View Full Version : Anyone interesting in a northern meet?

09-09-2004, 11:10 PM
Im planning a meet for the 21st in Nunuvit, if you wanna fly your car in or boat it in and sled it over to Iceberg 442, that would be awesome.

Look forward to seeing you guys there.

PS bring studded tires.

01-02-2007, 12:51 PM
Which one is Iceberg 442? I couldn't find it. We'll have to plan another meet, how about the 21st of this month?

Maybe we should move it to Baffin Island, it looks pretty cool. I wonder what the drift scene is like among those locals?

Anybody want to carpool in the same boat, maybe out of Long Beach Harbor?

PS If you bring studded tires, it will be harder to drift.

01-05-2007, 10:08 AM
Haha good one jordan.

01-07-2007, 08:23 PM
I'll have to swap out my KA for ...errrr....uhhh......8 or so dog power!

01-08-2007, 02:57 PM
Just checked with my helicopter pilot. Will come, and i'm bringing paddled' tires for the snow.

01-08-2007, 03:13 PM
This brings up an interesting questions.

How many S-chassis are there up in the territories?

Even better. Is there an import scene? :confused:

01-08-2007, 03:44 PM
No, they all roll gangster eskimo style, dog sleds baby :P