View Full Version : Bonding on rear overfenders

09-24-2004, 06:49 PM
Anyone with bonded on rear fenders, What bonding material did the body shop use?
Bondo does not hold so I know its not the right way, the first shop just riveted and then bondoed over mine and the seams start to show days after ther done, took it to another shop they stripped the filler and used something else....... same result
I used to do auto body work and I know thers a bonding material but not sure what its called.
Any help would be great as I'm going to have to argue with the shop on monday[ If the hurricane dosen't blow us away] as they don't want to re do the work :hammer:
Thanks Jerry

09-24-2004, 06:59 PM
Try this stuff ----->Click me 3M Duramix (http://products3.3m.com/catalog/us/en001/auto_marine_aero/automotive_aftermarket/node_X6JG3TS81Cbe/root_GST1T4S9TCgv/vroot_GSLPLPKL4Xge/gvel_DDC4KLKK5Wgl/theme_us_aad_3_0/command_AbcPageHandler/output_html), and look up Fusor (sp?). If use correctly these panel adhesive are almost as strong as welding, this is according to a bodyman with 20+ years of experience. Good luck.

09-24-2004, 07:03 PM
this was discussed a while back, try searching thru the pages. that should help you out.

09-24-2004, 07:19 PM
this was discussed a while back, try searching thru the pages. that should help you out.

I tried searching , I guess I put in the wrong words as I got nothing :faint:
Thanks Jerry

09-24-2004, 08:06 PM
Just search harder, I know it's there.