View Full Version : AL- Midpond Circuit Drift Day

07-11-2016, 09:40 AM
In 2008, a kart track was created in Alabama. The 1/2 mile track was a fantastic facility for the public to drive karts and have a great time with the family. Sadly, after just a short time of being in opporation, it closed to never be driven by the public. This year iTrack Motorsports and event sponsor Chase Bays have brought the facility back to life for the first ever drift event at Midpond Circuit.

What: iTrack Motorsports Midpond Circuit Drift Day
When: September 3rd 9:00AM - 6:00PM
Where: Midpond Circuit 5900 County Road 26 Columbiana, AL


No competition. No drama. Just hard driving at the top drift location in the southeast. Join drivers from around the nation on September 3rd for a true open lapping grassroots event.

The event will call for a very low driver count to ensure the most amount of seat time. Drivers will need to fill out the application below to apply for a spot. iTrack supports all drivers and all skill levels, but due to exclusivity, all drivers must under go an application process before being sent the private registration page. Sorry, no novice drivers. We hope you join us to spectate and ride, to further your road course etiquette!

Events like Midpond only come around once in a while. If you have been involved with drifting in the southeast, you understand how rare an event of this nature can be. iTrack Motorsports is looking for the best media from around the country to capture it all. Below you will find the media application. Please contact us at [email protected] if you have any questions regarding video and photo media.

https://scontent-atl3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t35.0-12/13632647_10153686309070267_1468937562_o.jpg?oh=1d8 f8ce49f90a5a81b273bd34db5c25b&oe=5786CC25

All of this and more information can be found on our website www.itrackms.com

07-11-2016, 10:05 AM
Slowly adding teasers! I hope some of the locals here and surrounding areas will be interested! 45 spots available! Registration is live!!


07-13-2016, 01:57 PM
Guys this is filling up ridiculously fast! Get your apps in ASAP!! If your team has awesome cars and a good driver skill level, sign up sign up sign up! 35/45 spots taken so far!