View Full Version : Spirit of Japan

11-11-2015, 12:19 PM
So a few weeks ago I bought something from Anthony of Spirit of Japan (http://www.spiritofjp.com/products) and this is my review on my experience with Anthony.

I bought an old style Nismo steering wheel for my R32. Below is a screenshot of the description of the item (he has since removed this from his website).

Everything in the description was accurate, except one line and I want you to notice it says "leather is a bit rough from someone using driving gloves could use leather reconditioning or re wrap". In order for someone to recondition leather, there needs to be leather on it in the first place right? At least one would think so.

This is what I received in the mail.

Maybe my eyes are going blind but I do not see any leather on it. Just the structual foam that gives the steering wheel its shape. Obviously I was disappointed but like mature people do, I told him my concern. Below is a screenshot of what he said to me.

As you can see, he never acknowledged he was wrong in his description. He just brings up the fact he was "generous" about some freebies and his loss on shipping. He charged me $30USD for shipping and from the shipping lable I can see he paid $38USD. So he was telling the truth about that. Anyway so I replied telling him I was pretty disappointed in the fact there was no leather on the wheel and its going to cost me additional money to rewrap it. Because leaving the foam exposed is just going to wreck the wheel if I drive it like that. He goes on to say he doesnt want to lose a customer so he can either give me a discount on future parts, or take the wheel back. He comments that his prices reflect the condtion of the wheel so and so. I told him return shipping from Canada wouldn't be worth it from me. So I told him I found a shop locally that can redo the leather on it and asked if we can work something out.

By now he is mad (bro? u mad?) at me and goes on to say another wheel he sold was much more expensive and that the freebie he gave me was "the most expensive". By freebie I mean a sticker. Which apparently costs him $20. I can get the same sticker made at a local print shop for maybe $5 tops. Anyway thats not the point. He then accused me of taking advantage of him as you can see.

Below are screenshots of what the remainder our conversation was like.

Now Honestly, it seems like Anthony is an immature seller who doesn't take responsibility for his listings and items. He clearly fucked up (for lack of a better term) and got all defensive when I called him out on his mistake. He ends the conversation like a 3rd grader. In his benefit, I will say that he did give a partial refund of $80USD. I don't know where or how he came up with that amount, but I couldn't reach him any further since he blocked me on social media after. To make himself look more stupid, he then puts up an instagram rant/bitch-fit about how "some people" ruins his hobby and business.

For real? Yes for real here is the screenshot.

I don't know if it is still up on instagram since he blocked me soon after I saw it. But basically it looks like just a bunch of his friends saying how he is a victim of "bad customers" and "they know how he feels". Again....For real?!

Anyway, the take away is that my experience dealer with this seller is less than desirable and I definetly will not do any business with this guy in the future (makes it kinda hard since he block me now haha). If there is something he is selling that you want, it will be at your own risk since he doesnt like to fix mistakes on his end. Oh wait, apparently he closed his store......

Do you think I was being unreasonable?

So for your reference, I found the exact wheel with LEATHER on it from Yahoo Japan. You can see how it is suppose to look. Looks MUCH different than what I got so I am inclinded to believe he was BSing me the whole time. Now I will admit I did not know how this wheel is suppose to look but I'm just a guy who wants to buy cool old school Nismo things.......
Link: http://page14.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/s471951178
Pics Below

11-11-2015, 12:50 PM
he sounds like a little bitch and stickers aren't fucking freebies.

11-11-2015, 01:14 PM
You spent $260 on that shit?

I dropped $45 on a NOS Raid steering wheel.

11-15-2015, 12:01 PM
he sounds like a little bitch and stickers aren't fucking freebies.

hahah sure you can say it that way.....

You spent $260 on that shit?

I dropped $45 on a NOS Raid steering wheel.

i am trying to do an era correct R32 gtr. so yea.....anyway......thats not the point

11-15-2015, 03:36 PM
i am trying to do an era correct R32 gtr. so yea.....anyway......thats not the point

Raid/Dino would be from the 70's and 80's.

So it would be PERIOD correct for a '89 whatever.

Either way, that wheel looks trashed and you paid a lot.

