View Full Version : Need some feedback on a car site I built

06-26-2016, 03:57 PM
Hey guys,

I've been on this site for many years but under a different username. Anyways, I built a car classifieds site and I want to get some feedback from everyone. It's not perfect but I'll take everyone's suggestions into account and try my best to improve the platform by the time the site launches August 1st.

You can check out the site at http://www.carsumo.com but if you don't want to enter your email there just skip to the beta site at http://www.carsumo.com/beta

The idea behind the site is that it pulls together listings from various sites and displays them on CarSumo - sort of like the kayak of car classifieds.

06-28-2016, 07:08 AM
I like it. The design is easy on the eyes and the idea is great.

Edit: Your site pulls data that is already gone.

http://www.cars.com/vehicledetail/detail/666607864/overview/, shows this kouki available, but on cars.com

Sorry, you're too late.

The vehicle has been sold or otherwise removed from our database.

Edit 2: You should include an option for submodels. For instance the Pontiac G8 has the GT and GXP models all have different engines. Your site only allows selecting the G8.

06-28-2016, 07:47 AM
If it's a red 97 with white wheels located in Murfreesboro, tn, then I can confirm that it's been sold. I bought it over a month ago.

06-28-2016, 08:16 AM
Thanks for the feedback!

The expired listing issue will definitely be resolved or at least drastically mitigated by the time we launch.

As far as enhanced model filtering - that's a great suggestion and I'll try my best to get that integrated in the search.

Btw..I know it's not much, but if anyone wants some CarSumo stickers I have some available for free. Let me know.

I like it. The design is easy on the eyes and the idea is great.

Edit: Your site pulls data that is already gone.

http://www.cars.com/vehicledetail/detail/666607864/overview/, shows this kouki available, but on cars.com

Edit 2: You should include an option for submodels. For instance the Pontiac G8 has the GT and GXP models all have different engines. Your site only allows selecting the G8.

06-28-2016, 08:54 AM
On the initial search there is no option to select radius, "near" appears to default to 50 miles then the user has to change it from there. While small if one is looking for a car you know is going to be nowhere near you (rx7, kouki, supra) this is just an extra step

Other suggestions:
-site seems to be missing autotrader?
-Need an advanced search. Color, options, drive (fwd/awd/rwd), doors, cylinders etc.
-for users that sign up, can save searches and be notified when a car comes up that meets their criteria
-if possible, have the data stay in your site vs clicking the link and be re-directed to cars.com, craigslist etc.
-include a payment calculator

down the road stuff
-insurance companies to advertise quotes (geico and progressive do this a lot on sites)
-loan companies to advertise rates
-get dealers to post directly on your site with an option for customer to communicate directly with dealers
-allow users to rate dealers

If you can't tell I graduated with a degree in marketing so this is fun for me lol.

06-28-2016, 09:57 AM
I see that for some cars it pulls the same listing twice from cars.com, also you might come across the same car listed on multiple sites. If you have not already done so you might make it combine those listings by VIN or something like that.

06-28-2016, 10:17 AM
I'm no interwebologist, so but I do like the site and the concept.

06-29-2016, 08:18 PM
Sorry for the late reply but wow this is amazing feedback. You guys are much more chill then those Nasioc :mrmeph:'s

- Radius Search: I've heard this frustration before from one or two users. I'll definitely consider revising how this is setup. My thought process was to expedite the process and return results with as few clicks as possible.

- AutoTrader - They don't seem to work with aggregators so I've left them out.

- Advanced Search - 100% agree and it's in the pipeline. So much to do!

- Saved Searches - 100% agree. This is also in the pipeline.

- Data on Site - I'll have to try to negotiate a deal that allows me to keep the data on my site. Unfortunately a lot of automotive classifieds sites (including Craigslist) are very stingy with their data. : (

- Payment Calculator - This is interesting. Probably down the road.

- Insurance Quotes - Currently working on it. Running into an issue that's really frustrating. But agree with you that this is a good idea!

- Loan Companies - Another great idea. Thanks

Dealer listings - We'll potentially have the option for dealers to upload their listings in the future. As of now we get our data from "middle men" and to build out relationships with individual dealerships would present some architectural challenges. Definitely more of a long term.

Thanks again for all your input! You rock!

On the initial search there is no option to select radius, "near" appears to default to 50 miles then the user has to change it from there. While small if one is looking for a car you know is going to be nowhere near you (rx7, kouki, supra) this is just an extra step

Other suggestions:
-site seems to be missing autotrader?
-Need an advanced search. Color, options, drive (fwd/awd/rwd), doors, cylinders etc.
-for users that sign up, can save searches and be notified when a car comes up that meets their criteria
-if possible, have the data stay in your site vs clicking the link and be re-directed to cars.com, craigslist etc.
-include a payment calculator

down the road stuff
-insurance companies to advertise quotes (geico and progressive do this a lot on sites)
-loan companies to advertise rates
-get dealers to post directly on your site with an option for customer to communicate directly with dealers
-allow users to rate dealers

If you can't tell I graduated with a degree in marketing so this is fun for me lol.

06-30-2016, 08:57 AM
Sorry for the late reply but wow this is amazing feedback. You guys are much more chill then those Nasioc :mrmeph:'s

- Radius Search: I've heard this frustration before from one or two users. I'll definitely consider revising how this is setup. My thought process was to expedite the process and return results with as few clicks as possible.

- AutoTrader - They don't seem to work with aggregators so I've left them out.

- Advanced Search - 100% agree and it's in the pipeline. So much to do!

- Saved Searches - 100% agree. This is also in the pipeline.

- Data on Site - I'll have to try to negotiate a deal that allows me to keep the data on my site. Unfortunately a lot of automotive classifieds sites (including Craigslist) are very stingy with their data. : (

- Payment Calculator - This is interesting. Probably down the road.

- Insurance Quotes - Currently working on it. Running into an issue that's really frustrating. But agree with you that this is a good idea!

- Loan Companies - Another great idea. Thanks

Dealer listings - We'll potentially have the option for dealers to upload their listings in the future. As of now we get our data from "middle men" and to build out relationships with individual dealerships would present some architectural challenges. Definitely more of a long term.

Thanks again for all your input! You rock!

No prob.

If you want continued feedback on new changes, design, beta testing PM and I'd be glad to sign up, test, give feed back etc.

06-30-2016, 11:58 AM
Great idea, good luck!

06-30-2016, 12:04 PM
Great idea, good luck!

Thank you so much! It means a lot to hear good feedback about the concept. When you're building something like this (or any piece of software) you're in constant doubt if what you're doing will ever resonate with people...but it seems like it has. : )