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02-11-2016, 01:43 PM
I am not sure if this section has one, but I went as far back as 2013 threads and didn't see any, so I'm making a fresh one.

Lets see how many 240's are remaining in the PNW.

Redmond area right here.

02-11-2016, 07:44 PM
Lake Stevens here.

02-11-2016, 11:39 PM
What's up man? Know of any good car meets?

02-12-2016, 12:11 AM
I'm too old for that. I'm from a different time.
The Golden Gardens and RootBeer XXX meets were good, now its turned into the NissanFest hoonibro circle jerks.

If you're looking for a weekly meetup, I've heard the Dick's Burgers in Edmonds on Friday nights are ok.

02-12-2016, 10:31 AM
I hear you with being from a different time.

I'm NOT into the 'hoonigan', Stance, tucked, mad-camber, drift missile and what other madness these younglings are into.....lol

I was just wondering if you knew of a place where true car enthusiasts chill.

The Edmonds place was kind of cool because different cars would show up, but I thought it shut down after the grocery store closed down and the parking lot was blocked off.

02-12-2016, 12:08 PM
It's a Winco now. I was there a few weeks ago and it was packed. 8pm is a good time to show up.

As for the meets with the real OGs? I haven't a clue. Most of that shit is organized through social media. I don't have any online persona besides a few forums.

02-12-2016, 12:13 PM
Damn man, you sound like me in another dimension because I don't even have facebook....lol

I haven't been there in months, but I might start going again seeing that the cold didn't stop people from showing up. I kind of respect that.

02-12-2016, 12:16 PM
I miss golden gardens a lot.

Nissanfest isn't worth my time.

Everything pretty much died with NWN. We still have our weekly meet down in Oregon, but no one really has a 240 any more except for me.

02-12-2016, 12:30 PM
Wud up griego?

I was trying to organize a B15 (sentra) cruise down to OR with some Canada peeps, but they couldn't make it and the idea died. But I would like to have something similar with the S14 peeps. We could possible meet some where in the middle at a park or something and jus chill.
One could dream right? lol

What ever happened to that site? It crashed HARD!!!

I have never been to GG and it seems as if I missed the good times.

02-12-2016, 12:35 PM
Too old for meets with random kids. Weekends are consumed with autox now, anyway.

You'd get almost zero interest from people down here, I think.

02-12-2016, 01:13 PM
I think I'll stop calling it a meet and try to organize a 'true enthusiast gathering'....lol

When I moved here, I was surprised that all of the good cars were hidden, but when I went to a few meets, I could see why because most of the people there can't hold an intelligent conversation. It's either that or all you hear is v-tec this or vvl that.

I'm typically the older one there and when I go with my Boosted Sentra, I yell out 'Torque is king' to piss off the v-tec fan boys and remind them the engine has more torque than their boosted B series, when it was STOCK....lol

Yes, I'm the 'Ole Grumpy Guy'.....lol

02-12-2016, 02:06 PM
The old days of NWN meets trended more towards that. Like-minded folks tend to gravitate towards one another at those sorts of bigger gatherings.

That's basically long gone though, now.

02-12-2016, 02:16 PM
Well I guess that's almost to be expected and you can see it on here sometimes in terms what is liked and what is not.

Honestly, I'm just trying to see how many enthusiasts there are on here and meet some of them like the 'good ole days'.
I see that the cali threads are always jumping with something happening and I'm wondering why the same can't be said for the North.

02-15-2016, 11:28 AM
I'm in Bothell/Mill Creek area.

Friday / Saturday nights at Henry's Donuts in Mukilteo, people start showing up around 9-10pm, that's always an alternative to Dick's in Edmond's for the northern Seattle guys. I live about 10 minutes from there but don't really show up... Dark parking lot and rain isn't the best conditions for photography.

I try to let people know about events, but mostly through Instagram and Facebook where all the eyes are. I periodically check Zilvia because it's still a good resource people randomly find.

There's a dude that started the instagram @pnwcars - he strictly promotes local events in the PNW. I send him event info once in a while but he's spot on for keeping everyone informed.

The GF and I often go down to Alki Beach in Seattle on sunny weekends to do street photography, if we spot a nice car we'll snap photos. But either than that, we try to keep low key and avoid violating city/permit codes *cough coNWNugh*

02-15-2016, 04:58 PM
Good to know that about the Henry's meet up.

02-15-2016, 06:50 PM
Let us know when Henry's place is jumping and thanks for the instagram info.

02-19-2016, 09:01 AM
So us four?

Small crowd.

02-19-2016, 10:33 AM
So us four?

Small crowd.

Plus the lurkers that probably never frequent the regional sub-forums.

02-19-2016, 10:50 AM
Someday...maybe next year, 2017. Need to save money to move, rent u-haul to tow car, etc.

02-19-2016, 10:55 AM
Someday...maybe next year, 2017. Need to save money to move, rent u-haul to tow car, etc.

Cool. Have an idea which part of WA you might be moving to?

02-19-2016, 10:55 AM
Plus the lurkers that probably never frequent the regional sub-forums.

True. Every now and again I see a few WA peeps in other threads.
I wonder why they avoid this section like the plague?

02-19-2016, 11:03 AM
NWN used to exist, so there was almost no reason for this subforum.

It's always been dead.

02-19-2016, 11:17 AM
I believe that it still exists, but it's a ghost town on that site. When I joined things were winding down and by the time I got my S14, it would have maybe 4 posts all day.

I used to enjoy following the builds on there though.

02-19-2016, 11:35 AM
Well yes, it exists, just no one uses it.

02-19-2016, 12:09 PM
I wonder why it died to hard?

02-19-2016, 12:36 PM
Cool. Have an idea which part of WA you might be moving to?

Most likely the Couve,Vantucky,Vancouver (whatever slang you want to call it). I initially wanted to move to the Mukilteo area, but my fiance's trying to transfer her license to work. However, it only applies to the state of Oregon. So Vancouver would make most sense for me without having to deal with Oregon's emissions testing.

02-19-2016, 12:45 PM
Damn man, that's still a commute.

Stay strong and don't make her make you give up the 240....lol

02-19-2016, 12:51 PM
Damn man, that's still a commute.

Stay strong and don't make her make you give up the 240....lol

There's no way I"m giving it up unless I can swap everything to a newish shell. I'll just find work in Vancouver. Seattle and surrounding areas are perfect for my industry of work, but not so much for hers and requires more training on her behalf if she's able to move.

02-19-2016, 01:02 PM
That's right pimp, fight the good fight....lol

I hear you. I know of one person living down there and on my few trips to Portland, I have been through there, but it freaks me out every time.

What's funny is that I'm probably closer to Vancouver BC than I am to Vancouver WA....lol

03-07-2016, 12:09 PM
Arlington here

03-07-2016, 01:08 PM
That's right pimp, fight the good fight....lol

I hear you. I know of one person living down there and on my few trips to Portland, I have been through there, but it freaks me out every time.

What's funny is that I'm probably closer to Vancouver BC than I am to Vancouver WA....lol

That's okay, Vancouver BC is cooler anyways!

03-07-2016, 03:57 PM
Wenatchee here.

03-08-2016, 11:19 AM
Oh shucks, more WA peeps are showing up. Is it a 'summer time' thing? lol

What's up guys?

03-10-2016, 10:56 PM
Summer time? It was snowing around here yesterday lol. I usually don't post but I came across this thread when I was on here to look for some parts for my 240.

03-11-2016, 10:35 AM
Summer time? It was snowing around here yesterday lol. I usually don't post but I came across this thread when I was on here to look for some parts for my 240.

lol... Ouch man.
I moved from the East coast to get away from the 'crack from the sky', so that is the last thing I want to hear. Every time I see 'snow', I some how end up in the fetal position mumbling "It's so cold!!!" .....lol

Regardless, I'm sticking to my belief that the WA 240sx peeps are coming out just like the SUN....:hsdance:

What parts are you looking for?

04-13-2016, 03:50 AM
Puyallup. Don't die, PNW thread! lol

04-13-2016, 09:21 AM
Welcome pimp.

I'm trying man, I'm trying....lol

I read your 'build' thread and I didn't know about PWN_INC. Wish my Nissans were good enough to join....lol

04-13-2016, 06:54 PM
keep hope alive ;)

04-13-2016, 07:38 PM
Well it's summer time so more people are showing up.

That's the hope anyway.

04-13-2016, 09:01 PM
I just found out about PNW_INC, are there any members in here?

04-14-2016, 08:53 AM
Yeah, I hope too. There's a big Nissan/Infiniti following at least. As far as PNW_INC is concerned, I joined a few years ago and it's declined to a strange, semi active group nowadays. There's still guys that go to shows and meets and stuff, but a lot are apart of other groups, etc. When I joined it was a lot more like a 'crew' or 'car club/group' but it's lost that. It lost almost all the organized aspect of things, and now they rarely accept people and do things as a whole. We used to pack Nissan Fest, with 30+ cars and win majority of awards and take up a ton of show space. Not anymore though. So, we'll see, hopefully this summer they can get back on track, there needs to be more 240s in the group, its mainly all G35s and 350s, followed by G37s and 370s. I'm a part of so many groups I just pick and choose who I go cruise with, and it's usually just a good group of 'south end' guys and we do whatever, pizza, beer, cruise to Alki, etc. There needs to be a new group that cares who joins, but not to the point of obsession, just enough to keep the idiots out, but that is well organized and everyone can have fun / enjoy

on a side note.. I can't wait to come back to the states and play with cars. LOL

04-14-2016, 09:18 AM
Damn, it really seems as if I missed the good ole days of mature, organized meets and cruises.

I went to their facebook page and those are all of the cars I saw, Z's and G's galore, so I was thinking of finding a way to join just to mix it up a bit. A boosted sentra (reasons) and the S14 that I am resurrecting. Another reason for wanting to join are the quality of the builds on there and the lack of rolled, pulled, stretch, extra wide body, 12" wide tire cars. All of them were clean and very well built.

But hearing that it's going down hill really sucks because that is the kind of 'team' I would try to create or join.

Everyone is older and can't tolerate the stupidity of most of the younger crowd or have the time to meet up, but it's cool to meet and talk to people who truly love cars and TRUE car enthusiasts.

Plus a small cruise to where ever with a line of 'friends' is calming to me.

Hopes and dreams I guess.

04-14-2016, 10:02 AM
Lynnwood here. I work in Redmond and frequent the Bothell/Mill Creek area so I'm pretty close to most of you guys. I might have seen you driving around before for all I know, I catch the odd s chassis here and there.

I think I missed the days of the cool meet ups too. I've been in the area about 1.5 years. So by that time NWN was dead and all that. Could be for the better though, most of the meets or events I've gone to here I got bored at within 30 min. Same stuff you guys are talking about, I can't handle all the hoonibro kids with purposely busted cars. I mostly just keep to myself and a couple friends now a focus more on drift days.

04-14-2016, 10:47 AM
Wud up Chris (No Kris Kross rap song pun intended....lol)? Welcome to WA.