Oh well, suck it up and go to a local upholstery shop. They can fix anythingZ

11-15-2015, 05:29 PM
I'm with you, I think you got ripped off.. He should have at least payed for half of the amount it cost you to rewrite this.. I saw his post on IG before seeing this thread and I was on his side, but now after reading the full story I see he is a dumbass.. He expects you to be happy by receiving free stickers? But maybe that's the type of thing he would like if he was in your shoes since he apparently has the mind of a three year old

11-15-2015, 07:46 PM
Raid/Dino would be from the 70's and 80's.

So it would be PERIOD correct for a '89 whatever.

Either way, that wheel looks trashed and you paid a lot.

Oh well, suck it up and go to a local upholstery shop. They can fix anythingZ

I did suck it up. I was unlucky enough to have dealt with such a dumbass. Its getting leather redone on it at a upholstery shop so that is that.

I'm with you, I think you got ripped off.. He should have at least payed for half of the amount it cost you to rewrite this.. I saw his post on IG before seeing this thread and I was on his side, but now after reading the full story I see he is a dumbass.. He expects you to be happy by receiving free stickers? But maybe that's the type of thing he would like if he was in your shoes since he apparently has the mind of a three year old

I had to get this out so I can tell my side of the story. I am sure anyone with half a brain will understand how stupid Anthony is when they see my side.

11-16-2015, 12:23 PM
Ok I did offer you a refund at the very start and I did offer to pay for shipping to send it back the question is why wouldn't you send it? Ok I might be wrong I didint describe it properly but I felt like I took the right steps. So if you didint take either option I refunded $80.


https://scontent-lax3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpt1/v/t34.0-12/12244093_10201251071874304_1515380355_n.jpg?oh=891 1c5b82689f921e3d4b1e028b5df85&oe=564CE56E

https://scontent-lax3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpt1/v/t34.0-12/12243972_10206014613578485_416897309_n.jpg?oh=2c56 9b625aa901f48d26f476ee7c85e8&oe=564BE08C

11-16-2015, 01:08 PM
$260 and didnt include the horn button? Damn these things have gotten expensive. but back in the day they must have sold them leather and non leather.

I got one the same as yours (no leather) and am just going to take a stab at re wrap it myself.

11-16-2015, 01:26 PM
$260 and didnt include the horn button? Damn these things have gotten expensive. but back in the day they must have sold them leather and non leather.

I got one the same as yours (no leather) and am just going to take a stab at re wrap it myself.

It did include a horn but I did not think it was real so I through it in for free.

11-16-2015, 01:37 PM
I don't see what the problem is.

Let's not go over the price because noone is obligated to buy anything. If you feel like the price is right, you bought it. That should be it.

But here you're buying an used item, the seller tried to describe it as best as he could. Yet you're still complaining. It's a used steering wheel from no later than the early 90's. How do you expect it to be in mint condition?

So let me get this right.
- You didn't like what you received.
- Seller offers you a refund + some stickers + future discount.
- You didn't want to ship it back because you don't want to pay for shipping. (Which btw Paypal requires buyers to always pay for shipping when there's an issue of returning items back).
- Seller now even offers to pay for shipping.
- You still don't accept the offer, and also you already sent the Steering Wheel out for reconditioning.
- You expect the seller to help you pay for the reconditioning.

Your mistake here is that you sent out the Steering Wheel for reconditioning before dealing with the seller on a solution.


11-16-2015, 01:42 PM
To be honest, as a seller on ecommerce, (non car parts) what did you expect him to do? He offered you a full refund. Thats the best that many business would do. A full refund in terms mean a cancel transaction after the item was returned. Seemed like you didnt want to return the item which isnt his fault. In which case he offer the 80 dollar refund if you would like to keep the product. You forced it on him that you want to keep the product by denying the return and thus he offered you an 80dollar refund.

11-16-2015, 02:18 PM
Should've just bought minee it's "D shaped" too...

11-16-2015, 09:21 PM
Ok I did offer you a refund at the very start and I did offer to pay for shipping to send it back the question is why wouldn't you send it? Ok I might be wrong I didint describe it properly but I felt like I took the right steps. So if you didint take either option I refunded $80.


