View Full Version : Lanier Friday Night Drift

05-30-2016, 10:47 AM
My name is Derek Wise with iTrack Motorsports. We are a drift and track organization in the southeast. As you may know, the drift community in Georgia has been suffering for many years. With the loss of almost every venue, many drivers have sold their cars and given up on driving.

We have been fortunate enough to have our 7 year old local track back up and running. We have started back up the monthly Friday Night Drift and Track events at Lanier Raceplex. 7 years ago, this was the biggest grassroots event series in Georgia.

The reason we are reaching out is we really need the support from the community to help grow these events. Not for the benefit of us, but for the people. The more spectators, the more we can put into big events like our CMP road course event in July. Our goal is to bring the southeast up to the level of other regions in the nation. It is going to take everyone pitching in just a little to help keep this going and the sport moving in the right direction.

Here is a little video from our last event. If you could share this in any way or a link to our registration, it would greatly be appreciated. We are always looking for media, so if you have any one local, please send them over!

https://scontent-mia1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/13532823_1020890984613958_4191629470508803956_n.pn g?oh=28efa7f45ae2394531c049998f5d8aa8&oe=57ED1D50

Registration for June 17th: www.msreg.com/june
Drift- Novice/intermediate- 1 Contact iTrack Via Email [email protected]
Drift- Advanced- sold out
Track- Nov/INT- open spots Contact iTrack Via Email [email protected]
Track- ADVanced- open spots Contact iTrack Via Email [email protected]
Registration for CMP July: www.msreg.com/cmp

Here's a teaser of he stuff that goes on during the events!!

And thanks for reading!!


06-01-2016, 09:42 AM
CURRENTLY 40+ OPEN SPOTS! if you or your friends are close ny you should sign up and come drive with us!!

06-06-2016, 08:27 AM
Drift Intermediate/novice is FULL! Where are all the Advanced drivers here in the southeast! Prep those cars and sign up today!

06-27-2016, 12:29 PM
Got another event coming up! July 8th if youre in the area! this will also have fireworks!!!

https://scontent-mia1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/13532823_1020890984613958_4191629470508803956_n.pn g?oh=28efa7f45ae2394531c049998f5d8aa8&oe=57ED1D50

07-11-2016, 08:24 AM
This event was crazy guys! I cant wait for the footage! I will be sure to throw some links up!!

found an older event with more variety of what we do at the events


08-12-2016, 11:27 AM
This is awesome to know! I don't think my car is ready for it but I recently moved to Augusta so its great to know there's a somewhat local event.