I used to live up in Bothell (near Trashers corner) and worked in Redmond as well, but decided to live closer to work. I hardly drive the 240, so you might have seen the other WA peeps.

It's funny how we have the same thoughts about meets, younglings, hoonigan stuff. It must be an age thing.

04-14-2016, 11:14 AM
Joel, did you ever get that steering rack in yet?

04-14-2016, 11:20 AM
Joel, did you ever get that steering rack in yet?

Not yet man. I'm still cramped for time and space.

I am getting the coilovers installed this saturday at a friend's house, but it's not ideal and his wife doesn't like it too much, so I can't take too long and can't make a mess. So that killed the idea of installing the steering rack there.

I'll update the build thread with the slow and small progress I made with the car. Taking the tint off was/IS a BYTCH....lol

04-14-2016, 01:07 PM
Wud up Chris (No Kris Kross rap song pun intended....lol)? Welcome to WA.

I used to live up in Bothell (near Trashers corner) and worked in Redmond as well, but decided to live closer to work. I hardly drive the 240, so you might have seen the other WA peeps.

It's funny how we have the same thoughts about meets, younglings, hoonigan stuff. It must be an age thing.

Haha thanks man. I used to live in Bothell too, pretty near that same area.

Ah, gotcha. Same here. I don't drive mine very often since I work early, it's loud, and I try to be a decent neighbor. Maybe once the car is fixed and the weather is nicer I'll drive it more often.

It must be. I remember going to the same kind of stuff and enjoying it not too long ago. Maybe I just got bitter and jaded haha.

04-14-2016, 01:47 PM
Well be thankful that you had the opportunity to. While living on the East coast, I was too broke to have a decent car, but now that I'm here and have 'ok' cars, all of the enthusiasts are hidden.

Don't get me wrong, I understand why, but it's just a little saddening, that's all. Especially when you see all the other regional sections jumping.

I wouldn't call it being bitter or jaded, I call it having taste.....lol. The last meet I went to had a s2000 that could barely turn because it would rub INSIDE the fender which was mangled beyond repair. I facepalmed, took out my keys and drove away because I refused to be near anything that STUPID.

I think that is why I'm trying to meet up with the older, tasteful WA peeps who are true car enthusiasts.

04-14-2016, 03:54 PM
Haha that's what I like to tell myself, but my roommates tell me I'm super negative when we go to car shows and stuff. The last thing I went to was the Golden Gardens thing like a month ago. The guys with the puzzle piece cars from the DIW thread were there and most of the other cars weren't a ton better. There were a couple decent cars, but not enough that I felt like it was worth coming out for. I'm 50/50 on going to Nissanfest this weekend.

Organize it and see who comes out! My car is nothing special but I'd probably be down to come out once it's fixed.

04-14-2016, 04:23 PM
I don't think that I'm too negative, but when it's obvious, I try to walk away without saying anything.

The 'meet' at Dick's in Edmonds used to be ok for a few minutes, especially when the muscle guys come out, but that got closed down like the grocery store.

I don't think I'll be at NissanFest, but I'll be at the Griot's show on Sunday.

Your car can NOT be worse than mine.
What is wrong with your car anyway?

04-14-2016, 05:11 PM
I'm trying to kick start NissanPacific back to life, but not as a car forum or car club... more like a community. Social media has really killed off car forums, as far as car clubs / crews go the whole clique mentality is hard to manage when everyones out trying to do their own thing... All I can really do is take awesome photos and send them to sponsors... and hope people look towards NissanPacific as a reliable media outlet... or community. People have been gravitating towards it, I'm hoping for positive vibes as 2016 rolls through summer.

04-14-2016, 09:18 PM
Haven't heard of that one.

That is what I am thinking as well, but you have to find a group of people with the same mind set and goals.

04-15-2016, 07:30 AM
I don't think that I'm too negative, but when it's obvious, I try to walk away without saying anything.

The 'meet' at Dick's in Edmonds used to be ok for a few minutes, especially when the muscle guys come out, but that got closed down like the grocery store.

I don't think I'll be at NissanFest, but I'll be at the Griot's show on Sunday.

Your car can NOT be worse than mine.
What is wrong with your car anyway?

Yeah, I've stopped by Dick's once or twice, but I heard the police shut it down pretty quick now.

I have plans Sunday or else I would look into that. I haven't heard of the Griot's show before.

I have a bad ground somewhere that keeps blowing fuses. My dash is dead and my headlights don't work. Also, at the last drift day I got hit. I have an appointment to get it pulled out next week.

I'm trying to kick start NissanPacific back to life, but not as a car forum or car club... more like a community. Social media has really killed off car forums, as far as car clubs / crews go the whole clique mentality is hard to manage when everyones out trying to do their own thing... All I can really do is take awesome photos and send them to sponsors... and hope people look towards NissanPacific as a reliable media outlet... or community. People have been gravitating towards it, I'm hoping for positive vibes as 2016 rolls through summer.

Yeah, I follow you on social media and see the NissanPacific pictures covering a bunch of stuff. I'm pretty sure you've even taken pictures of my car before.

04-15-2016, 08:19 AM
Hey Chris, you need to stop drifting with people who can't drift.

I suck when it comes to wiring, otherwise I would have offered my help. I can have a drink in your honour though....lol

Where are you carrying your car to have the body repaired because I have a few dings and a horrific debaging that I would like to fix, but every where is charging an arm and a kidney.

04-15-2016, 08:45 AM
Haha tell me about it. It was partly my fault, I spun while leading. In the video, though, it doesn't look like the chase driver even hit the brakes.

Drink away, sir!

I'm going to Mark 2 Collisions in Lynnwood. Right off Hwy 99. They've been really cool to me so far.

04-15-2016, 09:00 AM
Yeah, I follow you on social media and see the NissanPacific pictures covering a bunch of stuff. I'm pretty sure you've even taken pictures of my car before.

Nice, what car do you drive out there? There's so many drivers these days.

04-15-2016, 09:37 AM
Maroon zenki S14. Stock body. There is another guy with a similar car named Alex, but he drifts on z32 rears. I use s14 se wheels or my rear Volks if it's raining and I don't want to change wheels haha.

04-15-2016, 10:14 AM
How is Mark 2 Collisions on their pricing?

04-15-2016, 10:14 AM
I'm going to Mark 2 Collisions in Lynnwood. Right off Hwy 99. They've been really cool to me so far.

That's the only place I take my car when I need bodywork. Great family business and their company car is a sweet modded GTR.

They can seem a little pricey at times. I was quoted just shy of $600 to paint match my Navan skirts and valances, but I also have a pearl white car. However, their work quality and professionalism is top notch.

04-15-2016, 10:21 AM
I'm happy with the pricing for my repair. I don't know how they compare to other shops, they were the first one I went to off the recommendation of another driver. If I were you I would stop by and get a quote.

Oh, I didn't know that! That's neat. I knew one of the employees drives pro-am, which is mostly why I went there.

04-15-2016, 11:15 AM
That's the only place I take my car when I need bodywork. Great family business and their company car is a sweet modded GTR.

Gallen Callahan is a cool dude, him and his family run that. He's got that primer / silver / white Cressida with Orange wheels. idk if you guys saw him at the last open drift.

Maroon zenki S14. Stock body. There is another guy with a similar car named Alex, but he drifts on z32 rears. I use s14 se wheels or my rear Volks if it's raining and I don't want to change wheels haha.

Damn I always get you two confused I more than likely have taken photos of you

04-15-2016, 11:23 AM
Good to know guys, I'll def. check them out.

Now who would you recommend for a KA engine rebuild? I went to a few places and they looked at me with the 'That's the truck engine.... right' puzzled type of face. So I'll not be using them and C&D in Redmond is used to 'blank check' type of customers, which I am NOT.

04-15-2016, 12:55 PM
Gallen Callahan is a cool dude, him and his family run that. He's got that primer / silver / white Cressida with Orange wheels. idk if you guys saw him at the last open drift.I've never had dealings with Gallen. Only his parents. Nice folks even if they are little cat crazy.

Now who would you recommend for a KA engine rebuild? I went to a few places and they looked at me with the 'That's the truck engine.... right' puzzled type of face. So I'll not be using them and C&D in Redmond is used to 'blank check' type of customers, which I am NOT.
Your best bet is to find a running KA on CL. Its cheaper and it'll get you on the road much faster than having a shop spend weeks/months rebuilding one for you. I know there is a local shop selling rebuild for like $1500 if you're dead set on a rebuilt.

04-15-2016, 01:05 PM
Thanks for the info Agam.
I keep seeing the $1495 ones on craigslist from JapaneseAutoEngines in Tacoma, but I'll be putting myself in the same spot, not knowing the engine's condition. Is that the one you're talking about?

If I rebuild it, I know that everything in there is brand new and the engine has 0 miles.

I like having options and having to decide. I just hope this one holds up for a while but seeing that much rust out of the cooling system does not give me much hope.

04-15-2016, 02:43 PM
Gallen Callahan is a cool dude, him and his family run that. He's got that primer / silver / white Cressida with Orange wheels. idk if you guys saw him at the last open drift.

Damn I always get you two confused I more than likely have taken photos of you

I talked to him very briefly, but he seemed nice. His Cressida was parked outside so I felt like I was in the right place.

Yeah, our cars look pretty similar right now. It worked out for me though, I bought his spare maroon fenders after my crash :)

SoundEfx, I'm not sure on a shop for rebuilds. I haven't had to go down that road yet. $1500 seems very steep for a KA though, unless it has forged internals. I sold my running KA/trans/ecu back in Missouri for $350. I've been hearing that KA prices are going up though.

04-15-2016, 03:03 PM
I used to see them for cheap on craigslist, $300 - $450, but I never had a means of picking it up or a place to keep it, so I had to pass. Now, I'm almost to the point of regret.

04-16-2016, 02:24 AM
we'll have to grab beers and cruise when I get back

I totally agree on the need for mature, laid back meets / cruises. Less beat shit DIW guys like those puzzle piece guys. LOL and yeah it is sad how PNW stuff is so compartmentalized, it's really hard to find good groups. PNW_INC for example is still 'secret' and unsearchable other than the media page. There's a couple more too. A page called Modified Elite. Etc. California and AZ and NV have great pages and groups, for some reason Washington is full of so many morons wanting to just go drift in parkinglots and do dumb shit, everyone hides their groups and meet spots. There's a few 240s in the PNW INC page, just not many due to the requirement of a nice, tastefully done car that isn't a drift missile / project / etc. One guy has a R33 GTR full drivetrain under a S13, another has a VQ swapped S14 Kouki, it's just more rare. Just shoot them a message on the media page and see if anyone responds.

Rebuilt KA I mean 1500 isn't that bad, considering the hours to tear one apart, rebuild kit is probably 500 bucks but probably will take a good 6-10 hrs to do a rebuild correctly. I'd want some reviews and info though for sure

Go to nissanfest! lol I'd be there if I was in the states. I know there will be quite a few nice cars going.