Yes you did offer me a refund, however, i said it will be too costly to return it on my end so I asked you if we can work something out. You said you can give me a discount on future parts and we tried that but there was nothing that I wanted at the moment so I said what now? You said whatever works, just let you know. So i said how about a partial refund to cover some costs of the rewrap I had to do. Then I had no reply from you for awhile so I thought fuck it I will get it wrapped. THEN you said to me send it back and you will give me a refund. However it was already sent over to the re-upholstery place so what did you want me to do? Ask you to pay for the re-upholstery and the wheel back? Thats why I said I would be fine with a partial refund. That is when you got all pissy. You said, in exact words "alright fine I'll just pay pal you whatever just stop. I am closing my store anyway" then you blocked me. How the fuck am I suppose to work anything else out when you do that? Sorry for a cussing but seriously what was all that? The you go ahead and bitched on instagram about "some bad customer". For real dude? That is like what high school kids do.

I don't see what the problem is.

Let's not go over the price because noone is obligated to buy anything. If you feel like the price is right, you bought it. That should be it.

But here you're buying an used item, the seller tried to describe it as best as he could. Yet you're still complaining. It's a used steering wheel from no later than the early 90's. How do you expect it to be in mint condition?

So let me get this right.
- You didn't like what you received.
- Seller offers you a refund + some stickers + future discount.
- You didn't want to ship it back because you don't want to pay for shipping. (Which btw Paypal requires buyers to always pay for shipping when there's an issue of returning items back).
- Seller now even offers to pay for shipping.
- You still don't accept the offer, and also you already sent the Steering Wheel out for reconditioning.
- You expect the seller to help you pay for the reconditioning.

Your mistake here is that you sent out the Steering Wheel for reconditioning before dealing with the seller on a solution.

You clearly didnt read all of it. so I will let you read it all again.

To be honest, as a seller on ecommerce, (non car parts) what did you expect him to do? He offered you a full refund. Thats the best that many business would do. A full refund in terms mean a cancel transaction after the item was returned. Seemed like you didnt want to return the item which isnt his fault. In which case he offer the 80 dollar refund if you would like to keep the product. You forced it on him that you want to keep the product by denying the return and thus he offered you an 80dollar refund.

again, read it thoroughly.

11-16-2015, 09:27 PM
To sum it up

-Seller didnt describe the item correctly
-refused to acknowledge he messed up
-when asked how we should solve the predicament, he said, in exact words "Just let me know what you want I'll work with it" and when asked if he has another solution he said "not really let me know" I have screen caps if you people wanna see.
-didn't end up how he wanted after I called him out on it so he decided to refund me $80 and block me. to this day I still do not know how he came up with $80.

TBH I didnt really care. I took it as a loss and moved on. However I felt it was needed to write this review since he BLOCKED me on instagram and started talking smack. I don't know guys, if you guys think the way he acted was ok then I pretty much lost hope for this community.

11-16-2015, 10:16 PM
To sum it up

-Seller didnt describe the item correctly
-refused to acknowledge he messed up
-when asked how we should solve the predicament, he said, in exact words "Just let me know what you want I'll work with it" and when asked if he has another solution he said "not really let me know" I have screen caps if you people wanna see.
-didn't end up how he wanted after I called him out on it so he decided to refund me $80 and block me. to this day I still do not know how he came up with $80.

TBH I didnt really care. I took it as a loss and moved on. However I felt it was needed to write this review since he BLOCKED me on instagram and started talking smack. I don't know guys, if you guys think the way he acted was ok then I pretty much lost hope for this community.

To costly to return that's why I offered you free shipping after, that still denied it. How did you take a lost when you could of gotten all your money back?

11-16-2015, 10:20 PM
To costly to return that's why I offered you free shipping after, that still denied it. How did you take a lost when you could of gotten all your money back?

It's like I am speaking to a wall. If you had offered that in the first place I would have said yes. But you were holding out until it was too late when I already sent it in to get the leather redone. Understand? You said to leave it up to me how we will solve it so it was only after a few of my suggestions,) including a partial refund due to the fact you lied about the condition), you didn't like any of it that you decide to "take it back".

11-16-2015, 10:24 PM
It's like I am speaking to a wall. If you had offered that in the first place I would have said yes. But you were holding out until it was too late when I already sent it in to get the leather redone. Understand? You said to leave it up to me how we will solve it so it was only after a few of my suggestions,) including a partial refund due to the fact you lied about the condition), you didn't like any of it that you decide to "take it back".

https://scontent-lax3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpt1/v/t34.0-12/12244093_10201251071874304_1515380355_n.jpg?oh=891 1c5b82689f921e3d4b1e028b5df85&oe=564CE56E

Look at the date and what you said this is the first time you complained to me about it and I offered you a in the start refund so why wouldn't you agree for a refund ?

