View Full Version : my cable dilemma

08-27-2004, 02:15 PM
so last week, i filled an online order with my local cable company Charter Communications, to get cable internet (ok my house is old, doesnt have cable lines or anything), so last satarday they scheduled to install it and give me a modem, so upon inspection my house doesnt have any lines. Fine so they scheduled someone to come look at the house to verify that it doesnt have lines so he could schedule someone to come do a trent inspection(this was monday).. the guy comes to look at the house, (im at work) so my mom assists the guy, he has to go into our back yard to look for lines, and basically we have 2 dogs, so he claims he isnt suppose to go into back yards when they have dogs and so he doesnt do it and tells us to reschedule...

durin the same day, i get word of it from my mom that maybe this guy is scared of dogs.. so i called the company and told them the thing about the guy not doing his job, they tell me that he was suppose to do it regardless of dogs, so they said they will send him back that day. He never comes back.

So the next day I called them and they said its ok, they need to schedule a construction staff to come pipe the wires to the house.. so that was set for today..

Im at work so i talk to my mom and the guy comes buy, he doesnt know what to do, they just sent him to check out the house.. Then he tells "this stuff will have to be done next week"..

Im gettin irrated, I really wanted this up and running sooner. And hopefully my mom wont mind the work done, cuz she really doesnt want them to cut up the yard or anything to route cable lines to the house...

So I havent paid for anything yet... any suggestions or ideas I can use?

Is there wireless broadband companies out there??

08-27-2004, 02:44 PM
You should ask to talk to the main supervisor or manager of that company and complain. Seems like their customer service isn't up to par.

08-27-2004, 03:51 PM
just hope your cable guy isn't jim carrey

08-27-2004, 04:44 PM
want it done faster? eat them a new Ahole with complaints. the customer almost always gets their way and if they gripe enough it'll get em a few perks too.

but yeah, gripe em out and hit em up for discounts for the crappy service.

08-27-2004, 06:57 PM
to add some real info. well liek they said, bitch, cause a lot of times they will give in. but yah noting ever is easy like that. as far as wireless cable, yah they make a wireless internet shit, I dont know how fast it is but I know its pricy as shit and nobody, NOBODY would use it for home. it is meant for like basketball players and movie stars to have in their blingin escalades. all they have to do is run a line from an outside box and then to the house, it digs a small little trench that goes up to your house. so small that they just throw the grass right back down and it will grow to full streangth in days or weeks. nothin massive at all.

08-27-2004, 08:03 PM
My friend was in the same situation, lines needed to be layed. It took ~1.5months from when he put the order in to when the cable was useable. Good luck.

08-27-2004, 08:39 PM
geeez 1.5 months!! imma start bitchen then... i spent all this cash upgrading my pc for gaming and ill be damed if it gets outdated by the time i get broadband... lol

09-07-2004, 01:01 PM
still no cable.. ugh!! stupid company, they suppose to send out construction crew to install the lines into my house.. but they always send teh "cable install guy" which just plugs and hooks up the internet/tv whatever... stupid.. was suppose to get someone out today at my house to do it all.. but they called and said they are booked and they dont know who said it could be done today, so they set me up on monday again... I spoke with em last week and they agreed to lower my price to $29 for the first 3 months of this.. Im getting soo sick of this...

Maybe I should go dsl, since I hear I can get it the same day I order it.. but the transfer speed is only half of cable huh.. this bites...

09-07-2004, 11:23 PM
man i know the feeling

I waited for 4 years to get broadband cable here in mo val. Try DSL, Its just as good atleast until you can get cable

09-08-2004, 12:03 AM
im in riverside, so im sure ur familur with Charter... well they said next monday... if i loose patience, i may get dsl, tho im more into teh speed cable as to offer.. but if i was to go dsl, i can just go satalite if i want tv.. (i dont really watch much tv anymore so i dont really care)...