BTW whats wrong with your current KA?

04-16-2016, 03:31 PM
We'll def. have to grab a few beers.

I don't know why they don't simply make a site and have the members sign in, that way they keep it exclusive and kick out who isn't cooperating.

I only have one finished car right now, but no one would consider it worthy because it isn't expensive. In fact it's on the bottom of the Nissan poll. But that makes it a total sleeper, which was my intention.

Trust me, I get the need to keep the morons out, but at the same time, let the wise ones in.....lol

04-17-2016, 06:04 AM
Horray, beer!

I dunno about the website. I dunno how it's really being run right now since there's been so many changes in 'management', but apparently 19 PNW_INC cars showed for Nissan Fest so maybe they're doing something better.

I <3 sleepers. There are some cars in the group that aren't expensive. It's just no bacon fender, mismatched wheel / panels / fart can / etc builds. I know they've kicked a few people out for driving and acting like morons too. Post a pic of the sleeper though, I wanna see :P

Did anyone go to Nissan Fest?!

04-17-2016, 07:56 AM
This is what I roll around in sometimes:
http://i1318.photobucket.com/albums/t641/SoundEfxMaster/WholeLoweredCar-Copy_zps21798c37.jpg (http://s1318.photobucket.com/user/SoundEfxMaster/media/WholeLoweredCar-Copy_zps21798c37.jpg.html)

But it has this under the hood:
http://i1318.photobucket.com/albums/t641/SoundEfxMaster/Boostcomplete_zps934b2256.jpg (http://s1318.photobucket.com/user/SoundEfxMaster/media/Boostcomplete_zps934b2256.jpg.html)

So it is not show ready in any way, but it's fairly clean. I can't fix the fwd part.....lol

I couldn't make it to Nissanfest, but I'll be at the Griots Mother's day thing.

04-17-2016, 08:20 AM
Nice, looks good.. and I bet it's a handful haha. I own a FWD mobile too, though I'm getting rid of it. What kinda power does she make?

Apparently the homies pulled in: Best in Show, best 350z, best 370z, runner up 370, best 300, best 240, best g35 coupe, best g35 sedan, best g37, best q50 and runner up q50. shietttt. A buddy tyler in his green VQ swapped Kouki got the best 240.

I like Griots a lot. It's close and I love their products. Lol

04-17-2016, 05:28 PM


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04-17-2016, 09:59 PM
She makes enough to surprise anyone.
I love getting the 'Isn't that a SENTRA? How is he still next to me?' look....lol
It's the transmission that's the killer. Why? It's auto. No misshifts therefore constant times and I am the only boost auto B15 in WA and one of maybe 3 in the U.S. More money went into the transmission R&D than the engine build.

It seems as if everyone is in Tacoma and I'm the only one up north. I'll still make the drive though.

Damn, were there any other categories? Your peeps look like they took everything.

Wud up ZG? Nice s13 pimp. Where in WA are you?

04-18-2016, 06:50 AM
Nice Sentra, you don't see those done very often. I was wondering about the trans, sounds expensive haha.

Sweet S13, I think I saw you around a couple meets last year.

I missed Nissanfest this year. I wasn't that bummed until I saw there was some good tandems and some decent cars that came out. Oh well, next year!

04-18-2016, 07:51 AM
Thanks pimp. I actually visited my friend who also has a boosted Sentra, but his is the typical boosted manual, 6 speed, Spec-v's.
And yes it is...

Any of you WA peeps plan to go to other shows? We should meet up some time.

04-18-2016, 12:45 PM
She makes enough to surprise anyone.
I love getting the 'Isn't that a SENTRA? How is he still next to me?' look....lol
It's the transmission that's the killer. Why? It's auto. No misshifts therefore constant times and I am the only boost auto B15 in WA and one of maybe 3 in the U.S. More money went into the transmission R&D than the engine build.

It seems as if everyone is in Tacoma and I'm the only one up north. I'll still make the drive though.

Damn, were there any other categories? Your peeps look like they took everything.

Wud up ZG? Nice s13 pimp. Where in WA are you?

I live in Bellevue currently. The Type X is on the back burner for now because of a weird lean condition and I picked up a JZS147 GS300 about a month ago.


04-18-2016, 01:27 PM
I'll be going to whatever is at the end of the year. I wont have the motor and stuff in the 240, but it'll have wheels and suspension done. I'll be in the Z though.

Nice 240 and Lexus. I want a GS ever since I saw that boosted quad rotor GS on youtube. LOL

There's a lot of good stuff to go to this year.

04-18-2016, 05:02 PM


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I was curious where Brian's old car was.

04-18-2016, 06:06 PM
I'll be going to whatever is at the end of the year. I wont have the motor and stuff in the 240, but it'll have wheels and suspension done. I'll be in the Z though.

Nice 240 and Lexus. I want a GS ever since I saw that boosted quad rotor GS on youtube. LOL

There's a lot of good stuff to go to this year.

Thanks! I've always liked GS300 and used to have an LS400 a few years ago. I'm trying to stop myself from taking a plunge and dropping in a 2jz non vvti but it's very tempting since it's almost a PNP swap like an SR into a s chassis.

04-18-2016, 06:07 PM
I was curious where Brian's old car was.

Lol yeah I've had it for about 2 years now after buying it from Levon. DD'd it up until a month ago with only minor hiccups during that time (clutch,ignition switch,etc).

04-18-2016, 07:24 PM
Lol yeah I've had it for about 2 years now after buying it from Levon. DD'd it up until a month ago with only minor hiccups during that time (clutch,ignition switch,etc).
Its a sweet ride. I watched it being built. I wish it still had the blue mag TE37s though.

Nice GS too. My advice is to keep it stock pass on the 2jz. Having 2 project cars is tough dude.

04-18-2016, 08:39 PM
Hopefully ill be back livingin WA in the next four years.

I really hate the east coast

04-18-2016, 09:59 PM
just ordered a downpipe and innovative wide band for my KA-T setup ;)

04-19-2016, 06:52 AM
Thanks pimp. I actually visited my friend who also has a boosted Sentra, but his is the typical boosted manual, 6 speed, Spec-v's.
And yes it is...

Any of you WA peeps plan to go to other shows? We should meet up some time.

Is the Sentra community thriving? I feel like I never see modded ones.

I have no solid plans for meets, other than Formula D. I'm down to meet up some time.

S30ZG, nice Lexus too, is it growing on you compared to the S13? I hope I'll have a Lexus/Toyota sedan in my life at some point...

Wykydtron, nice. How close is it to runnning?

04-19-2016, 07:54 AM
having two boosted cars is tough. 2j swap would be badass though! lol if the 240 can support daily duties, why not? thatd be a hell of a sleeper too. I've wanted a big turbo SC for a while.

East coast isn't toooo bad, where ya at?

Once I sell my Focus ST I'm turning the 240 into the daily til I swap the motor. then it'll be nice weather daily. lol

Wyky what else ya got done to it?

04-19-2016, 11:13 AM
Wykydtron, nice. How close is it to runnning?

Need to get my spare oil pan tapped, then I need to swap it in. Might change my solid motor mounts out for oem motor mounts to make it more streetable, gf would be happier.

Small things like nuts and bolts needs to be gathered, test fitting the IC piping and mounting the FMIC... I think I'm going to see how it runs with the stock 270cc injectors for now, I have 550cc's for the build. Next big step is to send my ECU over to Nismotronic, have the daughter board installed, then install the ECU and do an eTune with them. If all goes well, I'll try to get the Nismotronic SA in a month or two... or if bills permit I'll order it at the end of the month lol.

04-19-2016, 12:01 PM
S30ZG, nice Lexus too, is it growing on you compared to the S13? I hope I'll have a Lexus/Toyota sedan in my life at

Lol I haven't driven my s13 for about a month. Kinda miss driving it, kinda don't [emoji23]. Hopefully I can start digging into its issues pretty soon here. Had to do a 90k on the GS since it looks like the PO didn't do much maintenance unfortunately.

having two boosted cars is tough. 2j swap would be badass though! lol if the 240 can support daily duties, why not? thatd be a hell of a sleeper too. I've wanted a big turbo SC for a while.

East coast isn't toooo bad, where ya at?

Once I sell my Focus ST I'm turning the 240 into the daily til I swap the motor. then it'll be nice weather daily. lol

Ha yeah I'm going to wait till my brother does a 2JZ swap into his '97 SC300 before we tackle turboing the GS. I kinda hope he does a vvti 2jz because they are so much cheaper than non vvti [emoji389].

How do you like your Focus ST? I've driven one or two and they felt kinda slow to me haha. I'm dying to see reviews on the Focus RS after we start getting them stateside though [emoji48]

04-19-2016, 12:12 PM
Damn, PNW is jumping.. That's what I like to see....

Nice Lex pimp. I always wanted a GS, but could never pull the trigger because I'm either already in a project or want another car a little more.

The sentra community is striving, but not in WA. GA, TN and a few in FL is holding it down, but as time goes on, only the hardcore few like myself are pushing the limits. There are only maybe 5 boosted Sentras in all of WA and maybe 3 of us are pure sleepers. The others are loud, so they are kind of putting themselves out there.

Anyone have any 17 inch, 8 wide 4 lug rims they are willing to part with? These 17x7 makes the car look like a muscle dude who skips on leg days....lol

04-19-2016, 12:23 PM
Flying into Seattle tomorrow from NY! Any cool things you guys can recommend? Any cool shops?

04-19-2016, 12:24 PM
The sentra community is striving, but not in WA.

Anyone have any 17 inch, 8 wide 4 lug rims they are willing to part with? These 17x7 makes the car look like a muscle dude who skips on leg days....lol

There was a hand full of sentra guys at NissanFest, kinda cool to see those guys out.

Anyone have any 17 inch, 8 wide 4 lug rims they are willing to part with? These 17x7 makes the car look like a muscle dude who skips on leg days....lol

I'm 5 lug :coolugh:

04-19-2016, 12:27 PM
Here's a pic of my bucket.


Since I'm focusing on horse power... I was thinking about maybe keeping the oem look and maybe doing a 2-tone panda look.


04-19-2016, 12:40 PM
Need to get my spare oil pan tapped, then I need to swap it in. Might change my solid motor mounts out for oem motor mounts to make it more streetable, gf would be happier.

Small things like nuts and bolts needs to be gathered, test fitting the IC piping and mounting the FMIC... I think I'm going to see how it runs with the stock 270cc injectors for now, I have 550cc's for the build. Next big step is to send my ECU over to Nismotronic, have the daughter board installed, then install the ECU and do an eTune with them. If all goes well, I'll try to get the Nismotronic SA in a month or two... or if bills permit I'll order it at the end of the month lol.

Sounds like you're getting close. Look into Nismo motor mounts. I originally had Drift Freq mounts, but I didn't heat shield them (I know, I know) so they fell apart. Then I switched to Nismo and like them a lot more. They're firm enough for me that I don't worry about the engine torquing, but they transfer little vibration.