"Thanks for replying means this is the first time we talked after you received the item."

So how was this to late I think it was too early.

11-16-2015, 10:28 PM
Like I said, shipping would have been not worth it for me. If you offered to pay for return shipping from the start, I would have accepted it. I don't see why I should pay for return shipping when YOU make the mistake. I am sure like myself many people buy online. If it was me that made the wrong purchase (such as wrong part for my car) then yes it was my mistake so I will pay for return shipping. Hell, I even pay for restocking fee from some part sellers. I am not a difficult customer but you have made this whole ordeal a pain in the ass. Take this review as is, accept your mistakes, and don't repeat it. If you still don't get it maybe you need to get your GED again.

11-17-2015, 01:32 AM
Like I said, shipping would have been not worth it for me. If you offered to pay for return shipping from the start, I would have accepted it. I don't see why I should pay for return shipping when YOU make the mistake. I am sure like myself many people buy online. If it was me that made the wrong purchase (such as wrong part for my car) then yes it was my mistake so I will pay for return shipping. Hell, I even pay for restocking fee from some part sellers. I am not a difficult customer but you have made this whole ordeal a pain in the ass. Take this review as is, accept your mistakes, and don't repeat it. If you still don't get it maybe you need to get your GED again.

Ok what ever the case me be the only reason why I refunded you $80 and blocked you. Is because you started cussing me out even though I was trying to work with you. Even if I was wrong you had no reason to disrespect me, call me names or insult me if you wouldn't have did all that I would probably handled it a little differently. If you want to handle this a different way you can PM me.


11-17-2015, 01:46 AM
Ok what ever the case me be the only reason why I refunded you $80 and blocked you. Is because you started cussing me out even though I was trying to work with you. Even if I was wrong you had no reason to disrespect me, call me names or insult me if you wouldn't have did all that I would probably handled it a little differently. If you want to handle this a different way you can PM me.


Um excuse you. Do you want me to bring up the chat history? Because I never cussed you out or any disrespect. I said you fucked up and you should take responsibility. That's it. After you blocked me and discontinued all communication, that's when I really lost whatever respect because you just ran away from a problem you did not see through. Now with this thread I have your attention, if you want to fix it I am down.

11-17-2015, 11:42 AM
Um excuse you. Do you want me to bring up the chat history? Because I never cussed you out or any disrespect. I said you fucked up and you should take responsibility. That's it. After you blocked me and discontinued all communication, that's when I really lost whatever respect because you just ran away from a problem you did not see through. Now with this thread I have your attention, if you want to fix it I am down.

Even though i'm willing to try to fix with you this even more your attitude towards me is just terrible.

https://scontent-lax3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xlp1/v/t34.0-12/12270290_10201253256048907_756341922_n.jpg?oh=75a1 bcf5fcc6a2d41e15951c9a56f601&oe=564E3828

11-17-2015, 12:06 PM
what attitude? You asked me to pm you and you decided to post it in the thread. What was the point? This isn't helping your case as a seller you know. Immature and can't recognize your mistakes. Do you want to deal with it here or privately? Honestly to me I don't care one way or another.

11-17-2015, 12:21 PM
I don't mean to step into other people business, but you posted this on an open forum...

You (buyer, AXV) are indeed being a dick towards the seller with the way you are wording your messages towards him.

Anyways, You received a product you were not happy with, and contacted the seller as you should have. IMHO, the seller made a huge effort to try and help, usually the seller will say "you bought it, get stuffed", which clearly is not the case here. I understand you're angry about the situation, but there is not need to disrespect the guy you're trying to work with.

If the seller sold an item not as described that's his fault (which i don't think is the case, but if you feel that way, that's your thing)
But you really dropped the ball by getting it redone BEFORE the situation was resolved.

In my opinion the point were you choose to go get the wheel redone is the point where the seller is no longer responsible for helping you. You have altered his product, before the situation is resolved. He should not take it back or help pay for it to be redone. Personally, i think you should give the man his $80 back to him as well, Or just take it and be damn thankful that is what you got.

Either way, if the seller continues to work with you just try and proof read your messages to be a bit more respectful? I know if i was the seller, i would have told you to get stuffed a long time ago with your attitude

I agreed with Jordan here
I don't see what the problem is.
Your mistake here is that you sent out the Steering Wheel for reconditioning before dealing with the seller on a solution.

