View Full Version : Wanting to widebody my s14 kouki! Opinions and tips needed !

03-05-2016, 10:51 PM
Okay so first off i bought some new wheels a couple months ago which are 9.0 on the front and 9.5 on the back and ive now decided i want to go widebody but dont want to spend another couple thousand on wheels 😂😂

So im going to list my plan of attack and if you see anything wrong or have some sort of advice please write away!!

So im looking at these 50mm front and rear fenders that i want to buy because ya know wider the better ;) so basically the front ones simply replace the existing fenders which mean all i should need are some spacers right?

Now for the back what i can see and understand is im going to have to cut my rear arches so that i get clearance for my tires my plan is to cut slits and then bend them inwards, ive seen threads about this and im assuming its so that if i hit a pothole it wont slice my tire to bits. Then i just slap on therear widebody pannel and use spacers untill i get enough money for bigger wheels!

The thing is im gonna have to use huge spacers :/ like 40-50mm so i dont really like the thought of that! And yes i know i will need longer wheel nuts aswell

Any advice or am i going about this whole thing wrong? Thanks in advance :)

03-08-2016, 11:35 PM
My advice would be to stay stock body for now. Unless you really need widebody, stock metal is typically cleaner looking. I have overfenders on the rear and I really wish I had OEM metal instead.

03-09-2016, 09:59 PM
My advice would be to stay stock body for now. Unless you really need widebody, stock metal is typically cleaner looking. I have overfenders on the rear and I really wish I had OEM metal instead.

second that oem fender statement.

04-27-2016, 03:25 AM
Stock body for sure.....

http://i22.photobucket.com/albums/b324/BarryHenning/BarryHenning016/10360773_10152291905063565_5049428944633321951_n_z ps90344c51.jpg (http://s22.photobucket.com/user/BarryHenning/media/BarryHenning016/10360773_10152291905063565_5049428944633321951_n_z ps90344c51.jpg.html)
http://i22.photobucket.com/albums/b324/BarryHenning/BarryHenning016/10509709_10152291905048565_2953320736051491429_n_z ps72bd288c.jpg (http://s22.photobucket.com/user/BarryHenning/media/BarryHenning016/10509709_10152291905048565_2953320736051491429_n_z ps72bd288c.jpg.html)

05-05-2016, 10:59 PM
if your going to widebody go metal not frp. Expensive but no ragrats :P

05-06-2016, 09:12 AM
if your going to widebody go metal not frp. Expensive but no ragrats :P

A pic of yours done in metal ? Please?

06-02-2016, 10:43 PM
I fit a 10.5 in the front of my car on stock metal. You're also underestimating the amount of work it will take to PROPERLY do your overfenders in the rear. You not only need to cut an arch in the metal, but you need to cut the slits, hammer them in, weld them in, weld the gaps left between the slits, and them seal everything. If not done properly, you'll introduce a ton of water into your chassis and it will rust from the inside out, not to mention it will smell like ass.

Keep your car stock if your rear quarters aren't totally fubared, no reason to cut up a car just to fit wheels that can be easily done with a mild roll and a little camber.

06-02-2016, 11:40 PM
Get the wheels before going wide, or you'll look like a sunk ricer