Don't run it with the stock injectors, it's not worth it! Just wait a little longer and install your 550's with the tune. How much power are you shooting for?

Lol I haven't driven my s13 for about a month. Kinda miss driving it, kinda don't [emoji23]. Hopefully I can start digging into its issues pretty soon here. Had to do a 90k on the GS since it looks like the PO didn't do much maintenance unfortunately.

Haha I get that. I don't daily mine anymore and sometimes I really don't miss driving it

The sentra community is striving, but not in WA. GA, TN and a few in FL is holding it down, but as time goes on, only the hardcore few like myself are pushing the limits. There are only maybe 5 boosted Sentras in all of WA and maybe 3 of us are pure sleepers. The others are loud, so they are kind of putting themselves out there.

Anyone have any 17 inch, 8 wide 4 lug rims they are willing to part with? These 17x7 makes the car look like a muscle dude who skips on leg days....lol

Gotcha, are you willing to tell us what kind of power yours is making? :coolugh:

I'm 5 lug as well

Flying into Seattle tomorrow from NY! Any cool things you guys can recommend? Any cool shops?

What kind of stuff do you like? Food, tourist stuff, scenic views, etc.

04-19-2016, 12:54 PM
JGS rubber mounts. $7 rubber replacements from Napa if you do happen to cook one.

Don't run stock 270s, you know better than that Eddi :)

04-19-2016, 01:34 PM
Don't run it with the stock injectors, it's not worth it! Just wait a little longer and install your 550's with the tune. How much power are you shooting for?

JGS rubber mounts. $7 rubber replacements from Napa if you do happen to cook one.

Don't run stock 270s, you know better than that Eddi :)

ha, yeah at most it would just idle in the garage or I'd take it around the block to watch the wideband lean out a little. :keke:

As far as power, not much with the stock bottom end. 10psi at most. If I throw ARP studs into my other longblock, I think it's really just limited by the T25 I have, I could probably find a cheap T28 to upgrade too. But as far as future goals? With a bigger turbo, 300hp. But I'm not getting my hopes up, I've been on the fence with this KA-T for a while.

04-19-2016, 01:51 PM
Wykydtron, be careful man, once you go boost, it's hard to drive n/a. It's addictive.

Chris, I wouldn't say the power, but with the KA putting down some nice power with T25's and 28's, I have a T3/T4 50 trim, soo.....
BUT, it's fwd. That thing wants to kill you in high boost and wheel hop is a BYTCH!!!! lol

Everyone is 5 lug and with the luck I have, my 240 has every option, from sun roof, abs and power everything, but it's base model. Swapping in a 5 lug now would cost a little too much for my liking, $1600 all in.

Does the nismo mounts 'raise' the engine a little? I think I read that some where.

04-19-2016, 02:06 PM
$1600 for 5 lug?

It's like $300 for conversion hubs, $150 at most for new rotors.

04-19-2016, 02:57 PM
Wheels and tires has to be added to that, which I priced around $1000.
So $1450 isn't too far off from the $1600 that I quoted myself.

Don't get me wrong, if there is a cheaper way that nets me the same quality and results, I'm all ears. But that is why I'm simply trying to get the 4 lug rims for relatively cheap because if it's expensive, I might as well do the conversion.

04-19-2016, 03:14 PM
Lemme know how that etune goes. I've always been reluctant about testing them. I really need to learn how to tune. Lol

I've got some stock 5 lugs with good tires coming off soon.... just a thought

Ya those injectors are tiny! I have a walbro 255 pump in the garage that I don't know if it works or not. I moved to a 340 in the Z cause I leaned out on top but my mafs are also stock. New ones are like 800 and I'd need to retune.

The focus is cool, it's got great seats stock, and it's not slow. It scoots for what it is, I can take a modified g35 or stock 370z with it and it handles well. Its got 12k miles fully loaded and I just wanna get a different daily, 18k takes it. Lol

Boost is addicting. One of the other reasons the 240 is getting a LS vs rb or SR or KAT.... I can't turn up boost lol

04-19-2016, 03:15 PM
Clean s13 by the way!

Also. As far as visiting shops and places... what ya wanna see and how far do you wanna go?

04-19-2016, 03:18 PM
Clean s13 by the way!

Also. As far as visiting shops and places... what ya wanna see and how far do you wanna go?

I'll be driving all over really. Anywhere within an hour is cool. I have all the touristy stuff down. Was wondering if there is any must see car related places. Thanks!

04-19-2016, 03:18 PM
Hey McZFace, how much are you going to sell the 5 lug with tires for?

Also, the LS can be boosted in the 240. Jus' sayin'.

04-19-2016, 03:53 PM
Wheels and tires has to be added to that, which I priced around $1000.
So $1450 isn't too far off from the $1600 that I quoted myself.

Don't get me wrong, if there is a cheaper way that nets me the same quality and results, I'm all ears. But that is why I'm simply trying to get the 4 lug rims for relatively cheap because if it's expensive, I might as well do the conversion.

You can do 5 lug wheels for way cheaper.

S14 5lug wheels are $250?

Z33 wheels are $250?

Mustang cobra wheels you can find for $200-300.

04-19-2016, 03:57 PM
If I'm going 5 lug, it's not going to be the stock rims. But you're right, I could shave a few hundreds off, but I'm on a budget and other things come first, like my leaky steering rack and rusty radiator.

LikeCurry, how long are you going to be in town?

04-20-2016, 06:22 AM
There's some nice wheels for cheap. I got my OZ track wheels for 1200. I dunno on the s14 wheels, probably just a few hundred bucks. Tires are new all season Michelins.

425 motorsports has racing seats to sit in. Ozzy motors is around there. English racing would be cool but it's a bit of a drive. There may be an event going on at Pacific raceways or evergreen speedway also. There's a few places

And ya I thought about a blower actually. I need to see how much they go for and if I can find a slim one that will fit under the hood... hmmmm. Noooo, no boost. Bad bahaha

04-20-2016, 07:57 AM
Ok baller McZface, $1200 is cheap.....lol....lol
At that price, I would def. go 5 lug. Infact, that is the plan this winter.

You could also get a procharger. Jus' sayin'.

04-20-2016, 09:46 AM
As far as power, not much with the stock bottom end. 10psi at most. If I throw ARP studs into my other longblock, I think it's really just limited by the T25 I have, I could probably find a cheap T28 to upgrade too. But as far as future goals? With a bigger turbo, 300hp. But I'm not getting my hopes up, I've been on the fence with this KA-T for a while.

10psi would be plenty to have fun with. It's been awhile since I looked into KA-T stuff, but on a t25 that's like ~200whp right? My car makes like 220whp and I think it's fun. I have somewhat similar long term power goals. I would like to be at about 275whp. That will be plenty for me for awhile.

Chris, I wouldn't say the power, but with the KA putting down some nice power with T25's and 28's, I have a T3/T4 50 trim, soo.....
BUT, it's fwd. That thing wants to kill you in high boost and wheel hop is a BYTCH!!!! lol

Everyone is 5 lug and with the luck I have, my 240 has every option, from sun roof, abs and power everything, but it's base model. Swapping in a 5 lug now would cost a little too much for my liking, $1600 all in.

Does the nismo mounts 'raise' the engine a little? I think I read that some where.

Haha yeah, that's what I was thinking. Don't you have traction issues with those front wheels/tires though?

Mine came 4 lug too, so I had to swap them. I bought OEM pieces from a member here years ago. I think I paid like 500 shipped for all four. It seems a little steep, but I was in the middle of no where and I got the full spindle/knuckle at each corner so they were heavy/bulky.

Ok baller McZface, $1200 is cheap.....lol....lol
At that price, I would def. go 5 lug. Infact, that is the plan this winter.

$1200 is cheap for four brand new wheels that aren't knock offs.

You could always do what e1_griego was talking about and run stock wheels for awhile. That's what I did and now I run them as spares.

Curry, what dates are you coming in? Check out the facebook pages for Northwest Nissans (NWN) and NissanPacific (Wykydtron). They advertise a lot of events. I think there are more pages too, but I can't think of them right now. Also, definitely grab breakfast at Beth's while you're here!

04-20-2016, 10:02 AM
I know $1200 is cheap.... cheap for a baller like yourself. If I go to a shop and they said $1200 anything, I would faint on the spot....lol.
Jus kiddin... You have to pay to play. I simply don't like cross-roads. 4 lug or 5 lug swap now.

10 psi will get boring after a while and that is why I said boost is addictive. You could never get enough of it. I have heard the usual, only 4-6 psi, then 8-10. After that they are thinking of rebuilding the engine to handle the 15 that they want to put down. It doesn't stop man.... it just doesn't.

The boosted manual version of the Sentra has traction issues when racing because they put down the power instantly, but with the auto transmission, I have more control over that. The down side is that the transmission wasn't built for that amount of power and trying to harness it to the road is even more strain on it. If you think that everything in a high hp engine has to be forged, just think about what has to go into the transmission handling that power.

04-20-2016, 10:20 AM
I know $1200 is cheap.... cheap for a baller like yourself. If I go to a shop and they said $1200 anything, I would faint on the spot....lol.
Jus kiddin... You have to pay to play. I simply don't like cross-roads. 4 lug or 5 lug swap now.

10 psi will get boring after a while and that is why I said boost is addictive. You could never get enough of it. I have heard the usual, only 4-6 psi, then 8-10. After that they are thinking of rebuilding the engine to handle the 15 that they want to put down. It doesn't stop man.... it just doesn't.

I'm no baller, that's why my paint is trash and I haven't finished my Navan kit in over 2 years now haha.

Between those two options I would save up and do 5 lug. If you're planning on doing it later anyways, it'll be cheaper long term to just do what you really want. Plus 4 lug wheels are a bit harder to sell.

I think I'm the exception to this rule haha, six years now and I'm still at the factory 10psi on my car :2f2f:

04-20-2016, 10:34 AM
I hear you man. I'm trying to preserve what little paint this car has on it.
4 Lug wheels are a pain to buy AND sell. I'm trying to sell the ones on the car now and not even one person bit. Maybe because they are 4 lug AND ugly....lol

10 psi stock should be fun, but don't you want to have more fun? (That sounded less creepy in my head)....lol

04-20-2016, 04:59 PM
10 psi stock should be fun, but don't you want to have more fun? (That sounded less creepy in my head)....lol

10psi makes enough power for third gear on the bank at Evergreen if I drive aggressive enough so I'm good for now. Sometimes I do wish I had another 20 or so horsepower though...

04-20-2016, 07:42 PM
10psi makes enough power for third gear on the bank at Evergreen if I drive aggressive enough so I'm good for now. Sometimes I do wish I had another 20 or so horsepower though...