11-17-2015, 12:29 PM
lol offering free stickers.

11-17-2015, 12:31 PM
It definitely was his fault for the completely off the target item description. I can show this to anyone and everyone that is sober can see that there is in fact no leather on it. The seller didn't reply to my messages for awhile so I just assumed he is not going to do anything about it. Every single time I ask him what he wants to do to settle it, he says let me know. What the hell am I suppose to do with that? Every suggestion I give he doesn't like so what am I suppose to do? Ask him to pull up my messages. I was always respectful up until the fact he started accusing me of trying to take advantage of him even though all I asked was to find a way to settle it.

He gave me a partial refund and block me. Ok I guess there's no way to talk about it anymore and I moved on. This is a review thread so I posted what my experience with him was. Which was the fact I dealt with someone who couldn't acknowledge their mistake and decide to post stupid things on Instagram like a high school kid. I've bought and sold over this forum and many others. This is the first time I had to deal with such an immature seller.

11-17-2015, 12:47 PM
It definitely was his fault for the completely off the target item description. I can show this to anyone and everyone that is sober can see that there is in fact no leather on it. The seller didn't reply to my messages for awhile so I just assumed he is not going to do anything about it. Every single time I ask him what he wants to do to settle it, he says let me know. What the hell am I suppose to do with that? Every suggestion I give he doesn't like so what am I suppose to do? Ask him to pull up my messages. I was always respectful up until the fact he started accusing me of trying to take advantage of him even though all I asked was to find a way to settle it.

He gave me a partial refund and block me. Ok I guess there's no way to talk about it anymore and I moved on. This is a review thread so I posted what my experience with him was. Which was the fact I dealt with someone who couldn't acknowledge their mistake and decide to post stupid things on Instagram like a high school kid. I've bought and sold over this forum and many others. This is the first time I had to deal with such an immature seller.

Maybe there wasn't any "Leather" on it but it looks exactly like the wheel i have, which isn't wrapped in leather either. i believe he was referring to the finishing on the wheel, particularly on the back, which can be seen in your photos.

As for coming up with a solution, if he said "let me know" he is looking for you ideas on how YOU want to solve the problem. Let's put it this way, if you received something that you were not happy with, how is the seller supposed to know what is the best solution for you? He wants to know what you want to make you happy. Again, i feel the seller is trying to help you as best he can.

With you messages, just with the PM you sent him, you can tell you have an attitude. I understand why, your angry and upset that your wheel isn't what you hoped it was, but you have to threat the guy as an equal. You have to work with him, not like he's the bad guy.

With the blocking thing, i absolutely understand it. he felt like he was done helping you and he is also getting frustrated with the situation, being talked to like hes the bad guy when he is trying to help. And even in the thread he is STILL trying to work it out.

Just take a quick walk and calm down. If you both approach the situation calmly and respectfully i'm sure there won't be any more bashing of one another.

As for a solution though, since you sent the wheel out to be redone, there is not much he can do, or should do to solve the situation.

11-17-2015, 12:52 PM
Maybe there wasn't any "Leather" on it but it looks exactly like the wheel i have, which isn't wrapped in leather either. i believe he was referring to the finishing on the wheel, particularly on the back, which can be seen in your photos.

As for coming up with a solution, if he said "let me know" he is looking for you ideas on how YOU want to solve the problem. Let's put it this way, if you received something that you were not happy with, how is the seller supposed to know what is the best solution for you? He wants to know what you want to make you happy. Again, i feel the seller is trying to help you as best he can.

With you messages, just with the PM you sent him, you can tell you have an attitude. I understand why, your angry and upset that your wheel isn't what you hoped it was, but you have to threat the guy as an equal. You have to work with him, not like he's the bad guy.

With the blocking thing, i absolutely understand it. he felt like he was done helping you and he is also getting frustrated with the situation, being talked to like hes the bad guy when he is trying to help. And even in the thread he is STILL trying to work it out.

Just take a quick walk and calm down. If you both approach the situation calmly and respectfully i'm sure there won't be any more bashing of one another.

As for a solution though, since you sent the wheel out to be redone, there is not much he can do, or should do to solve the situation.

Couldn't have said it better myself.

Closing this thread now as it has run its course.