View Full Version : Taking Photos

09-14-2004, 02:38 PM
whats up! I'd like to take some better photos so maybe some you experts can help me out. First is my camera is a Nikon 4300. During the early mourning and late nights, the camera takes pics that come out fuzzy. How can i reduce this? here is an example of the fuzziness
Is that due just to not being focused?

Well my next questions is, how do you take nice pics?!? I mean just having the main object being clear and the background being blurry? Well hopefully someone can show me how to do this on my camera.

does my camera just suck or what?!

Andrew Bohan
09-14-2004, 02:41 PM
play with focus and f-stop.
i have a canon a60 and i can set focus from 5cm to infinity and get everything else blurry, so i'd assume yours can do the same.

Ritz S14
09-14-2004, 02:50 PM
Give me about 5 min.. I'll post some up.

IMHO from that angle you'd want to tilt the camera upwards as if you were looking at it from below.. or you'd want to take the pic with a higher elevation to capture a bit of the roof...

Ritz S14
09-14-2004, 02:58 PM

I used photoshop.. Duplicate background, delete what you don't want in blurred.. layer 2. Gaussian Blur 1.8pixles

http://h-tphotocrew.com/ Click on TIPS AND TRICKS

09-14-2004, 03:35 PM
get a tripod, if you're not using the flash its not getting enough light, there for the shutter speed slows down to allow enough light in for a proper "exposure', and you may not think your hands shake much, but that blur you see is your hands shaking. so use the flash or get a tripod to solve that problem and if its fuzzy when there's plenty of light, then go to a camera store that does repairs and have them check it out

09-14-2004, 04:10 PM
go total manual on adjustment... a tripod will help. ive been doing photography for a while, pm me if you wanna chit chat on it.

Andrew Bohan
09-14-2004, 04:24 PM
if i was gonna do it that way, i'd take a 400 pixel soft eraser and erase the foreground of the blurred layer

09-14-2004, 04:32 PM
thanks for the link! works pretty good.