And there it is. The thought of having more has entered your mind. Your faith is sealed....lol

04-21-2016, 08:20 AM
I mean 1200 from a real, non rep company like oz who makes wheels for formula 1 isn't bad. I'm no baller, I'm in the military. Lol I'm single with no kids and 2 roommates, and all my money goes to cars and food/beer/wine/etc. Lol I guess I say they're cheap cause I was looking at volks and lmgt4's and stuff that was almost as expensive as my car was. But I thought it out and decided no. Lol even my Z wheels I picked up for 3k with tires hurt but I've literally wanted a set of TE37s for so long I had to have em.

Procharger style boost is kick ass. My Z has a Rotrex unit and it's amazing. I suppose I could do something like that one day but boost is just another monster all together to deal with. I've considered doing a little spray, because I can use it when I need to but keep the reliability and everything the same. Lol and as you said.. boost is addicting. At least with blowers it's not as easy to just turn the boost up. Though I want to bump to a smaller pulley on the Z soooo bad.. I want to break 500 -_-

04-21-2016, 09:07 AM
Breaking 500 on the Z should be easy.
In terms of the spray, I never liked it for some reason. It is the cheapest form of 'boost', but I never got into it. For the reliability aspect, any car can be reliable, but it depends on how it's built and maintained.

If you build the car to handle 650 hp (built the entire drive train) and only put down 550, maintain it religiously and don't bang on it every single shift, it could be a very reliable car. Especially if it's not a daily.

I call everyone a baller, so don't take it seriously...lol

04-21-2016, 07:58 PM

it's happening

04-22-2016, 12:33 AM
That could be plugged.
I'm waiting until the exhaust manifold is off and the turbo is going in...lol

Good luck man.

04-22-2016, 10:12 AM
It's not the fact that I can build something to be reliable, the fact that, lets say I do a turbo build, or even a blower setup, and I lose an oil line on the highway in the middle of nowhere (which, if I drive home to my parents house in Southern California, there's a LOT of hot weather and open road I don't want to break on) so, spray, when done right, literally isn't an issue until used. Plus with a legit setup, it's a great power adder. Not a cheap ebay system, one that monitors AFR, RPM, has a window switch, etc and is tuned for it. My Z for example, could lose an oil cooler line, take a rock hit to it's carbon fiber drive shaft, etc. Once you go boost, there's soooo many more ways for things to fail. A properly setup n/a motor will always be more reliable, and spray, done right, is also reliable but mainly the fact I will only use it when I need it makes it a great option to have

just my .02, it's definitely not like the ricer kids yelling O MAN U GOT NOS lol there's a very big drag racing following that use it, and uses it reliably and quite well

04-22-2016, 10:39 AM
Oh, don't get me wrong, it is and you're 100% right.
I guess I get a little defensive when I hear turbo being unreliable because all people see is when it breaks because some cheap honda owner bought 'everything' for $450 with no tune or stock injectors.

The more moving parts you have, the greater the risk of something going wrong, that's the equation. Hence why the older 7 series BMW with a cpu for every cylinder is frowned upon like a plague....lol

But that spool though.....lol.....lol...

04-23-2016, 04:41 AM
haha, I dislike the Honda scene for that reason. 95% ebay junk cars that require little effort to build. and then people are like OMG GREAT BUILD, yet some guy with 1000 hours into his car they talk shit on. lol plus they ruin a lot of shows and meets with their loud music and revving and burnouts. but that's another story, same with bmw's legendary pain in the dick electronics issues haha

I just want to do stuff like Modball or Dustbowl rallys and not break down. Spool is definitely addicting lol, but I have 3 boosty cars, I need something bulletproof lol

04-23-2016, 09:28 AM
Sorry to tell you this, but nothing is bulletproof......lol

Once you start pushing your car, something will break, axle, transmission, diff.... What ever is the weakest link in the system, high hp will find it. That goes with the joys of pushing your car.

I actually thought of having a WA to OR Cannon ball run type thing. The winner doesn't have to pay for his beer for the entire stay there....lol

04-23-2016, 04:57 PM
True, nothing is ever bulletproof, but I can try. I actually googled LS superchargers today. THANKS lol

a WA cannonball would be soooo fun. Dustbowl is doing vegas to vancouver i think this year. only 2900 for 2 people :P

04-24-2016, 09:37 AM
Told you and sorry? lol

The WA - OR run was just going to be among friends and it wouldn't cost anything. I guess if it turned out to be a big thing, a small fee would have been started.

04-24-2016, 02:08 PM
I combed over forced induction today. Probably not for me. Lol ls3 is like 5k to begin with. Boost is gonna cost me at least 5k . Maybe down the road. Lol 700whp will take a lot of mods too. Even if I went like l33 and twins it'd be more than I want to budget. I can always sell the ls and go to a different motor if I want boost and keep everything else the same. But! Parts came in. So, yay. Sorry for the shit pictures. Phone uploads kinda suck.

04-24-2016, 02:31 PM
Nice. I'm jealous man.

04-25-2016, 09:24 AM
I combed over forced induction today. Probably not for me. Lol ls3 is like 5k to begin with. Boost is gonna cost me at least 5k . Maybe down the road. Lol 700whp will take a lot of mods too. Even if I went like l33 and twins it'd be more than I want to budget. I can always sell the ls and go to a different motor if I want boost and keep everything else the same. But! Parts came in. So, yay. Sorry for the shit pictures. Phone uploads kinda suck.

:2f2f: race car parts! congrats!

I just got in a downpipe... waiting for my wideband to come in and then I'll take it to a buddy to have him tig in the bung.


04-25-2016, 09:27 AM
Oh shyt, WYK is getting serious up in this bytch....

When do you think you'll have the boost installed and ready to go?

04-25-2016, 09:38 AM
Oh shyt, WYK is getting serious up in this bytch....

When do you think you'll have the boost installed and ready to go?

When I get my wideband in, I'm rearranging the garage and putting the car up on jackstands... When that happens, I'm pulling my oem exhaust manifold off and test fitting the turbo/downpipe and marking where I'll want the wideband bung welded in. And at that point I might as well start pulling the oil pan...

I still have a few small parts to gather, I'm hoping to have everything together in a few weeks time. I'm anticipating random things I've forgotten, so maybe in a month.

If all goes well, I'll have everything put together in 2-3 weeks. I'm going with the Nismotronic SA, that will come sometime next month.

04-25-2016, 12:17 PM
Ok cool. Good luck man.

Why Nismotronic and not Nistune?

04-25-2016, 12:26 PM
Ok cool. Good luck man.

Why Nismotronic and not Nistune?

I've always gravitated towards Nismotronic, my buddy Twisty recommended it once and when I dug into their wiki I fell in love. From a DIY perspective, they provide a lot of information and are very transparent with their system. I've looked at RS Enthalpy and Nistune in the past, actually a lot of the KA-T guys I know in the PNW recommend RS Enthalpy... My only turn off with RS Enthalpy is when I've tried to look up info on it, I felt like documentation wasn't readily available for the public.

I may be wrong about that and have looked in the wrong places, but I've always ended up back on Nismotronic's facebook group or their website reading what others are doing with it. Bluetooth? USB? The NEMU board even has an Ethernet port! What for? REMOTE TUNING!? I can literally book dyno time and have the guys at jktuned connected to their SA and do pulls on the dyno over the phone... that right there made me look at Nismotronic closely... They also offer an eTune service where you take street pulls and datalog, you send them the map and data via email and they'll make adjustments to the maps to get you started.

At this point, people have told me, well if you want to go DIY why not Megasquirt? Well, I'm not much of a circuit board geek... and I'd probably mess up a megasquirt soldiering things together and forgetting to do something... :-/ heh, my ADHD and all...

04-25-2016, 10:16 PM
Oh, ok. I didn't know Nismotronic has all of those features.

I really wished Uprev developed their system for the older OBDI system because their system is very easy to follow and understand, similar to what you described.

The data logging and getting an e-tune is amazing.

04-27-2016, 09:55 AM
It's crazy how much money you save when you don't pay for your own food, gas, etc when deployed. Plus no income tax helps while out here. I did decide to order MCA X-Race coilovers, i think Josh said they're gonna do 7k / 3.5k, which sounds kinda soft but I trust em.

Nice downpipe! That's pretty kick ass Nismotronic has all that stuff. For the Z I know a company called EcuTek does etune stuff but I don't think they offer it for the 240. I haven't really read into how the ECU is modified on the S-chassis, I'm assuming it's a piggyback style? My Z is tuned with UpREV which just modifies the ECU, plus it'll store up to 3 or 4 different tunes, which I can change via cruise control buttons.

So much shit to learn. So little time. LOL

04-27-2016, 10:50 AM
I haven't really read into how the ECU is modified on the S-chassis, I'm assuming it's a piggyback style?

They solder in a daughter board which turns the stock ECU into a full standalone. I'm assuming it's like how EPROM guys remove the factory chip and install a socket to accept custom flashed EPROM chips. :2f2f:

So much shit to learn. So little time. LOL

Yeah! That's why I'm hoping to get a good base tune with the eTune service. Worst comes to worst I'll bring my car down to Intec Racing. I don't think Bob at Drift Office likes dealing with 240's anymore.

04-27-2016, 12:00 PM
I did 6K all around on BC Racing coilovers and love it. 7K on a 240 I get, but that 3.5K is a little suspect. To me anyway. In fact, I didn't know they could go that low.

04-28-2016, 06:43 PM
Nice progress Wykydtron!

7k/3.5k seems pretty soft to me. Mine are 9k/7k I think. I like mine but sometimes I think I could go with a stiffer setup

04-28-2016, 06:48 PM
Nice progress Wykydtron!

7k/3.5k seems pretty soft to me. Mine are 9k/7k I think. I like mine but sometimes I think I could go with a stiffer setup

Lol I have some HKS springs that are 12/10kg if you ever want to upgrade [emoji106]

04-28-2016, 07:44 PM
Lol I have some HKS springs that are 12/10kg if you ever want to upgrade [emoji106]

You drive them on the street or do you track your car as well?

04-29-2016, 02:16 AM
You drive them on the street or do you track your car as well?

Oh no they came off some HKS Hipermax IIs I bought for the GS. They don't go very low so I switched them with PBM springs that are shorter so my car wouldn't look like a monster truck.

04-29-2016, 08:17 AM
Ok, cool. It's just that when I see drag car set ups, they tend to have high spring rates like that to reduce the dips and plant the tires to the track.

04-30-2016, 01:55 AM
Yeah I dunno, it seemed pretty soft to me too.. but half the companies said 8k/5k or 9k/6k etc but only MCA factored in my SPL arms, told me to even keep the sway bars stock for now and to see how body roll is because it might be too stiff. I mean they do some great work and their suspension is mostly designed for race cars that actually win, like their time attack S13. So I feel I should trust them. I hear they run on the stiff side so who knows. a 3.5k setup with their valving could feel like a 5k. Worst case scenario I swap to a slightly stuffer spring, but with how much driving I'll be doing in it between track, drag, and distance stuff like Modball Rally or Dustbowl Rally, they might work really well

Oh, and I vote for Drift Office. Great guys. Lo @ Intec has done some people dirty and I feel he cuts corners too often.

