09-05-2004, 06:43 PM
A good month has past since I touched my car. I have been busy building and selling cars. Now since I finished one of my cars and put it on ebay 3days ago (tan ca18 coupe), I had some time to work on my car. So three days ago I went to an empty silvia clip, cutt the fire wall, took off all the lines and pedals, and found two 10 yen coins behined the dash. Two days ago I converted my car to rhd ( for motor instal reasons ) and swaped the 4lug to 5lug. Then yesteday, I met with some importent people, that gave me a set of spot welled mouts, (dummy mounts). I installed the motor, made the nessisary modifications to the mounts, and now the motor sits in there very nice, as well as, I use the stock ka drive shaft. Tomarrow, Im meeting with the guys, to take some measurements, for them to make as much of a flush, mout kit as possible. As far as the mounts I can not go into detail, untill the are in production. I will uninstal the motor tomarrow and my dummy mounts will be gone, but then will get a set of the final product next week, then reinstal the motor for the final time. Any ways here is a few pics. The car now is so close to being on the road, that I can smell the exhaust fumes, but first I have to get used to shifting with my left hand. I would hate to downshift to 2nd instead of 4th, that would be bad.