View Full Version : BUYING advice: Checking for Refs/ Tickets

02-02-2016, 01:39 AM
Hey everyone,

I'm shopping for a 240SX (with either an SR or an RB swap).

Let's say I find a car.

Does anyone know how to determine if that car has been cited for the swap? I'm worried about buying a car and discovering it's been ticketed (REFed) for the swap, and then I'm left holding the bag.

I understand that the trouble can come with owning a swapped car in CA, but I don't want to have to handle someone else's legal issues, especially right after buying a car.


02-02-2016, 10:56 AM
Its called vehicle history at the DMV.... dafuq man.....

02-02-2016, 11:51 AM
Yeah, f me for never having run a vehicle history at the DMV before, right? Geez.

02-02-2016, 12:17 PM
Yeah, f me for never having run a vehicle history at the DMV before, right? Geez.

lmao no disrespect intended looked at your age and I was like really? This or that car gets to pop your cherry then lol

02-02-2016, 02:07 PM
Haha, all good. :)