04-30-2016, 11:14 AM
True, even 5K is soft, but as you said, you can swap them out. Just remember to revalve them to the spring rate you have. That's one of the reasons why I like BC racing coilovers, they offer a +/- 2 spring rate without having to valve.

I wonder what Curry did while he was here in WA?

05-01-2016, 09:53 AM
Yeah I dunno, it seemed pretty soft to me too.. but half the companies said 8k/5k or 9k/6k etc but only MCA factored in my SPL arms, told me to even keep the sway bars stock for now and to see how body roll is because it might be too stiff. I mean they do some great work and their suspension is mostly designed for race cars that actually win, like their time attack S13. So I feel I should trust them. I hear they run on the stiff side so who knows. a 3.5k setup with their valving could feel like a 5k. Worst case scenario I swap to a slightly stuffer spring, but with how much driving I'll be doing in it between track, drag, and distance stuff like Modball Rally or Dustbowl Rally, they might work really well

Oh, and I vote for Drift Office. Great guys. Lo @ Intec has done some people dirty and I feel he cuts corners too often.

I swear I heard Bob literally turns away s chassis now (like WYK said) and only works on newer cars like BRZs and Evos now? Lol they should rename the shop to Dyno Office since they don't even build drift cars anymore [emoji23].

As for Intec I think Randy Sissler(?) is their head tech now and I've heard he's a straight shooter. Ray @ Autohero doesn't even take people's phone calls and only does large projects now since he got sick of noob's showing up/calling about dumb stuff like boost leaks and essentially giving away free work since he's a nice guy.

Ugh I wish there was a sure fire shop to take your car to here in the greater Seattle area without having to worried about questionable workmanship [emoji30].

And don't get me started on UP Garage [emoji27]

05-01-2016, 10:23 AM
Yeah because NW 240s are almost universally epic shitpiles, or essentially fully done and not needing any shop work anyway. I totally appreciate Ray and Bob telling people to fuck off.

Honestly, if you need a shop to build a 240 you're sorta doing it wrong. The beauty of these cars is that you can build a pretty decent build in your garage for relatively cheap.

05-01-2016, 10:49 PM
But that's the problem. What if you don't have a garage to build your 240?

05-01-2016, 11:45 PM
I've had a few friends up there do some stupid shit with the little 1-car-wide apartment garages.

Or make friends with someone who does.

We've built at least half dozen cars in my garage. Host all sorts of shenanigans here.

05-02-2016, 07:00 AM
depends what you wanna build. I have good friends that work at Concrete Customs. they're newer, know their shit. no dyno yet. I don't know if Randy works at Intec, but I do know him and he does good work, I just don't trust Lo and his tuning. He's shitty with how he treats people too. I won't tune with him. I'm sure if you talked to Bob or Bill at drift office and had a serious car to tune they'd do it. They're nice guys. Or go talk to the dudes at PSI in Portland. Phenomenal dudes. Also there are shops now that you rent stall space and DIY with their tools.

BTW, DAMN YOU, I believe I've decided to do a single turbo 5.3L L33(aluminum LS style chevy motor) instead. UGH. But it'll actually save me probably 4k vs the LS3 and make way more power. LOL

05-02-2016, 07:20 AM
When I lived on the East coast, finding other car friends was a breeze and hanging out and helping each other in as you said, what ever garage, was fun. But here in the NW, it seems as if everyone keeps to themselves and I'm the crazy one walking around talking to everyone.....lol

So at meets, all you meet are the young hoonigans with fucced up cars and older guys that say two words to every question you ask. So I don't know if it's just my personality clashing with the people from the PNW.

McZface, all I have to say is YOUR WELCOME.....lol
It's all about the boost life pimp....

05-02-2016, 07:52 AM
Yeah seattle is nicknamed the frozen city or some shit because of people's cold personalities to other people. I totally get it. lol

and it actually won't be that bad of a build. short tube headers reversed on both sides, little custom exhaust work to a single ball bearing 76mm turbo, simple quality waste gate / bov setup, single exhaust all the way back with one cat and one muffler should keep it quiet and stealthy. black FMIC. mild cam, upgraded valve springs etc. stock everything else, 650whp all day on 92 plus the ability to tone it down to very low boost for shit weather. lol... and if I blow the L33 up, used ones are only like 700 bucks.

try joining like northwest nissans, or some cars and coffee pages like seattle cars & coffee, simplynwimports, VQFamily, below_average, northwest import scene, northwestZcar, nw Nissan and infiniti, Washington car meets, pnw cars and trucks, pnw car lounge, caffeinated cars, speconesociety pnw, nw car meet, show and race, evergreen outkats, seattle area car show calendar, Nissanpacific group, northwest Nissan syndicate, nwn motorsports.. those are just some of the ones in my FB feed I see lol

05-02-2016, 11:26 AM
Damn.. I didn't know that was Seattle's nick name. Sometimes even in the forums you can see it, others hardly post anything....lol
I'm not saying that they are not cool, but that barrier is thick...lol

McZface, look at you now, making boost plans when not too long ago you were all 'N/A for LIFE!!!!' .... lol

I HATE facebook, but it seems as if that is the only place to actually find out what's happening. My only hope is that it's not filled with hoonigan kids.

05-02-2016, 12:25 PM
When I lived on the East coast, finding other car friends was a breeze and hanging out and helping each other in as you said, what ever garage, was fun. But here in the NW, it seems as if everyone keeps to themselves and I'm the crazy one walking around talking to everyone.....lol

So at meets, all you meet are the young hoonigans with fucced up cars and older guys that say two words to every question you ask. So I don't know if it's just my personality clashing with the people from the PNW.

McZface, all I have to say is YOUR WELCOME.....lol
It's all about the boost life pimp....

Yup it's called "The Seattle Freeze" it's like everybody just wants to get on their day, get out of the cold weather, relax and watch TV alone. Or play League of Legends until their eyes bleed.

In Bellingham, everyone was open to hang out or go down to the beer garden and have food and beers. Now that I'm in the Mill Creek area, idk who to hit up aside from the Shinchoku crew. I really don't like leaving a 5 mile radius of my house, traffic here sucks ass it's to the point where I just want a Ruckus and maybe a Yamaha 600 to get around West of i5... But I'd prefer car parts...

Maybe people hate dealing with the shitshow traffic and would rather not drive to a buddies house? Seattle is literally 17 miles from where I live, getting there at night is a 20 minute drive but between 7am and 8pm it's fucked. Even going to Highway 99 during the day it's like a 30 minute drive in traffic (mind you 99 is probably 5 miles from my house but everything in between is stop and go). It's much worse down in Redmond, the east side... 405, Factoria? Eff that place, when I buy stuff off CL anywhere on the east side I have to meet people after 8pm because I don't want to sit in traffic for 3 hours...

05-02-2016, 12:36 PM

Traffic is such a mess up there. I stopped going north for any sort of parts or deals because it's almost never worth the drive.

05-02-2016, 01:04 PM
I live in Redmond, so I know all about the traffic. Yet, I still make the effort. I love driving. In fact I just made a new CD to blast while I'm in traffic so that the time would go by.

It must be a Caribbean thing where everything, no matter what, is just chill. If you're in a situation that you can't prevent or fix, say traffic, then calm down and enjoy your music or thoughts. It wouldn't help getting worked up about it.

Also, I'm not saying meet up every day, but once or twice a month on a Saturday or even early sunday or something. Little to no traffic. IF everyone had that 5 miles from the house rule, then no one will see anything or any one.

It must be me....

05-03-2016, 07:06 AM
Lol I have some HKS springs that are 12/10kg if you ever want to upgrade [emoji106]

Haha I'll keep that in mind. I'm about due for a coilover rebuild. My rears are all leaky and the collars are seized

Oh yeah. The Seattle freeze is a real thing. I didn't notice it when I first moved here because people aren't really rude, which is what I expected. It's just that people might take a mild interest in you, but it's really hard to actually hangout. Like Wykydtron said, it's like people just have no interest in interacting with you in their freetime.

Yeah, I tried getting in contact with Ray from Autohero, but got no response. I need someone to modify my driver's door bar so it fits around my seat. I also now need a bash bar for the front of the car. I might have to just order one of the Street Faction ones.

Traffic is killer. I think it's because most people here can't merge to save their lives.

05-04-2016, 09:01 AM
Oh man, don't get me started with the merging skills I have seen here. The 405 is a mess because you have people trying to 'catch' their exit because they can only escape the toll lanes at specific spots. So put merging skills and exit rush together and you have the Perfect Traffic.....lol

05-04-2016, 09:27 AM
Yeah, I tried getting in contact with Ray from Autohero, but got no response. I need someone to modify my driver's door bar so it fits around my seat. I also now need a bash bar for the front of the car. I might have to just order one of the Street Faction ones.

Try calling Godspeed Fab about your door bars. They do great work from what I've seen on a few local pro am cars.


05-04-2016, 10:01 AM
Oh man, don't get me started with the merging skills I have seen here. The 405 is a mess because you have people trying to 'catch' their exit because they can only escape the toll lanes at specific spots. So put merging skills and exit rush together and you have the Perfect Traffic.....lol

Yup. And people are so impatient here they think they have to emerge IMMEDIATELY when the merging starts. Instead of putting on their signal, keeping pace, and looking for an opening, people slam brakes and stop until someone lets them merge. It's ridiculous.

Try calling Godspeed Fab about your door bars. They do great work from what I've seen on a few local pro am cars.


Thanks! I'll look into them. Need more tandemz

05-04-2016, 11:00 AM
Of course, because indicating means I have to yield to you right?!?!?! I hate that.

That is why I love driving older vehicles sometimes. I'm in a 22 year old car, you're in a 2 year old car AND will be at fault if you hit me. A game of Chicken you say? Challenge accepted.....lol

Ok, so who's car is or will be ready this summer?

05-04-2016, 12:12 PM
I got a ca18 s13 in renton!

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05-04-2016, 12:25 PM
I got a ca18 s13 in renton!

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Welcome pimp.

05-04-2016, 12:28 PM
Welcome pimp.

Sent from my LG-H901 using Tapatalk

05-04-2016, 01:56 PM
That is why I love driving older vehicles sometimes. I'm in a 22 year old car, you're in a 2 year old car AND will be at fault if you hit me. A game of Chicken you say? Challenge accepted.....lol

Ok, so who's car is or will be ready this summer?

One of the joys of driving my 97 Civic haha.

If by ready you mean runs and drives, mine is/will be. It'll still look bad though haha. Looks like Wykydtron might be getting close on his KA-t.

Welcome Tia, you don't see many CA18's around.

05-04-2016, 02:21 PM
Paint is expensive, so you're ready....lol
Mine looks ok, but damn, everything else is messed up.

But you're right, Wky is killing it with his boost build.

