View Full Version : Official Virtual Reality/AR/MR Discussion Thread

04-20-2016, 06:53 PM
Topic: Virtual Reality/Augmented Reality/Mixed Reality

That's a good comparison actually. I was super excited about VR and Oculus, but from what was out there in the beginning, the glorified tech demos weren't enough to get me to drop that kind of money.

Now that Sony has a VR set coming out, which by all accounts even in pre production form makes the production Oculus and Vive feel cheap, I'm all in.

My point is, if there was a Cadillac or Jaguar version of a Model X I'd be excited about it because I'd know that shit like Windows shooting through the window trim and amateur hour engineering wouldn't be an issue.

Any evidence of this? I still have a DK2 sitting in my closet but I haven't kept up with the state of VR.

And Sony's vr isn't the same kind of experience that oculus and especially HTC are trying to give. Narrower field of view, seated position, console based experience.

It would be nice if the reader three major players were more open with their platforms. Oculus headset + vive lighthouses + move controllers sounds like the current ultimate setup.

I read an article detailing it last week or the week before. I read way too many to try and find it. :/

Give and take. It's cheaper to get into, the unit sounds to be better quality, it's easier to set up and it'll have more $ behind which equals bigger IP's. The seated position isn't correct though. The Move is part of PS VR which usually requires you to be standing. I haven't read anything anywhere about a narrow field of view. And console experience is exactly what I want. I dont have the time to fuck around with PC gaming (upgrading, tweaking, fixing, etc etc).

Annnnnnnd now we're way off topic. Lol

Does it have more money behind it? Oculus is owned by Facebook.

Color me skeptical, but I don't believe the PlayStation's version of VR can provide a superior experience to PC. Resolution, latency and framerate, and FOV are all imperative in providing an immersive experience, and that requires powerful hardware. Talented developers can eek out extra power out of consoles over equivalent PC hardware, however even that's not enough to approach raw PC graphics fidelity (not to mention Vulkan, which just dropped). Console games generally struggle to achieve even 30fps at 1080p. The lower limit to VR framerate seems to be around 90fps, and that's stereoscopic so you're rendering two frames per.

Playstation is releasing an intermediate console to bolster VR performance, however even that will be behind PC on release. When you couple the cost of buying a new console with the cost of the VR and breakout box itself, is it really cost effective?

PlayStation VR doesn't require you to have a near bleeding edge PC and pc hobby know-how to get into VR.

Really, only big money is in VR. HTC, Sony, and Oculus by way of Facebook are the major players.

04-20-2016, 06:58 PM
I will say this, I'm excited that VR is coming to consoles and not just exclusively to PC. It will help with exposure / adoption. Of course it's a double edged sword... if Sony doesn't execute properly it'll do more harm to VR than good. Consumer perception is everything if they (VR companies) want to make VR stick this go around.

04-20-2016, 07:08 PM
Does it have more money behind it? Oculus is owned by Facebook.

Color me skeptical, but I don't believe the PlayStation's version of VR can provide a superior experience to PC. Resolution, latency and framerate, and FOV are all imperative in providing an immersive experience, and that requires powerful hardware. Talented developers can eek out extra power out of consoles over equivalent PC hardware, however even that's not enough to approach raw PC graphics fidelity (not to mention Vulkan, which just dropped). Console games generally struggle to achieve even 30fps at 1080p. The lower limit to VR framerate seems to be around 90fps, and that's stereoscopic so you're rendering two frames per.

Playstation is releasing an intermediate console to bolster VR performance, however even that will be behind PC on release. When you couple the cost of buying a new console with the cost of the VR and breakout box itself, is it really cost effective?

Don't get me wrong there is a lot of money being dumped into the Oculus via Zukerberg/FB but it's still not Sony, a history of decades of video game success. Just as an example, Oculus came out on March 28th...I can't name a single game for it. I've watched plenty of videos of some pretty cool looking games, but still nothing that is fleshed out as some PS1 launch games.

And like kingkilburn said, you don'y have to keep dumping money into it to get it to keep running. That's always been the appeal to most people with consoles vs PC's. That's why there's both.

The cost of the PS VR bundle is $500 for the VR bundle alone. That includes the "black box" to help the PS4 run it and Move motion controls. A PS4 is like $350. The cheapest PC you can run the Oculus on is $700. The Oculus is $600 without motion controls.

The PS VR is cheaper and easier to set up. It might not be cutting edge graphically but no console ever has been, yet most will argue delivers a better, easier gaming experience. Obviously that's just a matter of opinion but considering the size of the console industry there's a lot of support to back that up.

I haven't personally played either but seeing the vids of racing games and flight sim games (something I see making a huge comeback with VR) I'm finally getting excited for VR. Its is NOT 3D as some have pointed out.

