

6-7 years ago I was driving on a main road here in San Diego that was on the borderline of jurisdictions and there was a motorcycle cop who literally raced up (I was about 10 cars ahead but saw him in my rear view in line) through the side street i turned into and pulled me over within feet of the city limits just to see if he can give me a fix it ticket on something.

07-24-2016, 05:44 PM
Or give California the finger and move to a state that doesn't hate fun cars.

Most people who bash Cali. have never even lived here or they lived in a crappy part of the state. Cali. is the state that loves cars the most, it's just CARB and our governor that suck. Except for some metropolitan areas we have wide, well maintained highways with no speed traps where the average speed of traffic is 80+, and there is always one or two people going well over that. If you know how to play the game you can get by, but it definitely costs more. 240sx are a dime a dozen also btw.

07-24-2016, 06:16 PM
Move To TX.... I mean that's way easier than swapping back to stock and paying tickets....

07-24-2016, 06:19 PM
Drives an illegally modified car, cries when he gets a ticket for it.
Let me get you a waaaaahmburger and some French cries.

There are dozens of threads about state ref issues just on this forum alone.
Plenty of info.

theres this new thing called Google too, full of useful informations.

07-24-2016, 07:25 PM
Or give California the finger and move to a state that doesn't hate fun cars.

If you ever came to california, california would give you the finger.:fawk2:

07-24-2016, 09:35 PM
Op, when people talk shit about today's generation being entitled, they're talking to you.

07-24-2016, 10:41 PM
Most people who bash Cali. have never even lived here or they lived in a crappy part of the state. Cali. is the state that loves cars the most, it's just CARB and our governor that suck. Except for some metropolitan areas we have wide, well maintained highways with no speed traps where the average speed of traffic is 80+, and there is always one or two people going well over that. If you know how to play the game you can get by, but it definitely costs more. 240sx are a dime a dozen also btw.
Not knocking the state, but the politicians who make it suck for everyone else. I'll freely admit I'm jealous of the car culture and driving scenery there. I know Cali is the car mecca of the country, if not the world. Hell, all I have is fucking soybean and cotton fields to look at.
And why you hoarding all the 240s man? It's slim pickings over here in flyover country.

07-25-2016, 11:55 AM
Pretty sure OP has given up on Zilvia because of this thread LOL.

"Last Activity: 07-16-2016 05:21 PM"

07-27-2016, 02:40 AM
Reading this makes me so glad I'm able to live in socal while maintaing residency in another state. It's ironic that the epicenter of the s-chassis and modded car culture in general is in one of the harshest states for modded cars.

I know most people here are probably so accustomed to the laws and have grown used to them, but from the outside, they really are rediculous. I'd bet at least 50% of cars on the road in CA have some sort of illegal defect/mod that a cop/ref could point out if they really wanted to be a dick and nitpick. CA is a Nazi state when it comes to vehicle regulations.

I've been pulled over twice. Once, the cop just made sure the car was legally registered out of state and that was it, he was very cool about it. He was a local cop.

The second time was CHP and I humored him when asked to pop the hood, which I knew very well I could likely refuse. He told me I needed to comply to CA law even as a non resident (this is true for truckers in some regards). He insisted I would be "written up" for my engine swap, engine modification, suspension, wheels etc, even after showing him my state of residence has ZERO laws regarding those parts. (I actually carry the regulations for my state in my glovebox for these reasons)

Long story short, I received zero "write ups". Even if I had gotten them, I would not have paid anything, I would not change my car whatsoever and that would be the end of it. I don't technically live here yet the cop couldn't get his head around it.

Both times, the cops stated my wheels were what got me pulled over in the first place (it was my drift car, so the fronts are cambered and poke a bit).

The funny part is, CHP never mentioned the exhaust system, which is about the only thing covered in my state. Oh well.

But, for you OP, yeah, you're fucked.:cops:

07-27-2016, 03:22 AM
Emissions testing and all that jazz is completely foreign to me. My state doesn't test, and recently, they did away with vehicle inspection altogether. Bought my car, paid $30 for a tag and that's it. But we do have an ad velorum tax. The more expensive and newer the car, the more your tag is gonna be. My wife bought a 2016 corrola, $21k. Tag was over $400, and will go down each year.

08-20-2016, 05:55 PM
lol you guys are right. this kid has a profile of him being a jack ass and breaking laws then gets caught and cries about it... wtf did u think was gonna happen? you definitely shouldnt have given them a reason to pull you over. the profile picture of burn out speaks for it all... we kinda know your character. im guessing your in your early twenties and a typical jdm fan boy fuck boy. that being said i used to do stupid shit when i was younger too... i just wasnt stupid enough to get caught like you lmao...