05-04-2016, 04:15 PM
Oh god, the traffic in washington makes me want to punch women and children and kick puppies. lol

My shit wont be ready til NEXT summer. LOL

I wish i was there to work on cars with you guys. blah

but, there ARE hoonigan nerd groups. SwaySide meets on FB... if you want to just see pure fuckery and complete dumbass idiots with cars....go check their page out. its half funny, half pisses you off.

but, we usually do Formula 1 weekends and watch quali / the race on sundays in the summer. and do lil cruises every couple weeks. or spontaneous beer or food all the time. hell, make a lil fb page and invite some cool people. i dont really have one of those im apart of except for specialty pages.

yeah paint is stupid expensive, i'm gonna try and paint mine myself, or wrap the damn thing if I can get a lil sponsor action with it.

05-04-2016, 04:34 PM
From what I've heard about sponsorship, I doubt that I'll ever want to be sponsored.

What I was told is that basically, you don't own your car any more. Meaning, you have to go to every meet or gathering there is because you're under obligation. I might be wrong though.

05-05-2016, 03:44 AM
it depends on the company, the parts, etc. Usually, they require you to go to a set amount of shows, like the main big ones of the year in WA. Represent their brand tastefully, and give information about the parts. you definitely own the car, and usually the parts. half the time they just do partial sponsorships, where you get heavily discounted prices. Also you have to have a very nice car already with proof you have a high visibility, respected car that either wins awards or has the potential to. All I'm looking for is discounted paint and hopefully a cage, where people can use the car to showcase a new company or their skills to bring in business. I'd also like MCA Suspension, once the car is lookin sexy, to pick me up as a sponsor car so I can showcase their suspension in the USA since they're not well known. but we'll see.

05-05-2016, 08:11 AM
That makes sense, but I don't like to be told where and what I have to do to my car.

05-06-2016, 04:52 AM
I do whatever I want to mine, and only run parts I like and feel like are quality. if it keeps me from groups / sponsorship / whatever, so be it

05-06-2016, 08:20 AM
I hear you boosty.

Anyone going to any car shows?

05-08-2016, 02:21 AM
Gonna go to Final Bout SSW at the end of the month and hopefully a few cruises with Seattle Cars and Coffee guys over the next month or two.

On the fence about going to the TLS Day with the Lexus [emoji848].

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05-08-2016, 08:27 AM
I have a friend with a lex, so I might hit him up and go on that cruise to see how that crowd rolls.

When are the Seattle Cars and Coffee cruises? I can't find any info about their schedule.

05-08-2016, 06:14 PM
I have a friend with a lex, so I might hit him up and go on that cruise to see how that crowd rolls.

When are the Seattle Cars and Coffee cruises? I can't find any info about their schedule.

If you join the FB group and go to the events section all the cruises and meets are listed there. They have a weekly Sunday meet in the south end and all the guys seem pretty cool. No Nissans really, mainly European cars but still fun to drive with none the less.

05-09-2016, 08:45 AM
Mount Vernon checking in

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05-09-2016, 03:03 PM
Gonna go to Final Bout SSW at the end of the month

Yes, so excited for this one

05-09-2016, 03:04 PM
Who went to HIN on sat?

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05-11-2016, 12:59 PM
Mount Vernon checking in

Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk

Welcome pimp.

05-12-2016, 06:55 AM
I had some buddies go to HIN, said it was a good time. Super bummed I'm missing FB and missed HIN :( but I did order coilovers today. YAY.

05-12-2016, 08:07 AM
I had some buddies go to HIN, said it was a good time. Super bummed I'm missing FB and missed HIN :( but I did order coilovers today. YAY.

What set did you get?

05-12-2016, 01:29 PM
MCA suspension X-R series

05-13-2016, 10:34 AM
Got this done in time for summer heat

05-13-2016, 03:09 PM
Wicked work pimp.

I can't take it any more, I'm going 5 lug. Should be buying the hubs either this evening or tomorrow. Hopefully I'll have the rims and rotors by the time they arrive.

I tried to stay original base model 4 lug, but this car's shape is killing me and 9 wide in the front with that little poke would bug the DNA out of me.

05-13-2016, 03:40 PM
Who went to HIN on sat?

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I was there, doing the AutoX in my R32.

05-16-2016, 09:06 AM
I was there, doing the AutoX in my R32.

Cherish that car man....

05-17-2016, 09:18 AM
Got this done in time for summer heat

Nice, looks clean. I need to start cleaning up my interior too.

Wicked work pimp.

I can't take it any more, I'm going 5 lug.

The up front cost is rough, but it makes things easier. Vastly larger wheel choice, easier brake upgrades.

05-17-2016, 01:46 PM
Ughhhh so hyped for Final Bout SSW! Wish I could drive both cars there but one will have to do.

So who all from this thread is going?


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05-18-2016, 01:11 AM
If it's on a sunday, I might be down.

05-18-2016, 10:44 AM
I'll be camping.

05-18-2016, 11:09 AM
Ughhhh so hyped for Final Bout SSW! Wish I could drive both cars there but one will have to do.

So who all from this thread is going?


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ill be there taking photos

05-18-2016, 09:15 PM

Monday I was invited to a private track day unaware that Ben Whyte of Henchmen Slide was going to be there. He was out there shaking off the cobwebs from his 3 year hiatus. Can't wait to see him and his team mates out at Final Bout SSW!

I made the video above as practice, I'm a bit rusty with shooting video and editing. I am also switching from Adobe Premiere to Sony Vegas (because Premiere is acting like a huge pile of dog shit).

05-20-2016, 09:02 AM
Camping scares me. Too many things out there that wants me dead....lol

I wish I could get into drifting but just can't. Max grip for me... Too many years trying to perfect it.

05-20-2016, 09:15 AM
You should be at autocross or track days then.

There are events every weekend if you're willing to drive a bit.

That said, I'll be at Final Bout haha. But Saturday probably out at autox.

05-20-2016, 10:06 AM
That's true, but I tend to work most saturdays.

I don't think that I can do an Auto-x because of the cones. By the time I realize what direction I should be going in, I'll be plowing through them.

So if I drive slow enough to recognize early enough, I'll be last in every event.

Both cases is a lose lose.

I don't mind driving, but going to these events alone gets quite boring after a while. To me the joy is hanging out with people, drinking and having fun while taking in or participating in the events.

05-20-2016, 10:12 AM
Yeah, that's 80% of autox. Can't meet people if you don't go to events. Most events are also on sunday.

Also, autocross is all about the course walk. Not like you just go blind into a course. You do 2-4 walks, then drive it. Courses are designed to be obvious, not just a sea of cones.

05-20-2016, 11:00 AM
Evergreen also does Auto Cross events as well, it maybe a bit easier if your intimidated by the sea of cones that your thinking of when it comes to AutoX.

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05-20-2016, 11:10 AM
I do go to events. It's just that everyone is already in their 'click' and look at you all suspicious.... O.o

I've heard that about auto-x, but I think I'm too old to remember all the corners. I do want to try one this summer though. I might or might not.

Funny enough, I have yet to go to Everygreen even though that's the closest to me.

05-20-2016, 11:39 AM
Hearing excuses.

If you're all about grip driving there is no easier way to go about it.

05-20-2016, 12:13 PM
Not excuses, just the truth. My friends say that I'm too much of a perfectionist because I expect to be good at something the first time trying it. I just don't want to embarrass myself too much...lol

I know, that is why I want to try it.

05-20-2016, 12:27 PM
Well everyone sucks at autox when they start. Good part is, no one cares.

05-20-2016, 12:31 PM
Now I have to save up for tires....(facepalm)

05-20-2016, 12:40 PM
Don't fall into the " I need xyz parts before I can go." You don't need anything. Just show up and drive.

05-20-2016, 01:34 PM
I'm getting ready to go, but it's like jumping into a lake for your first swimming lesson....lol

05-20-2016, 01:49 PM
There is a practice weekend in packwood next month. Get 50+ runs if you want them. Non-competitive. Great first-timer event.

05-20-2016, 02:23 PM
Thanks for that info. I'll look into that.

05-20-2016, 02:49 PM
Just looked it up... That's a hell of a drive... I like it.....

05-20-2016, 03:06 PM
Yeah, it's far for you. I'm about 3.5 hours away, but still worth it as its the best lot in the NW.

05-20-2016, 03:19 PM
I have a friend living in Olympia, so I'm used to that 1.5 hour long drive....

I'll give it a go some weekend.

05-20-2016, 06:10 PM
Cherish that car man....

Oh I do, but also got to put it to good use.
As far as autocross goes, I went to my first event last summer and have been going to several at evergreen this year. It's cheap fun for lots of track time. Most people are very welcoming.

Also evergreen "uses" the track so it's not a huge sea of cones in a parking lot, I've found it's quite easy to learn the course usually. Their next event is Friday June 17th. Then they're doing a 2 day event in July. Come check it out!

05-21-2016, 12:35 PM
So who all from this thread is going?

I should be there! Which car are you taking?

I'll be camping.

Where are you camping? My roommates and I and considering camping as well.

ill be there taking photos

See you there!

Don't fall into the " I need xyz parts before I can go." You don't need anything. Just show up and drive.

Thiiiissss. So many people fall into that trap. I find myself doing it sometimes too. The reality for me is my car is much more capable than I am right now, so I just need tons of seat time. So that's what I'm trying to do!

05-21-2016, 03:32 PM
Where are you camping? My roommates and I and considering camping as well.

I think somewhere near the ice caves on Mountain Loop highway.

05-24-2016, 04:36 PM
I think somewhere near the ice caves on Mountain Loop highway.

Oooh. I thought you meant camping out for Final Bout haha. Looks like a cool place though, enjoy

Clutch Dog
05-25-2016, 01:57 AM
Evening Gents, long story incredibly short. I bought my 4th 240. a black 1996 auto just this past week and will be more active on the zilvia forums, the last 240 I owned was this past year with the 1uz swap. LN1 coded, it was sold to Biohazard racing out of Montana I believe, I sold it to Dan then a week later ended up overseas so I had my roomate finish the finer details.before that I had a 93 coupe, dinged it up a bit and sold it for a subaru,and before even that was a black 93 hatch with a CA18 and some serious misfire issues. been in the car game since 2010, had 4 240s, two subarus, 2 rx7s, and an E36 M3 in a pear tree...Look forward to dealing with you all more. Craig.

05-25-2016, 01:36 PM
Wud up Clutch?

What are the plans for the 240 this time around?

05-28-2016, 06:14 AM
Coilovers came in! They look pretty sweet, can't wait to get them on the car


05-28-2016, 02:26 PM
Jealous man.

05-29-2016, 10:11 AM
well, lets put it this way... the money I make out here is funding the build, and it was 118 degrees today.. in the shade. I work in the sun. was in a 60,000lb aircraft tow vehicle towing a jet today with no a/c for an hour.. id say 130-140 degrees inside. lol its rough out here but it pays for car parts.