04-20-2016, 07:27 PM
Don't get me wrong there is a lot of money being dumped into the Oculus via Zukerberg/FB but it's still not Sony, a history of decades of video game success. Just as an example, Oculus came out on March 28th...I can't name a single game for it. I've watched plenty of videos of some pretty cool looking games, but still nothing that is fleshed out as some PS1 launch games.
This is conjecture. While Sony might be a gaming giant, they're not solely focused on VR which means they're not allocating all of their budget into it, versus a company like Oculus that only does VR. Fact of the matter is neither of us know who's putting more money into their VR and it's a little irrelevant anyway.

And like kingkilburn said, you don'y have to keep dumping money into it to get it to keep running. That's always been the appeal to most people with consoles vs PC's. That's why there's both.
The intermediate console release from Sony actually negates this. Of course you don't have to upgrade, but neither do PC gamers either when their hardware is good enough. A lot of PC hardware has stagnated.

The cost of the PS VR bundle is $500 for the VR bundle alone. That includes the "black box" to help the PS4 run it and Move motion controls. A PS4 is like $350. The cheapest PC you can run the Oculus on is $700. The Oculus is $600 without motion controls.
This is true. I have a feeling Sony is actually subsidizing VR hardware the way they sold PS3s at a loss only to recoupe their investment in other ways. Lower prices helps everyone when it comes to adoption.

The PS VR is cheaper and easier to set up. It might not be cutting edge graphically but no console ever has been, yet most will argue delivers a better, easier gaming experience. Obviously that's just a matter of opinion but considering the size of the console industry there's a lot of support to back that up.
Obviously false in bold, everything else is valid.

I haven't personally played either but seeing the vids of racing games and flight sim games (something I see making a huge comeback with VR) I'm finally getting excited for VR. Its is NOT 3D as some have pointed out.
I have played racing sims with my rifts. It's amazing. I wish I had a wheel setup. And one of those g-force inducing rotating chair things.

04-20-2016, 07:44 PM
I have played racing sims with my rifts. It's amazing. I wish I had a wheel setup. And one of those g-force inducing rotating chair things.

I had a pretty awesome cockpit built with a s13 seat and a Logitech GF Pro. I'm totally down to build another for the next Gran Turismo.

We should find out about the PS4k in June at E3.

Fun times for gamers.

04-22-2016, 06:12 PM
Let's be honest here. The future RWD coupe thread IS the official VR thread.

04-23-2016, 08:29 AM
Did you see the Magic Leap demos the other day? Shit is so cool. MR is cool for everyday things but for big gaming experiences VR will be where it's at.

04-23-2016, 11:43 PM
when Polaris is out ...Ill get the rift or vive. leaning towards rift because star citizen already supports it. I really like the vive though.

I know sony talked about (Morpheus) is not only supporting ps4 but, pc too. still... not much info on it.

04-24-2016, 12:29 AM
when Polaris is out ...Ill get the rift or vive. leaning towards rift because star citizen already supports it. I really like the vive though.

I know sony talked about (Morpheus) is not only supporting ps4 but, pc too. still... not much info on it.
Pretty soon consoles are going to be prebuilt pcs. They already kind of are with off the shelf desktop cpus and gpus. Makes for better / easier ports to an extent.

Did you see the Magic Leap demos the other day? Shit is so cool. MR is cool for everyday things but for big gaming experiences VR will be where it's at.
At a glance I thought you were talking about Leap Motion. Which I had since day 1 and has been garbage since day 1. Looking into this now.

Edit: "Mixed reality" is a fucking bullshit buzzword for augmented reality. I searched the difference and apparent mixed reality is the combination of virtual reality and augmented reality, which makes no fucking sense. Augmented reality is a mix of virtual reality and reality. It's like saying mixed reality is a combination of virtual reality, reality, and virtual reality.

04-24-2016, 05:21 AM
The difference between Mixed and Augmented is subtle but significant.

With Augmented the graphics are just overlaid over your surroundings. With Mixed the graphics can actually interact or or be part of the surroundings. Magic Leap and Hololens are Mixed. The Nindendo 3DS and our phones already does augmented.

The reason I wanted to make this thread though is because this is really the beginning. The next 5 years is going to be crazy. It'll be cool to be able to look back at this thread and see where it goes.

04-24-2016, 06:05 AM
only if they made ps4k adaptable with thunderbolt or type c usb via external gpu. pretty much extend its life.

these first gen VR sets already have a high/decent requirements. I cant even imagine 4k vr down the road.

04-25-2016, 12:21 AM
needs 4k

04-25-2016, 06:04 AM
The videos from that dude are fucking awesome. This is really the first time I've been excited for video games in years.

Gran Turismo VR will debut at E3 I bet and it's going to look glorious!

04-27-2016, 05:38 AM
Welp the next Nintendo doesn't come out until March of next year (Zelda delayed until the same time) and they confirmed it won't be at E3 either. So the I let thing I'm excited about at E3 now is the PS VR.