06-01-2016, 10:12 AM
Want to switch?
I have a/c but can't buy shyt....lol

06-07-2016, 06:14 PM
I think I need a fuel pump [emoji107]

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Clutch Dog
06-07-2016, 06:16 PM
I think my roomate broke the Zenki.. worked, changed spark plugs. now doesnt work. im thinking crank position sensor

06-07-2016, 07:39 PM
I think my roomate broke the Zenki.. worked, changed spark plugs. now doesnt work. im thinking crank position sensor


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06-08-2016, 10:41 AM
I think my roomate broke the Zenki.. worked, changed spark plugs. now doesnt work. im thinking crank position sensor

Should be a cheap fix to you by making them fix it....:hs:

Did they put the plug wires back in the correct order?

06-08-2016, 10:42 AM
I think I need a fuel pump [emoji107]

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

It doesn't prime?

06-08-2016, 11:13 AM
I think my roomate broke the Zenki.. worked, changed spark plugs. now doesnt work. im thinking crank position sensor

Crank position sensor doesn't affect start up or running conditions. It merely monitors the crank angle in relation to the camshaft positions to help detect misfire.

06-10-2016, 09:14 AM
Crank position sensor doesn't affect start up or running conditions. It merely monitors the crank angle in relation to the camshaft positions to help detect misfire.

But if it's bad, wouldn't it cause 'false' misfire readings and make the engine run like crap?
Not critiquing, simply trying to learn.

06-10-2016, 01:43 PM
I think my roomate broke the Zenki.. worked, changed spark plugs. now doesnt work. im thinking crank position sensor

what if he just mixed the plug wires up..

06-10-2016, 02:43 PM
what if he just mixed the plug wires up..

That's what I thought and asked, but no reply since.

06-10-2016, 04:44 PM
But if it's bad, wouldn't it cause 'false' misfire readings and make the engine run like crap?
Not critiquing, simply trying to learn.
No. The CPS changes nothing about how the engines perform.

06-16-2016, 01:26 PM
well, lets put it this way... the money I make out here is funding the build, and it was 118 degrees today.. in the shade. I work in the sun. was in a 60,000lb aircraft tow vehicle towing a jet today with no a/c for an hour.. id say 130-140 degrees inside. lol its rough out here but it pays for car parts.


06-17-2016, 08:25 AM
yea. middle east sure is fun.

off base is pretty dope. lots of money = lots of nice cars.

06-17-2016, 08:47 AM
Where do I sign up?

06-18-2016, 03:50 AM
right? like... can I join? when you see more brand new rolls phantoms and wraiths than you do civics... you're in a strange place. it was like it was just a normal thing to own. wtf.

Bought more crap yesterday.. Works Bell Rapfix 2 quick release, quick release lock, and short hub. Trying to get all the basic stuff done before I throw the money at a motor. Ordering Arizona Z Car front and rear BBK once they get the rear rotor hats done, and I'm gonna need to find a Q45 diff and axles.. if anyone knows anyone with a diff, I'd be very grateful. Also whoever wants to make a day trip to 425 motorsports to go sit and try out racing seats for a few hours when I get back... would be fun.


06-18-2016, 08:36 AM
I live 10 minutes away from there, so hell to the yes.
Let me know when you're in the 425 hood.....lol....lol

Why did you pick Arizona Z over Wilwood? Are they better?

06-18-2016, 09:06 AM
Oo perfect! Hell yeah man. I'm gonna have a lil install party when I'm back too. Then gotta find an alignment shop.. but mid August.

Have you been to 425 before? I'm thinking Status Ring or Sparco Pro2000 / Evo. OMP stuff looks nice but not sure how comfy it is.

Arizona Z's kits use Wilwood.. Big 4 piston fronts and smaller 4 piston rears.. two piece 13" front rotors and two piece 12.2" rear rotors, and has an option so the parking brake will actuate the rear caliper like stock. Also comes with pads, stainless lines, and hardware.. everything to just bolt on and go.. he said it'll be around 2k or so, which isn't bad considering all the extra stuff is included.

06-18-2016, 01:19 PM
Ok. Cool man, let me know when.

Yeh, I've been to 425 a few times looking for a few things. Never did any work there though, but it seems as if they do some good work.

That's a damn good price for both front and rear bbk's with all those extras.

Do you mind sharing where you're getting it from? Is it from 425?

Clutch Dog
06-18-2016, 02:42 PM
yeah hes checked the plugs, regapped them, checked the plug wires multiple times with photos to me to prove he wasnt messing them up. its a typical nissan crank no start, i think something in the ignition line is either disconnected or ungrounded, when we bought the car we knew it had an anti theft device that was taken out recently. I have a feeling ( not a good one) that its due to this. and therefore not an easy fix.

and i should have recorrected myself, the CAS, cam angle sensor on the front of the block. but i doubt its that. it could be something as simple as a bad ignition switch

06-18-2016, 05:13 PM
Ya definitely man well make a fun trip out of it. I was super stoked to find a shop with seats to sit in.

I'm going to order direct from Arizonazcar.com the website is outdated but the owner is a cool guy. He's big in the s30 scene so if I can bring him some s chassis business maybe we can group buy. I've heard of him doing it before. If you call him tell him Steven the deployed guy in Qatar sent ya. I've heard of him doing some great prices down to 1700 before on different forums.

And ya that anti theft could be cutting fuel or spark man. I'd check both. It cranks which is good but it could have had a dummy switch somehow wired in and now it's just closed and won't trigger a relay or something.

Clutch Dog
06-19-2016, 06:52 PM
That is my fear, it would be something like a signal break to the ignition soleniod so pending that one wire and if its not passing a good signal it could not start it, and my roomate isnt exactly forward thinking on trouble shooting so no doubt the new plugs are fouled and the engine might be flooded. I wish i was home. being deployed sucks

06-19-2016, 11:15 PM
Hey sound long time no see

06-20-2016, 03:43 PM
Hey Sound long time no see.

06-20-2016, 09:13 PM


06-21-2016, 08:49 AM
You're getting close, eh? What's left to do?

I think I need a fuel pump [emoji107]

Were you running a Walbro? Mine only lasted 3-4 years before it gave up.

06-21-2016, 11:58 AM
You're getting close, eh? What's left to do?

Were you running a Walbro? Mine only lasted 3-4 years before it gave up.

I forget the brand since it's not a walbro pump. I kinda wanna try a Phase2 Motortrend fuel pump since everything else I've bought from them is pretty well made.

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06-21-2016, 12:01 PM
I live 10 minutes away from there, so hell to the yes.
Let me know when you're in the 425 hood.....lol....lol

Why did you pick Arizona Z over Wilwood? Are they better?

Lol I live 10 mins from 425 also...

I haven't seen AZC stuff mentioned on a forum since my HybridZ.org days! I dreamt of buying their whole coilovers and BBK for my S30 a few years ago, such awesome stuff when no one was offering anything bolt on 5-6 years ago.

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06-21-2016, 12:22 PM
Yeah man I've been doing a lot of weird digging for this car and I've found some stuff that seems to have been forgotten or doesn't get mentioned. If I hadn't bought my MCA coils I'd probably have tried the AZC ones. I love S30s man, I'd love to pick one up once the 240 gets sorta completed. Do you still have it?

06-21-2016, 12:31 PM
No reason to not just build a koni setup over anything else if you're looking for good suspension. The AZC coilovers are just powertrix/HSD pick-your-favorite-color Taiwanese offering.

What are the consumable costs on the AZC kits? I have Defsport wilwoods -- 12.2" rotors are $45ish each for standard replacements, and $100/ea for HD. If you're not building a track day car it doesn't matter as much since you won't have too high of consumables just daily driving.

06-21-2016, 12:49 PM
I forget the brand since it's not a walbro pump. I kinda wanna try a Phase2 Motortrend fuel pump since everything else I've bought from them is pretty well made.

I switched to an OEM Z32 TT fuel pump. It's been working well for me. OEM, 260lph iirc. Just another option

06-21-2016, 02:33 PM
I switched to an OEM Z32 TT fuel pump. It's been working well for me. OEM, 260lph iirc. Just another option

Is it PNP or does it require some wiring?

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06-21-2016, 04:34 PM
Is it PNP or does it require some wiring?

Little bit of wiring. If I remember right it's just stripping a couple wires and a couple crimps/heat wrap. I think it took us about 10 minutes to do. Other than that you just have to bend the bracket that holds the pump to accommodate the z32 pump since it is a bit bigger. It's similar to how you have to bend the fuel filter bracket a little if you use a Z32 fuel filter.

06-22-2016, 12:50 PM
Lol I live 10 mins from 425 also...

I haven't seen AZC stuff mentioned on a forum since my HybridZ.org days! I dreamt of buying their whole coilovers and BBK for my S30 a few years ago, such awesome stuff when no one was offering anything bolt on 5-6 years ago.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Oh shyt, wud up ZG?
Is the S30 completely rebuilt?

06-22-2016, 02:10 PM
You're getting close, eh? What's left to do?

FMIC is coming in the mail this week, and I need to get a standalone. :picardfp: Set backs, tight on money. We'll see how it all plays out after Penny Arcade Expo... :fawk2: no track days until full tune.

06-23-2016, 07:10 AM
FMIC is coming in the mail this week, and I need to get a standalone. :picardfp: Set backs, tight on money. We'll see how it all plays out after Penny Arcade Expo... :fawk2: no track days until full tune.

You're getting pretty close then! What made you choose a standalone over a rom tune? You have a somewhat simple setup, if I'm not mistaken?

06-23-2016, 09:14 AM
You're getting pretty close then! What made you choose a standalone over a rom tune? You have a somewhat simple setup, if I'm not mistaken?

Nismotronic has an Ethernet port, so if I need a remote tune I just plug it into a router while your on the dyno and make some pulls. It has a bluetooth module that works with an app called Tuner Viewer. Switching to speed density is really easy to wire in and adjust the settings. USB port for tuning, datalogging is a breeze. You can setup the AC button to be your map switcher if you decide to run e85 for track days. There is Anti-lag and launch control, which would be nice for competition days because drifting pretty much is a drag race now... For $600 it's a pretty sweet package, includes eTuning. Unlike Megasquirt, JKTuning installs the daughter board to your OEM ecu and bam AC.

06-23-2016, 10:15 AM
Nismotronic has an Ethernet port, so if I need a remote tune I just plug it into a router while your on the dyno and make some pulls. It has a bluetooth module that works with an app called Tuner Viewer. Switching to speed density is really easy to wire in and adjust the settings. USB port for tuning, datalogging is a breeze. You can setup the AC button to be your map switcher if you decide to run e85 for track days. There is Anti-lag and launch control, which would be nice for competition days because drifting pretty much is a drag race now... For $600 it's a pretty sweet package, includes eTuning. Unlike Megasquirt, JKTuning installs the daughter board to your OEM ecu and bam AC.

Ahhh say no more haha. I assumed PowerFC or AEM when you said standalone. That makes sense. Who are you having tune it?

06-23-2016, 10:39 AM
Ahhh say no more haha. I assumed PowerFC or AEM when you said standalone. That makes sense. Who are you having tune it?

For the eTune, JKTuning in Pennsylvania. When I go speed density, probably Intec Racing in Auburn WA. :2f2f: Lawrence knows what's up.